Thinking of this, he looked at the person in his arms, and his eyes showed a trace of pity.

Ah Xue suddenly felt bad.


"Go back and Senior Sister will take you to the Sword Formation to try."

That is the unique formation of Jianfeng, and the sword formation inside is adaptable and ever-changing, which is the best way to understand the sword technique.

Before Ah Xue, who returned to the sect, could say a word, he was thrown into the sword formation by Bai Su.

Looking at the changed scene, the sword light that came quickly from the opposite side immediately turned over and dodged, and took out the wooden spirit sword for defense.

Soon the arm was cut, looking at the long wound.

Ah Xue really wanted to ask her at this time, whether she loved herself or not, and before she could take a sip of water, she threw her directly in.

What Ah Xue didn't know was that after she entered the sword formation, soon there were several people standing outside the sword formation.

Lu Jinyu quipped, "Junior sister finally turned over, and she can bully the little junior sister hard."

Bai Su's gaze turned to him faintly, "Third Senior Brother, you finally admit that you deliberately bullied me back then."

"Uh, how come."

Ye Chenxi's cold face was also slightly raised.

Han Lingxiao flashed and appeared next to him, looking at the little apprentice in the sword formation who was trying to dodge and find a way to crack it, and nodded with satisfaction.

Turning his head to look at the three apprentices, "Master Wei is about to start the retreat." "

The affairs of the peak are taken care of by Tatsuki."

"Be optimistic about junior brothers and sisters."

"Yes, Master."

Ye Chenxi saluted with both hands.

Han Lingxiao turned his head to the formation again and said, "Cultivate well," and the person disappeared.

Two years later————

Ah Xue in the formation opened her eyes and let out a breath.

Finally broke through the seventh layer, to the late stage of gas refining.

His eyes stared at the sword formation in front of him, and he had been comprehending the Qinglian sword technique in the sword formation for the past two years, and when he ran out of aura, he meditated and practiced in the meditation area next to him, and then went to the sword formation to fight.

After two years, he finally realized the first layer, Qinglian alone.

The first layer of the Qinglian sword technique, with attack as defense, one advance and one retreat.

Attack must die, save must attack.

It wasn't until he fully comprehended the sword move that he understood its strong and domineering power.

Today she is going to break the formation.

I haven't seen my senior sister for two years.

Ah Xue, who was more than seven years old, did not grow much tall, and the little person rushed into the formation with a wooden spirit sword.

Go ahead and be fearless.

One man, one sword, swinging in all directions.


A sword swung out, and the surrounding swords slowly disappeared, and a door appeared in front of him.

The corners of Ah Xue's mouth rose, and she couldn't wait to lift her foot and walk out.


'Human? I

didn't see the person in my heart, and Ah Xue's heart was slightly lost.

Suddenly, it was dark in front of him, and Ah Xue fell into a familiar embrace.

"Senior sister."

"Little Ah Xue, it's out of customs!"

"Did you miss Senior Sister?"

Ah Xue quickly nodded, "Think." "

That's good."

Bai Su pinched Ah Xue's little face, still so soft.

"Go, Senior Sister will take you to a big meal."

"Well, good."

It's so good, Ah Xue thought in her heart, Senior Sister is still the same as two years ago.

Then leaned into Bai Su's arms with peace of mind.

Bai Su smiled happily, and when Xiao Axue broke the formation, he ended his cultivation and rushed over.

As soon as I arrived at the exit of the sword formation, I saw the little man standing there with a disappointed face.

I am happy and distressed to see myself.

Secretly shook his head, really lost to this villain.

Bai Su took people to the outer gate canteen, for no other reason, the entire sect had a canteen at the outer gate.

And he won't do any spiritual food, so he can only take the little junior sister to eat in the canteen.

Walking into the cafeteria with the person in his arms, he asked for a private room and ordered a large table of dishes.

After the disciples outside saw people enter the box, they directly exploded.

"Look quickly, that's Senior Sister Bai."

"Then the person in her arms is the youngest disciple of Jianfeng?"


"Junior Uncle Bai really hurts Junior Sister."

"I also want to be Uncle Bai's little junior sister."

"Come on, you guys, you still want to be Senior Sister Bai's little junior sister."

"Alas, I heard that Senior Sister Ye of Medicine Peak also hurts Little Junior Sister of Medicine Peak."

"How does that compare with Senior Sister Bai?"

"Right. Can't compare. "

Ahem, ahem."

Luo Qing coughed lightly in the back, interrupting the discussion inside.

These outer disciples were idle, did not know cultivation, and gathered all day to discuss others.

Li Qian's expression in the back was cold and hard, how many times has this been?

Every time, I pulled myself and the village girl together to talk.

It just doesn't make sense!

Song Qingyun saw that her face was not good, and she couldn't bear it, "Junior Sister Li, let's go in, don't pay attention to them."

Li Qian said sullenly, "I'm fine." A

few people walked in, and Luo Qing also asked for a private room, which happened to be opposite Ah Xue and them.

After a while, three different handsome Jindan monks walked in outside

, one cold and arrogant, one evil and crazy, and the other gentle.

The three of them walked upstairs and entered the private room, and the female disciples of the outer door outside could not return to God for a long time.

Some sober disciples roared madly in their hearts.

What day is it today?

Why did these inner door disciples all come to the outer door to eat?

The door of the private room opened from the outside, and Ah Xue looked at the three different men who walked in.

This is..................

Second Senior Brother????

"Hello little junior sister, I am your second senior brother Jun Evil."

As he spoke, the person had already walked over and sat down.

"Hello second senior brother, my name is Liu Axue."

Ah Xue quickly stood up respectfully and introduced herself to him, and then turned her head to look at the two behind him.

"Senior brother, good third senior brother."

Lu Jinyu smiled and sat down, "Sit down quickly."

Ah Xue sat back in her chair.

"Congratulations to the little junior sister on getting out of customs."

Ye Chenxi also sat down and nodded slightly, "Very good." Receiving

the praise of the senior brother, Ah Xue instantly felt a little fluttering, and couldn't help but smile.

"Look at the little girl to Le, this is the second senior brother to make up for you." Saying that, he took out a storage bag and gave it to the little girl next to him.

Ah Xue quickly caught it, looked up and said seriously, "Thank you, Second Senior Brother."

"Senior brother is about to eat the dishes, it's going to be cold."

Bai Su saw that what they said was almost the same, and quickly said.

"We are all people who have not eaten for several years, and today we are all stained with the light of the little junior sister."

"Yes, eat quickly."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Ah Xue was also hungry for a long time.

Counting his previous life, he has not eaten for many years.

In the past two years, I have been eating Gu Dan.

The junior brothers and sisters had a large table of dishes, and even Ye Chenxi was satisfied.

It's really a long-lost feeling............

Ah Xue secretly pulled Senior Sister and pointed to the storage ring.

Bai Su looked at the expression of the little junior sister and immediately agreed, and transmitted the message to the steward outside, asking him to pack five storage bags of dishes.

This big deal immediately kept several spirit food masters busy.

Finally, two hours later, a foundation steward walked in, "Senior brothers, senior sisters, this is the dish you want, and it has been installed." "

A total of twenty mid-grade spirit stones."


Ye Chenxi replied lightly and took out twenty mid-grade spirit stones for him.

The steward of Tsuki took the spirit stone and withdrew, no longer caring about the people inside.

Ye Chenxi picked up the storage bag one by one.

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