Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 724 This person is too scary! ([Monthly ticket] Supplement)

These things were not in Qingyu's plan, but they were also beyond Qingyu's expectation.

He never thought of it.

Nagato actually floated like this.

You must know that even compared with the previous history, they at least had the eyes of reincarnation at that time. He did have extremely strong strength, but it was because of his strength that he felt that he was a god.

At the time at least it made sense.

After all, Nagato at that time was really powerful.

Naturally, there are proud and expansive capital.

But the current Nagato has nothing, still maintains this door, can only use the state of wind escape ninjutsu, and can't even use the reincarnation eye, but it is even more exaggerated than before, and still puts the whole People all over the world are regarded as ants.

This posture of being completely floating made Qingyu feel very surprised.

Qingyu never thought that Nagato would appoint himself as a kind of god just based on the news of the Otsutsuki clan he passed on.

This behavior is too exaggerated!

However, Qingyu thinks it is quite interesting, after all, just such a little thing can make Nagato's character become like this.

"My name is Nagato."

Nagato lightly introduced himself to different hydrology, and it can be seen that there is an indescribable confidence in his expression.

Such a simple self-introduction, in Aoba's line of sight, could clearly see Namikaze Minato's brow wrinkled again.

This person has indeed aroused Namikaze Minato's resentment.

This is not easy.

You must know that Namikaze Minato is actually that kind of better personality.

If he has already started to hate him before he has formal contact, it can indeed show that this person is not very interested in Namikaze Minato.

Immediately afterwards, Nagato Yahiko and Konan introduced to Minami Fengshuimen.

After he had introduced all three of them, he made a gesture like this Feng Minato.

"We are all disciples of Teacher Jiraiya."

Nagato spoke softly about the connection between them, but it sounds a little weird to say what he said now, as if he had some relationship with you because of this connection.

But these relationships are nothing more than connections.

It seems that there is a feeling of reward.

Because we are all disciples of Master Jiraiya, I am honored to meet you, and you should feel honored.

At least in Qing Yu's heart.

He is extremely sensitive to this feeling.

It can be seen just through the memory of this ninja.

Then let alone what Namakaze Minato felt on the spot.

"Teacher Jiraiya's disciple..."

Namikaze Minato was deep, took a breath, and began to enter the state of thinking, which looked very interesting.

At least this kind of expression can clearly feel that Minato Namikaze has begun to think in his heart when Qingyu is coming, because Minato Namikaze had such an expression when they were in Anbe just now.

As long as he starts to think about it, it is enough to explain one thing, in the heart of Shao Fengshuimen, he does not completely trust these people.

Qingyu is almost certain that at this moment, Minato Namikaze has begun to think about various possibilities, especially linking the trio organized by Akatsuki with the third generation.

But such thinking leads to no answer at all.

Qingyu knew that something else must happen later.

But he was still very puzzled, why did the trio from the Akatsuki organization wait until now to come?

What did you do early?

Obviously he had notified these people a long time ago.

Now the development of the matter made him feel a very doubtful feeling in his heart.

Just weird.

Is it just because of Nagato's mentality change that he came here after a while?

Or is there something else going on here?

One after another small question marks popped up in Qingyu's mind, this is a habit of his, he prefers to watch memories, movies or books with question marks in the process, and then when he thinks He will understand what he was thinking at the time, and in the process of thinking, he will try his best to find the answer in his own way, if the answer is the same as the final answer , then it will have a great sense of accomplishment.

"Did you come to see me for something?"

Namikaze Minato asked the trio organized by Akatsuki.

The current Namikaze Minato is still not clear why Akatsuki organized the trio to come here, but it is obvious through his face that he can feel the caution in his heart, especially at this time point, Namikaze Men are about to succeed the Fourth Hokage known as Konoha Village, so anything that appears may affect him.

Namikaze Minato is cautious before these things.

He didn't want to get himself out after something went wrong.

Qingyu could sense this.

Although Minato Namikaze has some doubts about the purpose of the trio organized by the team, he still has no malicious intentions to speculate on him. He can see that the expression on Minato Namakaze's face is still very gentle, but in There is some caution behind this gentleness, and these cautions are just a kind of defense against their own situation.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Anyone in this situation needs to be cautious.

