"You've joined the propaganda team, then it's eleven soon, aren't you going to work again?"

"Well," Zhang Tiejun laughed proudly: "I'm going to go to the rehearsal in a few days, and you can legally not come to work, anyway, it's just to mix." "

Then you directly transferred a kiba, what are you still doing here?"

"I also want to be transferred, July is assigned to be transferred in September? The factory director is not my father." Now I'm quite satisfied, and our family has nothing to do with it.

Everyone laughed, and the attitude of several old workers towards Zhang Tiejun obviously had some changes. A child who has just entered the factory, relying on himself to make money and go to the propaganda team, is really amazing.

Great people will always be respected no matter where they are, at least look at them at a glance.

"What is the way to make money in the future," Shang Chinese thought for a while and said, "Without affecting yourself, can you talk to us?" We don't want to be rich and expensive, just earn a little money to buy a fur coat for our daughter-in-law in winter."

Zhang Tiejun thought for a while and said: "Actually, there is nothing that can't be said, I am selling clothes now, if you want to do it, I can support it, and I can bring you back the goods regardless of it, it depends on whether you want to do it or not."

Xu Da thought for a while and looked at Shang Chinese: "If he can bring the goods, I feel that it is really okay, we don't have to buy the goods, just find a place to sell them, isn't it much simpler

?" Shang Chinese blinked and looked at Zhang Tiejun: "Doesn't that affect yourself?" Zhang Tiejun

shook his head: "It doesn't have any effect." There are more people selling clothes, and there are not thousands of them from the front of the station to the city, and there are no fewer of them.

Several people nodded, feeling that what Zhang Tiejun said was true, Shang Chinese looked at Xu Da: "What do you think?" My daughter-in-law's salary can't be paid in her unit now, so it's better to try it in vain.

Xu Da took a small lunch box and rolled a cigarette, and nodded: "Try it." Where do you want to sell it? The station is definitely not as good as the city, and the people on our side have a little money in their hands to send it to the city, and they can't sell it at a high price in our place. Lao

Kou got up and got his helmet: "I'll go to the post and take a turn." "

His family is in the countryside, it is a large collective, and he is a worker in the family, so he will definitely not get involved in this kind of business, and he does not have that condition.

In fact, most of the people who work here have quite average or bad family conditions.

"I'll go too. Shang Chinese took on his hard hat and grabbed Zhu Bajie and followed out.

"If you don't go to the post after the transfer, why don't you go around?" Xu Da looked at the remaining people.

"Go, take a look at it, and I have a bottom in my heart. A few people got up and put on Zhu Bajie and went out with hard hats, and Erte also brought shovels, ready to clean up, so that they could be more relaxed when they got off work and swept the road.

Zhang Tiejun doesn't have to go, his post is quite safe, basically don't care.

lit a cigarette, Xu Da looked at him: "It really doesn't affect you, don't be embarrassed, just say what you need to say, don't do it if you don't want to, no one can do anything about you, you have to calculate well."

"It's really fine," Zhang Tiejun said, "It's not anyone's favor, how many years have we known each other?

I have several stalls in the city, and there are many varieties for sale, so when the time comes, you can go directly to the stall to see the goods, and then give me the book when you see which one you like. "

How much money do you make?" asked Xu Da as he leaned over and lowered his voice.

"Three hundred thousand. Now that selling clothes is on fire, there should be a guarantee of 18,000 yuan a month. The premise is that the goods are right.

"That's for sure, vision is too important. Xu nodded a lot: "I'll go back and discuss with your sister-in-law, I'm tempted, let's not talk about how much money I make, it's also a good thing for my daughter-in-law and children to get a few more clothes."

300,000, I'll fuck you brother, I can't even think about it, you're really good. Your mother doesn't want you to pay it?"

"I handed it over, I gave my mother everything I earned before except for buying a car, anyway, the stall is all up, and it's useless for me to take so much money."

If you want to do it, it's better to go to the city, we sell women and children here, and forget about men's clothes, you see how many people wear work clothes every day? "

Fuck," Xu laughed with big teeth, "I feel like you're talking about me." It's not good to wear work clothes? It also saves money.

Zhang Tiejun pouted: "It's despicable, we didn't even give it a work uniform, it."

"It's all a big collective here, what's the distribution? Don't you want money? Do you think it's not two sets of clothes in the other year? There are also cadre uniforms on the factory side." Even if we send that kind of play, it's all coarse canvas.

"I see that you are dressed very well every day?" Xu

Da smiled: "Sturdy and strong, you don't have to pay attention to anything when you go to work every day, it's not reluctant, if I really have money, I don't want to wear good clothes?

"I promised to get a counter for Liu Sanzi, you go back and tell your sister-in-law to go too, you can't pay for it." "

How many do you have in your hand? Give this to that, is it enough for these people? Xiao Wang Yugang, you must have to pull a hand, right? Who else?"

"No, just these few people." Liu Sanzi is similar to you, his father was also with my father, and he has known each other for many years. I'm not talking about my own counter, I'm talking about a few of my friends, who don't do it themselves, and use them for me for the time being.

"Then what are they trying to do? You have to spend money to pay the rent for occupying the counter, right?"

"Subletting, how can you not transfer one for tens of thousands after the fire? It's just a one-time smash, and this money can't be saved."

