Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 587 What Book Are You Reading? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

The more Xiaonan thought about it, the more she felt that such a thing was very reliable. Yile Ramen was the place that Datong Mushe personally said, that is to say, even if she moved to live near Yile Ramen, she might be able to meet Datong Mushe often. people.


she knows.

She might not recognize Otsuki Tonero.

But Datong Musheren was able to recognize her, from this point of view, it was also possible.

after all……

As the same paper figurine, Xiaonan knew that the appearance of Datong Musheren was not normal, and should have been disguised.

She didn't know the exact appearance of Otsuki Tonero.

But this did not delay her developing such affection for Datongmu Sheren.

This feeling……

It's like online dating.

Knowing that the other party may be a scam.

But it will add various filters and halos in my heart.

All the potentially bad things were filtered out, leaving only the last thing, a little bit of memory in front of my eyes.

"If I propose to relocate the Akatsuki organization to Konoha Village, the Country of Fire..."

"The biggest obstacle should be Nagato."

"It's easier to talk to Yahiko over there."

"Nagato and Konoha Village have a hatred for killing their parents."

"Looks like I'm going to have a good chat with Nagato tomorrow."

Xiao Nan started talking to herself in a low voice, her thoughts began to fly rapidly, she was already thinking about the following things.


Xiao Nan immediately lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and wanted to let herself fall asleep peacefully, so that she could welcome tomorrow sooner.


the other side.

In the cave.

Nagato and Yahiko looked at each other, neither of them spoke, they were obviously very good friends, but at this moment, they seemed a little strange.

In the hearts of these two people.

They all took Xiao Nan's words as talking about them, and then developed a very divided idea. They didn't even know what to say, and maybe every word they said would have some impact.


Time passed by every minute and every second.

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization at the scene couldn't stay any longer.


Nagato and Yahiko haven't moved yet...

They didn't dare to leave easily.

"Everyone is tired, go to bed early, if you have anything to say, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Yahiko keenly felt the helplessness in everyone's heart, and he waved his hand to everyone, indicating that the matter would stop here for the time being, then turned around and walked into the cave.


Everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Yahiko is the nominal boss of the Akatsuki organization. Every one of them has a very special feeling for Yahiko. When Yahiko is present, they still feel some sense of oppression in their hearts. .

"Let's break up too!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Xiaonan and Nagato are back, it's okay!"

"A false alarm!"

"Go back to reading!"


Xiao organized everyone at the scene to speak one after another. They all felt that there was nothing going on here, and then refocused their attention on the book "Xu Ding" gave them.


Nagato suddenly remembered that he still had a book of Mr. Bai's story in his hand. When he read it at the time, he found it very exciting, but he worried that it would be bad for Xiaonan. After all, he had Xiaonan in his heart, and he Looking at that kind of story again, it is not quite right after all.


Things are different now.

Nagato felt that the distance between him and Konan had grown further.

Instead of feeling empty and sad in this lonely and cold night, it is better to turn his attention to Teacher Bai's story, at least the fragments in it can give his soul a little bit of comfort.


Nagato reached into his ninja tool bag.

There are fine drops of water on his ninja bag, after the rain outside, the ninja bag has been wet.


The ninja bag is waterproof.

This is the kind of ninja bag specially made by the Land of Rain.

Perfect for rainy weather.

It will not wet the contents of the ninja bag.

This will keep the contents of the ninja bag from getting wet, especially the important scroll documents in the ninja bag.

Nagato walked towards the entrance of the Akatsuki Cave.

As he walked closer and closer, the air he could feel became colder and colder, especially the cold wind blowing in from outside the cave, which directly made his wet clothes extremely cold.

Rao is so.

He still felt that it would make him more conscious.

Immediately afterwards.

Nagato opened the story of Mr. Bai.

I watched silently.



Xiao Nan lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep no matter what.

Logically speaking.

She should be more sleepy and tired.

But she is in good spirits.

Maybe it has something to do with what she just thought...

The more Xiao Nanyue wanted to put herself into sleep quickly, the more she couldn't fall asleep, so that she finally stared at the stones on the roof of the house with wide eyes, and all her thoughts were in Datongmu What Sheren said during the chat.

"never mind!"

Xiao Nan immediately sat up from the bed and looked towards the door.

"I can't sleep now."

"I can't sleep no matter what."

"It's better to spend it like this."

"Why don't you go talk to Nagato!"

Xiao Nan's heart suddenly made up her mind. Now she has things in her heart, which makes her unable to sleep at all. If these things can't be solved, it will only make things worse and worse.

Immediately afterwards.

Xiao Nan lifted the quilt, got up directly, pushed open the door, and walked outside.

