Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 207 It’s my first time too! (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

Along with this crisp electronic prompt, one scene after another was loaded into Qingyu's mind.


Qingyu glanced at the young man, and a meaningful smile appeared behind the cat-faced mask.

There is something wrong with this person!

Everyone else is an improvement in chakra!

It just so happens that you are a low-level ninjutsu!

It seems there is a traitor among these suspects!

Qingyu instantly realized the problem, then turned and walked towards the small bench.

He saw it.

But now he has to pretend not to notice.


Qingyu sat directly on the small bench under the gaze of everyone, not paying attention to the looks of these people at all.

He sat on the small bench.

Slowly closed his eyes.

He pressed his temples with his thumbs.

Reading this person's memory.

Almost instantly.

Qingyu then entered this person's memory.

Kirigakure village genin!

Three years ago, he sneaked into Konoha Village and acted as an intelligence informant for Kirigakure Village, pretending to be an ordinary person.

Never had a history of being caught by the police.

This time, the envoys from Kumogakure came to Konoha Village and had an accident. They realized that the war was coming and went to the ninja tool shop to steal three boxes of military ration pills for marching and fighting.

Originally he was not discovered.

But he was greedy.

Didn't give up when it was good.

Instead, he chose to continue stealing Bing Liang Pills.

Just when he went to pick up the fourth box, he was bumped into by the owner of the ninja shop, and there happened to be people from the security department patrolling outside the ninja shop.

"It's interesting!"

Qingyu murmured to himself, his voice was not loud, it could even be said to be very weak, but there were three people staring at him in the cubicle, and they all heard what Qingyu was muttering.

All of a sudden.

The three suspects on trial looked at each other again.

There was a smile on everyone's lips.

In their view.

The torture ninja in front of him must not be strong enough.

There is no way to fill a stronger position.

That's why it was arranged here.

You probably don’t know what to do now!

Qingyu didn't care about these people's opinions. He knew that this impression was only temporary, and they wouldn't have this expression after a while.

He still got some useful information from the memory of this Kirigakure village ninja.

For example, Kirigakure Village has agreed to the invitation of Kumogakure Village, and it is very likely that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen will be sent to surprise Konoha, maybe soon.


Qingyu already knew what probably happened last night through his memory.

The village took action against Yunyin Village’s envoys last night!

Blood spilled into the night!

Many people died!

Among them, Uehara Ruri, the leader of the Yunyin Village envoy group, was caught!


These are just generalizations and no details.

After all, the ninjas in Kirigakure Village don't know much, and there is no way to inquire carefully.

So far.

Qingyu felt that he almost understood the memory of this Kirigakure Village ninja.

There are no more questions about this case.

The rest are the details of Kirigakure Village, which you can read slowly and check later.


Qingyu read through the memories of the other three suspects awaiting trial.

None of them committed anything serious.

It's just petty theft.

Being sent to Konoha Prison is just a matter of being detained for more than ten days.

Moreover, the prison also provides food and housing.

These three people are all habitual offenders!

They have long been used to this, and in a way, their lives are better off in prison.

This resulted in these three habitual criminals not having any respect for the Torture Department!

in their hearts.

The Torture Department is just a process between entering Konoha Prison...


Qingyu immediately opened his eyes. He already knew the memories of these four people and understood that they didn't care much about the torture department.

Now after reading the memories of these four people.

They are as transparent to Qingyu, there is no secret at all!

Even those three boxes of military ration pills.

Qingyu also knows where he is hiding!

"very good!"

Qingyu said again, his voice became much louder and instantly echoed in the quiet little dark room.

The three habitual criminals were all stunned for a moment after hearing Qingyu's transformation, and then different smiles appeared on their faces.

This torture ninja is stupid!

Why can't you even say harsh words? !

That's it……

And torture? !


Just at this time.

Qingyu stood up again and walked towards the ninja from Kirigakure Village.

Judging from the way he acted.

There is not much difference from before.

Such a move.

It immediately attracted the attention of these three habitual criminals.

"You were actually sent to the torture department again!"

Qingyu said something calmly. His words were directly addressed to these three habitual criminals, and the content was a script he had made up.


In an instant.

A piercing sound sounded.

Such a scene made the three stewards who were paying attention here widen their eyes, and their eyes flashed with shock.

This is……

What's the meaning?

The three habitual criminals were all confused.

Qingyu's right hand turned into a sword and thrust straight into the Kirigakure Village ninja's chest.

The moment it was inserted.

His right hand pulled out again.


A line of blood flowed directly down the chest of the Kirigakure Village ninja. His eyes widened, and the indifferent expression on his face disappeared, replaced by the distortion and paleness caused by severe pain.


The Kirigakure ninja couldn't bear the pain in his body and screamed loudly. He just now clearly felt the right hand of the torture ninja in front of him enter his body, and then pierced the fascia of his chest, making him feel An extremely strong move, accompanied by the shedding of blood.


