Early in the morning of the 15th, a heavy fog enveloped the entire city.

Today is Sunday, the 23rd day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar, and it is advisable to ask for a child.

It's not just the cities along the rivers that are foggy, the mountain cities are just as foggy and foggy.

The fog is actually a cloud, which flows like flowing water, covers it at night when the air pressure is low, and flows back into the sky after dawn as the sun rises.

The fog has a strong grainy feeling when breathing, which is what was later called PM2.5 every day, but in this day and age, there is no such statement, and no one cares, and the smoke and fog in the large chimney of the factory are mixed together and rush into the nostrils.

Xiaohua is still sleeping, this girl is not honest in sleeping, she is all around, her clothes have been rolled up to her armpits, and the cartoon bear on her pants is twisting her face.

Zhang Tiejun smiled, lightly covered Xiaohua with a blanket, and walked lightly to the window to look out.

The dawn in the Northeast is early, especially in summer, the sky is bright at more than three o'clock in the morning, and after five o'clock at this time, it is already bright, and the road has been full of cars and people, especially the opposite railway station, which has fallen into a busy situation.

Tea and egg sellers, newspaper sellers, restaurants, hostels, long-distance buses, taxis, black cars, people who take the morning train, and people who arrive by night train, all gather in the square, which is lively and lively.

Zhang Tiejun went to wash up, left fifty yuan for Xiaohua, took the key to the room, closed the door and went downstairs.

I drank a bowl of wontons at the state-run restaurant on the edge of the square in front of the station, and then walked down the commuter entrance into the station. The commuter entrance is open at this time in the morning, and in order to facilitate the entry and exit of employees, there should be someone to guard it in theory, but in practice there is not.

The commuter train stopped on the platform, and there were already a lot of people sitting on the train, and the sound of poker was coming and going. In this era, there are few people who gamble money, and they play with sticker strips, and they watch the excitement in a circle on the side.

There are not many people on the commuter bus that gets up early from the city to go to the mine, and there are many people who come, and when the commuter workers who live in the mine go home from work in the afternoon, plus the people who come to the city for various reasons, it is called a squeeze, and the kind that is directly squeezed into pregnancy.

Zhang Tiejun walked along the platform, found a car that looked relatively empty, and sat down casually. The commuter bus departing from the city is good if it does not occupy a seat, and you can sit on it if there is an empty seat.

This kind of commuter train is the internal vehicle of the iron and steel company, which is not under the control of the railway, and pays the railway fee on an annual basis, including the locomotive, and the staff are all employees of the steel company, and belongs to the transportation department of the steel company.

Many of the city's bus lines, including some long-distance routes, are also operated by the transportation department of the steel company.

It would take a few more years to wait for a few more years, around 95 years, when the large state-owned enterprises were restructured, the education department of the iron and steel company, and some departments of the Ministry of Transport were transferred to the municipal side, the commuter train was transferred to the railway section, and the bus lines were transferred to the municipal bus company.

It didn't take long to wait, the train started after the people sat for seven or eighty percent, and the conductor locked the door and shook the key to start checking the ticket. Zhang Tiejun paid for the ticket, and was inexplicably looked at by the conductor several times.

In these years, it is indeed rare to be able to hide, find various reasons to prevaricate, and take the initiative to make up the ticket.

After more than forty minutes of library wiping, the train arrived at the mining station.

Zhang Tiejun got off the train with the flow of people, did not leave the platform, and went directly across the railway line to the small railway station.

When he arrived at the concentrator factory, the time had just come to 6:15, and it was still very early before the start of work. The doors and windows of the hair salon were closed, and Gu Chunfen hadn't gotten up yet.

Zhang Tiejun leaned on the crack of the window and looked, the light inside was already on, so he knocked lightly on the door: "Fen'er." "


"I, Zhang Tiejun." The

door clicked and opened a crack from the inside, Gu Chunfen wore a small pants and hid behind the door to look out, and saw that it was really Zhang Tiejun who opened the door: "Why did you run over so early?" "

I came back from the morning train, and I was in the city yesterday. Zhang Tiejun entered the house, took Gu Chunfen's lunch box on the windowsill, put breakfast in it, and then washed his hands.

Gu Chunfen had already plugged in the door and got back into the bed: "What are you doing in the city

?" "Don't you eat while it's hot?" "

No, what time is it

?" "I can't afford to wake up, what are you doing lying down?"

"Comfortable." There is nothing comfortable in the bed, and there is nothing to do when you get up. Gu Chunfen stuffed the book under the pillow and looked at Zhang Tiejun, watery.

"You don't block the cracks in the windows, and you're not afraid of being seen.

"I can't see this side of the bed again, where are you afraid?"

Zhang Tiejun walked over, and Gu Chunfen stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Zhang Tiejun's neck ......

was busy until seven twenty, and Zhang Tiejun, who was still unsatisfied, had to get up, wash and get dressed: "I'll go to the workshop to report, you can sleep for a while." "

Hmm. Gu Chunfen, who was stained with sweat, closed her eyes and lay there softly, panting: "The door is locked." Zhang

Tiejun went to open the door.

"Will you come back in a while?"