The cave at night has a gloomy and cold atmosphere, the cave is very quiet, and occasionally a slight snoring can be heard.

Everyone slept well!

Xiao Nan muttered silently in her heart, it's not like she hasn't come out at this time in the past, basically everyone in the Xiao organization has already fallen asleep.

But in the past, the snoring was louder.

Now it is very weak.

It can be seen.

Everyone here sleeps soundly.

That being the case.

Xiao Nan's movements were relaxed a lot. After all, everyone was already asleep, so he had nothing to shy away from, and walked out towards the outer circle of the cave.


Just after Xiao Nan walked out not far.

She immediately spotted a glimmer of fire.


Xiao Nan was puzzled, why is there still light, is there anyone still awake at this hour?

With such a question mark in mind.

Xiao Nan turned directly across the cave, looked in the direction of the fire, and instantly fixed his gaze on the picture in front of him, directly causing the corners of his mouth to twitch slightly, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The picture in front of you.

Very strange.

Xiaonan could clearly see people from the Xiao organization gathered around the edge of the stove, holding books one after another, watching them intently, everyone's little faces were flushed, and he didn't know whether they were reading too seriously or whether they were reading books too seriously. The effect under the reflection of the campfire.

"What are you looking at?"

Xiao Nan expressed her doubts in a soft voice. At the moment her voice sounded, those ninjas of the Akatsuki organization, who were sleeping and forgetting to watch Teacher Bai's story, were all startled by the sudden voice, and then turned towards Xiao Nan. Looking at the past, everyone's eyes are red.


Xiao Nan felt the eyes of everyone looking at her, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The eyes of these people were so direct, as if they had seen through the clothes she was wearing.

This look...

These people had never been seen before.

There is a problem here!

Big question!

Xiaonan felt that the eyes of these people looking at her were not normal, especially the flushed cheeks and the constant swallowing of saliva, where there was no respect like usual, more like hungry wolves, Staring greedily at her rare piece of fat.

"Are you...all right?"

Xiao Nan frowned tightly, facing the eyes of so many people, even Xiao Nan couldn't stand it.

She suddenly found out.

Ever since she was taken away by Datong Musheren.

Everything has changed here.

Weird everywhere!

Now, after being stared at by these people from the Xiao organization for no reason, she couldn't help but feel chills down her spine, and secretly took a step back, as if she was afraid that these people would pounce on her like a hungry tiger.


The sound of swallowing saliva was heard again at the scene, and these people were still staring at Xiao Nan.

Actually this.

It's not too difficult to understand.

Xiaonan was originally the goddess of the Akatsuki organization.

The members of the Xiao organization thought YY Xiaonan was very common, but they all knew that there was a very clear distance between them and Xiaonan, so they didn't overstep, they just went to YY silently.

The emergence of this book.

Give them specific YY plot.

When they were reading Mr. Bai's story, they unknowingly brought Xiao Nan into Mr. Bai, and began to imagine all kinds of scenes that happened.

It can be said……

Nine out of ten people in the Xiao organization cave thought Teacher Bai into Xiaonan.

Now this time.

It was the dead of night.

When they watched with gusto.

The fantasy in the head has reached a certain level.

And at this time.

Konan appeared.

This gave them a very strange illusion, as if the teacher Bai in the book had just walked out and stood in front of them.


Xiao Nan cleared her throat again. She felt that the eyes of the people were not right, very wrong. She needed to remind these people in this way.

After such a reminder.

Everyone at the scene gradually woke up.

Gradually put away the presumptuous eyes.

The eyes that looked at Xiao Nan became restrained one by one.

"Master Xiaonan!"

The people from the Xiao organization greeted Xiao Nan one after another, and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look at Xiao Nan's face anymore, for fear that they would think of something they shouldn't think of and be noticed.

"Where's Nagato?"

Xiaonan didn't want to stay here too much, she just went to discuss things with Nagato, and the eyes of these people were the main reason why she didn't want to stay here for too long.

" the door..."

Akatsuki, who was beside the bonfire, bowed his head and said, his voice was hoarse, as if he was trying his best to hide his emotions, and he didn't want any flaws to be seen.

After the person has answered.

There was no more sound at the scene.


These people all bowed their heads.

No one dared to look at Xiaonan.

I didn't continue to read books.

It looked as if he was bowing his head in thought.

"What book are you reading?"

Xiao Nan glanced at these people, and almost blurted out such a question, but after she finished asking, she regretted it.

"never mind."

Xiao Nan quickly waved her hand, and immediately walked cautiously around the bonfire, and then quickly walked towards the entrance of the cave. She didn't want to cause any trouble here.

"I'm going to find Nagato."

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