Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 064: Be The Most Tyrant If You Want To Do It [16 Subscribe! 】

We mentioned earlier that there are beggars in Dubai, but the Dubai government does not recognize beggars as locals. In order to strengthen this fact, the Dubai media recorded and photographed the free food provided by the government during Ramadan.

In large shopping malls, shopping centers or around hotels, there will be free choice of Ramadan food, arranged by the commissioner every night, and the style and taste are outstanding, and many of them come directly from high-end restaurants.

Another wave of pictures were posted on the Internet, showing that some people were at the food collection point at night, receiving their Iftar meal with smiles on their faces. It was complete with meat and vegetables, and there were also plenty of fruits and desserts after the meal.

The news was released while taking advantage of the popularity of beggars in Dubai, which once again attracted a wave of hatred. The previous beggars have been at the top for several years and I will forget it. After all, not everyone can let go of their dignity.

Fortunately, you are so extravagant that you provide food in high-end restaurants for free, and you can eat as much as you want. In the eyes of some foodies, it is really unbearable anymore!

Buy a plane ticket now, and go over there to have a meal right away!

This timing is already very suitable. After the scorching heat, the weather in Dubai is no longer hot|spicy. It is the most suitable day for travel and vacation. At this time, Dubai is also the busiest.

The tourism department can already predict that, with the constant swipe of the topic of local tyrants in Dubai this year, the number of tourists visiting Dubai will break through a new high, which will fully promote various local industries.

When you come, you have to stay in a hotel, eat and drink, and see the dazzling array of duty-free shops. You must buy some, right? Maybe seeing the cheap local housing prices and the broad prospects for appreciation in the future, you have to buy it, right?

Invisibly, it promotes the economy.

The United Arab Emirates' Propaganda Department has made another contribution. Although few people work during Ramadan, the crown prince's cronies still want to take the opportunity to show their performance.

Sahil is highly valued by the chief, and everyone knows it well. There is also news that the chief will give the eldest prince more power. As long as the chief develops well, can he lose his subordinates?

Hood is a particularly motivated member. He and his team single-handedly promoted the news about beggars in Dubai. After Sheikh learned of the "good" things they did, he specifically praised them.

"Your credit will be rewarded." Sheikh boasted about "Ramadan", and the thought of Ramadan is to give generously, and you will definitely get more rewards.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Hood was very happy. After busying around during Ramadan, he was finally noticed by the big boss. It was not a waste of time.

Sheikh continued to tell him some key points, and after putting down the phone, he thought about what to do next. One third of Ramadan has passed, and the days behind Shen are too unbearable.

He is not a person who obeys the rules, and when he was thinking about how to escape, the housekeeper came over with a phone: "Princess Hailiye is looking for you.

"Thank you." Sheikh answered the phone, "Hi!"

"Good afternoon, dear brother." Hai Liye greeted, "Are you free now? I want to discuss something with you."

"You don't hang up on me even if I'm not free." Xie He said with a smile. After getting along with his siblings for a long time, he has completely assumed his role.

"Thank you, brother." Hailiye was very happy, "We have an investment for the popular ice cream industry in Dubai, and we want to expand it. Europe is the next market.

"Everyone knows that your vision is very good, and every investment has achieved huge returns, so we also want to take up precious time to solicit investment opinions.

"Okay." Sheikh had no reason to refuse his brother and sister, "Should we have an interview? But don't go to the Emirates Palace, where I will be nagged by my mother all day long."

Because Sheikh's perseverance is the worst during Ramadan, and he hardly lasted a full day... Hailiye smiled and expressed her understanding: "We came to visit.

The eldest princess and his two brothers are here, Hailiye talks about the plan: "The family will invest 500 million US dollars to complete the acquisition of European brands, and then expand Dubai's high-end

Hasani, the second oldest brother in the family, said: "But we lack a bright spot for publicity. You have always been the most imaginative brother, and we are eager to hear about it."

The third Mark worshiped his elder brother: "It is no longer rich, but crazy."

"Let me think about it." Sheikh couldn't let down his brothers and sisters who admired his elder brother, "There is no winter in Dubai all year round. Your target is very correct, but among many brands, it lacks uniqueness.

Hai Liye nodded: "There is no bright spot.

"There is one!" Sheikh thought, "Continuing the style of Dubai, be the first if you want to do it, and you can launch the most expensive and luxurious ice cream."

Sheikh describes it: "Think about it, using Madagascar vanilla, adding Ilang saffron and Italian black truffle, sprinkled with edible gold dust, and the ice cream bowl and spoon are from Versace...  ..”

The brothers and sisters imagined the effect, and if they really want to do it, they should be the most rich. The ice cream is directly sprinkled with a layer of gold powder, eating gold! Those local tyrants who have so much money that they have nothing to do, just like this one?

But it’s more than that, Xie He also wanted to go away: "々. We must be surprising and make the most unique, and advertising is indispensable. I have a great idea......

The brothers and sisters were all surprised after hearing this: "Isn't it?"

"Just asking if you can provide props?" Xie He crossed his legs and looked at everyone, "I will find a group of supermodels, but I can't handle these obedient pets alone.

"I can," Hassani said.

"I have a few friends who train a lot too," Mark also said.

"Then there's no problem." Sheikh shrugged, "It's also counted as me, I still have some funds in hand, do you welcome joiners?"

Everyone laughed: "We wish you could get involved too! With your assurance, the commercial risk will be reduced to a safe level in one fell swoop.

I also blamed Ramadan for having nothing to do, and Sheikh became serious.

He decided to invest (to get Zhao Hao) 50 million dollars to participate in NANZO, an ice cream brand, a Dubai brand, especially a brand invested by the royal family.

He is the Minister of Propaganda and Development, and he has many tricks. He wants to learn from the commercial film "Release the Wildness" of Magnum Ice Cream in his previous life, and plans to invite a group of supermodels and beasts to shoot a blockbuster ice cream.

In terms of beasts, lions, leopards, and tigers are all in battle. When the supermodels are enjoying delicious ice cream, they are summoned to show off in the market... Beauty and the beast and delicious food, this will definitely attract attention.

He can also achieve a more shocking effect than in his previous life—the beast definitely does not use computer CG, but directly uses real pets! For example, his very obedient tiger can make a cameo appearance?

The several African lions raised by Hassani can also fully adapt to shooting with strangers; there are other friends who have mighty pets to participate. It is conceivable that this commercial blockbuster must be unique. .

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