Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 640 Haven't the Anbu Ninjas been wiped out? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)


The ninjas of Konoha Village at the scene exclaimed suddenly because of this discovery. They didn't think of such a thing just now. After calming down and thinking now, they have discovered this relatively serious problem.

That is, they have been ignoring Uzumaki Kushina's strength for a long time!

To know……

Although Uzumaki Kushina is a female ninja, he has the same sage mode as Namikaze Minato. How weak will a person who can use sage mode be?

not necessarily!

So much has been going on all the time.

Everyone didn't react.

Now they realized this problem after reacting.

"Master Shuo Mao, what do you mean to say, what is the situation over there now, is it still unknown?"

The man who just asked Hatake Sakumo his face became less anxious. He was indeed worried about Namikaze Minato, and he did understand that Namikaze Minato had sacrificed a lot for them. I don't want anything to happen to the different water gates, but things don't change exactly according to their plans.

Everyone at the scene looked at Sakumo Hatake at the same time. They all understood these things psychologically because of Sakumo Hatake's advice, but after all, Minato Namikaze did not say it himself. You can get a positive answer from Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo felt the eyes of everyone, and the pressure in his heart also rose for a while. It has to be said that this kind of thing is just a guess for him, and even he is not sure whether Namikaze Minato is real or not. He just thinks this is the most reasonable way of explaining, and there will never be any changes.

"I think so."

Hatake Sakumo said indifferently, for the current interpretation of Namakaze Minato, he thinks it is not too appropriate to say this. After all, it is also possible that Namikaze Minato is really choosing to sacrifice for everyone, and it will be because of what he said. In the future, this effect will be reduced, but he saw that everyone at the scene is so worried, everyone has so much anxiety in their hearts, and they are eager to get such an affirmative answer from Hatake Sakumo.

Hatake Sakumo could see these things. The reason why he said this was to calm the hearts of the people. He hoped that the ninjas at the scene could calm down and not be so anxious.

"I think Namikaze Minato has a backup!"

Hatake Sakumo spoke again, his voice was calm, his eyes were determined, and he assumed a very solemn posture. Through his expression and demeanor, he supported these people with strength.

He was originally the leader of these Konoha Village ninja army, their commander, responsible for their safety, including personal safety and psychological safety.

Although there was an accident in the middle, Namikaze Minato rescued them all, and everyone including him looked forward to Namikaze Minato and greatly recognized the future of this Konoha Village, but now he is still actually in control People, especially after Namikaze Minato left, the Konoha Village ninja army on the scene still had to obey Hatake Sakumo's words.


When Hatake Sakumo said this, he changed the subject, paused in tone, glanced at everyone present, and finally stopped at the ninja who asked him a question.

"Namikaze Minato is really sacrificing himself by doing this. Even if he has a back hand and a hole card, it is still very risky to do so. We can't ignore everything he has done to us just because he has confidence. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hatake Sakumo's expression was extremely serious. He wanted to calm everyone down and stop worrying so much through this method, but he also didn't want his words to cause any misunderstanding among the ninjas at the scene, so when explaining these things, Time, work harder and pay more attention.


In fact, everyone at the scene didn't have such an idea at all, and they were all grateful for Namikaze Minato in their hearts.

When they heard that Namikaze Minato still had a hole card and a back hand, their hearts were full of excitement and excitement. They didn't want a rising genius like Namakaze Minato, and the future of Konoha Village would fall like this it's here.

As the saying goes, if you don't have diamonds, you can't do porcelain work.

From their point of view, Namikaze Minato's current choice is the same as the figure that rescued them and appeared at that time, so stalwart and so solid, it gives them an extremely strong sense of security, which is very important.

If Namikaze Minato does not have this strength and suddenly appears in front of them, then it is not protecting them from the wind and rain, but jumping out to give away their heads, which is exactly not advisable.

"It would be great if Minato-sama had a hole card!"

"Minato-sama must be fine!"

"I support Minato-sama to be the new generation of Hokage!"

"Scared me to death! I thought Minato-sama might die here!"

"Anyway, after I go back this time, I will work hard to practice, and I must not be so passive and uncomfortable again!"

"To be honest, I would rather die than let Minato-sama sacrifice his life to save me like this..."


The ninjas of Konoha Village at the scene said one sentence after another. It is obvious from their expressions that they have relaxed a lot, and they are not as serious as before. Even the lines on their faces have become softer. It was so hard before.

