Reborn Dubai As A Prince

056 You Have Dirty Genes

They arrived half an hour late, but everyone at the reception was very patient, and the heavyweight guests deserved to wait patiently.

"It's really not easy to see him." Someone sighed, but he was not impatient. After all, the other party was a royal family, and he was still a crown prince, a hereditary ruler.

In addition, he has already invested funds equivalent to the net worth of two richest men in China, which has caused a huge sensation in the business circle. Even in the political circle, some people pay close attention to the wallets of the Dubai consortium.

Every one of his identities dare not be underestimated, and when he puts these auras on a person, everyone present can only describe it as looking up.

"No, we were on the same plane before, and the distance was less than ten meters for several hours, but it was blocked by two layers of bodyguards.

It turned out to be the young lady whom I met at the airport earlier, and the beautiful lady in a small dress beside her was also there: "You can't understand the life of such a big man if you are not in that position."

"I don't dare to think about it. I'm busy enough with my usual work." Ms. Zhang shook her head.

Just when the conversation was about to continue, someone finally sent a message: "Warmly welcome the Crown Prince of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Sahil!"

After speaking both Chinese and English, everyone stopped talking and looked at the door, and the host who held the meeting couldn't help but trot out to greet him.

Soon, the host of the reception, a prince in a suit and his female companion, appeared with a smile on his face. As he walked, he nodded gracefully to everyone.

He said apologetically in Chinese: "I'm sorry that I underestimated the prosperity of the capital. It's bigger than I imagined, so I stayed on the road for too long."

The standard of pronunciation is astonishing, and everyone feels rich and knowledgeable, really noble! The prince's approachability also makes it easy for everyone to talk: "Prince, you are too modest, we are all used to congestion".

"Thank you for understanding." Xie He smiled, and then talked with the friends introduced by the host of the reception. Those who were lucky enough to talk were all red-faced, as if they had already squeezed into the circle of nobles-# …

In fact, this is not limited to the Celestial Dynasty, even in the United States, those rich people are also proud of the traditions of their European ancestors, don't they also want to be a little bit of aristocrats?

Xie He took advantage of the opportunity of being complimented by everyone, introduced his friends Wang Lisha and Liu Xiaodong, and let them get acquainted with the circle in advance.

For Liu Xiaodong, the harvest is huge. He wanted to cooperate with other industries before, but there was no way at all. Now it is better, there are everywhere, and they are all top-notch.

Looking at Wang Lisha's performance, she has lived in Western countries for a long time, and she is very good at socializing at receptions, and there are still some people who know her, strictly speaking, the family behind her.

"It sounds very powerful." Sheikh talked to her in his spare time.

"You just found out now?" Wang Lisha said in her heart that we had known each other for so long, but it was only now that he remembered the origin of caring about her.

Sheikh took two glasses of champagne from the waiter and handed them to her with a smile: "It's impolite to inquire about other people's private life, I'm a man of propriety."

"Then why now?"

"Maybe I think you are too beautiful, so I should get to know you better."

"It's in line with your nature." Lisa snorted softly, took a sip of champagne, she knew about the prince's affairs in England, how should I put it? Westerners are always like this!

But he is not annoying, and it is interesting to be a friend. The same is a wave, ugly than that is called indecent, and the prince is called romantic, the treatment of the two is absolutely different, this may be the so-called "face value is justice"

"To be honest." Xie He became serious, "I still don't know the background behind you? If you are very powerful, maybe there will be more opportunities for cooperation."

"It's not very relevant, our family is more of a business in the traditional field." Wang Lisha said, looking a little sad, "And I am not the core, and I have no influence.

"Then they made me cheap," Sheikh said.

Wang Lisha smiled: "Speak nicely. If you are more... more modest and serious, I might not be able to resist chasing you."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about family matters, Xie He immediately shifted his direction with understanding: "What are you talking about, I actually missed a good opportunity?"

Lisa amused him by his look of losing money. Have you ever seen a prince who was a little cold to everyone just now, but he gave her this expression of dropping his wallet?

There is a harmonious atmosphere exclusive to them, she boldly teased: "Give you a chance, let's go together, get married tomorrow, and walk on the perfect life the day after tomorrow."

"々. Hi, Miss Zhang—" Xie He gestured to leave.

"Stop!" Lisa held him dissatisfied, her mouth raised high.

"Can you not tell scary stories?" the prince said with lingering fear. He will get married tomorrow and bid farewell to the beautiful life the day after tomorrow? Girl, can you not be so tough?

"I'm just kidding you!" Lisa covered her mouth and smiled happily, "It's good to say that you can't get it. If I win the prince, there will be no sense of expectation in fairy tales."

"Well, let's talk about another plan, do you know about preparing the princess..." Xie He put his hands on her shoulders and took her to a corner to chat about life and ideals.

Generally, for female companions or ordinary friends, the polite way is to put hands on the waist, but the prince's shoulder-to-back hook is obviously the talent of strong buddies, and it is too intimate with women.

But Lisa has a crush on him and doesn't mind, she cares more about someone's eyes looking down: "Can you look at my face when you talk?"

"No." The prince said righteously, "If I don't look at how you stand with bare legs (Qian Zhao), you will definitely think that this blind man doesn't know how to appreciate my wife's beautiful legs! "

"Sophistry." Lisa couldn't help laughing, "but the skirt is like this."

"It's beautiful! Also, can I consider your proposal just now?" Xie He felt more and more that this dead girl had very dirty genes in her bones.

"I will not make up the ticket if it is overdue." She refused with a sly smile, "But you are going to celebrate your birthday with me later, have you decided what identity you will use?"

"Passerby A, an ordinary boy, wants to counterattack the goddess, so at the banquet, he was ridiculed by various rich sons and officials' children."

She thumped him: "I mean seriously!"

"Of course they are friends. Xie He looked at the other side seriously, "How dare you say that no one is mocking you, look at that guy's eyes looking forward to you and dissatisfied with me, let's have a good show!"

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