Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 135 You...are too careless! (Please subscribe and vote monthly)


Aoyu nodded in response, his eyes always focused on Tsunade, as if he was listening intently.

After learning the art of multiple shadow clones.

Qingyu now has great confidence in his learning ability.

Learn medical ninjutsu.

To him, it's nothing!

"There are two main types of medical ninjutsu I will teach you!"

Tsunade raised two fingers, then landed on one of them first, leaving the index finger still raised, and shook it in front of Qingyu.

"The first one is Palm Immortal Technique!"

"The Palm Senjutsu is to concentrate precise chakra on the hands and continuously release it."

"It can treat internal injuries as well as external injuries."

"But the palm magic must be released at the most appropriate time based on medical knowledge."

"After you use it flexibly, the Palm Immortal Technique can be used in many other ways..."

"For example, the chakra released can disrupt the chakra circulation in the opponent's body, thereby restricting the opponent's movement and use of ninjutsu, and can also cause drowsiness and coma, etc."

"Generally speaking, beginners in Palm Senjutsu need to use charms to help control chakra, but your chakra control ability is very strong, I don't think you need this."

After Tsunade finished speaking, the movement of her hand changed, and she raised the second finger that had just fallen.

"The second one is the chakra scalpel!"

"The chakra scalpel concentrates chakra outside the hand and releases it, controlling the precisely compressed chakra into a scalpel-sharp weapon."

"The Chakra scalpel can be used anytime and anywhere. It is cleaner and more hygienic than the medical scalpel, but it requires extremely high chakra control abilities of medical ninjas."

"What if... many medical ninjas in the medical class have not learned the palm sensibility!"

"So many medical ninjas who have learned palm senjutsu, most of them are unable to control the chakra scalpel."

"The chakra scalpel can cut off the patient's meridians and muscles, and complete further treatment in operations that require cutting, such as organ transplantation and other difficult medical treatments."


"The Chakra Scalpel, like the Palm Technique, can be used as a means of attack to strike at the enemy."


"As my disciple."

"I personally suggest that when you need to fight the enemy, don't use palm magic or chakra scalpel, just use strange power!"

After Tsunade briefly explained these two medical ninjutsu, she stared at Aoyu deeply.

"In the next period of time, you will first learn Palm Senjutsu, and after mastering it, you will learn Chakra Scalpel. This is a progressive process." Tsunade said to Qingyu.


Aoyu responded again. He knew Palm Senjutsu and Chakra Scalpel. He had heard of both medical ninjutsu.

Now after some theoretical explanations from Tsunade.

He has a deeper understanding of these two medical ninjutsu.

Under normal circumstances, using the Palm Immortal Technique is enough.

If surgery is required, a chakra scalpel can be used.


The prerequisite for this is to be supplemented by a large amount of rich medical knowledge.

Otherwise, even if one knows medical ninjutsu, medical accidents may occur. After all, these two medical ninjutsus can not only cure diseases and save people, but also fight and kill people.

"Qingyu, let me show you the Palm Immortal Technique!"

Seeing that Aoyu had understood what she said, Tsunade raised her hands.


A stream of light green chakra covered Tsunade's white palm, and the chakra contained vitality.

"This is Palm Immortal Technique, but I haven't used it for actual treatment. When you practice, find a living animal, stab it, and then concentrate the chakra in the palm of your hand to feel the other person's injury as much as possible. Then use gentle chakra energy to restore its injuries!" Tsunade explained.

"Yes!" Qingyu responded again.

Tsunade saw that Aoyu seemed to understand, and she also taught him according to the genius' method.

If there is no hemophobia.

She can still teach patiently and step by step.

Now, I can only give a rough demonstration, and then tell Qingyu the principles, so that Qingyu can slowly learn on his own.

"This is a chakra scalpel!"

Tsunade raised her right hand and spread her five fingers into a palm. A stream of blue chakra adhered to the palm and spread to the forearm. The periphery of the chakra was as sharp as a blade.