"I don't have that much money, if I had that much, I would have changed to a three-room house, and now the child is still milking her in the same room."

"Do it first, now the counter is still in my hands, just pay the rent normally, and wait for them to turn around, if you make money, you will not be short of tens of thousands, if you don't earn or don't want to do it, you will withdraw, and there is no risk." "

How much is the rent?"

"Now it's less than two thousand, so it's easy." It will definitely rise in the future, but it's all small money. "

Can you really earn 10,000 or 20,000

?" "Isn't earning 5,000 also ten times your salary?"

As soon as the door opened, a loud noise rushed in from outside, and Xu Da got up to get the helmet: "I'll go to the post to have a look." Shang

Chinese came back, he was a sieve: "Special hemp, I have another grinding leak, every day I have to make up for it, it's really Temok."

Xu Da laughed: "Aren't you just doing this, if you don't work for nothing, how can you give you money? Otherwise, let's change it, and you go and change the lining iron.

"Korakiba down, I can still play welding, I can't get your one, it's too scary." Did the woman on Lao Kou's sieve say anything two days ago?Why didn't you believe

it?""Then what do you say?" Xu Da put on a mask and went to take the iron chisel: "Then where to find it? There is a special piece of meat left, who knows where it came from? Whoever is looking for trouble, it doesn't matter what imbalance you have." "

Dead again?" Zhang Tiejun asked.

"That's not a regular thing," Xu Da shook his head: "Just pay attention to yourself and be careful, you can't control it, you can't control it, we can't get any scum left, it's not a trouble."

Xu Da went out, and Shang Chinese came to Zhang Tiejun's side: "Dude, how much money do you have to invest if you do it now?" "It doesn't take much now

, just pay a rent, just take the goods from me first, count the number and sell it and then give me money." It's that after the back is on fire, the counter will definitely have to turn, and then it will depend on the price, and a counter will cost tens of thousands.

"If you really earn tens of thousands, it's not much. Shang Chinese nodded. His family conditions are much better than Xu's family, and his understanding of money is not the same. Younger, more receptive to the concept of investment.

"My friend has a total of 20 counters in my hands, and I estimate that I will have to turn around in December at the latest, and I can turn it flat for three months, and if I get it right, I can get 70,000 or 80,000 in my hand, and if I want to do it, I can hurry up.

"Lao Xu said what to do?"

"It should be about the same, it's up to him, this play is not a matter of persuasion." Liu Sanzi wants to do it.

"Then I'll figure it out and think about it, and believe you." I went back to discuss with my daughter-in-law, and the family money was in her hands.

"You just let your daughter-in-law go to the stall, and you don't have to hire anyone, and it doesn't matter if she wants to do that job." "

It's okay to commute, but it's a little tiring."

"When you earn money, you don't get tired, you just take the train." Zhang Tiejun laughed: "The distressed daughter-in-law does not have such a distressing method as you, and it is not early in the morning, the underground is only open at half past eight in the morning, and it will be closed at half past four in the afternoon." "

His daughter-in-law is a little beautiful, more than 1.7 meters tall, quite upright, loves to laugh, smiles very well, and has a very gentle personality. In these years, the handsome ones are looking for good-looking ones, as long as the men are handsome and the daughters-in-law are not bad.

The main reason is that the general environment is there in this year, and most of them are responsible and can live a good life.

Zhang Tiejun's typhoid fever in his last life was in this house, there was a Shang Chinese, and his daughter-in-law took the morning train to the infectious disease hospital every day to cook for him, which was really enviable.

"Then how do you get lunch at noon?"

"Yes, just follow me to eat, I ordered a box lunch at the city hotel, you can order whatever you want."

"That's okay, that's okay, at least you can't suffer it, don't you say?"

"Yes, you're right. Zhang Tiejun laughed, I've seen a good way to treat a daughter-in-law, but I've never seen such a good way to treat a daughter-in-law, it's too detailed.

"How many people have you hired?" How much do you pay?

" "Are you not going to mend the sieve?"

"It's okay later, you can talk about it first." "

I hired more than thirty people, and the average of one person is five hundred, five or six hundred. Salary plus bonus. The number of jobs is two hundred and two two hundred and four, and the bonus is given according to the sales.

It's still so tiring, you have to balance the family, and money is not earned by one person.

"Then you have to spend 15,000 a month's salary?"

"Pretty much, a little more than that." I'm twenty counters. "

Holy shit, that's a big deal. Really. ...... Fuck, fuck it, I can't fight if I don't fight, I fuck you when you ride that big motorcycle.

"Being able is a matter of earning more and earning less, and no matter how much a month will cap your salary for at least a year." "

Zhang Tiejun has a good sense of Shang Chinese, he is handsome, and he is quite upright, and he is a capable person. In the previous life, the two people had little contact and the relationship was average, but it did not affect the mutual understanding. At that time, he was really ignorant.

"You're the richest in our class now, and you're still the youngest.

Shang Chinese looked up at the roof more than ten meters high: "In the past, Hongwu was the richest, he was two terms older than you, hand-selected one, opened a wholesale department in Nanshan, and then opened a restaurant, and went to other classes."

People still have to fight, and there is no hope for going to work...... This class doesn't dare to throw it, and it can't be thrown, it's an iron rice bowl.

"Just let my sister-in-law go, if you have a counter, you are sitting and selling goods, unlike me, I am standing there." Not so tired. "

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