"I don't know. I don't know how to arrange the workshop, let's see. I still have to go to my mom's to report back. I rented a counter in the underground mall, and you will come with me to the city in a few days. "

OK. Do you have a place to live in the city?" Gu Chunfen opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Tiejun.

"Yes, I have a room in the city hotel, and you and my sister and my sister will stay there at that time, and you will eat in the hotel restaurant. Right at the entrance of the underground mall, convenient. "

Then are you going?"

"If you want to go, you can't run at both ends, and you can't throw away your work." Work throws my dad and can't beat me to death.

"Work must not be thrown.

Zhang Tiejun came out and closed the door, tried to make sure it was locked, and then walked to the factory gate. When he walked to the bridge, he saw Ruibin and Sun Zhongke in front of him from a distance, and shouted and chased after him.

"Where did you come from, we didn't see you when we came.

"Behind you. Just you, what about them?"

"Who else? Everyone else has been working for two days, and I don't know if we will be paid for the past two days. "

Then it must be calculated, the factory has paid you for these two days? Have you gone to see the fine crushing over there in the past two days?"

"I didn't go, what kind of love do you like, what else can

I do?" Zhang Tiejun They didn't arrange it in the fine crushing workshop when they actually Xi, they went to the middle crush. The difference between fine and medium crushed is still relatively large, and the name of the coarse, medium and fine three crushed is the same, but in fact, there is a big difference in the details of the work.

Coarse crushing is the crushing of ore transported from the mine to the size of a human head. The ore coming down from the mountain is all large, and some of them have a diameter of more than one meter.

Medium crushing is to crush the ore the size of a human head to the size of a fist, then enter the fine crushing, crush it to the size of a fingernail, and then enter the ball mill in the sorting workshop to grind it into powder. When the ore is ground into powder, water will be added to turn it into very turbid beneficiation water.

After being screened by fine sieving for many times, the beneficiation water enters the sedimentation tank for flotation, and then enters the magnetic separator, and then the black iron powder is refined. The iron powder is belted into storage tanks tens of meters high, loaded onto trains, and transported to the sintering plant in the city.

The sintering plant burns the iron powder into a powder ball and sends it to the ironworks, which can use the sintered pellets to make molten iron. This is pig iron. Pig iron is then smelted into steel, which is then processed into various profiles.

Rebar, coils, rolled plates, etc., including various types of steel pipes. Rolled plate is divided into hot rolling and cold rolling, cold rolling is currently the most advanced technology in the world, which began in Germany. But in fact, the Japanese who like counterfeiting are the most skilled.

In the 90s, some Japanese processing ships were stationed in the port of Dalian all year round, mainly processing soybeans and rolling plates.

Soybeans are purchased from the Tohoku and then sold for oil beans.

I'm afraid few people know that small soybeans are quite important strategic materials, and no one will know that when Tsarist Russia seized the Northeast, including the Russo-Japanese War later, it was actually a robbery of soybean resources.

The small Northeast is the world's largest soybean resource, the only two soybean resources, the United States began to try its best to cultivate soybean bases more than 100 years ago, until now has not been completely successful. There is too little black soil.

This is also the reason why there are countries that steal black soil.

Pressed soybeans are soybeans after oil extraction, and our process is that after oil extraction, it becomes soybean cake, but the Japanese technology can keep the appearance of soybeans after oil extraction completely unchanged, that is, there will be a small hole in each bean.

Such soybeans can continue to be processed, and there is no delay in making tofu or anything, but it is not so delicious. Not fragrant.

The rolling plate is similar, that is, our rolled plate is used for reprocessing, but after their reprocessing, the density is completely different in all aspects, and the price will double.

So no matter what you do, technology is always king. Without technology and industry, everything is nothing more than a castle in the air.

Those so-called high-end occupations that cannot produce food, clothes and shoes are just parasites adsorbed on the body of industry, and have no role or significance except for destruction and blood sucking.

Food and industry will always be fundamental, and they will never be able to replace the foundation of existence. It's just that the whole society is forgetting its roots, as if everything you eat can fall from the sky.

Especially grain. Some actions are really self-defeating.

From the factory gate to the factory road to the fine crushing workshop, it is about a kilometer, and half of the road is climbing.

The fine crushing workshop is on the slope of the mountain, and the top is the four sorting workshop, which is completely on the mountain, and you need to climb a steep slope to go up. In winter, the steep slope is a nightmare for all employees.

Not only the employees of the four selection workshops, but all the employees of the whole factory.

The liquefied gas station is on the hillside on the east side of the fourth sorting workshop, and the only way to change the liquefied gas tank is there.

On that slope of more than 50 degrees and 100 meters, Zhang Tiejun's blood and sweat were left everywhere...... I have to fall a few times a year in winter. But he knew that he would have to fall, so he couldn't let Zhang's father come over and get falling, right?

Ruibin and Sun Zhongke were immersed in the beautiful vision of going to work and paying their salaries soon, all kinds of yearning and fantasy, Zhang Tiejun listened quietly on the side, and mourned for them in his heart.

As the eldest aunt said, small pieces are not a place for people to stay. That's really not a derogatory term.

A workshop where all workers would rather take less wages and try their best to flee one after another, and a workshop that has to be filled with high benefits to attract large collective workers, will not be a good place to think with your knees.

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