The two of them laughed, and Zhang Tiejun patted the basically installed car: "The structure of this car is much simpler than that of Tianwang, and you don't need to touch the engine, you can also install it if you learn it, just be careful." The King of Heaven can't.

"Are you pretending to sell it?"

"Well, selling, the package is 32,000, quack new, and the screws are all original." "This is really not bragging, this small day is different from our regulations, and domestic screws can't be screwed.

"How much is the market, you are 32,000?"

"Get about 40,000, don't pack cards." It can be cheaper in a few years, but now it's a bit expensive. "The market price of this car is 34,000 in 95 years, and the big female tiger is 48,000. None of the cards are packed.

"You got two of these? It's so fierce, more than 30,000 yuan doesn't taste good for meat? How many people are willing to take it out to buy a car? If I have this money, I won't buy it when I buy a house." "

Sell it slowly, and put it here without eating grass or food." There are a lot of rich people in your machine repair area, you can ask more if you are fine, and sell it to you for a commission. Don't say you pretended to be yourself. "

I'm not stupid when I say that. How much money do you give me?"

"Two thousand for one piece, okay

?" "Hit, brother will do this for you, I'll rely on it, isn't it stupid to pick up money for nothing and not do it?" I'll go to work tomorrow to find someone for you, and I'll stuff it into him. "

The actual salary of the machine repair factory is lower than that of the factory, Xiao Ming and their monthly income is more than 300 a month, and 2,000 is a huge amount of money for him, which has nothing to do with family conditions. Immediately excited.

His father is a middle-level cadre, and the conditions of his family have always been quite good in the neighborhood, and he bought a TV in seven or nine years, and there are many flats, bicycles, tape recorders, and better clothes than other children.

His father knows how to repair electrical appliances, and it is also a large income to repair household appliances for others at home. The curtains in his house are all electric (homemade), which is quite high-end.

"Where are you going?"

"Casting, mix it first, and then go to the police after thinking about it, I'm more suitable to look at the gate."

"Your family should be about the same, and your father should have no problem changing your position after so many years." It's just that the police aren't considered police officers now, you

know?" "You know, it's not, it's not, isn't it still looking at the gate? You can still see the flowers? It's good to have a good day." "

The economic police, the full name of the economic police, was founded in the 80s, in fact, it is a continuation of the economic police in the 50s and 60s, and is under the joint leadership of the security departments (departments) of factories and mining units and enterprises and local public security bureaus.

In the 80s and 90s, the security departments (departments) of factories and mining enterprises were public security branches with law enforcement powers, with the power to arrest and investigate and handle cases, and were equipped with guns.

In those years, many people were killed and maimed in a serious way, and their way was like a joke, which cannot be described by the word cruelty.

In 93, the economic police were completely canceled from the police status, disappeared from the public security sequence, and became the internal security (fire) personnel of the factory and mine, and had no law enforcement power.

By 02, the uniform of the economic police was canceled and renamed as the guard, and in 07, the establishment of the economic police was officially abolished.

Zhang Tiejun continued to check the last few screws carefully, and carefully inspected all parts of the car, and then put down his tools and clapped his hands and stood up: "This one is okay, this is the first car I produced." "

How long does it take to install this one?"

"It's been two hours, and the speed has dropped a little bit for a long time." I won't get it today, and my dad will be back soon.

"Why don't you ride a lap and try it?"

"No, I bought one to refuel and test the car in front of him, and now the fuel tank is clean, and it looks like it's pure new." How nice. "

Fuck, don't just fart and don't move your nest when the time comes.

"That's impossible. Zhang Tiejun packed up his tools and put them in the corner: "Continue tomorrow." "

Where's your car?" Xiao Ming looked inside the garage: "It's too big, how good it would be if you made it so big, why don't you just make it into a house?" Get a two-story and three-story out, and there are still people living on the car below, isn't it better than the first floor of your house?"

Zhang Tiejun also smiled, but no, if you build a few more floors, it will be 6.5 buildings, sandwiched between the six and seven buildings: "I'll go back and ponder, if the factory dares to approve it, I dare to build it." "

Did you borrow the car?"

"No, it's in front of my mother's store." Do I dare to borrow that car, and others dare to ride it? If you hit him, you have to give me the job.

"Yes, it's so expensive, I don't dare to think about it now. The world-shattering way of special hemp. Xiao Ming scolded: "Okay, you can be busy yourself, I'm going home." Come and play someday.

"Okay, I'll find you someday. Zhang Tiejun looked at Xiao Ming's back.

After graduating from junior high school, I don't know if it's because of my age, I seem to have played with Xiao Ming for a long time, and I rarely even go to his house.

My childhood playmates have already started their own lives. Adult life is a bit xenophobic. The older you get, the more lonely you get.

Shaking his head, Zhang Tiejun went in to wash his hands, locked the door and went out to his mother's shop. Then he remembered that he not only threw Yu Jiajuan in the room, but even forgot about Zheng Ying.

