Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 523 Akatsuki's Cave! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

It was the first time for Qingyu to see his own book in a place like a bookstore, even this teacher Bai's story still made him feel very satisfied.

He flipped through the book.

Look towards the pricing.

500 taels!

Not a small amount!

Qingyu immediately realized that reading books is a luxury for people in the ninja world, especially in front of people who can't eat enough.

"This is the hottest book recently. There is no discount on the price. It costs 500 taels. You should consider it carefully, but it is really worth the money. You will have a very good experience after reading it." The person at the counter said again, and he His tone was not as indifferent as before, perhaps because he also liked the book Qingyu took, so it resonated with him a little bit.

"How many books are there for this book?" Qingyu looked at the bookshelf. There were seven or eight books displayed on the bookshelf, but he didn't know if there were any stocks in the bookstore. These were obviously not enough.

"Why are you asking this?" The face of the person in front of the counter suddenly became gloomy, and he looked at Qingyu with vigilance.

"I want to buy a lot of books." Qingyu said with a smile.

"500 taels a copy." The person in front of the counter repeated it again, he was afraid that Qingyu didn't understand the price of this book.

"I want to buy 40 books." Qingyu said calmly. In this short period of time, he has quickly completed the calculation of how many books he can buy for 20,000 taels.

"?????" The shopkeeper of the bookstore was stunned at that moment, a lot of question marks appeared in his head, and he looked at Qingyu full of doubts.

"I can afford it."

Qingyu looked at the man in front of the counter, and suddenly understood that this man was afraid that he had no money, so he reached into the ninja bag and took out the 20,000 taels he had just asked for from Sanjiao Hanzo, Just 10 banknotes with a face value of 2,000 taels were all photographed on the counter.

"Now can you tell me, do you have 40 copies in stock?" Qingyu asked.

"Cough cough cough..."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment. He looked at Qingyu intently, staring at the face that had turned into Xu Ding. Quickly explained: "I don't doubt your money, but I think that if you buy 40 books alone, there is no need for that. You can buy many other books of the same type."

"Is there any book of the same type that looks better than this one?" Qingyu asked curiously.

"That's not true. This is the best book. The other books are not at the same level as this one. I think, if there is one in the future, it will be the next book by the author named Fuyue." The shopkeeper of the bookstore said seriously. replied.

"Since there is no better book of the same kind, let's buy 40 copies of this one. I want to give it away, so it doesn't matter." Qingyu said with a smile, and he suddenly understood why the publishing house wanted to sell it for a while. Teacher, go to publish his Mr. Hou, so that Mr. Bai's sales will continue to rise until there is no substitute.


Qingyu didn't like this way.

He also hopes to provide readers with more choices.

the most important is……

The speed of the publishing house limited his development to a certain extent. He could have been faster, but was slowed down by the publishing house.

"Okay... okay..."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore immediately understood after hearing Qing Yu say that he was giving it away, so he didn't say anything more, got up and walked towards the bookshelf.

"Not to mention that you came at a good time."

"I just bought a box of Teacher Bai yesterday."

"There are 50 copies in a box."

"I disassembled 7 books and put them on the bookshelf, and there are 43 books in the box. Now after you buy them, I don't have much left."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore sighed and said that every time he sells a book, he will have some ultimate emotions, especially this kind of book that has just been purchased.

sell more...

He has to go back to stock up.

But if it sells less...

The books are still in my hand.


As long as it makes money.

It's still good after all...

The shopkeeper of the bookstore took out the three extra books in the box, and then handed the box containing 40 books to Qing Yu.

"It's raining heavily outside."

"Although the book is wrapped, you should be careful."

"You can take this box."

"How much more convenient..."

The tone of the shopkeeper of the bookstore became much more enthusiastic. After all, the person in front of him had wholesaled a box of books at the retail price, which really made him a fortune. In this relatively barren country of rain, a person who is willing to buy books with such a fortune There are not many, so you have to grasp it, maybe you will come to buy it in the future.


Qingyu nodded to the shopkeeper. He does have a box, which is much more convenient for him, and he doesn't care how much the retail price will be expensive. It is not his money in itself, and there is no pressure to spend it. Anything that needs money, then he will go to Sansho Hanzo again.


Qingyu took the box.

The boxes shipped to the Land of Rain are all packed in special plastic, which can effectively avoid getting wet, but these are not a problem for Qingyu.

"These 40 books are a bit heavy, look..." The shopkeeper of the bookstore was still a little worried about Qingyu, after all, taking 40 books together is quite a lot of weight.


He didn't finish his sentence.

I saw Qingyu pick up the box very easily and drag it up.

Such a heavy box.

in this person's hand.

It's like having no weight.

"'s okay..."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore couldn't help sighing in his heart, this person didn't look very strong, but his strength was so unusually strong that he was dumbfounded.


He doesn't know.

After Qingyu took over the box, he immediately performed the ultra-light and heavy rock technique on it, which greatly reduced the weight of the box. Although there are 40 books in the box, holding it in his hand is about the same weight as a mobile phone .


Qingyu dragged the suitcase and walked straight to the door of the bookstore.

"Go... let's go..."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore stared blankly at Qingyu. It wasn't until after Qingyu left that he realized that the raincoat Qingyu left at the door hadn't been taken away.

"You...your...your raincoat..."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore immediately walked around the counter and rushed towards the door quickly. When he opened the door of the bookstore, all he saw was the continuous drizzle, and there was no sign of anyone.


"Where are people?"

"Going so fast?!"

"Again... come again..."

