The first convoy was built not far from the north side of the office building, in a large, dilapidated courtyard.

At this time, the street in front of the main courtyard facing the Xinhua Bookstore has been transformed into a pedestrian cultural street, and the landscape wall next to it is full of portraits and profiles of local celebrities, and there is a long fake antique stall on the root of the wall, a used book newsstand or something.

The two-storey brick buildings on both sides of the street have also been painted and converted into commercial shops, and all kinds of shops look quite beautiful and high-end in this era.

When he came to the courtyard of the team, Zhang Tiejun walked in directly and went to the office on the side to find someone. There is no other way to find someone in these years, so you can only go directly to the unit to block, it all depends on luck.

The driver's eldest brother is called Lian Wenli, a relatively rare surname and first name.

"Brother Lian. Zhang Tiejun stood at the door and shouted, Lian Wenli, who was smoking a cigarette and bragging with his colleagues, turned his head to look over, and saw that it was Zhang Tiejun, and immediately walked over with a smile: "When did you arrive?" "Just

arrived, are

you busy?" "Not busy, now at this time, as long as you don't go out for a long distance, there is basically nothing to do." Let's go, I'll take you there, and everyone is here today. "

Yijian also has a real estate department, which manages all the fixed assets of the company, as well as welfare housing, water supply and heating.

"I went directly to the top of the 3,000 yuan, you have a number in your heart, and it's all said here.

Lian Wenli whispered to Zhang Tiejun: "There are sixteen rooms in that area, there is a two-story small cement building, a total of 60,000 four, I found someone, the price is 50,000, you see if it works, if it doesn't work, I'll look for it again." "

This price is not low at this time in the 90s, but it is not high, mainly because the location is too good.

Everyone else doesn't have any concept of a prime location in the center, but Zhang Tiejun does. He did 50,000, 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, and he had to pay the money quickly for fear that people would regret it.

Of course, this is a mental activity, and the face must be calm and breezy.

When he arrived at the real estate department, Lian Wenli took Zhang Tiejun directly to the section chief's office, and didn't even

knock on the door: "Lao Gao, are you busy at this time?" Section Chief Gao looked up at Lian Wenli, looked at Zhang Tiejun, nodded at Zhang Tiejun, and bent his eyes: "Why do you come in, can you knock on the door?


Didn't I treat you for another three days?"

Lian Wenli dragged the chair and sat down: "Come Xiao Zhang, sit, this is our senior head of the real estate department, and we grew up with bare butts together, and now he can do it, so he has to be soothed." "

Hello Section Chief Gao, I'm Zhang Tiejun. Zhang Tiejun nodded at Section Chief Gao, stretched out his right hand and shook it with him.

"That old dilapidated house. Lian Wenli gave Section Chief Gao a wake-up call. This is the coming of the Lord.

"Oh, oh," Section Chief Gao nodded, sat up straight and looked at Zhang Tiejun: "Is it Xiao Zhang, you want to buy that factory?" "

Yes, Brother Lian accompanied me to Shenyang that day, and I just talked about this matter, so I asked Brother Lian for help." I want to buy it, pack up and open a small shop or something, and I just want to find a place to live.

"He has now booked several rooms at the city hotel, and he is in a hurry to pile things up in the rented garage. Lian Wenli explained to Section Chief Gao: "Don't look at Xiao Zhang, big boss, there are many counters selling clothes underground." "

Is it mainly to live in the treasury?" asked Zhang Tiejun the senior section chief.

"That's what I said," Lian Wenli threw a cigarette to Section Chief Gao: "What else can you do if those broken houses are going to collapse?" "It's

still a good place to clean up, it's a little old and generous." Section Chief Gao lowered his head and looked for something from the drawer: "I haven't been idle for a few years, can I have three years?

"Three years is a lot," Lian Wenli said, "The big warehouse is basically empty when it is built, and there is a good place to stay here? "

Did you tell Xiao Zhang about the price?" Section Chief Gao pulled out a brown paper bag from under the drawer: "My things are all together, and you have to run by yourself at the company's housing management office."

Lian Wenli said: "There are only a few dilapidated houses, and they are not your family, how much did it cost to build them in the first place? Besides, if you don't come out, don't you have to answer correctly from the housing management office?"

"What you said," Section Chief Gao laughed: "Can the account be calculated like this? Now just find a small partial house that used to be used by private people, which one is not a big thousand? How much is a shirt now?"

"You add it up, anyway, it's not just a matter of your words." "

Why am I the emperor? I can't explain to the above? I don't want to talk to you, I don't understand the tricks.

"I don't know what's going on with a kiba, if the guy surnamed Zhang asks him to find me, he will say that I have to get it." What else can I do? You give me a bottom. Zhang

Tiejun was there, flipping through the materials, listening to the two of them talking here.

In this era, it is like this, the human touch is still relatively sufficient, and the words and things are quite rough, many of the employees in a unit are classmates, and the officials and workers can still be scolded.

