September 7th.

Cloudy, southwest wind four or five, the highest temperature is 19 degrees, and the lowest temperature is 6 degrees. It is advisable to decorate, pave the road, and make a stove.

At half past seven in the morning, Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, and Zhang Tiebing had already left.

Xiaoliu took the construction team to Lao Zhang's house and began to dismantle the tent at the back, and bundled the dismantled wood and some wooden boards piled up in the yard and sent them to the garage.

There was nothing in the yard except some boards and wood, just a single bed with wire on the base of the wall, and a small lonely peach tree.

Speaking of this peach tree, there is a story, it is said that in the autumn of 83, on the night when Zhang's father lived in this house for the first time, he had a dream that the house was full of water and there was a coffin in the middle.

So when he got up the next day, he began to clamp the tent, and clamped the front and back. You have to leave the water and the coffin behind, and you can't float away.

Then in the autumn of '89, he had another dream, and so there was this peach tree. I don't know which mountain I went to dig it up, and I don't know if it will produce peaches.

However, since moving upstairs, the life of Lao Zhang's family has indeed gotten better and better, from eating meat a week to having meat every day.

Anyway, this tree can't be destroyed.

"Tie Jun'er, what is this for?" Xiaohui asked, looking down from the balcony upstairs.

"Tidy up, put up the walls, and the tents are rotten.

"Well, that's good, it's strong with a wall.

Zhang Tiejun smiled.

As far as her old man can throw things down, he doesn't admit it when he says it, and it's not easy for people who fall stupid to say anything. You say that she sleeps in the same bed with the old man every day, can you not know

?" "Then why did you tear down the boundary wall of your house?"

"Build them all, and the yards of his two families will be used by my family in the future." By the way, Aunt Wang, the sewer pipes of my house and Brother Wang's house on the second floor are going to go alone, and now this pipe will be used by your house and the fourth and fifth floors.

You have points in your heart, and if you block it, it will be directly blocked in your house, and it has nothing to do with Brother Wang's family and my family.

"Can this thing be changed like this?"

"Yes, it's just a matter of us taking a tube alone and looking down." "

Tie Jun'er," Zhang Li's mother on the fourth floor stretched out her head: "Can we change the water in our house alone?" "

It's a lot of effort to change your house, so you can't change it, you have to go down from Aunt Wang's toilet to pierce the pipe, and you have to hit the third and second floors, Brother Wang's house is much simpler, I'll just pick it up below."

"That's still it, that's too hard, I think if it's good to change my house and go alone, saving you a wall below always feels like a loss, but I didn't do anything, you say."

Zhang Tiejun laughed, this old lady is really not a good stubble, she usually laughs, you see how natural this stab is, Aunt Wang has no reason to listen to the connection.

"Didn't your uncle

come?" "Didn't come today, do you

know?" "I don't know any of these people in the fort?" I didn't know each other before, but now we are in the same team.

"yes, I haven't heard of it, it's close, and it's good in the future."

"That's fine. "

After the workers finished dismantling the tent, they put things together and began to tie the line, and the brick wall had to dig the foundation, so it was not as easy as clamping the tent.

"After the back is built, first remove the kitchens of these two houses, and then seal the kitchen doors here," Zhang Tiejun said to the workers brought by Xiaoliu to make arrangements: "Then build the front kitchen."

"Okay, you can arrange it. Aren't you at home every day?"

"I'll try my best, it's not easy to say, anyway, I'll be there when the time comes to change the toilet."

"That's fine, you'd better be at home, and we'll have a little bit of a bottom when we work."

"It's going to be a few days of hard work, and I'm sure I'll have something to say when I'm done." Zhang Tiejun patted his arm. Although they are construction workers in the factory, after all, this is for personal work, and they still have to pay a little.

It's different from the non-staple food, it is a project that their unit picks up, and Zhang Tiejun can count it with their unit later, and it has nothing to do with the individual.

In fact, there is not much money, at this time, the big workers are about 20 yuan a day, and the small workers are 5 yuan and 10 yuan.

After arranging the work, Zhang Tiejun and Xiao Liu came out from the back, Xiao Liu asked: "Is there anything in the yard in front?" Don't you clean it up in advance?"

"Yes," Zhang Tiejun nodded: "It's okay, let them help move it to the garage, put it first." You're not going to work today?

Xiao Liu glanced at Zhang Tiejun and didn't answer: "The rehearsal starts on the 16th, and in the club, you talk to the team in advance." "

What about over there?"

"I haven't been notified yet, so I'll arrange this side first, and I'll just get ready anyway." Where are you going in a moment? to the city?"

"Yes, it's true to get things done quickly. Then you send me to the unit.

"Okay. Leader walks this way, watch your step, watch your head.