"Chakra scalpels also require extremely strict chakra control methods. After gathering chakra in the palm of your hand, you no longer only use the soft side of chakra, but use the sharp side of chakra. This can achieve extremely strong effects." Cutting effect." Tsunade said.

"Yes!" Qingyu responded again.

"Okay, that's all. You should practice seriously during this period. If you really have any problems, come to me again." Tsunade waved her hand to Qingyu, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Tsunade-sensei!" Qingyu immediately stopped Tsunade who was about to leave.

"Is there anything else?" Tsunade stopped and turned to look at Qingyu and asked.

"What medical-related books do I need to read?" Qingyu asked.

"Well... let me get these books. You learn medical ninjutsu first. When I come next time, I will bring you some books for you to read slowly in the future." Tsunade thought for a while and said.

"Okay..." Qingyu originally wanted to read it directly during this time, but then he thought about it and couldn't act too shocking, so he smiled and said: "Thank you, Tsunade-sensei!"


Tsunade stepped out of the woods.

In fact, she felt a little bit regretful because she didn't give too detailed instructions to this talented disciple.

This is the case with strange power.

The same goes for medical ninjutsu.

When she taught Qingyu the strange power technique, she never expected that Qingyu would learn it all at once. She didn't even think that Qingyu could learn it, which disrupted her plan.

It is precisely because of the extremely high demand for chakra control in strange power techniques.

Now Tsunade has high expectations for Aoba to learn medical ninjutsu.

But she suffers from hemophobia.

There is no way to show it to Qingyu in person.

I can only say this simply, hoping that Qingyu can successfully understand it through his powerful talent.

After Tsunade left.

Qingyu stood there silently.


He didn't know how to use these two medical ninjutsu.

This isn't like the art of multiple shadow clones, which has an instruction manual. This one doesn't even have an instruction manual at all!

There are just theoretical things.

That is the gentle and precise control of chakra.

"Let's try more first and accumulate experience!"

Qingyu thought of this and immediately raised his hands. He raised his index and middle fingers on each hand and crossed them in front of him to form a cross, completing the seal in an instant.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

With a thought in his mind, Qingyu instantly distributed the chakra evenly throughout his body, and a thousand shadow clones appeared in the woods.

"Start practicing Palm Immortal Technique!"

Qingyu raised his hands, controlled the chakra in his body, and concentrated it on the palms of his hands.

at the same time.

A thousand shadow clones made the same move, raising their hands one after another, controlling the chakra to gather on their palms.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

The trembling sounds on the hands of these shadow clones sounded one after another, and some of the sounds overlapped, causing a big tremor in the woods.

In the process of practicing palm immortality.

Qingyu suddenly realized a problem.

That is, it is not difficult to concentrate chakra in the palm of your hand, but it is very difficult to let chakra show gentle restorative power and then help others heal.

in the next period of time.

Qingyu practiced the Palm Immortal Technique with a thousand shadow clones. After using it more than ten times in a row, he canceled the shadow clones and returned the experience carried by the shadow clones to the main body.

Immediately afterwards.

Qingyu began to digest these experiences.

Then he used the art of multiple shadow clones again, and started practicing again with the expended experience.

So back and forth.

Repeated for a whole day.

When Qingyu finished practicing, it was already night.

"I'm going back to sleep, I'll leave this place to you!"

Qingyu said to the thousand shadow clones in front of him. After he finished speaking, these shadow clones nodded and responded to Qingyu.

All of a sudden.

These one thousand shadow clones were divided into ten groups as they were during the previous days' practice, and each group had one hundred shadow clones.

Ninety-nine of the shadow clones closed their eyes and once again took out the memory of Hatake Sakumo's mission and analyzed it. The other shadow clone maintained the art of the God's Paper User.

All of a sudden.

These one thousand shadow clones turned into ten big trees.

Aoyu watched everything completed in front of him, turned around and left the grove, walking towards the ANBU dormitory.

These thousand hidden clones.

It's like a hosted offline AFK.

