The matter of the plot here will be handed over to Zhao Weihong, he went to the urban construction side to get the certificate and approval, and he had to find the design institute to get the drawings or something, anyway, it was very troublesome.

Even if his head is particularly hard, this is not something that can be run down in a day or two, and it is useless to be anxious, just during this time, you can arrange for Lian Wenli to build walls and dismantle and clean up underground pipes and culverts.

So Zhang Tiejun himself was fine.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, brother, I'll go to Shenyang tomorrow.

"You should have gone to Shenyang a long time ago, is it estimated that it will go smoothly over there?"

"That, it must be smooth, it has to be like lubricating oil."

"your brother, Jinkiba can talk. Okay, you don't have to worry about this end, hurry up and get it done over there. "

Then I'll go, I'll have to go underground for a turn, and I'll have to go to class C in the afternoon."

"Get out of here, get out of here. I don't know what else you're up to in that broken class.

"That's it, the whole people, I have to think about my two legs. Can a wheelchair be so easy to sit on?" Zhang Tiejun smiled and waved his hand, feeling that he was light and had nothing to do.

It's so refreshing that someone is available.

I looked at the time, went back to the hotel, and did dinner. It's already noon. It's been a very fulfilling morning.

Back at the hotel, Xiaohua, Sister Xiaoping, and the second brother had lunch in the small private room of the hotel restaurant.

Today, Wang Yugang's second sister came over and looked for Xiaohua, but she didn't take the goods, Xu's daughter-in-law came over at noon yesterday, and the goods were brought back by the line car with Zheng Ying's just now.

"That's it in the future, don't rush anything, come to get it and send it, don't come if you don't come, if you return it, you have to check whether it's dirty and broken, what to do. "

The freight of the line car is all collected, and there is no need to pay anything here.

"Yu Jiajuan said that she wanted to build a thrift counter, did she tell you?" the second brother asked.

"Anyway, let's do it, add money to the old goods, just do what we should do, and the rest is the same. I'll go to Shenyang tomorrow, which of you want to go?" "

Old goods are not the same as new clothes, and after coming from Shenyang, they have to be sorted and ironed, and there are additional costs, and you have to add money. The new clothes are all rolled in big bags, and it doesn't matter if they are wrinkled.

"I'll go. Xiaohua is lively and must not let go: "By the way, brother, do you think we can make a serious suit counter? We've got people doing it here.

Zhang Tiejun thought for a while: "Let's go to Shenyang tomorrow to have a look, that has to ask for a brand, we have to talk about it, it's not something we can do if we want to." Xiaohua

said that the serious suit shop is almost the same as the later specialty store, the decoration is bright and dignified, the store is large and generous, the suits are ironed and worn on the model, and the starting point is more than 1,000.

Miscellaneous suits are now available in Zhang Tiejun's stall, and the one that costs one or two hundred or three or four hundred yuan cannot be regarded as selling suits, at most it can be regarded as a low-end casual model.

Don't look at the 90s, it seems that business is just starting out, but there are high-end clothing stores, hairdressers, gift shops and so on, and they are no worse than the later ones. It won't take two or three years for a specialty store to appear.

The earliest specialty stores were shoe stores, shoe cities, then cosmetics and athleisure brands, and formal wear was the last to come in. In fact, there is a difference of less than a year before and after.

The second brother asked, "Then do you want to go

back today?" "Go back, class C today, come over early tomorrow morning."

"It's a toss-up, it's true. Xiaohua rolled his eyes.

"Then I have to go back," Sister Xiaoping said to Xiaohua: "No matter what kind of national work can't be thrown, then my Uncle Zhang can't beat him to death?"

"If I am my eldest aunt, my son can make so much money, then can't I coax him every day?"

Xiaohua smiled and said: "Besides, what can the whole people do?

There are many people who come out to earn money, who dares to work hard?" "Xiaoping has endured hardships and lived a life without money, so he attaches great importance to work.

"It's said that it's five loves and eleven moves, isn't it?" The second brother has changed very much, after two months of training, he can't see the shadow of the original mix at all, and he thinks about business every day.

"Yes, eleven move to a new market. Zhang Tiejun nodded: "When the time comes, it is estimated that I will have to re-brush it, and there will be a lot of changes." "

Eleven, I'll go with you, go around. "


"Our side of the eleventh south exit will also be opened, and the shoe area will be opened." Xiaohua said, "You have to hurry up and stock up over there." Everyone has been selling for a month, and our house is good, so it's empty. "

Because the south exit of the market has not been opened, the shoe area has not been officially opened, and it can be sold, but there were few people in the past, and Zhang Tiejun has not taken care of it.

"Tomorrow's arrangement, do you have enough manpower here?"

"Enough, there won't be a few people over there for the time being, and I'll recruit a few more when the time comes." And what about my small merchandise counter? You don't talk at all, and I don't want to call you brother. "

Then what do you call him?" Xiaoping laughed.