The shopkeeper of the bookstore was dizzy. Now that he recalled what happened just now, he still felt a little unrealistic, which seemed weird.


He turned back to the bookstore, and looked in the direction of the raincoat again.


A scene that surprised him appeared.

The raincoat is gone!


A lot of question marks popped up in the head of the shopkeeper of the bookstore. He looked at everything in front of him stupidly, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"No...not right..."

"I... I... I..."

"Obviously I saw..."


"Could it be...he took it?"

"Am I wrong?"

The shopkeeper of the bookstore was even more confused. If it wasn't for the fact that the 40 books were gone, and he still had 20,000 taels more in his hand, otherwise he would have thought that the matter was his own hallucination.

All of a sudden.

The shopkeeper of the bookstore took a deep breath, shook his head vigorously, tried his best not to think about those things, and let these incomprehensible things drift away with the wind.


Rain Country, South.

It was drizzling.

Qingyu dragged a box and walked on the way to the Xiao organization. According to Xu Ding's memory, the current location of the Xiao organization is in a cave here.

When Qingyu watched anime before, he remembered that the Akatsuki organization seemed to be in such a cave.

But he was not impressed.

Moreover, there is no detailed description of what the cave looks like in the anime and where it is.

This made it impossible for Qingyu to determine whether the cave where the Xiao organization is now is the cave of the future Xiao organization, or whether the Xiao organization changed to another cave later.

No matter how.

Qingyu is now walking towards this cave.

The rain kept dripping, and when it was about to fall on Qing Yu's body, it passed directly to both sides. It seemed that there was an invisible wall of air on his body, making it impossible for the rain to contaminate him. to him.

Now Qingyu didn't wear a raincoat at all.

But the clothes on his body didn't show any signs of being wet.


The box with the books he was holding was the same, not getting wet by even the slightest bit of rain.


over time.

More than an hour passed.

Qingyu walked slowly like this, and walked to the entrance of a dark cave, and there was no guard at the entrance of the cave.

Now the size of the Akatsuki organization is too small.

No need for guards at all.

There is not even much need for things like patrolling on duty.

at present.

They come out with a passionate and extremely idealistic dream.

The rest are nothing.

Qingyu carried the box containing the books directly, and walked into the cave. When he first entered, the entrance of the cave was dark, but after going in for a distance, the inside showed a dark red color, and the temperature gradually increased. It was warm, and even the heat was a little bit on the face.

There should be a bonfire here.

Qingyu thought that the same was true for the bookstore just now. Because of the continuous rain, the air in the Land of Rain was humid and the temperature was low, presenting a gloomy and cold feeling.

All households and shops will light stoves for heating.


Qingyu just wanted to remind the shopkeeper of the bookstore that in places with a lot of books, one should be more careful when lighting the stove. If one does not pay attention to the fire, there will be too many combustibles.

But think about the drizzle outside...

Qingyu also suppressed these words, after all, if he didn't say anything, it wouldn't cause any impact, and the bookstore has been here for so many years, maybe he paid attention to it now, so why bother to talk too much.

After Qingyu walked a few steps forward, he began to see a few people. They were sitting on the ground leaning on the wall of the cave, covered with blankets, and seemed to be talking about something. In front of them was a group of people who were A hot bonfire with burning flames.

"Xu Ding, why did you come back, and what are you holding?"

Just at this time.

A man looked towards Qing Yu.

Judging from the relaxed posture of speaking, it is obvious that Xu Ding is very familiar with him, and there is a kind of unrestrained feeling that roommates meet directly.


Qingyu could still faintly feel it.

In the eyes of these people looking at him, there was a well-hidden disdain in the depths of their eyes, as if in their eyes, he was just a clown.

Such a feeling was not found in Xu Ding's memory.

It is estimated that Xu Ding himself did not notice.

Combined with the strength of these few people who are Chunin...

Qingyu suddenly realized that there should be some kind of contempt chain here, that is, these people joined the group by virtue of their strength, while Xu Ding joined the group with money.


Qing Yu couldn't help sighing in her heart.

After a few years, these people will understand that it is good to have money, and the ones who bring money are the bosses!

After all, at their age and the strength of Chunin, it is impossible for Chunin to reach Jōnin with this kind of talent. If Chunin wants to support their family, they have to constantly accept missions and commissions, and get rewards for missions. Or earn a commission.


Xu Ding's family background...

That can be the gold master!

"I went around the village and saw a bookstore, so I bought some books for everyone." Qingyu said with a smile.

"Buy books?"

"It's a bit of a waste!"

"Books are expensive!"

"It's unnecessary!"


After the ninjas by the campfire heard Qingyu's words, they immediately muttered one after another, and they all began to feel sorry for Qingyu's money.

"Hey, you guys will definitely like this book!"

Qingyu smiled mischievously, on the surface he was smiling, but in his heart there was more contempt in his heart, he had always despised such behavior, that is to worry about other people's money.

When he was online before, he would often see that after someone bought something, someone would pop up and say, it would be better to buy XXXX, and he would find it very annoying.

After all, money belongs to others.

How people spend their money is their freedom.

It's not about buying something that others think is worth it, the money spent is worth it, but buying something that you think is worth it, then the money spent is really worth it!

"This is a book written by Fu Yue."

"Ms. Bai from Ninja School."

"It's very hot right now."

"Just look at it and you'll know!"

There was a smile on Qingyu's face, and he couldn't see any annoyance, but he had already developed contempt for these people in his heart, and he was almost sure that this place would soon become a real fragrance scene.

I recommend a friend's book "Reincarnation Invasion, I'm a Casual Gamer". Those who are interested can read it.

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