Xiao Liu nodded, this little thing is not a problem for her, as long as there are things in the factory or a phone call from the construction team: "Okay, I'll arrange it tomorrow."

"Do you have a letter about our eleventh competition?"

Speaking of this, Xiaoliu became happy, patted Zhang Tiejun and immediately felt that something was wrong, and stuck out his tongue: "I forgot to tell you, the company has passed, the city has also passed, and I was reported to the province by the Propaganda Department." You're amazing. "

This eleven singing competition, Zhang Tiejun and Xiaoliu each came out with two songs to participate, Xiaoliu is a dream together, often go home to see, Zhang Tiejun recorded Great China and Chinese.

Overall, I'm still relatively confident, but I don't know if there will be any changes in the middle.

At this time, there is no talk of copyright of the book, just sing it if you want to cover it, which leader above says that this song is good, let whoever is allowed to sing it, then Zhang Tiejun and Xiaoliu will have nothing to do.

At most, it is to give Zhang Tiejun a name, and you don't even have to give money, you have to feel honored.

The Copyright Law will not be promulgated until next year, but the actual implementation will be after 97 years, and the copyright of songs and audio-visual songs will not come to fruition until about 10 years. It's all up to the individual.

"There must be a show on the company's side, and it's similar in the city, depending on the arrangement, the province doesn't know the specifics yet, I'm looking for someone to inquire, and I'll tell you if I have a letter." Do you want to participate in the 11th show here in our factory?"

Zhang Tiejun smiled: "It doesn't matter if the performance is performed, the main thing is that you can participate in the rehearsal." "

That's okay, I've arranged to give a notice to the workshop. "Koyanagi has a number.

"You can find a time, record the album for you," Zhang Tiejun thought for a while and said: "Don't dare to say anything else, there must be no problem in making some money, see if you can go up again."

"I'm not a professional in literature and art.

"You can have this, the city art troupe, the propaganda department can do it, how can you know if you don't try? Besides, I mainly want to earn you some money." "

Okay, your mom has taken a look at it a few times, and I'm leaving." Do you have something to do tomorrow?"

"I'll go to the city tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be on the day shift." "

Running blind every day. Xiao Liu secretly glared at Zhang Tiejun, smiled at Zhang's mother and left.

"This guy, what are you talking about, muttering for so long?I found out that these little daughters-in-law have such a good relationship with you?"

Zhang Tiejun looked at his mother: "Serious business." Is it wrong for someone to help take care of me?Did she help make the garage

?" Zhang's mother pouted: "What did you say, you can't be in front of me?" "

The matter of the art show," Zhang Tiejun lit a cigarette: "Didn't I participate in the company's singing competition, she was the person in charge, and told me that it was over, and she might have to participate in the company's and the city's performances."

Then I asked her to help with the sand and cement, and she said she would ask tomorrow. What's the matter? What else do you want to know?"

Zhang's mother came up and slapped her: "How can you talk to your mother? You're going to be on TV, aren't you?"

"Then I don't know, it depends on how it is arranged, there must be a show anyway."

"Then is this considered a meritorious service? Can you take the opportunity to transfer the job?"

"It depends on how to calculate this matter, in fact, I don't really want this credit to be credited to me now," Zhang Tiejun popularized the inner Tao to his mother: "I now hope that this credit can fall to Sister Liu, and she can move up the best." "

Zhang Tiejun is just an ordinary worker, he has only been in the factory for a few months, what can he do

? Xiaoliu is a serious section-level cadre, so it is completely different, if he can really go up, then the opportunity in the future is not to pick

it up? Zhang Ma thought about it and understood, agreed with Zhang Tiejun's idea, and stared at Zhang Tiejun for a few seconds: "Isn't it Aunt Liu? This will become Sister Liu? What kind of generation is this?"

"Each, each," Zhang Tiejun laughed with a grin: "People are not very old, not yet thirty, let me call Sister Sheng, I don't call? Isn't the relationship just like this?"

She didn't pay attention to it?"

Zhang's mother smacked her mouth, and she didn't find anything wrong with it, but because her son was going to perform in the city, she felt a little proud.

Zhang's father came over with a lunch box: "Tie Jun is also here, didn't you go out today?"

"Discuss with my mother how to clean up the house."

Zhang's mother said: "Your eldest son is out of breath, and he is going to perform in the city, isn't it awesome?

"Yes?" Zhang's father became happy: "That's really good, if this is famous, don't you have to worry about it?" Then he moved his nose and glanced at Zhang Tiejun: "Why do you have such a fragrance on your body

?" "Is there anything else?" Zhang Tiejun sniffed on himself, but didn't smell anything. Koyanagi didn't ask anything just now, thinking it wasn't.

