Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 200 Are you trying to kill me... ([700 monthly pass] additional updates)

This chapter is an additional update for [700 monthly tickets]!


The third generation's voice was loud and resolute. After hearing Danzo's words, he instantly understood the current situation and no longer hesitated.

If he is allowed to think of a solution on his own, he will need some time, and there is no way to give him a solution right now.

But if the solution is presented to him in the form of an alternative, as long as he makes a choice after weighing the pros and cons, then everything will become much clearer to him.

At this time.

There are both internal and external troubles.

He had to appease the emotions of the major families in Konoha Village, and it was absolutely impossible to use thunderous means to suppress them in this way.

Only by stabilizing the major families in the village can his position as Hokage be stabilized.

We must not target the Uchiha clan and make enemies of Kumogakure.


The third generation also knew it very well.

The Third Ninja War was inevitable, and he just wanted to delay it as long as possible, trying not to let the flames of war burn in Konoha Village for too long.

The situation is here now.

There is no other way!

"Don't worry, everyone!"

"I will never let the ninjas of Cloud Hidden Village leave easily after killing people in the village!"

"Now I will personally lead the ANBU to capture Uehara Ruri!"

"The Security Department immediately conducted a village search and captured all the Kumoyin Village ninjas hiding in the village!"

"I must let Yunyin Village give everyone a satisfactory explanation for this matter!"

The third generation's voice became more and more exciting as he spoke. He seemed to have returned to his youth. He had never been so enthusiastic since he became Hokage.

The more things a person carries, the heavier the burden and the harder it is to let go.

That's how he felt.

Any decision should not be made too hastily. It requires careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons before finally giving a compromise answer in the name of putting the overall situation first.





After Sandai's words fell, the crowd gathered here let out fierce roars. They all used their voices to support Sandai's decision.

The neat and loud sound spread to every corner of Konoha Village, and even Aoba who was far away could hear it in the ANBU dormitory.

At this moment.

The corners of Qingyu's mouth raised slightly.

On the contrary, the people are very pleased.

"It seems..."

"This is destined to be an extraordinary night!"

"Congratulations to Konoha Village for rediscovering this blood!"

Qingyu muttered to himself, then turned over after being woken up and prepared to fall asleep again.

As half of the mastermind behind this incident.

Qingyu is not greedy for merit at all.

It looked like it had nothing to do with him.

When the matter is over, he brushes off his clothes and goes away, hiding his merit and fame.

Konoha Village, the residence of the Kumoyin Village envoys.

At this time, all the envoys from Yunyin Village have gathered together, and no one is in the mood to sleep.

"Ho! Roar! Roar! Roar..."

There were loud roars outside the half-open window, and those voices were full of fighting spirit. Judging from this emotion, it seemed that these people were allowed to go directly to the battlefield without any further mobilization.

"Damn it!"

After Uehara Ruri heard the sounds outside, she immediately understood how difficult their current situation was.

This is Konoha Village now.

Everyone outside was from the Leaf Village.

Even if he had three heads and six arms, it would be impossible for him to break out.


At this time, a ninja from Yunyin Village ran in quickly, his voice was very urgent, and his pace of running in could be said to be stumbling.

"Is there any news about Kasei?" Uehara Ruri asked quickly.


The Hidden Cloud Village ninja shook his head, then took two deep breaths to calm his breathing slightly, and then continued to speak under the gaze of almost everyone.

"I've already found out what happened outside!"

"For some reason, our intruder team failed to infiltrate the Hyuga clan and was directly seen by a large number of Hyuga clan members."

"They did not take away the members of the Hyuga clan, but directly picked up the explosive talisman and blew up the Hyuga clan's dojo."

"The anger of the Hyuga clan is now difficult for even the Third Hokage to quell..."

This Yunyin Village ninja reported to Uehara Rurihui. He was sent out to inquire about the news. The first thing was to inquire about the news about Kaxiyi, and the second was to find out what exactly happened outside.


Uehara Ruri roared suddenly, the muscles on his face twisted, and his eyes turned blood red.

"What kind of mission literacy is this!"

"If the mission fails, just die in the Hyuga clan!"

"And they blew up the Hinata Dojo!"

"Why don't you blow up the Hyuga Ancestral Hall?"


At the end of Uehara Ruri's words, he sneered. He didn't even know what words to use to complain about such weird things.

I've never seen a ninja do this!

What the hell!