The second brother said to Xiaohua: "Now the flow of people hasn't come up yet, don't you feel that there are more and more people here?"

"Anyway, the two of you are in a group. Xiaohua pouted his nose: "They're not good people." "

I pondered for a while," the second brother said to Zhang Tiejun: "When the familiarity is stabilized, let Xiaoping do it himself first, and your classmate, I'll do it for you first."

Zhang Tiejun nodded: "It's okay, it's all our family anyway." Huang Lao Wu

, what do they think?" "What can they think? Let's do it slowly, wait for a while, see if they can persevere, and see what they think." I don't have a single hair in my hand now.

"What do they think, what else can they do?" Xiaoping said: "Now that every month has more money than the whole people, and they still want to fly? According to you, at the end of the year, there will be tens of thousands of dollars on the counter, and they can't get it out of their lives."

"It's not that material, it's good right now. The second brother said: "You have to surround some people here, no matter how someone will run errands for you in the future, right?

Zhang Tiejun thought for a while and said, "How are your eldest sister and second sister doing now

?" "What's wrong?" The second brother looked at Zhang Tiejun.

"I pondered, Wuai moved to a new market, and I could let the eldest sister and the second sister get a garment factory, and then go to Wuai to occupy a stall and make a large number of people, at least I can make a few years of good money. "

Zhang Tiejun's eldest sister and second sister have all learned tailoring with Zhang's mother, and their skills are still very good.

The main thing is that in a few years, many large collective units will not work.

His eldest sister is in the mine at this time, driving a big car in the mixed post of the whole people, and it will be removed in two years, and the second sister is building in the mine, and the unit will not be able to pay wages in another two years, and it will only get better after at least five years.

The labor pains and labor pains are all the low-level workers and ordinary people, and no one cares about the pain and death.

"Do you think it can work?"

"Sure, there's goods over there that don't worry about selling, and besides, don't you still have me." I'll invest in some stocks. "

Then I'll go back and talk to them, I guess they have to ask me Aunt Zhang." ...... If you get it, where will the factory be placed? We can't do it over there, right?"

"Put it in the market, now the workers are easy to recruit, and it is not far to go to Shenyang." "

Most of the women in this era will sew machines, sewing, mending, crocheting, embroidery and cutting are all essential skills in life.

This kind of small factory does not need to engage in its own pattern-making, just do what is hot in the market, as long as the raw materials are good, there is no problem. In another year or two, the new market of Wuai will be full of such processing plants.

Around 95 years ago, Wuai's small garment factory and Daxi's underground electronics factory fed many laid-off workers in Shenyang, which really saved people from fire and water. There are also night markets and building materials cities, which are also credited.

"Why don't you let my aunt come out to work in the factory?" Xiaohua asked Zhang Tiejun.

"My mom's area of activity is limited to the selection factory, unless my dad retires, it's okay. Zhang Tiejun explained with a smile.

In fact, even if Zhang's mother had time, Zhang Tiejun didn't think about letting her come out to toss, what to do with that tiredness? If she can make money, just let them enjoy it.

It's not that she didn't call Gu Chunfen for dinner, she was not here today, so she went home. Zhang Tiejun also found out when he arrived here.

In this era, the information is not smooth, and many times it is so unfortunate, and most of the time it depends on luck to find someone to meet or something.

After eating, the next thing was roughly decided, Xiaohua still had to recruit some people here, a few in the shoe area, and people were also employed for packaging and delivery. After Yu Jiajuan's side started it, the volume of goods was still so large.

Zhang Tiejun himself is going to Shenyang to sort out the delivery channels, increase the style, start sending shoes, and talk about suits.

After eating, everyone went to work, Zhang Tiejun returned to the room and lay down for a while, took a notebook to sort out all his things, and arranged the order.

Now, he basically has nothing to do in this city, mainly on Zhang Guanguan's side, and he needs to hurry up when buying a house and land.

Zhang Tiejun lay down on the bed with his notebook, his lips clicked, he felt as if he was a little troublesome, he didn't have to be so troublesome, he just had peace of mind to get a small business and wait to make a fortune, but how could it be like this?

Throwing the notebook aside, Zhang Tiejun fell into deep self-doubt and felt that he was going to be wasted.

How did it come to this? A lot of trouble.

After lying down for a long time, I found that there was nothing I could do, and I had to fight the cannon I had made an appointment with tears, so I was very helpless.

Get up, wash your face, you have to go back to get ready for work, isn't that what life is? No matter what you think, you always have to be pushed forward by something, whether you want to or not, you can't pull out when you step into it.

Not even if you are born again.

In the future, you have to be calm, you have to hold on, you can't continue like this.

He looked at himself in the mirror: Dude, hold on.

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