"Your eldest son, that guy, like a friend of women, one day this little daughter-in-law and that little daughter-in-law, just came back with the boss of the old family. It's almost scattered, it was called incense just now, and it's all choking. "

I'll tell you, tap the drum. Dad Zhang immediately changed his face: "You don't need to be beautiful, if you make something for me, you can see how I beat you." "

That's my partner," Zhang Tiejun twitched his face and explained: "You want to get the goods from me, and besides, you don't know that she is in the traffic police force, our family is a motorcycle and a car, isn't

it good for you?" "You'd better be good." Zhang's mother pouted.

"She also said that she wanted me to get along with Yu Jiafeng, or I would have agreed to try it?"

"You can get it, our family can't afford it." You can give me a pause. Zhang's mother immediately became serious: "I can tell you, don't laugh at the inappropriate things in Mahama, don't say that I didn't tell you when the time comes."


it or not, how can there be a shadow without the wind?" "How many targets has she dealt with in the past two years? But it is much worse than her sister, should I say it or not." It's also a worry-free one, it's not that we can't find it, don't we have a good-looking one?"

Zhang Tiejun pouted: "There is no light, how can there be a shadow, right? There is no wind yet."

Zhang's mother came up with a big bidous: "Give you what you can, and pick me up, I can say whatever I want, you give me a fuck." Go home and cook, and give your dad a day off today. "

I'll see it. Dad Zhang immediately became an audience with a smile, and looked at the motorcycle in the past. My own, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

"That's not right," Zhang's mother suddenly reacted and looked at Zhang Tiejun: "What did you just say? Are you really planning to buy a car?"

"Ah, didn't I tell you a long time ago? Motorcycles can't be ridden in winter, how convenient it is to have a car, and you don't have to squeeze the car when you go to the city and Shenyang in the future."

"It's so easy for you to earn that little money, so you plan to smash it all?" Don't you plan to

spend it for years?" "Let you say this, I'm not still earning? Enlarge your heart a little, this is all small money, your son will earn you a lot of money in the future, let you old couple spend it as you like, spend it hard, and spend it as much as you want."

Zhang's mother looked at Zhang Tiejun suspiciously, thought about it and swallowed back the words of the trainer: "Anyway, you can do it yourself, you earn the money, and you and your father don't block how you want to spend it, just count points in your heart."

Don't look at you now, it seems that it is quite easy to earn money, I don't believe you don't understand the truth of being prepared for danger in times of peace, how can people always have smooth sailing? You have to be a little prepared, don't float when you have a little money.

I'll tell you, the money given to me is locked

, don't think about taking it back, it has nothing to do with you, you know?" "I know, don't worry, I definitely don't care about giving it to you, and I'll make you a whole number at the end of the year." Okay, dear mother.

"Fuck off, mom, am I old? "

Gotcha. Zhang Tiejun smiled and rode over the bike: "Dad, do you need to buy vegetables if you have vegetables at home?"

Zhang Dad thought for a while: "There is meat everything, you go back and take a look, it should be enough, if you buy too much, it will not be fresh if you buy too much."

"Okay, I'll go home and cook." Dad, are you going back or are you here to accompany

my mother?" "I'm here, go back with your mother, and bring my lunch box back." Dad

Zhang handed the lunch box pocket to Zhang Tiejun: "Let me remind you, you remember for me, keep me away from those little daughters-in-law and two girls, don't have anything to do."

Zhang Tiejun thought for a while before he understood what the second girl in his father's mouth meant, and gave his father a thumbs up: "The summary is exquisite."

"Don't give me a grin, wait until something comes out to see if I can beat you." Dad Zhang glared at Zhang Tiejun.

Zhang's mother said to hammer, that may be a real hammer, Zhang's father said to hammer, that must be hammered to death, from childhood to adulthood, what rolling pins, brooms, pimples, wooden boards, wicker belts, Zhang Tiejun can be said to have been taught from the beginning, and the experience book can write a novel.

Lao Zhang's family is a family that has maintained the top five results in the children's competition in dozens of neighborhoods all year round, and that is really not blown.

This play is really weird, including Zhang Tiejun, including Yu Zeqiu, whether it is size or strength, he has long surpassed his father, but he was honestly beaten, and he didn't even dare to return his mouth, and he didn't dare to run or hide.

Zhang Tiejun estimated that this was the legendary bloodline suppression.

I went to Hou Li's commissary and bought two cigarettes, one painting garden and one red plum, and then went home to cook.

"I said Tiejun, you are riding a big motorcycle, why don't you change to a good brand of cigarettes?

Hou Li's mother couldn't help but say a few words to Zhang Tiejun when she brought him a cigarette. How can there be such a young man? I can't even give up a good cigarette.

As soon as Zhang Tiejun took the cigarette and left, the old lady turned her head and scolded her son: "Look, look at the other people's Tiejun, so you only smoke two yuan and five cigarettes when you are rich, you can't earn money every day, every day Liangyou stares, give me quit tomorrow." Hou

Li lay down and wanted to cry without tears.

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