Release the shadow clone regularly at dawn and return the experience gained to the original body.

Just enough to wake yourself up in your head.

Qingyu felt that this method of cultivation was what he should use. He didn't need to do anything at all. Everything was left to the shadow clone and he could just lie down.


Three days passed.

During this period of time, Aoba used multiple shadow clones to practice Palm Senjutsu during the day, and used multiple shadow clones at night to repeatedly observe Hatake Sakumo's memories of performing tasks.

If calculated based on cultivation, it would be too much.

Have a very fulfilling life!

Now this time.

Qingyu stood in the woods.

He did not use the technique of multiple shadow clones, but stood here silently by himself.

"If my judgment is correct, I have learned the art of palm magic!"

Qingyu looked down at his hands, and with just a thought, streams of green chakra containing vitality appeared on his palms.

The green light on his palm was very soft, and it didn't look like there was any danger.

Qingyu was able to successfully perform the Palm Senjutsu on the second day, but he was still practicing with multiple shadow clones to constantly adjust the method of performing the technique, so that he could perfect this ninjutsu as much as possible.

To know……

For him, Palm Immortal Technique is just a theory, and it is still an incomplete theory. The process of performing it is almost entirely based on trial and error. Fortunately, his ability to control chakra is strong enough.

This is different from the art of multiple shadow clones recorded in the art of sealing with pictures and texts.

"Try it now!"

Qing Yu's dark eyes flashed with eagerness.

This was the first time he came into contact with medical ninjutsu since he came to the ninja world.

In the memories he usually read, the ninja world was mostly about fighting and killing, and there were very few tender scenes of medical care for others.


This is related to the memory he read.

Gentle people generally do not appear in the cubicles of the torture department.

Think of this.

Qingyu's ears moved slightly and he listened carefully to the movements in the woods.

at the same time.

Aoyu's right hand reached into the ninja bag at the corner of his eye, took out a shuriken, and held it in his hand with his index finger and thumb.


Qingyu swung his shuriken towards a tree not far away.

call out!

The shuriken made a piercing sound in the air, and the blade directly cut through the path it passed, knocking off a few fallen leaves, and finally nailed it to the trunk of the tree.


A sharp bird call sounded immediately, and a small sparrow with brown and black spots fell from the sky.

There was a blood mark on the back of this little sparrow, which was scratched by the shuriken thrown by Qingyu just now.

Qingyu relied on his precise shuriken throwing skills to not cause much damage to the little sparrow and only scratched a wound on its back.


Because of the back injury.

The little sparrow couldn't flap its wings to fly again, and fell straight from mid-air.

Just when the little sparrow was about to land on the ground.

Qingyu quickly appeared at the spot where the little sparrow landed, spread out his left hand, and caught the little sparrow with his backhand.

"You...are too careless!"

Qingyu's eyes were fixed on the blood stains on the little sparrow's back, and he kept shaking his head. He reached out with his right hand and immediately used the Palm Immortal Technique, and soft green chakra appeared on his palm.

He used his right hand to smooth the sparrow's feathers from head to butt.

Every time you stroke it, you can feel the wound of the little sparrow. The chakra containing the healing energy of the Palm Immortal Technique continuously penetrates into the little sparrow's muscles and cells, helping it to recover quickly.

Almost instantly.

A medical miracle occurred!

The wound on the little sparrow's back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was like there had never been any injury.


Qingyu's eyes lit up slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

He has indeed mastered the art of palm magic!

This kind of medical ninjutsu will not be a routine method for him, but it can definitely deal with some emergencies.

The black eyes of the little sparrow dragged on the palm of Qingyu's left hand blinked.

Even it itself is strange.

Why did this wound suddenly heal?


It flapped its wings and flew up, out of the control of Qingyu's left hand.

"Little sparrow, you have to be careful in the future and don't injure yourself again. When you crash in the future, you won't be so lucky to meet me and be caught by me and treat you." Qingyu looked at what was already going on. The little sparrow flew away with a vague smile on its face.

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival~

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