Even if the task is not completed, such a huge mess will be left behind!

"The people making trouble outside now are all the Hyuga clan!"

After Uehara Ruri calmed down for a while, he pursed his lips, and his frown revealed his chaotic heart. Now he no longer knew how to resolve this matter.

"Reporting to Mr. Ruri, it's not just the Hyuga clan that's causing trouble outside, but also the Uchiha clan!" said the ninja from Kumogakure who was inquiring about information. He was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"What does it have to do with the Uchiha clan?"

Uehara Ruri's brows furrowed even more tightly. He was the ANBU leader of Cloud Hidden Village, and he knew very well what the name Uchiha clan meant.

That is one of the oldest ethnic groups in the ninja world!

The vast majority of Uchiha tribesmen can awaken the Blood Successor Limited Sharingan.

The strength cannot be underestimated.

The last time Uehara Ruri sneaked into Konoha Village, trying to capture the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina, she was discovered by the Uchiha clan at that time.

If Troy hadn't sacrificed his life, he would have died.

Now he may have been imprisoned in Konoha Prison.

He would never forget the feeling of being stared at by pairs of bloody red eyes that night. After returning to Yunyin Village, he even felt as if he had crawled out of hell.

"The thing is like this..."

The ninja from Hidden Cloud Village took a deep breath. He didn't speak clearly at the first time because he didn't even know what to say.

But these things cannot be hidden.

Even he, a person who snooped on information, knew that what Gasiyi did was particularly wrong.

All of a sudden.

All the Yunyin Village envoys in the room focused their attention on the Yunyin Village envoy, waiting for the explanation.

This sense of gaze.

Not only did it not bring any sense of vanity to the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village, it actually made him feel even more stressed.

He braced himself and looked up at Uehara Ruri.

"After blowing up the Hyuga Dojo, the intruder team began to evacuate towards the east where the barrier squad was stationed."

"But they didn't escape quietly. They exploded as they ran, blowing up three or four streets in Konoha Village."

"There was a lot of noise along the way!"

When the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village said these words, Uehara Ruri had black lines all over his face.

Uehara Ruri had already imagined the sensational scene in his mind.

He clenched his fists uncontrollably.

I wish I could travel back to that time and place and kill those bad guys with my own hands.

This is too outrageous!

They really thought they were an invasion and came to Konoha Village to cause destruction.

Now he doesn't have the vocabulary to disguise those people as victims.

The Kumoyin Village ninja who was responsible for inquiring about intelligence stared at Uehara Ruri's expression as he spoke, fearing that the latter would be too angry and cause disaster for him.

Seeing that Uehara Ruri's face was getting darker and darker, with no other expression changes, he continued to tell.

"The movement in the village attracted the attention of the Security Department, and the Uchiha clan of the Konoha Security Department immediately gave chase..."

"I don't know if it's because I'm following him too closely."

"Lord Kasai suddenly appeared in Konoha Village to pick up the intruder team."


"Lord Kasaii directly killed the jounin of the Uchiha clan who was chasing him at the front."


Before the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village could say the last words, he was frightened by Uehara Ruri's roar and took them back.

"Gah! West! Yi!"

Uehara Ruri almost fainted from anger. They had never seen such a stupid teammate.

"How many times have I stressed this!"

"If you get caught, just die!"

"Even if you run away, you still kill people!"

"It just so happened that the person he killed was a member of the Uchiha clan!"

"Where have you put my words?"

Uehara Ruri has realized that things are irreversible at this point.

A member of the Uchiha clan died.

The tables have turned.

There are only two options before them...

Either start a war with the Leaf Village. The bigger the fist is, the more powerful the opponent will be. Whoever wins will have more say.

Either the roles are reversed and they no longer ask for any compensation from the Leaf Village, but instead compensate the Leaf Village to maintain temporary peace.

Of these two roads...

What to say about Yunyin Village?

Just for them, the Yunyin Village envoys.

The first road is a dead end.

The second way is the way to survive.

"Mr. Liuli, before I finish what I said just now, Kasai not only killed the jounin of the Uchiha clan..." The ninja from Kumogakure Village quickly added: "He also took away the jonin's Sharingan. !”


Uehara Ruri was stunned on the spot.

I couldn't say a word.

I was immediately shown speechless.


Uehara Ruri laughed coldly, with a strong sense of self-deprecation in her laughter.

"Jasiyi, I can see that you can't do the task. You want to kill me..."

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