Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 2004 Achieving the Goal 5

At this moment, the richest man didn't know it, but he was already being targeted by Mitterrand; mainly because the experts on Middle East issues mentioned him last time, and Mitterrand was not an idiot; he quickly figured out the problem!

The short selling of the franc continues, even with the full resistance of the 200 major shareholders of the Bank of France; however, the strength of international hot money is too strong. In addition, international public opinion is extremely unfavorable to France, and it cannot get any support at all.

As Wall Street is the main short seller of the franc, U.S. officials will definitely not support the French; you must know that the presidential election requires the support of Wall Street capital. Directly intervening in other people's money making, next time I want to get campaign funds, I guess I will be embarrassed. The most important thing is that people won't pay attention to you. Isn't it nice to support your competitors?

In the U.S. presidential election, sufficient funds are a prerequisite for a successful campaign. Wall Street financial giants are all about money; therefore, their support can play a decisive role to a certain extent.

Such a good opportunity not only lacks support; it is also held back to a certain extent. The President of the United States would never do it, or even dare not do it; you must know that he did not help Britain back then, and he would not interfere in France's affairs.

Therefore, in addition to its own people, France can only seek breakthroughs from other forces outside the United States; the strength of Heiyun Group, coupled with the influence of Bao Zixuan, the world's richest man, cannot be ignored by anyone!

The United Arab Emirates also joined the Arab countries in announcing a reduction in France's credit limit. The French ambassador protested many times; the final effect was not very good, or it could be said that it did not give him face! Known as the world's third most powerful military country, it can't even deal with the small African country of Niger; it's simply ridiculous!

If countries want to gain respect, they have always relied on strong national defense and economic strength. It is useless to say anything else! Now that France is performing so badly on the battlefield, let alone gaining respect; if they don't take the opportunity to step on you, it will be regarded as caring about old friendships.

Therefore, the French ambassador was not very optimistic about meeting Bao Zixuan. As the ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, he naturally knows that the four major French families have asked him for help in redeeming people from Niger.

Before the war started, he took the initiative to send equipment to the enemy; the purpose was to prevent his own children from being put in danger. It can be said that France's defeat was not only due to the military aspect, but also because the senior officials, especially the aristocratic families, did not consider the interests of the entire country.

Rescue one of their children and send them weapons and equipment; thousands of civilians may have to be sacrificed! How can such a country win the war?

Although he knew the reason for the failure of the war, there were some things he could not say even to death. If that happened, he would completely offend several wealthy nobles in France. Even if you don't do it yourself, it is estimated that future generations will not have good fruits to eat.

As the ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, if he loses the war, he will at most receive some criticism and suffer some unfair treatment during the negotiation process. But so what, a camel is so skinny that it is bigger than a horse; Arabs do not dare to be too blatant, and they know how to restrain themselves. The overall feeling is acceptable, after all, no one is stupid; everyone understands the principle of keeping a line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future!

The attitude given by the UAE is very clear. They are following other Arab countries; they dare not take the lead easily, but as long as Saudi Arabia or Iraq relents, they will definitely follow suit and will never dare to embarrass France.

Although the goal was not completely achieved, I was still able to accept it in my heart; it also gave France some face.

You must know that the entire world is not very friendly to France at the moment. We can only hope that good news will come from the embassies in Saudi Arabia and Iraq!

The country issued instructions for him to go to Bao Zixuan for help; in his position and in his political affairs, there is no reason to shirk! After collecting the collected information, we came to Fujairah!

Fortunately, it was not that he had no cards at all. Mitterrand personally called and said that the French Embassy in the United Arab Emirates could be placed in Fujairah. You must know that Abu Dhabi is the capital and the core of the entire country; why does it matter if the embassy is placed elsewhere; the attitude should not be too obvious!

With such a huge temptation, I believe Bao Zixuan will definitely consider it seriously; after all, Fujairah is his territory. Winning support from France is equivalent to taking a very important step!

At this time, the second son was still in Fujairah and heard the French ambassador to the United Arab Emirates asking for an audience; he naturally knew what was going on.

