Repeat every day, every day to be wordy pre-shift safety meeting, cliché helmet masks and belt motors, and then everyone gets up to take over.

Xu Xiaofeng leaned over: "Will Tiejun go to the city tomorrow?"

Zhang Tiejun nodded: "Xiao Guang will also go, and Brother Xu will also go."

Several people nodded, and spread out to take over their things.

Zhang Tiejun's post was close, and nothing would happen to the post, so he was not in a hurry, and walked slowly behind, but as soon as he got out of the gate, he heard Shang Zhonghua arguing with people in the bathhouse.

This loud voice, it's so suitable for this job, I can't hear the other party's voice.

He is now the deputy foreman, and there are only two possibilities for him to quarrel with others, one is that there is a problem with the handover of the principal and deputy foreman of the third shift, and the other is that there are still a lot of problems in which position.

The possibility of a problem with the shift handover is basically zero.

This has nothing to do with Zhang Tiejun. But I still praised it in my heart, and I don't know who is so fast, just a few minutes after the meeting, everyone went to the post and came back, and found a problem.

The things in the factory, not their own position and scope of work, if you can not mix, do not mix, completely have nothing to do with others, and mixing into it not only cannot solve the problem, but also annoys both sides.

Good old people don't work here, one is one, two is two, and it doesn't matter if it has nothing to do with you. It's not okay if the relationship is good.

When I came out, I felt that it was colder outside, and I was afraid that it was not only three or four degrees at this time, and the mountain wind was swishing. Zhang Tiejun hugged his arms, adding a few tenths of a temperature to his poor self.

the hemp, and I forgot to bring my thick clothes.

I trotted all the way into the factory, quickly checked all the positions, hid the shovel and ran to the crushing lounge with the lunch box, my mind full of the big electric stove.

The big electric stove that was red and red.

As soon as you enter the lounge, ouch, this is what happiness feels like. A wave of heat greeted us, and every cell in the body cheered.

"Tie Jun, you don't bring thick clothes, do you still wear a shirt this day?What are you doing with a warm shirt

?" "Can I say I forgot? Damn, I'm shivering when I walk from the workshop

, why is it so cold today?" "It's September, isn't it cold?" Now it may be three or four degrees in the middle of the night, so why should you go through that at noon? Xu Da glanced at him with a smile and beckoned him to come over and sit on the edge of the electric stove.

"It's okay," Zhuang Hongwen answered on the hanging bunk: "Sleep honestly, the temperature will come up at dawn tomorrow morning, and we have nothing to do in this post, so we don't have to go out one trip at a time." "

Holy shit. Everyone swooped and looked at Zhuang Hongwen: "Why are you holding back? What are you talking about?"

This thing is the same as the doctor who can't say that he is idle on the night shift, there is a little bit of evil, but he can't say that he is too idle in the factory and that there is no accident at the post. It's fantasy, but it's quite realistic.

Any position here is connected to all the other positions, but it is not a matter of one person, this sentence makes everyone in the room frivolous.

The most important thing is that if there is only a problem in the post, it is good to delay a little production, and I am afraid of a big accident.

"Xiaozhuang, haven't you come to work for a long time, and you don't know why?" Xu Da glanced at Xiaozhuang: "That mouth can't speak, just sew it, no one thinks you are dumb." "

Damn," Zhuang Hongwen was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt that his words were inappropriate, and sneered: "What, brothers, when I fart, I'll shut up."

"It's a good feeling, I don't feel good all over my body. Xiaozhuang, you invite everyone to eat in the next class C, otherwise you will die one by one. Erte stretched his waist and slanted at Zhuang Hongwen from the corner of his eye.

"Please, please, isn't it just a treat. Zhuang Hongwen smiled and nodded: "I'm so open." Okay, I don't want this month's salary. Although

it was a joke, the dissatisfaction of the big guy was true, Zhuang Hongwen wanted to shrink his head at this time, for fear of provoking the anger of the public, and he tried to please him.

"Cook, cook, eat, and sleep for a while. Xu Da went over to wash his hands and found his beloved cooking tongs: "What did Tie Jun'er bring today?"

The ribs were cooked, and I put some miso in them. "

Did you bring garlic?"

"No, I forgot."

"It's okay, I have this, I remember there are two more. Lao Kou went to his bed to look for it, and pulled out two heads of garlic from under the overalls, and he didn't know how long he had been putting them there.

"This is good," Xu Da reached out and took the garlic and blew it: "Sprinkle some minced garlic when it comes out of the pot to enhance the flavor." If it's pork ribs stewed eggplant, it's even more beep.

"It depends on how to do it, use an electric stove, if you go into the steamer, forget it, it's best not to put garlic." Everyone

took out their lunch boxes to add water and wash rice, and changed the topic in a gossipy manner.

Zhang Tiejun's lunch box is the best, this year, a few pieces of meat can be put in the lunch box is considered a good life, many people are Qingshui, cloud beans, potatoes, eggplant, etc., put a little lard, anyway, you can deal with the stomach full.

There are also pickles, but the pickles are also delicious when they are mixed, especially the garlic eggplant and the shredded amaranth. There are also those with dried salted fish, which are baked on an electric stove and served with rice. That's really salty.

