Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 525 I want to kidnap you! ([Monthly ticket] Supplement)

This chapter is a supplement to [Monthly Pass]!


Although the current Xiao organization is a big family, there are also close and distant members in the big family.

Xu Ding is an existence that is relatively on the outside.

After all, he brought money into the group with money, and the bonfire he lived in was the outermost circle, that is, those people he knew well.

As for the location of the core inside.

It is composed of a group of ninjas who approve of Jonin and Junin's strength.

This is a place that Xu Ding usually does not come to very easily.

After all, every time he walked in, he would encounter inquiries from people from various bonfires.


Qingyu thought of a reason, that is to go get some gifts, after all, they are short of manpower, they all took the books Qingyu sent over, so seeing Qingyu continue to walk in, they didn't stop him immediately.

As for their reaction...

They were already immersed in Teacher Bai's story.

Especially at this time.

The ninjas in the entire cave were reading Teacher Bai's story. Each of them was extremely focused, and they were hot all over, and they couldn't even control themselves.

such a state.

Let alone stop Qingyu in the past.

Standing up a little bit will make them feel awkward.


There is another reason.

In the eyes of these people, Qingyu continued to walk into the cave, also to deliver books to the people inside.

after all……

such resources.

Alone Better Together!

It is really comfortable to watch it together!

It was with this thought that these people let Qing Yu go, just to let the brothers in the cave read this novel by Teacher Bai.

Qing Yu continued to walk into the cave, and he had just walked a few steps away when he stopped immediately, his eyes had already seen the person in front of him.

There were seven people standing in total.

Stand shoulder to shoulder.

Can see what they are talking about.

It's just that their way of chatting is very special. They are not chatting face to face, but staring at a certain position in front of them at the same time, and then chatting like they are talking to themselves.

These people are different from the people passing by on the cave. Their clothes are uniform, and everyone wears a black robe embroidered with red clouds.

This style of clothes is almost the same as the clothes of the Future Xiao Organization.

through this.

Qingyu can judge that the Xiao organization in its infancy has already begun to dress uniformly, but the clothes they are wearing do not seem to be as intimidating as the Xiao organization in the future.


Does Akatsuki have a future?

Or what the future will look like.

Qing Yu is not very clear either.


When Qing Yu came over.

These people looked at Qingyu together.

"Xu Ding, what are you doing here?"

In an instant, a high-cold female voice sounded. The speaker was a boy with short purple hair, who was about the same age as Kushina. Even the color of the girl's pupils was purple, and there was a cold feeling in the eyes, especially the one with the The unsmiling expression on the face suddenly felt oppressive.

This girl, Qing Yu recognized, was Xiao Nan.

The current Xiaonan is still a girl, but in terms of demeanor, she already has the taste of a strong woman, but judging from the lines on her face, she can still see some youthful feelings.

"Boss, I have something that I want to talk to you about." Qing Yu still had Xu Ding's appearance, he smiled slightly, and said slowly.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Nan said expressionlessly, her tone was still very cold, revealing the feeling of being thousands of miles away from others.

"Let's talk alone." Qingyu took a deep look at Xiaonan. He understood that these three people could rely on each other. If he wanted to break their closed loop, he could only attack each of them alone. If you say something to the three people, then they will give each other strength, and it will be even more difficult to achieve any effect.

"Alone?" In Xiaonan's purple pupils, a hint of puzzlement flickered, but he still walked towards Qingyu.


Xiao Nan walked to Qing Yu's side.

The other six people standing over there also looked towards this side.

"What do you want to say?"

There was a hint of impatience in Xiaonan's doubtful tone, but she hid her emotions very well, but such a change in emotion could not escape Qingyu's insight, and was easily discovered.


Qingyu didn't care about this.

Xiao Nan's impatience is due to Xu Ding.

Not for him!

"Actually, when I came here, I have been thinking about one thing, how to stimulate Nagato and make his reincarnation eyes completely awaken." Qingyu said in a low voice, and he deliberately controlled it so that only Xiaonan in front of him could be alone. People could hear it, but the rest of the people who looked over only knew that Qingyu was talking, but they didn't know what Qingyu was talking about at all.

