Reborn I don't need a heroine

Chapter 282 Chapter 281

In the next half an hour or so, Pei Ningle changed several different hairstyles, and discussed with Wang Heng enthusiastically the image problem when he appeared on the stage or in the program in the future.

It wasn't until nearly eleven o'clock in the evening that Xu Xiaxia finally went upstairs to remind: "Miss Pei, we have a flight at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and we have to leave at seven o'clock."

The girl lowered her face and blew a sigh of frustration, letting the bangs on her forehead flutter.

Then she said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I know..."

Wang Heng stood up: "Then I will take my leave first. Xiao Le, go to bed early and have a good rest."

Pei Ningle raised her head and stared at him, her eyes full of reluctance.

But Wang Heng turned around and left.

After leaving the door, just as he reached the elevator door, he suddenly heard the mature woman's voice behind him: "Mr. Wang, please wait a moment."

He turned around and asked with a smile, "Why do you call me Mr. Wang?"

Xu Xiaxia: "Miss Han told me that you are the owner of the company and an angel investor."

Looking at the slightly meaningful smile on the other party's face, Wang Heng couldn't help but wonder secretly—what kind of image is he in his mind? Rich and willful rich second generation?

Wang Heng was noncommittal, and asked: "So sister Xu is looking for me now, is there something wrong?"

Xu Xiaxia nodded, and lowered her voice subconsciously: "I want to ask, have you noticed that Miss Pei's attachment to you seems to be a bit beyond the normal range?"

Wang Heng: "The normal category you mentioned refers to..."

Xu Xiaxia: "A normal relationship between siblings or friends."

This subtext is almost ready to come out - have you found that Pei Ningle likes you?

Wang Heng stared at her, trying to see more things from those shrewd eyes. Because actively discussing this matter must contain some kind of intention. Considering the identity of the other party's agent, it is probably to persuade myself not to have an affair with Pei Ningle, which will affect her work?

So Wang Heng thought about it and said: "To be honest, this is not something that happens in a day or two. I discovered it a long time ago. But I will try my best to control it so as not to let unnecessary things affect her career."

"Avoid affecting her career..." Xu Xiaxia repeated his words, and then said, "You really think about Miss Pei."

Wang Heng: "Hehe, it's okay."

Xu Xiaxia: "Since that's the case, I won't bother you anymore. I can also assure you that I will try my best to help her, realize her talent, and reach her due height."

Wang Heng smiled and said, "Then I will trouble you."

After the brief conversation ended, Wang Heng walked into the elevator, turned around and waved. The elevator door closed, and when it opened again after a while, he had already reached the ground floor.

Walking out of the apartment building, Wang Heng suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a small reflection in the green belt not far away... He was vigilant and approached slowly.

In addition to laying lawns, the green belt also planted many shrubs and street trees. Definitely a good hiding place on a dark night.

When he got close enough, Wang Heng suddenly accelerated and ran into the green belt. At the same time, a black figure sprang out from behind the bushes and flew out of the green belt. And Wang Heng was separated from him by the bushes, so he couldn't catch up for a while.

After a mere few seconds, the black shadow disappeared.

"Paparazzi again..." Wang Heng muttered to himself, "Now, it seems that there will be a little trouble."

After thinking for a moment, he still took out his mobile phone and called Xu Xiaxia.

After the call was connected, Wang Heng said, "Hello, sister Xu. I just found a paparazzi downstairs. I must have found Xiao Le's current residence, and... I don't know if he will take pictures More troublesome content."

Xu Xiaxia quickly asked: "On the way back, did you and Miss Pei have any particularly intimate actions?"

Hearing this, Wang Heng thought about it.

There was no holding hands or touching heads on the road, and the two walking side by side always kept a little distance.

So he replied: "There must be no particularly intimate actions."

Xu Xiaxia breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, they can't take particularly hot photos, so they can only use words to catch wind and shadows. This will be a little troublesome, but it is completely controllable."

Wang Heng fell into deep thought.

For Pei Ningle's career, it must be controllable. But what about yourself?

Even if it's just a fluffy description, if Lu Qi, Han Yixuan, and Ye Xun saw it, what kind of reaction would they have?

Suddenly, Xu Xiaxia asked, "Is Mr. Wang still worried?"

Of course, Wang Heng couldn't say that he was trapped in the field of Shura, and even a little gossip could disturb the balance at this time.

So he couldn't help sighing: "It's nothing, thank you for your hard work."


The next morning, Pei Ningle and Xu Xiaxia went through the security check, and when they were waiting for the plane in the terminal, they saw an email.

The email was sent to Xu Xiaxia's business-negotiation mailbox, and the title was a bit scary - [We have evidence, we don't want scandals to come out, please discuss in detail].

Clicking on the attachment of the email, the two saw the photos.

The photo was taken on campus, under street lights, and it showed the scene of Pei Ningle holding Wang Heng's clothes.

Xu Xiaxia couldn't help sighing: "Miss Pei, you really are..."

Pei Ningle blushed, bowed her head and was speechless.

After a moment of silence, Xu Xiaxia sighed: "This person must be trying to blackmail."

Pei Ningle asked weakly: "Will it be troublesome?"

Xu Xiaxia rubbed her forehead, and said helplessly: "Troublesome and disgusting. The scale of this kind of photo is not big at all, but it just proves that the relationship between you and Mr. Wang is extraordinary. If it suddenly broke out, it must be There will be a negative impact."

Pei Ningle asked again: "Will this negative impact be serious?"

Xu Xiaxia glanced at her and explained: "Actually, it's not particularly serious, but it's hard to just sit back and watch. It will affect your future development... Because you originally had many fans who were Lily, so you will definitely be among your fans." Not a good influence in the group. Other than that, it should be nothing."

Pei Ning said thoughtfully: "I understand, those new fans who are attracted after being on the show will not be greatly affected."

Xu Xiaxia: "Yes, and these days, who hasn't had any scandals? Proactively arranging scandals for their artists is a common method used by major companies to stir up popularity. Everyone has long been familiar with it. However, if this photo spreads , maybe it will have some influence on Mr. Wang."

Pei Ningle nodded: "Well, there should not be many people around him who know about me. So it may affect his life... But there is no way for this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Xu Xiaxia couldn't help being a little surprised. But in a flash, she realized what her client seemed to be thinking.

Why not just let the photos explode and make Mr. Wang a rumored boyfriend? Will it be more convenient for the two to have substantive exchanges in the future?

The agent lady couldn't help but fell into a tangle for a while. Should it be discouraged, or allowed?

Considering Pei Ningle's current independence and his status as a singer-songwriter, it seems that there is not much need to dissuade him. But if you let it go, it seems that it will indeed have a little impact on your career...

After thinking for a while, Xu Xiaxia looked at the girl with a relaxed and happy face, then looked at the email, and sighed, "This is threatening the wrong person!"


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