This level of injury.

It's just trauma.

It didn't hurt the internal organs.

Not fatal at all!


It hurts!

Just at this moment.

Big beads of sweat spread on the forehead of this Kirigakure Village ninja.

Slide it down your cheeks.

It keeps dripping on the ground.

Mixed with the splattered blood.

The ninja from the Kirigakure Village just screamed and closed his mouth without making any more noise, obviously trying to endure the pain.

Such a picture came into the sight of the other three habitual criminals, and they were immediately confused.

What's happening here? !

This is far beyond their imagination...

Ninjas from the Torture Department...

Isn't this how torture is done?

At least ask first!

If he doesn't answer you or you're not satisfied with the answer, it's not too late to take action.

the most important is……

You are too harsh!

In the eyes of these three habitual criminals, Qingyu was no longer tortured, but killed.

This is a lunatic!

The three habitual criminals thought this sentence at the same time. At this moment, their eyes all changed when they looked at Qingyu.

The sneer just now was gone.

"You can hold up quite well!"

Qingyu looked at the Kirigakure Village ninja who had stopped making a sound. This man's willpower was still quite strong and he only screamed at the beginning.

At that time, there was still an element of being caught off guard.

If this Kirigakure Village ninja had been mentally prepared, he might not have even screamed that sound.

"I want to see how tough you are!"

Qingyu didn't treat the wounds of this Kirigakure Village ninja at all. An injury of this level would not kill anyone.

Now he hasn't had enough.

I don't want this Kirigakure Village ninja to die like this.

not to mention……

You can’t die in the torture department!

Qingyu reached into his ninja bag and immediately took out a kunai. He pointed the sharp tip of the kunai at the ninja of Kirigakure Village and slid his side back and forth on the latter's body.

"You must have this kind of awareness the second time you come!"

Qingyu stared at this Kirigakure Village ninja with deep meaning.

Now he has rich medical theory and practical experience.

Knowing what to do can cause a person to suffer great pain without dying.

Qingyu quickly shook the kunai in his hand and stabbed it towards the lifeline of the Kirigakure village ninja.


With a burst of blood, a small thing the size of a quail egg instantly broke away from the Kirigakure Village ninja's body and fell directly to the ground.


The Kirigakure Village ninja suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked up to the sky and roared. His wide eyes were filled with bright red bloodshot eyes. The pain this time was much more painful than the one in his chest just now.


After the three habitual criminals saw such a scene, they all trembled in unison. They all knew what the fallen cutie was, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little pain in their balls.

"What...are you...going"

The Kirigakure Village ninja gritted his teeth and said, because the pain under his body was so severe that he bit his gums too hard, and blood was constantly oozing out.

"What do you think……"

"Everyone who comes to my place for the second time is treated like this!"

"Don't worry!"

"You have another one!"

As Qingyu spoke, the kunai in his hand slipped out again, instantly piercing a blood line again.


Another cutie fell to the ground mixed with blood.

It was instantly covered with dirt on the ground.


The ninja of Kirigakure Village was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. Even his screams became sharper and no longer hoarse.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The blood kept dripping!

Cold sweat is also dripping!

It's not just the ninjas of Kirigakure Village who are sweating here!

Even the three habitual criminals were frightened.

When they saw Qingyu waving the kunai, they all felt a chill in their bodies and couldn't help but squeeze their legs together, wanting to feel their good brother.

"Let me educate you on our rules!"

Qingyu spoke slowly. Because of the cat-face mask, he was like an emotionless person, instantly bringing a strong oppression to everyone here.

"My place has never been paradise..."

"It's a hell you can't imagine!"

"If you are the one who is sent to me for the first time, I will give you a chance to change your ways..."

"But if you come to me for the second time..."

"Then you must accept my punishment!"

"I will help him change his gender and become a woman for free."

"As for you..."

Qingyu paused here and looked at the three habitual criminals next to him.

"The next time you see me...this will be the end!"

Qingyu's voice echoed in the small cubicle of the torture department, which made the three habitual criminals' hearts drop.


It's just their first time!

For the first time, I can save my brother!

Now this time.

They couldn't help but feel lucky that they hadn't encountered this silent egg-cutting maniac so many times before!

As for the future.

Don’t dare anymore!

I really don’t dare anymore!

They felt very painful when they saw the miserable state of the Kirigakure Village ninja!

As for the ninja from Kirigakure Village, he was in so much pain that he could no longer speak, but he was very puzzled.

You remember it wrong!

It’s my first time too!

You didn't see...

Did you bleed just now? !

Just when everyone was surprised.

The kunai in Qingyu's hand crossed again.

A sausage as thick as a thumb fell from the Kirigakure Village ninja's body.

So far.

Qingyu has helped the ninja in this Kirigakure village complete a gorgeous transformation.

We have officially entered the next chapter of our lives.

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