Zhang Tiejun shook his head: "How can there be so much trouble, you are running a hair salon and not a restaurant, there must be gangsters, just think of a way when the time comes, and you can't go to the hair salon to make trouble."

"What do you care about me? I'm alone over there.

"Didn't you go there alone when you went to school?"

"Can that be the same? When I was in a training school, dozens of people were together, and I didn't have to go outside.

"Don't worry, I can still hurt you."

Zhang Tiejun took a sip of soda: "Gangsters are bullying and bullying honest people and students, and it hurts to be beaten, and those mixed ruffians are busy making money now, and you don't want to rob him." "

In the nineties, the whole society has been changing, and in the past, those ruffians and hooligans who were fooling around everywhere really didn't have much to mess around in society except to go to school and pretend to be a scourge to the students.

Those big ruffians and gangsters who have numbers and can stand up are trying to make money, opening video halls, opening commissaries, opening restaurants, and pulling goods in sports cars, how can they have time to bully people for fun? Unless you go to his bowl and grab the meat.

Zhang Tiejun himself mixed from the city to the province in his last life, and by 99 he had run all over the four provinces, and he had never fought a few times in total.

Those who can go to a place like a hair salon and pretend to make trouble can't do it, they are all bullying and bullying honest people to scare and scare middle school students, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, Gu Chunfen is a girl after all, and it is understandable to be afraid of this, and it is indeed easy for a girl to go outside alone to attract the attention of these gangsters.

Zhang Tiejun thought for a while: "Anyway, it's not in a hurry, let's wait for me to take a look."

"Then what's the matter with you giving me a shop?" Gu Chunfen turned her head to look at Zhang Tiejun and asked, "You can't scratch you?"

"You think so much. Let's count it as a partnership, I go out of the place, you go out, and you earn half of the money, and the loss is mine. Okay, right? You usually look at the store and then count a salary.

"Let's make it, the dish is here." The second sister had a bowl of rice in one hand, and walked over with the middle finger and ring finger of both hands and the little finger of the ring finger on both hands: "The tip of the liver is good, let's eat it first, the meat section is right away, and the oil should be slow."

Zhang Tiejun got up and took the plate and put it in front of Gu Chunfen, and helped her take a pair of chopsticks: "Let's eat, let's talk about it after eating."

Gu Chunfen took the chopsticks and picked up the rice bowl and looked at it: "You don't believe what I said, I haven't smelled rice for a month, two bowls of noodles every day, and I make two meat buns when I'm hungry."

"It's good to earn money in the future, let's eat."

Zhang Tiejun put a piece of liver in Gu Chunfen's bowl, and he also put a piece in his mouth. It's still delicious at this time, this taste, rich and mellow, has a taste, but unfortunately it will not be able to eat it again in a few years.

The black pig is going to be extinct, the water-injected meat has already appeared at this time, and soon only the hormone fast pig will remain, so you have to fake it. There is no bottom line in people's hearts, especially when the law connives.

"The salary of your technical school, all the money saved for three years is more than 1,000 yuan, where did you get the money? Housekeeper wants? "

You're so wide. Can't I just do something else out there to make money?

"What are you doing?" You can't steal so much iron, what else can you do? "

Went and poured some costumes." Zhang Tiejun casually made up a reason.

At this time, clothing is booming, and those merchants in the Wuai market are making crazy money, and going to Guangzhou to carry clothes is the same as carrying money back, and thirty fifty comes back to land is three hundred and five hundred.

There are also tapes, don't look down, back back is dozens of times the net profit.

"You're going south? You're really not afraid of death.

Gu Chunfen was taken aback: "Your family and your object don't care about you?" Did you go by yourself? "

At this time, the Guangshen area is chaotic like a pot of porridge, white and black are mixed together, and there are a group of people in each province who are grabbing land to do black work.

Robbery and fraud, immortal jumping, murder and over-goods, human traffickers, lure groups, pornography, gambling, drug fraud, etc., are the largest black nest at present, and the population disappearance rate is rising sharply.

Where there are high stakes, there is always a higher level of risk, especially in an era where there is no regulation or control. Everyone is busy making money, and behind the gang stands the light of righteousness.

"Who else is not with yourself? In fact, the goal is small. Zhang Tiejun smiled: "I don't plan to go in the future, it's really a bit worthless."

Gu Chunfen stared at Zhang Tiejun for a while, and then twitched her face: "You are a tiger."

"What are you mentioning in the past?" Zhang Tiejun used his chopsticks to clip a piece of meat for Gu Chunfen: "Isn't he fragrant when he eats meat?"

"And how much do you earn?" Gu Chunfen didn't like it, and put the meat segment in her mouth.

"Tens of thousands of dollars, not much."

"You're so awesome, no wonder you say that you are bold, that's true. I also wanted to go over there and have a look, but I was afraid that if I went, I wouldn't be able to come back.

"Well, I guess you went to deliver food to others, and it's certain that you won't come back, but it's hard to say how long you can survive."

