The top of the belt road trough is quite empty, there are two thousand square meters, except for a belt and the unloading truck above the belt There is nothing, and the post lounge stands alone in the middle.

As soon as the two of them entered the lounge, the phone rang before the lunch box pocket was put down.

Li Childer picked up the phone: "Hey, speak." "

The call can only be from the operation room, it is to understand the situation, and it must be called every day to change shifts.

"I just came up and just entered the house, and I haven't seen it yet, right away. Li Childer explained, buttoned the phone, took the mask and went out to see the warehouse.

Zhang Tiejun actually knew what to do, but he couldn't say it at this time, so he could only follow Zhu Bajie aside.

"You have to look at the silo as soon as you go to work to see if it's full, and the speed of blanking," Li Childer told Zhang Tiejun: "Sometimes there is a small accident or something in the last shift, and it is easy not to unload. "

Leaky eye refers to the fact that all the ore in the silo is exhausted, and standing on it, you can see the light from the leaky hole at the bottom of the silo, a very small point of light. This situation is an accident, because it will cause a complete shutdown of the following sorting workshop.

"Look at the line on the side? The ore surface has to be replenished when it reaches the second line, and the silo below does not feel so big, and there are a lot of dead materials piled up on the side, understand?"

Zhang Tiejun nodded. Because of the accumulation of time, the actual discharge volume of the silo is about half of the complete silo, and the space below is occupied by the deposited dead material, and I don't know why the factory does not organize cleaning.

This kind of work is not capable of post workers, it must be organized in the factory, and the workshop does not dare. There are actually quite a lot of situations like this in old factories, but no one will ever care.

Of the six silos, only four are usually used, and the other two are standby bins, and the ball mill below usually does not rotate, which belongs to the standby production line. In Zhang Tiejun's memory, he worked here for nearly five years, and the backup production line ran twice.

It is when the main production line is overhauled that the backup line will be started.

After looking at the four silos, the two people returned to the lounge to call back the operation room, and Li Erer called the start.

It was only two minutes after putting down the phone, and I heard a loud scream like an aviation alarm, and then I felt the factory under my feet tremble, the belt conveyor began to rotate, and the roar in the factory below also sounded.

That's when the crusher spins. The crusher is responsible for breaking the ore, and the way to break it is to smash it hard, and use the hammer body that swings in the middle to smash the falling ore hard. That sound will make people understand what it means to be deafening.

The belt was idling for a few minutes, and from a distance, I saw that the belt appeared black in the middle of the leaky mouth, Li Childer said: "The material is up, go, I'll teach you to take a taxi, this is our job." "

The two of them put on Zhu Bajie and came out.

The unloading truck is a huge platform, with motors and tracks, the wheels are the same as the train wheels, and the belt walks an S shape inside the unloading truck, throwing the ore above into the leaky mouths on both sides of the unloading truck and discharging into the silo below.

The ore hits the iron plate of the discharge nozzle and makes a dense noise like a rainstorm, which makes people want to pee.

Li Er'er took Zhang Tiejun up to the unloading truck and pointed out to him the unloading truck control switch, which is a wrench in the shape of a twisted ear, with the right twist being forward and the left twisting being backward. There is also a lever on the car, which is a single drain for blanking, and a double drain for blanking.

The platform on top of the unloading truck is a bit large, and there is no problem for seven or eight people to stand.

"You remember," Li Er'er took off his mask and shouted next to Zhang Tiejun's ear: "Always leave a pit not to be full, and leave time for parking, otherwise it will come out if there is no place to flow, and you can only use a shovel to pull it back again, and it is easy to hurt the belt."

Zhang Tiejun nodded, indicating that he understood, and motioned for him to put on the mask.

"You come, I'll watch. Li Er'er pointed to the car button.

Zhang Tiejun stood up and operated, without pressure at all.

"Counterfeit goods are also very easy to stop, if we stop it, it will be over, then the whole line has to be suppressed, you know how many goods do you have to have? at least thousands of tons, that is a major accident, if you are not fired, you will be taken care of."

Zhang Tiejun nodded, drove the unloading truck to the No. 1 pit, grabbed the mask and shouted: "Master, go back and rest, I will get it." "


, don't worry."

Li Er jumped down from the unloading truck, stood there and watched for a while, and then hesitantly returned to the lounge. After all, I am still a little worried.

Zhang Tiejun drove the unloading truck to the No. 1 pit, looked at it and estimated the time, jumped off the car and went back to the lounge.

"Twenty minutes.

"Can you calculate accurately?"

"Almost, I used to tinker with the second factory." My dad is in the second factory.

"Oh, that's pretty much it, it's all the same. Li Child'er was relieved and sat on the iron bed: "The mattress on this is shared by the four classes, so don't get anything on it, try to be clean."

If you sleep on the night shift, you still have to bring your own up, and you can toss your own casually. If we work the night shift, the two of us will change one by one, one person for four hours, otherwise we won't be able to stay up.