Is this what a seventeen-year-old passionate teenager should do? Is it something he can do? This mentality is not right, and it has to be adjusted.

We should learn from Comrade Zhuang Hongwen and set a goal for Xi to move forward, but I don't know if he has achieved it at this time. Well, ask for the next shift.

Judging from the fact that he bends his waist all day long, his topic of 100 people should not be a joke, and he has been working hard to practice.

Walking to the police station, Zhang Tiejun couldn't help but glance at the second floor a few times, wondering if Yu Jiajuan could be here, but Yu Jiajuan didn't see it, and was arrested by the angry Zheng Ying.

As soon as he looked down, he saw Zheng Ying standing in the corner of the building with vegetables and looking at him with an inexplicable look.

"Hehe, do you want to buy groceries?" Zhang Tiejun waved at her.

"What do you mean, I ran away without making a sound?"

"What do you mean? What am I going to do with you when you load the goods? I have to follow it in the future? Isn't this just to make you adapt. Have you done it all

?" "Get a (kiba) ......" Zheng Ying looked at her side with a weak heart, and took two steps forward: "What you found for me, just

leave it alone, don't I?" "When will I leave it alone?"

Zhang Tiejun made a straightforward look: "The purchase originally depends on your own vision, if it doesn't work, you will change it, you must have to talk a few times and slowly accumulate experience, what am I going to follow?".

"You are very numb," Zheng Ying pointed at Zhang Tiejun: "You just have to talk to me...... That's what I can't do to you on the avenue. I'm really. Say, will you go tomorrow?"

This guy is really fried, and he seems to be angry.

"Go," Zhang Tiejun nodded happily: "I'm on the day shift tomorrow, I'll go over when I take over and help you set up the stall."

"It's pretty much the same," Zheng Ying glanced at Zhang Tiejun: "So old Shen, let me carry it back alone, you are really a man, why is this a human thing?" "

What you said, I can still accompany you to buy goods again and again in the future? Don't get this on me, it's impossible." You can only toss this head slowly by yourself, anyway, I'll hold it up for you.

It's the same as going to work, you have to do it like a job. ...... In the future, if there are too many, you can pack a bag and let the line car bring it back to you, and you don't have to suffer from this for ten or eight yuan.

"Can't you lose it?"

"Impossible, the line car can still run? As long as you pick up the car at this end on time, it's fine, if you don't have time, you can arrange for someone else to do you a favor." You don't have to get up?"

Zheng Ying glanced upstairs and shook her head: "Then I'll go home first...... You come early tomorrow and say tomorrow. She leaned over to Zhang Tiejun: "I told him that I was working for you to earn a salary." "

Do it for me?"

"Well, I'll do it for you." Zheng Ying glanced at Zhang Tiejun: "It's just that the special hemp ran away without making a sound, and you can't do it for you, or are you staring at someone else?"

"I...... Hurry home, you. Zhang Tiejun was almost dodged by this sharp turn: "I'll go to my mother's store." "

you,. Zheng Ying scolded in a low voice, and went home with the dishes without looking back.

Alas, it's all debts, all debts from the previous life. Zhang Tiejun licked his lips and walked to his mother's shop, counting in his heart one by one how much debt he owed in his previous life...... It's a bit young.

How can I, such a pure, self-loving, and single-minded person, owe so many debts? What is the reason for this?

Mama Zhang is a little happy today, and there have been no people in or outside the store on this day.

Tens of thousands of motorcycles were parked in front of the store, and anyone who arrived couldn't help but stand and take a look and ask, and most of them bought something in the store, and the turnover increased.

When Zhang Tiejun came over, he saw a few people around the door of his store.

"Mom. Zhang Tiejun shouted, smiled at the people gathered at the door of the store, and nodded their heads one by one to say hello.

"The Iron Army is back. "

The Iron Army is really out of luck now, this young man, slippery. "

Why did you come from here?" Zhang's mother asked, "Are you taking a big guest?" "

No, I've been back for two hours, I pulled some things from the city and came back, and the hired car came directly to our house." Cleaned up for a while. "

Are you home?"

"No, it's in the garage."

"Aren't you with anyone, with them? Why are you back so early?"

"I left first, and I can't always accompany this, who can't rely on themselves?"

Go buy some groceries, ride back to the car, and spend the day here.

Zhang Tiejun looked at the time: "What do

you want to eat at night?" "You look at it, there is nothing special you want to eat." Your little brother said that if you want to eat fish, you can look at a pot of fish stew.

Zhang Tiejun nodded, went over to deal with the aunts and aunts, and rode to the market.

He came straight through the market. Climb up the slope in front of the dormitory gate to the factory road, which is still a while before the end of work, and there are few people on the road.

The big female tiger roared into the factory gate under the envious eyes of several economic policemen, and came all the way to the second selection. Zhang Tiejun came to pick up his father from work again.

Dad also needs to be spoiled, and if he has nothing to do, let him pretend to be forced or something in front of a group of workers, which is conducive to physical and mental health.

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