"What did you say?!"

After hearing Qingyu's words, Xiaonan became even more confused. She didn't know what the so-called awakening of the reincarnation eye meant, but she understood one thing, that was the organization of Mi Jiaoxuding in front of her. Members, seem to know something, and seem to be doing something that makes them uncomfortable.

"I just think it would be a pity if such a pair of eyes are just for decoration, but if they need to be activated, they need a certain degree of pain, so how to solve this problem perfectly..." Qingyu raised her eyes With his left hand pinching his chin, he put on a posture of thinking, then raised his head and looked at Xiao Nan. He grinned brightly, and said, "Then simulate the pain!"

"Xu Ding!"

After Xiao Nan heard what Qing Yu said behind her, that face that hardly changed finally changed.

She stared at Qingyu fiercely.

Violet eyes glowed with strong fluctuations.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

"I don't know what you plan to do either?"

"But I want to make it clear to you..."

"If you continue to think about the leader in such a random way!"

"Then you will be cleared out by the organization!"

Xiaonan said righteously, with a strong sense of threat in his tone. In fact, he didn't take Qingyu completely seriously. After all, Qingyu's current identity is Xu Ding of the Xiao organization, but he is just a submissive of the Kingdom of Rain.

Even if it's just patience.

Qing Yu's words just now.

It still made Xiaonan feel uncomfortable.

There seems to be some kind of unspeakable threat.

"Then I thought of a very interesting way..."

Qingyu didn't just stop discussing this topic, but continued to speak on his own. Of course, he still controlled the volume so that only Xiaonan could hear what he said.

"Xu Ding, your words are getting more and more outrageous. Go back to your place now, or I will clean you out!" Xiao Nan's voice immediately increased several decibels, and his tone instantly became unkind, especially With that raised brow, anyone could see the anger in her heart.


All of a sudden.

The other six people also focused their eyes on Qingyu, and there was a change in everyone's eyes.

These six people included Yahiko and Nagato.

They are all high-level leaders of the current Xiao organization.

It is precisely because of the halo imposed on them by this status that each of them looks like a strong man when their faces are tense and silent.


Now these six people.

But he is considered a strong person within the scope of Akatsuki's organization!

Compared with the ninja world, it is still not enough to see, it is nothing at all!


These few people.

Has fully noticed the existence of Qingyu.

And it seems to be aware of what happened here suddenly.

They could only hear what Xiao Nan was saying one-sidedly, and they knew what Qing Yu was talking about non-stop, but they couldn't understand the specific content of what Qing Yu said.

what's the situation?

Big question marks appeared in the heads of these people, and they were very curious about what happened now.


Just at this time.

The smile on Qingyu's face became even brighter.

His smile was projected through Xu Ding's appearance, showing a very weird smile. Such a smile made Xiao Nan feel ominous for no reason.


It was as if Qingyu didn't hear Xiaonan's cold words, and she stared at Xiaonan with scorching eyes like those of the senior members of the Xiao organization.

"I have made a decision!"

"This decision was just a trial for me."

"But for you..."

"The meaning could be very different!"

Qingyu's voice was still very low, only Xiaonan could hear it, and the others could feel Qingyu talking, but they didn't know what was being said specifically.

This feeling caused a feeling of doubt in their hearts.


Neither did they realize.

What is the nature of what happened next!

I see.

Qing Yu began to take a slow step, walking towards Xiao Nan step by step, and the distance between him and Xiao Nan became closer and closer.

"I'm going to kidnap you."

Qingyu suddenly showed a brighter smile, and just said something in a calm and gentle tone that made Xiaonan stunned on the spot.


This sentence.

Qingyu did not deliberately lower her voice as before.

This allowed the other six people to hear Qingyu's words.

Such arrogant words.

Say it out of a ninja's mouth.

Make them all feel unrealistic.

It looked like a child took out a toy pistol, pointed at the strong special forces, and said he was going to shoot them.


Just when they were all stunned.

Qingyu suddenly raised his right hand, facing Xiaonan's body with his palm facing Xiaonan's body, posing in a seemingly meaningless but quite domineering posture.

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