"Okay, got it.

"If you have something to do, tell me in advance, just the two of us on this post, and it's easy to arrange something else, and nothing else." Then it's better not to spend on the night shift, it doesn't matter if it's day shift or class C, just say it in advance.

"I have something to do in the city, and I always have to run to the city in the future, but I try not to delay work. Zhang Tiejun also told him about his situation: "If there are special circumstances, I will give you a substitute fee."

"That's a trivial matter, just try not to rush the night shift, one person can't stay up, our mine tank is not the same as other posts, it's not easy to find someone to replace you temporarily, it's easy to get you down, and it's even less free to get below." "

This is telling the truth, Zhang Tiejun was transferred below because of this in his last life. There are so many things below than the mine tank, and it's not good to take a leave of absence if you're tired to death.

Liu Sanzi was able to arrange him to the mine tank, and to be honest, he did take care of his feelings.

The noise above is small and the dust is less, the work is not so tiring, the two people are not lonely, and the last flower class does not have to go through the team, and the two people can discuss it. As long as the team will not manage it after discussion, it will not affect production.

In other words, as long as Zhang Tiejun coaxes Li Er'er, he can only work the night shift, and he can not come to the day shift or Class C, as long as Li Er'er agrees. What's wrong with that? Give money.

But there's no urgency, and there's no need for it now.

Nearly 20 minutes later, Zhang Tiejun put on Zhu Bajie and went out to take a look, and changed the unloading truck to the No. 2 pit.

The day shift and the C shift don't sleep, and this work is not tiring, it doesn't matter who does more or less, and it's also his own master. Deal with your feelings first.

"Tie Jun, don't touch this switch, it's used for heating in winter. "

How do you get warm? Isn't there heating

up there?" "It's not okay to point to the heating, it's empty up there, and it's windy on all sides." There are six light bulbs under the bed, and this switch will heat up the bed for a while, so that it will be comfortable.

Zhang Tiejun lay on the edge of the bed and looked under the iron bed, and six large light bulbs of one kilowatt were installed underneath. This does get hot. I just don't know if I can sleep at this brightness, and my eyes will be blind, right?"


two of them chatted and gossiped like this, and Zhang Tiejun didn't use Li Er'er to get out of bed and did all the work...... In fact, it is to adjust the position of the unloading truck back and forth, and it is completely to go out for a walk.

The top of the mine tank on the day shift is really easy, but the night shift is not good, and the people in the posts below can sleep until dawn, and there must be someone on the mine tank to stay awake.

The night shift generally makes a phone call to the top in the operation room every once in a while, just for fear that the top will fall asleep. If it is counterfeit, it will be a hill in a few minutes, and if the unloading truck is stopped, the calf will be finished.

Zhang Tiejun was in this position in his last life, and when it was his turn to be on duty during the night shift, he didn't stay in the lounge, so he took the book and sat on the unloading truck, reading the book and reading the material at the same time, without delay.

It's just that once the book fell into the pit, which was a bit bad.

After more than three hours, the pit was full, Zhang Tiejun called the operation room to stop, but the other side didn't believe it, so Li Er'er had to say it again. Newcomers have no human rights.

"That's right, go down and get food. Li Childer was a little happy, this apprentice is too trouble-free, and he can deal with it: "In the future, let's put the lunch box together, and go down alone at noon to carry it, in case we both go down to unload the material." "

Okay, I'll pick up the food later." Zhang Tiejun took this job. When you're young, it doesn't matter how many steps you run.

The two of them packed up and prepared to go down, and they saw Liu Sanzi walking over from the leaky mouth with a big five-section flashlight.

"What are you doing when you stop the car?"

"Take a look, Lao Yin said that Tie Jun called, he didn't worry, and I didn't worry. "

Damn," Li Er'er twitched her face: "I'm not still on it, and it's not him." Besides, he can do it, no worse than me, and he can be accurately weighed.

"Is it so evil?"

"No, I didn't move this morning, he was all doing it." I've tinkered with it before. "

Have you done this before?" Liu Sanzi asked Zhang Tiejun.

"The one over there in the second factory, my dad is not in the second factory. "

Oh, oh, yes. That's okay, the above is really quite good, which post is not stronger than the following? You don't even need to ask for leave, do it well, the dust is still small.

"That's, no problem. Zhang Tiejun handed Liu Sanzi a cigarette.

"Damn, you just smoke Kiba Painting Garden? Don't talk about foreign cigarettes, it's better to have the whole Tower Mountain? Your family is not bad for money. "

I like to smoke this, gotta get it. Wait for the next time I'll come to the box, okay?"

"That's okay, in fact, as long as I'm not an old drought, I really can't stand Xu Da's whole play, it's hard to understand how the people in their lounge carried it, I'm going to be fascinated by that bite." Spicy throat. "

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