"This is the wife of the prince? She looks a bit like the princess of Qiongshu. I can't complain about my aunt's love." But in an instant, she concealed her disappointment and smiled. He grabbed Shen Xinyan's hand and said.

Shen Xin smiled lightly and lowered her eyes, naturally she could sense her closeness to her, and she was a little puzzled.

It wasn't a glorious past after all.

In theory, she wants to get close to Fang Shi.

She was puzzled, so she put it aside.

In the eyes of the Lord, there are only benefits, and she is not a fool, she will push out such benefits.

The noble ladies who were present naturally saw that the imperial concubine had a different view on the female relatives of the British public mansion, especially the kindness released by the prince's wife, and they were envious for a while.

Although the Queen Zhou in the palace occupies the name of the queen, she has no children, and secondly, the dignity of being the lord of the middle palace has also been scraped off by His Majesty. After the fall, the only hope to succeed is a estranged brother.

But this one is different. Not to mention His Majesty's favor, the son he gave out occupies another "long" character, and the future is probably very big.

The eldest princess was also surprised by Concubine Rui Gui's closeness to Shen Xinyan, but she didn't think much about it. After all, the relationship between Emperor Yuanyou and Wei Junhang has always been good, and it is not uncommon for Concubine Ruigui to sell Mrs. Wei Junhang a good one.

Fang and Yang looked at Shen Xinyan, who was being pulled by Concubine Rui Gui and laughing, with envy and jealousy.

Really, dare to love the good things in this world, either let the long room or the second room occupied, how can they live with the third room in the future!

Fang's heart was alarming.

Suddenly remembering that Wei Chenglin was injured last time as if to save the emperor's eldest son, her heart tightened instantly.

No wonder, no wonder, no wonder the imperial concubine would treat Shen Shi differently. In case the eldest son of the emperor is really... the status of the second room is really unshakable.

When she left, Shen Xinyan felt that Mrs. Gao Ming around her looked at her differently, envy or jealousy or doubt or inquiry, but she could only pretend that she didn't know.

"Second sister-in-law is really lucky to be in the eyes of the concubine, and the things that the concubine gave to you Brother Lin and the fourth girl are also a bit thicker than others." In the house, Mr. Yang was sour and authentic.

"Or is this the fate between people in the legend?" Shen Xinyan pretended to caress her chin deeply, deliberately saying something angry at her.

Sure enough, Mr. Yang took a breath and scolded the other party for being too arrogant.

It's just that she looked at the expressionless Fang Shi on the other side, and her heart suddenly became balanced.

In those days when Concubine Rui Gui was still Princess Rui, she had a relationship with Mrs. Fang, the wife of the prince at that time, but today Concubine Rui Gui's attitude towards Fang's is the same as her own.

From this point of view, perhaps the second room, Shen shi, really fits the eyes of the noble concubine!

The juniors were not interested in listening to the masters of the adults. Brother Yue and Xiao Yingzhi took the lead and ran away with the reward of Concubine Ruigui, and Yang Shi was the first to find out. He called out from behind his son, "Don't lose everything! That's a gift from the goddess!"

Brother Yue had already run a long distance, and I don't know if he heard her words.

"Yunfu Yunfu, you see what a good thing I got!" Before entering the room, Brother Yue shouted happily.

Yunfu, who was shaking his head with a book on his back, turned around and looked over when he heard the words. Brother Yue ran up to him and held up the lifelike colorful jade-carved horse in his hand. He smiled proudly and said, "How is it? Haven't you seen it before? When I grow up, I will ask my father to give me a real horse like this."

Yunfu looked envious: "It's so beautiful, who gave it to you?"

"It's the empress in the palace!" Brother Yue was even more proud.

Xiao Yingzhi tilted her head to look at him, and then looked at Yunfu, who was full of envy, pouted slightly, and suddenly put the thing in her arms into Yunfu's arms Sai: "I don't like these anymore, here it is!"

"Ah, why don't you give it to me if you don't like it?!" Brother Yue shouted. He had already taken his eyes off the rabbit-shaped paperweight in her arms.

"Not for you!" The little girl snorted at him.

"You prodigal daughter!" Brother Yue murmured as Yunfu put the things Xiaoyingzhi gave him into a big box.

The little girl didn't hear it, she ran over and took Yunfu's hand and said, "Yunfu, let's go to my mother's place!"

"Okay." Yunfu locked the box and hung the key in the box back around his neck.

The box was full of things that the little girl "didn't like" and stuffed him, and it was almost full.

He thought, maybe in a few days, he will have to ask Sister Chunliu to find him another big box.