The main thing is that there is no sense of class, officials, ordinary workers, those who have money and those who have no money, everyone is together and Xi, and they still talk about feelings with each other, and there is no stratification.

In a few years, this kind of human touch will begin to fade more and more, and the human society will completely turn to the money society. Separation of classes.

"Lao Zhang still cares about you now?" Section Chief Gao said with a smile: "When you were young, you didn't hurt him less, and now he burns high incense if he doesn't look for you to do anything, don't you dare to put on your face?"

Section Chief Gao licked his lips and looked at Zhang Tiejun: "In this way, I'll be the master, forty-five thousand, okay?" Zhang Tiejun

has finished the materials, and he has indeed prepared quite completely, all the original drawings, red lines, application approvals and related formalities are there.

This is also within the steel company, a lot of housing and land in the municipal government is a confused account, there is no way to study at all, and many documents and materials from 85 years ago are gone.

Lian Wenli turned his head to look at Zhang Tiejun, Zhang Tiejun nodded: "Okay, it's forty-five thousand, you can just get all the formalities and materials here, there is a contract, right?"

"Then there must be." Section Chief Gao said: "It's not that I don't accompany you to the housing management office, this head of the formalities and materials and contracts are complete, and going over there is a procedure, if I go, I don't feel very good, do you understand?"

Even my brother said that now I just lack time, and I have to clean up before the cold. I have a lot of flowers a month.

"It's nothing, you can agree to the price, sign a contract."

Section Chief Gao went to the drawer to look for it again: "As soon as this contract is signed, the place is yours, you just hurry up and find someone to get it, if you need help from here, you just squeak, and even look for me." All friends. "

Is there still ventilation over there?" asked Lian Wenli.

"Heating...... It should be unavailable, there is water and electricity, and there is an independent electricity meter over there, which is made by me. It's okay, it's a matter of setting up a kang and burning a stove in winter.

Get some coke, your car is enough for him to burn for a winter. "

The steel company itself has a coking plant to produce coke for the following factories and mines, which is not a scarce resource, and it is not a big deal to find a relationship to get one or two cars.

In fact, water and electricity are also within the steel company, its own power plant and power supply management unit, its own electricity bills, and its own water supply plant.

Originally, the residential buildings here basically used the electricity and water supply of the steel company, but after the continuous efforts of the city and the electricity industry, the company and the municipal government were formed together.

After 95 years, most of the residents' electricity and water were allocated to the municipal government. The power company was so excited that it almost beat the gongs and drums.

Just like the mining area where Zhang Tiejun is located, with a population of hundreds of thousands, the power company's power grid turned out to be that poor agricultural households and a few small factories in the district, and the power supply station was a small bungalow with about a dozen people.

On the side of the steel company, several large substations, power supply buildings have been built early, and all kinds of vehicles are not of the same grade at all.

"Then hurry up and sign it, how to pay for the money?" Lian Wenli saw that Zhang Tiejun agreed, and directly asked the key question.

"Just sign it now, you can transfer the money to the company's account, and send me the payment certificate." "

Okay, is there an account contract?"

"Yes." Section Chief Gao found the contract and showed it to Zhang Tiejun. At this time, the contracts are also quite simple, basically there is no need to think about any traps and word games, and the honesty and trust between people are still there.

Section Chief Gao represented Yijian, Zhang Tiejun represented himself, the two signed their names on the contract, and Zhang Tiejun pressed his fingerprint. As soon as the dozen or so dilapidated houses on the north side of the road were built, Zhang Tiejun's belonged from this moment.

The red line is also quite simple, that is, outside the north courtyard wall and the west wall of the large convoy, all the way to the place where the old dormitory was built.

Zhang Tiejun estimated in his heart that there would be an area of more than 3,200 square meters, but the shape was not so regular. But it's all a small thing.

"Then thank you, Brother Gao. Zhang Tiejun shook hands with Section Chief Gao. Happy to work with.

"We're all friends, and we'll squeak when we can help in the future, and we've got to know each other.

"Although Lao Gao is a little pretending, he is still quite reliable and interesting. Even Wenli was very happy to see that the matter was done, and said a few good words about Section Chief Gao.

"I don't need your help to blow it, it's better for you to run to me a few times less than anything else in the future. Section Chief Gao looked disgusted.

"I'll arrange the money when I go back, and it will definitely arrive tomorrow.

"It's okay, it's not in a hurry, it's okay to arrive within half a month."

Zhang Tiejun took the material contract and Lian Wenli said goodbye, and when he came outside, Lian Wenli asked: "Does 45,000 feel okay?" This should be the lowest.

"It's okay, more than 3,000 square meters, mainly because I'm in a hurry." By the way, Brother Lian, can you find someone to build the wall for me according to this red line?

"What's the matter, isn't this just the job we built, and I'll arrange it for you tomorrow." Wear a hat. "

Okay, get steady. "

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