After being reminded by Sakumo Hatake, they all recalled what happened just now in their minds. They clearly remembered Minakaze Minato, and the expressions on their faces were firm and serious, without any fear at all. Confident, this is very likely to show that Minato Namikaze has a hole card.

As long as Namikaze Minato can come back alive, they are all willing to support Namikaze Minato becoming Hokage, and now they are completely overwhelmed by Namikaze Minato's personal charm.

among the crowd.

There is a very ordinary-looking Konoha ninja with a faint smile on his mouth, who has witnessed everything that happened.

Ok, Ok.

Qingyu nodded slowly. This person was imitated by him through the paper clone technique. This person had already died on the battlefield. He quietly used this person's face to sneak into Muye Village. in the collective.

In fact, it's not that they let down their vigilance, the main reason is that the war they experienced before was too chaotic, and they were not just a war, they were attacked by Shayin Village and Yunyin Village later, and now they encountered fog The ninjas of Hidden Village, these one after another attacks made them even think about it, Uzumaki Kushina's strength was too late, and there was no way to pay attention to whether someone around him suddenly disappeared and then came back suddenly.

It can be said that their hearts are more chaotic!

In short, they didn't notice Qingyu's appearance, they just acquiesced, becoming Qingyu among them.

Qingyu didn't intend to go with them.

He just wanted to mix into this team and take a look at the situation on Namikaze Minato's side, especially the battle between Namikaze Minato and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

But he found that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen did not attack directly from the beginning, but used such a strategy to avoid harming the ninjas in Konoha Village.

This is something that Qingyu did not expect, he did not expect that Loquat Shizang actually possessed such wisdom, it seems that everyone is making progress, after his butterfly wings fluttered, many people's lives and fates have changed .

Although the development of this matter is beyond his expectation, it makes him feel that the effect is extremely good. This is definitely a very good paving stone for Minato to become Hokage, and will lay the foundation for Minato Namikaze on this road. a solid popular base.

After all, in Konoha Village, which is almost capable of fighting, the ninjas were organized into an army of ninjas and went to the front line to fight.

Now the Konoha Village ninja here can almost represent the current strength of the Konoha Village Ninja.

More than 90% of the ninjas in Konoha Village have come here.

As for the rest, they are either older, or some family executives and some village managers who take on more important responsibilities in the village, and there are students who go to ninja school.

If the war worsens further and these ninjas lose their lives, then those who can continue to defend Muye Village will be those students who have just graduated from the ninja school.

At that time, it is time for Konoha Village to bear the pain!

Qingyu was still thinking about how to make the people in Konoha Village support Namikaze Minato even more without enough pain, but what he didn't expect was that Namikaze Minato found the answer to this question by himself.

As for the safety over there...

Aoba had completed the Flying Raijin spell before he left, and he has been using his perception ability to perceive that there is no easy way for Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina to face these seven people. After all, there are seven Ninja swords The strength is still very powerful.

Of course, the strength of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is not the point, the point is their motivation for coming here!

As long as any one of them is captured alive and their memories are explored, Danzo and the third generation can be involved in this matter. This is Qingyu's ultimate goal!

"coming soon."

The corners of Aoba's mouth curled up even higher, and he muttered in a voice that he could only hear. At this moment, the eyes and attention of the ninjas in Konoha Village here are all focused on Sakumo Hatake. Still wondering if Namikaze Minato has any cards?

They didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment, because they have left for a long distance, in their view, they are no longer the target of these people, and they are currently in a relatively safe situation .

So much so that they forgot what Uzumaki Kushina told them before they left.

After all, there are too many things that have happened during this period of time, and it is right to not feel it. These people are all human beings, not robots. Analyzing the current situation, maybe someone can do it, but not them now.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Just when everyone was thinking about whether Namikaze Minato had a trump card, the sound of breaking the wind sounded one after another, and it was clearly transmitted to their ears, causing everyone's complexion to change instantly.

Enemy attack! ! !

These two words appeared in the minds of the ninjas of Konoha Village at the scene. Apart from these two words, they couldn't imagine any possibility at all. Now they have encountered too many such things.

"not good!"

Hatake Sakumo suddenly exclaimed, he suddenly remembered what Kushina Uzumaki had told them before they left, and there was a group of people who came here, but Kushina Uzumaki didn't say too much at that time. Clearly, they didn't pay too much attention to it, just now he was still explaining about Namikaze Minato, even he was affected by Namikaze Minato's act of sacrificing his life, so much so that he forgot about it.