"It's like a minefield, you're going to be funny for a day. Xiao Liu wanted to pinch Zhang Tiejun's face, but finally held back.

She found that she was now depraved, and she wanted to rub this little man at any time, and she couldn't control the expansion of her desires...... But why control? She threw in the towel and lay flat.

The two of them took a look at the side of the non-staple food again, and they had already begun to build a low wall, which was definitely efficient. The main thing is that the time is a little tight, and it's September 7th.

"You asked them to put this piece up?"

"Well, isn't there a back door here, so it's easy to get out on a flat ground."

"Okay, you can arrange it, and let's go." "


Zhang Tiejun sent Xiaoliu to the factory office, and then went to the Urban Construction Bureau.

Koyanagi's procedures from the real estate office in the mining area are complete, but the real estate department is an enterprise department after all, and they do not have the power to issue real estate certificates.

In this era, the real estate certificate has just been issued and unified for a long time, and there is no land certificate or anything, and the land is still an appendage of the property, and the procedures are quite simple.

Although it is said that the land law was promulgated in '86, emphasizing the nature and ownership of urban land, in fact, it was not until '92 that the independent status of land certificates in housing property rights began to be emphasized.

In 96, the handling and use of land certificates began to be compulsory.

It wasn't until '02 that land began to be seen as an independent resource, and land ceased to be an appendage to houses and facilities.

For example, the copyright law was enacted at this time in the '90s, but in fact it was not until '08 that it began to be fully implemented. Our upper, middle and lower layers have always been misaligned.

"Brother Zhang, are you busy?"

"Not busy, what is there to be busy." Section Chief Zhang smiled and asked Zhang Tiejun to sit: "It's very fast, I thought you would have to wait a few days." "

I'll come over after the formalities are taken, and it's my own time." I'm going to trouble you about this.

"I'll see. It's not too troublesome for you to have a real estate office, they still have a bit of power on their side, but they don't let them issue certificates now.

"In the future, I estimate that schools and everything, including real estate management, will definitely be assigned to the place. Zhang Tiejun lit a cigarette for Section Chief Zhang: "At that time, Brother Zhang, you will tremble."


you feel like it?" "You have to be able to, now the enterprises are thinking about restructuring, haven't you heard?" Just like the situation in the army at the beginning, do you feel

like it?" Section Chief Zhang thought for a while: "Don't say it, what you say is really like that." That's fine.

He flipped through the formalities brought by Zhang Tiejun: "This was only released yesterday, your kid is really fast, it seems that it has a lot to do with it."


, there is no problem with this set of procedures, otherwise it would be useless for you to look for me, and I can't do it, we have to do things according to the law." Section Chief Zhang put the information back into the brown paper bag and stood up: "You wait for me." "

Neither of them saw the thousand dollars sandwiched in the documents. It's a mess.

Section Chief Zhang quickly came back with some forms or something, as well as red books, all of which were signed and sealed, which was very humane.

In this era, no matter what the forms, documents, and licenses are, they are all handwritten and filled out manually, which is also quite Naisi.

Under the guidance of Section Chief Zhang, Zhang Tiejun filled in the forms one by one, signed his name and fingerprint, and then Section Chief Zhang cut out the red line map given by the real estate office and pasted it on the real estate certificate, and handed it to Zhang Tiejun.

"That's it, you can go back and fill in the rest slowly, I still have something to go out.

"That's okay, Brother Zhang, you're busy, I'll come over for a treat when I've got the rules here."

"Okay, I'm sure I'll have to drink this meal." Do you have my phone number? "

Okay, then I'll go over first, brother. The

two of them came out of Section Chief Zhang's office together, Section Chief Zhang went to the archives, and Zhang Tiejun came out of the building with a seal, a seal and a signature but still a blank real estate certificate, and rode a motorcycle to the front of the station.

I don't know why, at this moment, a voice echoed in Zhang Tiejun's mind: Although I have tattoos, I drink heavily, I go clubbing, I have an abortion, but I am a good girl. Good girl......

"It's really numb. Zhang Tiejun scolded.

Turning into the square in front of the station from the middle of the veterinary station and the post and telecommunications office, the tall billboard in front of the public toilet could not stop the long-lasting smell of the dry toilet rushing to the face.

Zhang Tiejun turned his head to look at the electrical repair department next to the women's toilet, and a feeling of admiration suddenly rose, and he couldn't help it.

As soon as I entered the gate of the mall, I saw a notice posted on the wall on the side.

This speed is indeed quite fast, it is estimated that those merchants are confused, and they don't understand why they suddenly have to adjust everyone's stalls.

In fact, life is like this, we live like bugs in the city and go with the flow, and we don't know what is happening around us for what and why.

Everything is nothing but an invisible transaction.

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