"Do you know? I don't know who put a small box of stinky tofu in the steamer during the day shift today, and the boiler boss Wang is still scolding when he gets off work. Xu Da put everyone's lunch boxes on the electric stove and asked with a smile.

"Stinky tofu

?" "Damn, can you still eat this pot of rice at noon?" Who did it? I didn't get beaten?"

"The second class is all talented, and there are always special people in their class, so it's good that we don't rely on him."

"That won't stink for a few days? The day after tomorrow, we can't still steam rice during the day shift?"

At home, they all ran to the electric stove and huddled together, chatting while roasting the fire, which can be regarded as looking at the lunch box.

"I brought stinky tofu, can you eat it?"

"Damn, you are also a talent." "

Most of the people here are still relatively accepting of stinky tofu, and when it was difficult a few years ago, salt beans, tofu milk and stinky tofu were good things to eat every day, and they were not cheap.

There are also kelp and yuba (fake meat), small dried shrimp, which really enriches the table for everyone's poor life.

But it's good that this thing eats like this, and it smells like it in the steamer...... Needless to say, it's too good to eat.

It's like a person who likes to eat durian, you use a microwave to heat her up.

People can't empathize, and when they mention the suffering of others, everyone rejoices and jokes.

The screaming of the crusher and the earth-shattering noise and shaking immediately behind it were completely unable to cause even the slightest fluctuation among these people, and the entire factory building was running one after another.

Lunch boxes bubble happily on the electric stove, the smell of food fills the air, and a group of people in tattered clothes laugh and huddle together to talk about national affairs and economic trends.

Xu Da peeled a few cloves of garlic, chopped them with an electric knife, and evenly sprinkled them into Zhang Tiejun's vegetable box, and then stirred them with a spoon, and the fragrant garlic rose.

"Eat, eat, eat, sleep. I haven't listened to this lullaby for a long time.

"Our lullaby is a bit rigid. "

I should put some wine here, and a small sip on the night shift would be fine."

"Okay, let's go home and drink slowly, I don't want to talk about that." While

talking without bounds, everyone crowded around the table and ate lively, uh...... Breakfast?supper?I don't know what kind of meal it is.

After eating, no one said, everyone put away the lunch box and drank a few sips of hot water, picked up the hard hat and covered Zhu Bajie, and went out to the post to take a look, which has become their Xi.

Take a turn around the post, see the amount of ore, observe the equipment, and then come back and sleep with confidence. In addition to the crusher and sieve, you can sleep until dawn.

However, the plan can never keep up with the changes and go fast, just when the sky is bright and the sky is bright, everyone is sleeping warmly and peacefully, a shrill cry of unsociability spreads throughout the factory.

Xu Da turned off the bed with a carp, and listened with his ears pricked up for a while: "It's over, Xiaozhuang's stinky mouth."

Everyone got up, their faces were not very good-looking, and Erte kicked Zhuang Hongwen's ass: "I really want to kick you to death."

Zhuang Hongwen rubbed his eyes and smiled bitterly: "I also want to kick myself to death, this is good for you to say." Class C, I'm in a treat, I'm in a treat.

Shang Chinese got out of bed and put on his shoes: "It sounds like it's over there, I'll go and see." "

It's quiet outside, and the equipment in the whole plant has stopped. Stopped.

"I'll take a look, but don't turn it around, that's the kiba finish the calf." Erte had already jumped out of the hammock, took the shovel and ran out: "You guys haven't gone to the post to take a look, turn it around and report it quickly."

Liu Biao climbed down from the hammock and asked, "What is the reversal?"

Lao Kou said: "You hurry up and go to the post, you will understand if there is something, and you can not know if you don't know." "

The belt is stopped, that is, the amount of ore transported is too large to press the belt, and the pulley slips and cannot turn. The pulley has no gears and relies entirely on friction to drive the belt to run.

At this time, all the belts are parked at full load, and some belts with a relatively large slope will be carried back by the gravity of the ore after losing power.

Once the rotation occurs, that is, the reversal, all the ore on the belt will be unloaded to the tail pulley until the pulley is submerged and cannot rotate.

In this case, it is not only necessary to manually pick up the ore, but also to dig out the tail pulley first, and the ore on a belt will be all down with a bang. Hundreds of tons.

Zhuang Hongwen had already put on a mask and was still laughing: "Is my mouth so smart now? I said that everyone can make a fortune?"

Xu Da laughed and looked at Zhang Tiejun who was crawling down: "Tiejun, you don't have to panic, you must be fine over there, just see if the pressure is serious, you can find someone from above and put it on first, don't catch a cold." "

I know I'm okay over there," Zhang Tiejun went to take a sip of water: "I'm totaling, what time do we have to get off work." I told Yu Jiajuan that I would wait for me at eight o'clock in the mall. "

It's okay," Xu Da lowered his voice and said, "When you get there, you will go to the shower and go first, I will just say to Liu Sanzi, and then you will wait for us in the city."

"That's fine. Zhang Tiejun nodded.

There was a sudden scream and a stop in the quiet factory, and then another sound after a while.

Xu Da shook his head, took a small lunch box and rolled a dry cigarette: "It's over, completely stop cooking, and the linkage can't be linked."

Lao Kou stretched his waist and leaned against the wall in a daze: "Pinch it, it seems that there are no tens of hundred and eight tons today, it is better to have a belt, or you won't be able to get off the special class." "

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