Of course, the richest man Bao did not deliberately avoid it, but asked the second young master to listen in the back; but he was absolutely not allowed to come out. He is already very candid, but you should know that the French ambassador will definitely have some scruples when speaking in the presence of outsiders.

The second young master was very moved by this, and at the same time he understood what Bao Zixuan wanted to express; he was right to want to cooperate with such a person.

There's nothing wrong with removing you directly; but they didn't do that. In other words, this time we are completely on the side of the Arab countries and will never reach any agreement with the French in private!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Welcome to your Excellency the Ambassador; you have never been to Fujairah before. I hope this time I can leave a deep impression on you!"

The Gallic Rooster still looks down on the Arabs in his heart, thinking that they are more likely to have good fortunes; the land contains oil and natural gas, but other than that they can be said to be useless.

At this moment, you dare to give eye drops to the French people. When the incident subsides, you must give them a good look.

The arrogance in the bones is difficult to change in a short period of time; but for Bao Zixuan, no matter what dimension he is judged from, he does not dare to have any contempt.

It is indeed unfair to say that I have never been to Fujairah; this ambassador has only been in office for three months, and many things have not been straightened out. Therefore, apart from Abu Dhabi, I have only been to Dubai. Although Fujairah's economy is developing rapidly, it has few connections with France; there is almost no cooperation.

In addition, he has been running for the defeat of Niger recently, so how can he take care of other things.

When Bao Zixuan spoke like this, it was clear that he was giving him a blow; since he didn't think highly of Fujairah, why did he come here now?

Even if he is reluctant, he knows that he must not offend the world's richest man at the moment; regardless of whether the other party is involved in the short-selling franc action, as long as he can support France at the critical moment, the final result will be much better.

The French ambassador smiled and replied: "It has been nearly three months since I took office as ambassador, and you have never been to Fujairah. What a sin. Please forgive me!"

On the surface, it was an apology, but it also gave an explanation; you just took office, you can't hold on to it; otherwise, you are ignorant!

Bao Zixuan knows very well that diplomats are very tactful; their negotiation skills are far beyond anyone else's. Instead of wasting time, it is better to go straight to the topic; after all, there is a second young master behind the scene, and if that kid leaks something, it will not look good on both sides!

But don’t be too direct, otherwise you will appear guilty; the right scale is very important!

Bao Zixuan thought for a moment and said: "I don't mean to blame you, I just want to say that Fujairah is a very beautiful country; the ambassador can help promote it and attract more French tourists!"

What kind of brain circuit did you think of asking him to help with publicity? The purpose was to attract French tourists.

Information shows that Bao Zixuan has always flaunted himself as a businessman and thinks about issues more from a business perspective; now it seems that the rumors are not unbelievable.

I worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after graduating from university. It can be said that I have met too many politicians over the years. They have never asked diplomats to help promote their country like Bao Zixuan. The core purpose is to attract tourists.

Even if you want to make money or have similar ideas, you will not speak out directly; the negotiation ideas must be changed, otherwise the effect will definitely not be very good!

However, when he came to Fujairah this time, he was deeply impressed; the overall plan was very reasonable. Although there are not many ancient buildings, they are all modern buildings; there is no natural advantage in developing tourism.

But we still know a little bit about what Fujairah was like before. It is estimated that only Bao Zixuan can develop to such an extent in just a few years. If it were anyone else, it would really be impossible.

If you want something from someone, you must follow the instructions; if you say another sentence, it doesn’t really require him to do anything!

The French ambassador said very seriously: "Since Mr. Bao thinks highly of me, I will not let you down."

“Any French tourist who comes to the Middle East will recommend Fujairah to them!”

Not to mention full of sincerity, but it can also be said to have given enough face; this made Bao Zixuan not expect, it seems that the person in front of him is not a simple character; he has certain ability to adapt to the situation!

I'm very sorry. I caught a cold recently after working at the Guangzhou exhibition; the highest temperature was close to 40 degrees! Although I'm not completely good, I can write more or less and do things without delay; thank you for your understanding!

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