After returning from the palace, there are more and more posts inviting Shen Xinyan to this banquet and that banquet every day. .

In a few days, she will be even less in the mood for the banquet.

Because Mrs. Jingan Botai, whose condition had improved, fell ill again. This time the condition was even more dangerous, and Mrs. Tai had not survived after a few days.

Shen Xinyan tearfully hugged Shen Huiran, who was tightly held by Mrs. Tai's small hand, and handed it over to the mother-in-law. Don't worry, mother, I will take good care of Hui'er."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Tai's eyes slowly closed.

Sure enough, I can't worry about my only granddaughter even when I die.

There is no mistress in Jing Anbo's mansion now. Since the separation of the family, the second and third bedrooms have moved out one after another. Now there are only four masters in the mansion, Jing Anbo and his three children. .

Shen Xin and Yan Qiang endured the grief and arranged everything properly, until the second room and the third room husband and wife hurried to take over, she said goodbye and returned to the house for the time being.

"Auntie, I'll help you get into the car." Shen Feng with red eyes reached out to help her.

Shen Xinyan straightened his collar for him, her voice hoarse after crying: "Feng'er is the eldest brother, now that grandmother is gone, you will help daddy take care of his younger siblings in the future, you know?"

"Well, I know." Shen Feng nodded in a muffled voice.

Shen Xinyan stared at him for a moment, thinking that after her niece committed suicide in her previous life, the whereabouts of this nephew would be unknown, her heart clenched again, and she warned again uneasy: "You Remember what your aunt said, you can't leave your family behind at any time, you know?"

"I know, don't worry, Auntie!" The half-old boy nodded vigorously again.

Although she still had a lot of words to tell him, she didn't know where to start for a while, she sighed lowly, patted his shoulder pitifully, and was about to get in the car and leave.

"Brother Feng..." A trilling whisper sounded behind the two of them, Shen Xinyan turned back subconsciously, and saw that Liang Shi actually appeared, standing beside her with her nose red from crying Red Shen Huiran.

She frowned invisibly, but didn't say anything. No matter what Liang Shi did, she was still the biological mother of brother and sister Feng. Eligibility prevents the biological mother from coming to see the child.

"What are you doing here?! Go, let me go, you are not welcome here!" When Shen Feng saw him, he was like an angry leopard, roaring at Mrs. Liang.

"Brother, mother knows that grandmother has passed away, so we are not at ease." Shen Huiran explained crying.

"It's none of my mother's business, brother, how can you say that?!"

"It's none of her business? If it wasn't for her greed and lack of greed to commit such a big crime, how could the grandmother be so angry that the old disease was aggravated, and it was all her fault! Yes! She!" Shen Feng glared angrily at Mr. Liang who was crying bitterly, and roared through gritted teeth.

Being so accused by her own son face to face, Liang Shi only felt that her heart was broken: "It's my mother's fault, but, but everything my mother does is for your brothers and sisters!"

"Go away, we don't need your kindness! Go, let me go!" Shen Feng's eyes were full of hatred, he rushed forward and pushed Liang Shi, Liang Shi was He pushed back a few steps and nearly fell to the ground.

"Brother Feng!" Shen Xinyan saw that he actually moved his hand, and hurriedly stopped.

"Auntie, you let her go, I don't want to see her again, I don't want to see her again in this life!" Shen Feng's eyes were red, and there was a faint glow of water, he turned his face away stubbornly, ruthlessly He wiped his eyes hard.

"Brother, don't do this, she is our mother!" Shen Huiran was overwhelmed with grief.

into the house.

Shen Xinyan didn't stop him, she just stared silently at Liang Shi who was pale and crying silently.

Liang, who was rejected by her son in front of her eyes, somehow overlapped with her who was also rejected by her son in her previous life. At this moment, Liang's despair, the despair of having nothing and being rejected by the people closest to her, she felt the same way.

She lowered her eyes, couldn't bear to look anymore, and turned to get in the car and leave.

As soon as she turned around, someone grabbed her arm, and Liang's hoarse voice sounded: "You will take care of Hui'er, brother Feng and the others, right?"

Shen Xinyan opened her fingers little by little, each time she opened one, the blood on Liang's face faded.

"They are my nephews and nieces, and I will naturally take care of them." Finally, when the overwhelming despair was about to strike again, she heard the answer.

"Thank you, and sorry..."

The moment she lowered the curtain, Shen Xinyan's tears finally fell.

She didn't know why she was crying, but she felt that the tears that had accumulated in her heart for many, many years finally found a place to vent.

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