"Can you change it casually when you go back to Shenyang?"

"Some are okay, some are not easy, they are all different. But if I have a large amount of goods, there is no problem. Besides, I'm good at being in the city, so I'll go out if I can't keep it.

Zhang Tiejun understood Xu Da's mood at this time, and he really wanted to help the two of them, and took the trouble to answer his questions and tell him what was inside. In fact, there is no benefit, just to make yourself feel comfortable.

Again, if these people around him can change with their own help, and can do something to have a good career development, wouldn't it be a happy thing?

Take a look, look around, Zhang Tiejun went to set the hanging net and counter to be used on the stall, Xu Da finally gritted his teeth and decided to give it a try.

Zhang Tiejun accompanied him to the management office to sign the lease agreement, paid the rent and fees, and helped him set up a hanging net. He only rented a stall and didn't use the counter.

The Freedom Mall in the city has prepared the shelves and set up the counter, and if you don't use the counter, you have to deal with it yourself, but it's good here, it's nothing, you have to prepare it yourself.

There is a family surnamed Cui in the house facing the market outside the market, who specializes in making counters and glass, and he really makes a lot of money by relying on this market.

Zhang Tiejun suspected that there must be some PY transactions on the side of Xiao Cui's family and management office, but there was no evidence.

"Okay, you don't have to think about it when it's decided," Zhang Tiejun patted Xu Dada: "Anyway, if you don't wear work clothes to clean up, you're still a bit of a dog, and you will dress up in the future."

"Little bunny, dare you say that about me. Xu laughed.

"I'll be serious, you and your sister-in-law will pack up in the future and show those who are pretending to be forced.

"What's the use of that play, it's real to make money, let's talk about it later." Is that all over?"

"Well, come over tomorrow and get the nets and everything, and then go to my place to get the goods." You are three or four days later than Liu Sanzi and them, and everyone has earned hundreds of yuan.

"That can't be compared, the city must be a lot better than ours, I know, but there is no way." Tomorrow let your sister-in-law go to the unit to ask for leave. "

At this time in the early 90s, affected by the tide of going to the sea and the decline in the efficiency of some small factories and small units, many units were engaged in seniority buyouts, that is, to encourage workers and cadres to take some money and leave the enterprises.

The scientific name is to reduce staff and increase efficiency, and I don't know which big-ass expert came up with the idea.

As a result, large state-owned enterprises such as railway sections and iron and steel companies, which have achieved quite good efficiency, have also begun to follow the blind base, and many workers and cadres who do not understand anything and have no sense of direction have been fooled into going through the formalities.

The compensation for buying out the length of service is very small, and the whole people are tens of thousands of yuan, and they are completely cut off from the unit. In fact, it is better to retire internally, and there is a salary for internal refund, and there is anything when you reach the statutory retirement age.

Most of those who participated in the seniority buyout ended badly, and their lives were ruined, with a wrong step and no regret. Why do these big enterprises join in the excitement and encourage people to buy out?

"Then it depends on what you think," Zhang Tiejun scratched his scalp: "Large collective units, there are things to do in the future, buyout is a good thing, and the compensation money can be used as capital."

If you can't do anything, it's not a good thing, and how many years can that money be spent? What will you rely on in the future? If you sign that thing, there is no possibility of reversing it.

"So don't you rush it first, take your time." "

Let's see," Zhang Tiejun thought for a while, as if this buyout had been done until around ninety-five years, and the time was completely sufficient: "I suggest that my sister-in-law do it for a year first, and after a year, if I feel that this side can work, I will buy it out." "

After '93, the money for buyouts became less and less, and only 20,000 or 30,000 yuan was given to the whole people in '95.

Xu Da nodded and listened to Zhang Tiejun's suggestion. The main reason is that he feels that Zhang Tiejun is better than him at a young age and has the ability. Those who are capable will naturally be taken seriously when they speak.

And then the two of them will be fine.

"This is the point, why don't I invite you to have a meal here?" Xu Da looked at his watch and looked at the restaurant in front of the station, and from here he could see the big sign of the 123 restaurant.

Zhang Tiejun also looked at the time: "Why don't we go to the hospital to see Lao Leng?" and then I want to invite a few doctors to dinner, you can also come along, it just so happens that I can't drink, you help me drink." "

Okay, it's time to go see Xiao Leng, we've been together for many years. Xu nodded loudly.

Two people went to the first floor of the mall to buy some fruit, Xu Da carried it, Zhang Tiejun rode a bicycle, and two people went to the staff hospital.

From here to the hospital, it is a little more than a kilometer, and it takes more than two kilometers to ride a bicycle, and you have to go around in a big circle.

When he walked to the door of the machine repair factory, Zhang Tiejun thought of Xu Dagang, who would die here on a night shift this winter, and his legs were crushed by a large truck.