Although there are no reports, the situation and news there are not a secret in the Northeast, and even outsiders have relevant experience summing up what they will do and how they will do it.

The same goes for Tianjin and Western Xinjiang, where the population of these three provinces has been the least in the past two decades.

Gu Chunfen didn't refute, swallowed the meat and said: "In that case, you say go to the city to open a store, anyway, I'll work hard, even if I can work for you, you pay me a salary." "

Just as I said," Zhang Tiejun said, "I don't have time to fix this, we are one and a half, and you open a store manager's salary."

Gu Chunfen took a bite of rice and pondered for a while: "Then do you usually go?"

Zhang Tiejun laughed: "Go, if you have time, I'll go over and accompany you, I don't care about anything." You don't have to worry about the outside world, I know it.

"Did you fight them?"

"Fighting is the lowest method, and now only fools in this society will do it, and it is not beneficial to lose the fight and suffer the crime."

"Did you say that the man who was killed just now had to be shot? I didn't seem to care at all, he was still talking and laughing and smoking, and the police didn't care about him. It's bold.

"He Jun? No. Zhang Tiejun shook his head: "His father is the deputy factory director, do you think his son may be shot?" Staying in for two or three years is quite face-saving.

He's not bold, he knows it's okay, and the one he fights isn't a fun thing, and he has a lot of criminal records.

Gu Chunfen pursed her lips, a little yearning: "It's good to be an official." It's good to have money. "

Then try to be a rich man in the future."

"It's simple."

Zhang Tiejun patted his chest: "Sister, do you have any misunderstanding about me?" Is it hard to make some money with me? Who do you look down on? "

You have a special partner, and you have a relationship with me?"

"The relationship can be dealt with slowly." Zhang Tiejun grinned and laughed a few times.

"At first glance, you are not a good person, and now I have learned you badly." Gu Chunfen blushed and glared at Zhang Tiejun, her eyes watery.

"Wouldn't you be a fool if you always did like you did when you were in school?" Zhang Tiejun smiled and called the second sister to settle the bill. The two of them spent thirty-eight yuan, the second sister said that they would receive thirty, and Zhang Tiejun gave thirty-five.

It's not easy, there's no need to take advantage of these few dollars.

The second sister can open a restaurant here, and it costs more than just rent, the rent in this place is not expensive, and the house of the large collective is 3,000 yuan a year, and there is no charge for water and electricity.

However, I don't want water and electricity, the big collective wants it, the person in charge or something, he wants a lot more than the rent, not only money but also people. it.

Zhang Tiejun is clear about these bad things.

Walking back to the hair salon with Gu Chunfen, Gu Chunfen opened the door and window, cleaned up the house and swept the hair on the ground, and Zhang Tiejun got on his bicycle.

"You're leaving, huh?"

"Why don't you leave? What do you look like here? I'll come over in the evening, I'll go to the mine in a minute.

"Looking for your partner?"

"Well, something. Anyway, you don't close until 90 o'clock at night, and I'll come back. "

. Get lost. "

Hey." Zhang Tiejun agreed loudly, got on the bicycle and ran, Gu Chunfen came out with a broom and didn't beat anyone, stood there and watched Zhang Tiejun's back for a while before turning his head and entering the house.

Zhang Tiejun rode his bicycle along the side street and turned into the vegetable market, holding his breath and passing through the front of the aquatic product store, which was called a stink, fishy and smelly, and the coldness that I was used to not staying in this place couldn't stand Xi it.

There are several restaurants, dog meat restaurants, oil cake shops, spring cake shops, fried dough sticks and steamed bun shops, a hair salon, and then a few haberdashery.

Zhang's mother's store is here in the haberdashery, which is Zhang Tiejun's own house, which can probably have more than 40 square meters, selling some clothing, shoes, hats and student supplies. Business is still quite good.

Further ahead of the haberdashery is a steamed bun shop, then there are two vegetable stores, a sheep soup restaurant, and a wholesale store, the wholesale store is at the gate of the farmers' market, and opposite is the primary school.

The market street is to the primary school, and the primary school is the site of the factory, the bath, the boiler, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (to the public), the Sanhe Hotel where He Qiang is the manager, and the catering and bathing center run by the concentrator.

In fact, it is also a big hotel, but the name is not called that, it is just fun.

Zhang Tiejun parked his bicycle in front of his mother's shop and glanced inside: "Mom, have you eaten?" "

Ouch," Zhang's mother smiled and walked out to look at Zhang Tiejun: "My eldest son is here to care about me, and when you think about it, your mother is starving to death." What are you doing here? Are you home? "

I cut my head and finished playing billiards with my classmates. Where's my dad?

"Your dad goes to work, what time is it?" Are you welding the bike? Is this down or not?

Zhang Tiejun got out of the car and took the car to the window and leaned against the wall: "What did you eat at noon?"

"Mutton soup on the other side." Zhang's mother stretched out her hand and pulled Zhang Tiejun's shirt: "The sheep killed in the morning, the bone broth is also boiled, your father and I will taste it, your father loves to drink sheep soup." "

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