Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 088 The King On Horseback 】

Sheikh is speeding up.

The fifth section has been run for less than half, and there are still the last seven kilometers left. The unreachable end point finally revealed the dawn of hope. After a long period of adjustment, Charlie really regained his vitality.

His racehorse has a strange physique, and its long-term endurance is slightly weaker than other opponents, but if it is given time to recover, even in sports, it can accumulate another strength for explosion.

Of course, this mode is very risky. Once miscalculation or excessive consumption, it will cause irreparable losses. This requires the racers to have a deep understanding of horse racing and tacit cooperation.

It is this kind of tacit communication that dared to let Xie He take risks. For other racers, it is estimated that they can only adopt a conservative plan to run all the way to the finish line.

But the seventh place is not what he wants, speed up and overtake the previous one, the sixth place is his own!

Charlie's excitement still didn't stop, the fifth place's struggle was only for a short time, and the galloping Charlie made them eat ashes, and the "203rd" fourth place was close at hand.

"Good man! Come on!"

Sheikh was encouraging, and his own blood was also infected by Charlie's explosive power: "After winning, you can fuck whoever you want!"

"For the pretty filly! Go!"

Charlie yelled a few times, and went a little faster. In the state of galloping, the horse’s hooves even vacated for a short time, and the fourth racer looked back to see the menacing comer, “It’s frightening.”

Xie He surpassed strongly again, he is now only one step away from the medal, and the third place in front is also on guard, but he is already tired of racing horses, it is impossible to compete with the charging Charlie.

Beyond again.


The following Dubai motorcade also accelerated, and more than 40 vehicles rolled up thick smoke in the desert. The eldest prince had a good time, and his fans were also high!

There are also people who are too excited, and the off-road vehicle is operated too hard, and it is stuck in the sand pit. The four tires are digging the hole in place and cannot move, causing a group of white robes to get out of the car and yell: "Next time you will give me a hand!"

Here come the armored vehicles!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and call a car!" said the friend of the local tycoon, glanced at the following vehicle, and in desperation took off the Patek Philippe worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from his hand, waving a

"Stop! Change your car!"

In order to witness the grand prince's heroic appearance, the local tyrants obviously did their best... Sheikh, who was in the third place, could already see the second-placed contestant, a businessman from the United Arab Emirates

He did not compete with the prince, and took the initiative to slow down the speed to let the prince surpass-now all the hearts of the audience were raised, and Khalifa, who was the first, was already in front of him.

Charlie, who was running wildly, was right behind him.

Sheikh stood up from the horse again, grasped the rein with both hands, and met Khalifa who was looking back - at that moment, sparks of rivalry burst out in the eyes of the two

"Come on!" Khalifa was also aroused to fight, the last section of the road!

The lights of the finish line in front were faintly visible, followed by a group of cars, mainly from Dubai and Qatar, with a helicopter flying overhead, and they were about to shoot the final competition between the two.

"Now we see that Sahil is trying to catch up with Khalifa. Their horses are running wildly. The distance between the first and second places has not been shortened. This will be a stalemate."

On the helicopter, the reporter's speech speed was increasing according to the rhythm of the horse race. The audience at the finish camp could also see this live broadcast, one in front and one in the back, eleven black and two crows were chasing each other.

The scene of the two horses running wildly lasted for a long time, and Sheikh was full of confidence to chase it down. Charlie told him with his state that it could last for a long time!

Khalifa, who was being chased, also gritted his teeth, he can't fall behind now, he wants to be the first.

Khalifa bit the bullet and urged the horses to run. He was betting that his opponent was in the same situation as himself. The horses would be exhausted sooner or later. The bet was who would be the first to fail.

As long as the Sheikh slows down first, he wins.

"Come on, big brother!"

The audience who shouted for Sheikh had their hearts in their throats. Everyone knew that the competition inside was all about going all out, and whoever slowed down first would lose.

Time seemed to be slowed down, and every detail of the race between the two racers and the two horses was watched by the audience, and countless cheers and cheers continued to erupt.

Sheikh didn't hear it.

He felt the unity of man and horse, which was amazing. His breathing, heartbeat, and rhythm seemed to be connected with Charlie. He knew how to run and how long this state could last.

Keep chasing and they're all fine.

But the pressure on Khalifa in front is getting bigger and bigger, he turns his head frequently, and the opponent behind him shows no sign of slowing down, but the distance is getting closer instead, is it really infinite in physical strength?

This question made Khalifa extremely uncomfortable. He felt that his racing horse was close to the critical point. It had already resisted the current speed, and its panting and heartbeat were about to exceed the limit.

Damn it! Khalifa had to face the fact that his racehorse couldn't gallop any longer! His physical strength was reaching its limit and he had to slow down.

His slowness, Sheikh and Charlie achieved catch-up...

There were still more than four kilometers away from the finish line. After a period of contest, Khalifa finally gave in and his horse slowed down.

The Grand Prince of Dubai looks beyond the past.

The fan team in Dubai, the finish line scene, and media reporters from various countries gathered on both sides of the key line, waiting for the final return of the horseback king.

"Look! He didn't slow down at all!"

After winning the first place, Sheikh still did not slow down, Charlie was still galloping, and wherever the black horse passed, there were mud and water splashing everywhere.

Sheikh on horseback looked serious, his body rhythm kept the same rhythm as that of a racehorse, in their world there was only running, running and running again!

The last three kilometers, he showed no signs of slowing down.

In the last two kilometers, he left Khalifa far behind, but still did not slow down.

In the last straight sprint, in the eyes of everyone, Charlie abruptly increased his speed again, pulling the distance between the first and second places to a desperate level.

"The leading distance is more than one kilometer." The reporter on the helicopter was dumbfounded.

The audience watching the video was also stunned! To be able to open such a distance at the last moment, it seems that it is not a level event!

This person and one horse are using their absolute strength to tell everyone that no one can take away this year's laurels—even if he stops for a walk now, no one can surpass him.

But they don't know what deceleration is at all, and they keep speeding up! When they finally crossed the line, in the photos of straight sprints taken by reporters from various countries, there were only 4.5 people and one horse.

Everyone was stunned, and their breathing seemed to slow down. Although he was not racing alone, he created the illusion that he was the only one galloping on the track with an absolute advantage.

His victory stunned everyone.

Because its leading distance exceeds the terrifying two kilometers.

It was not until Charlie was willing to stop, Sheikh jumped off the horse, and the logistics team dismantled the saddle, watered, massaged, and fed it... the second place came late.

Exaggerated grades are displayed in red letters on the timer

First place: 5 hours, 44 minutes and 20 seconds.

Second place: 5 hours, 50 minutes and 30 seconds.

Third place: 5 hours, 51 minutes and 22 seconds.

Sheikh had a lead of six minutes and ten seconds over Khalifa and a full seven minutes ahead of third place - a class gap.

With an almost invincible result, he proudly announced to everyone: the king on horseback is undisputed, and he is undoubtedly!.

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