"Forget the big thing!"

Hatake Sakumo was suddenly annoyed. He never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him. He has always been known for his calmness, but during his time as commander in chief, he made several mistakes one after another, especially now This error is even more fatal.

Now he can already feel strands of Chakra running towards them, extremely fast, they are about to meet each other, it is impossible to avoid it, and it is impossible to avoid it, even now he even No one knows who the other party is.

The direction of Konoha Village...

Hatake Sakumo slightly squinted his eyes and looked at the approaching opponent, silently expecting in his heart that this was the reinforcements, not the enemy.

The ninjas of Konoha Village at the scene showed extremely displeased attitudes on their faces. It was fine once or twice, but they came three or four times. This really treats them as soft persimmons. Their mentality has become even more unhappy under the uncomfortable posture, and the mood that was relaxed just now because of the wave feng shui, the door seems to have a hole card, has been brought up again.

In a short period of time, their mood was like riding a roller coaster, they kept going up and down, and their hearts were filled with bitterness. If their strength was a little bit stronger, things might not develop like this. The opponent will also have some fears about their strength.

Sure enough, he was born in happiness, but died in sorrow!

Muye Village has been the most powerful existence among the five major ninja villages since the leader of the first Hokage Senshoujuma, and the other four major ninja villages are not worth mentioning in front of Muye Village.

This kind of emotion has also spread to them, making them feel that their own strength is very strong, causing them to be relatively lax in their cultivation.

But when they didn't notice, times had changed.

Now is not the era of the first generation of Hokage. The five major ninja villages have been established for decades, especially the other four villages. Under the excellent performance of the second generation of shadows, they have completed a qualitative leap and smoothly welcomed them. To an excellent three generations of film.


Konoha Village also ushered in their third Hokage, but their third Hokage was Hiruza Sarutobi...

After Hiruzaru Sarutobi became the third Hokage, this power gap has been continuously widened, and because of the foundation laid by the previous two Hokages, the people in Konoha Village did not realize that this gap is constantly shrinking, Even being overtaken.

Gradually, Konoha Village is no longer the strongest village among the Five Great Ninja Villages!

Whether it is Yunying Village or Yanyin Village, after the rapid development of strength, they already have the strength comparable to Muye Village, and even faintly overwhelm Muye Village.

And the remaining two villages, Shayuan Village and Property Village, which Muye Village didn't care about at all, also jumped out to fight head-on when Muye Village was declining.

As the saying goes, Longyou Qianshui was played by shrimps, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and now Muye Village has reached the time when the entire ninja world dares to bully.

The ninjas of Konoha Village have also realized that they have lost the concealment shrouded by the powerful Hokage, and just relying on their own words, their strength is not even as good as ninjas of the same level in other villages, which makes them gradually feel weak. .

This feeling is like when playing a game, when there are thighs rattling and killing, some people will feel that they are awesome, and then go crazy, and finally find that they can't fight at all, and the opponent can fight However, the one on the opposite side is just my own thigh.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

There was another crackling sound.

One after another, ninjas appeared in front of the ninjas in Konoha Village.

The appearance of these ninjas immediately eased the nervous expressions of the ninjas in Konoha Village.


The ninjas in front of them all wore masks with various patterns on their heads, which looked like Anbe's style, and these people all had the logo of Konoha Village ninjas on their bodies.

This illustrates a very obvious thing!

These people are Anbu ninjas from Konoha Village!

"Anbu is here!"

"It turned out to be an Anbu ninja!"

"Hahaha, support has arrived!"

"Let me just say, that's the direction of Muye Village!"

"No wonder Uzumaki Kushina didn't say who these people are..."

"It turned out to be one of our own!"


There were faint smiles on the faces of each of the Muye Village ninjas at the scene. After going through such a thing, their mood returned to calm again. Unknowingly, they experienced another round of ups and downs.

"It's not right!"

Hatake Sakumo looked at the masked ninjas in front of him, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, because the murderous aura emanating from these ninjas was too strong!

From this point of view.

They are not like ninjas who came to welcome them back in triumph, but like ninjas who want to execute them on the spot.


Hatake Sakumo immediately spread his hands to signal to the Konoha ninjas on the scene, don't be too happy, his face is very solemn and his eyes are always staring at the masked "Anbu ninjas" rushing towards him.

"Haven't the Anbu ninjas been wiped out?"

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