You can't just say that you should be careful not to ride a bicycle in winter, you will be hit by a car and die. Who can believe it?

The bus station of the Third Squadron is always crowded with a lot of people during the day, waiting to get on the bus here, making a lot of noise, and the shop opposite the station is also yellow, and it has been rented by a private person and turned into a photo studio.

Next to the station, the elementary school and the junior high school are door to door, the old house in front of the primary school has not yet been built into a store, and the police station has not been moved.

The children who go to school here are happier than the children who go to school in the mountains, the police station is at the gate of the school, and the campus is clean inside and outside the school all day long, and there is not a single gangster and ruffian.

Coming from the school, on the left is a red brick residential building next to each other, sandwiched between some small buildings left by the Japanese, on the right hand is the machine shop club, and behind is a Japanese building, which is lined up along the slope to the entrance of the hospital.

Zhang Hongwu's wholesale department is located in the club, and he rents the club's house.

Leng Jun is already in good condition, except for a plastic tube stuck in his chest.

Seeing Zhang Tiejun and Xu Da come in with fruits, Leng Jun smiled and beckoned: "Come on, sit down, I won't get up and let you."

"Then you can't get up, we're all here, are you embarrassed to lie down?" Xu Da joked and put the fruit on the head of the bed: "How do you feel?

"Don't mention it, who wants to rest like this?" Leng Jun smiled bitterly: "Whether I can do heavy work in the future is a matter of two questions."

"It's okay, what are you worried about? It's true to take care of your body, and it's good to take this time to rest and tidy up your home." "

That's what I said. Tie Jun'er, you sit. I really have to thank you this time, and at the time I thought I was just pulling it off, but if you hadn't guessed it would have been cold this time. "

You're welcome, it should be," Zhang Tiejun waved his hand: "Take care of it, just invite me to a meal when you come back to work."

"That's definitely fine, you have to go to the skin ditch, and you have to invite a treat." "

Who is in the class to take care of you?" Xu Da asked, took out his cigarette and thought about it before taking it back.

"It's okay, you smoke, they smoke too. Xiao Leng said: "I'm almost here, and one more day this tube should be pulled, and I can't move with this, and it's hard to go to the toilet." "

Don't smoke it, go out and smoke it." Who was arranged in the class?"

"Xiao Gao came for a day, and then it was arranged by the workshop and went out. Who is not the same? Who is not the same? Who is they? They are here during the day, and my daughter-in-law is not allowed to come at night.

"Okay, it's better than others, and you can still share a little.

"That's right, or my daughter-in-law and son will have to get the child all day long, and I won't be able to get it." Home is far away. He

just sat and chatted for a while. The workshop, the team and the factory have all come yesterday, and the team has also come closer, and now they are slowly waiting for recovery, and then go home to recuperate.

It's okay, pneumothorax is not a serious illness, and if you raise it, you will be a good man, and you will not leave any sequelae, the workshop and the factory will give a sum of money, and then you can take a paid leave for half a year, which is also very good.

This money, plus the subsidy during the hospitalization and recuperation, can also improve the conditions of Xiao Leng's family, at least in this time period, it is a huge amount of money.

It's a blessing in disguise, and it's also exchanged for life.

After sitting for a while, the escort arranged by the workshop came up, and this guy went to eat at the entrance of the hospital by himself, and his little face was flushed.

"Why didn't you eat in the morning?" Xu Da was a little unhappy, anyway, you are here to accompany the wounded, why are you living here?"

"Why don't I go back and find the workshop and let them change people?" You can't eat here to accompany the nurses, what do you say?"

"No, no, I didn't have time this morning." The escort smiled and waved his hand, took a thermos from under the small cold bed and went out to fetch water.

Xu Da said to Xiao Leng: "If you feel that you can't change it, you don't need to take them, you can support them, it's all used to it, what kind of play."

"It's okay, they're all acquaintances. Xiao Leng shook his head: "In just a few days, I don't need them anymore, there is no need to offend this person."

Zhang Tiejun came out to take a look at the doctor's office, and found a few doctors who were sitting together bragging about it: "Brother Zheng, Brother Shi, will you give me face at noon

?" "Do you want to have a treat?" Zheng Ximei looked back at him with a smile.

"Then we have to make it clear first," Dr. Shi said, "We have to see what is going on, big things can't work, small things can still be considered." "

Staff hospitals are different from municipal hospitals, generally speaking, they are still relatively relaxed, the general environment is much stronger, and most of the people they deal with are workers and cadres of their own units.

In this year, people's physique is much better than later, there are fewer people who get sick, the hospital is often empty and no one can be seen, and those who are hospitalized are generally injured at work and trauma.

Either it's a fight and a professional household with a sick number, mixed with subsidies.

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