After all, as long as he passes through this period of time safely and passes the Hokage Succession Ceremony, then he will be the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

But if there is any slight problem during this period of time, then his Hokage position may have to be handed over, making all efforts in vain.

It is precisely because of this.

Qingyu was able to guess what he was thinking just by seeing the expression on Namikaze Minato's face.

At this time, Namikaze Minato will definitely not let things happen to a very dangerous level.

Will maintain a kind of absolute calm.


Qingyu believed it very much.

If this happened to other people, it would be the same solution.

Or at another time point, when he truly became the fourth Hokage, he would not be so vigilant against the trio organized by Akatsuki. After all, by that time, all the dust has settled, even if these people have any ideas Also to no avail.

Aoba could tell that Minakame Minato was thinking, and the Akatsuki trio in front of him had different expressions on their faces and dreamed of completely different things.


Very strange.

In his opinion, the trio organized by Akatsuki had lost their minds at this time.

Qing Yu seldom saw Yahiko in the original story, and he didn't have a completely special understanding of the growth experience of the three of them. When he came into contact with the three of Akatsuki, it was only a very short time.

According to the cognition in his memory, Yahiko has always been a spiritual leader of the Akatsuki organization, and the establishment of the Akatsuki organization was created by Yahiko.

But at this moment, the expression on Yahiko's face doesn't have any hint of beauty. Instead, it looks like a child going out with an adult. It's a gesture of fishing, or a little bit of repulsion, as if he doesn't want to come. to here.

This kind of change made Qingyu feel very surprised. In his cognition, this person is not like this, and the lack of self-confidence revealed between his eyebrows makes people feel very strange.

As for the other person, Xiaonan's face was full of expectations, as if she wanted to come to Muye Village very much, and she was the only one in the whole trio who seemed to really like it.

And among these three people, Nagato, who seems to be the leader now, has no expectation on his face at all. It seems that he doesn't really want to come to Konoha Village, but he is talking to Namikaze Minato. In the process, it showed a condescending feeling. Although this feeling was not reflected in the words, it was vividly displayed in the expression and demeanor.

"Brother Minato!"

Nagato spoke again, and after he told Namikaze Minato something related to Jiraiya-sensei, he said his real purpose, which was to stay in Konoha Village, Although a lot of words were explained very thoroughly, but it revealed a feeling of being very self-deprecating.

Often the more there is nothing, the more something needs to be explained.

Nagato explained that he didn't have any malice, and then explained all the reasons so clearly, but it just reflected that this was a feeling that he had no reason to hope to use these words to convince Namikaze Minato.

Immediately after Namikaze Minato hadn't answered, Nagato said something again, if he could live in Konoha Village, it would give Namakaze Minato some benefits, and that feeling was not the same as Aoba's. I don't think it's a taste at all.

What Aoba thought at the time was that they could choose to join Namikaze Minato, so that they could stay in Konoha Village, and then let them complete an immigration. After all, they are all disciples of Master Jiraiya, so they can say about many things. Is cronies.

This feeling is like Danzo and the third generation are both disciples of the second generation of Hokage Senshou Feijian.

But now I find that the problem is not what I imagined.

As soon as Nagato’s words came out, it seemed to express that he would come here, stay in the hotel once a week, and then pay a certain amount of corresponding compensation. These words he said were like the hotel in charge of Jiangmuye Village, and Namikaze Minato was just one of the hotels. One of the bosses.

Such a tone that made the situation definitive, Qingyu couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

No way!

If things develop like this.

He could almost foresee that Nagato and the others would definitely not be able to stay in Muye Village.

"You mean you want to live in Konoha Village?"

Namikaze Minato narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he looked at the three of them, his expressions became even weirder, as if he had heard something from the Arabian Nights.

Qingyu seems to be able to perceive a trace of sarcasm at the door of Bo Fengshui. This kind of basic is not like saying to Nagato that he wants to stay in Konoha Village, but for Nagato. Rather poor acting.

Aoba can discover some problems of the three of them through observation from a third-party perspective, and when observing Namikaze Minato, he can also discover some of Namikaze Minato's psychological activities.

You must know that Namikaze Minato is not a simple person!

This feeling is like informing him.

You seem to be taking me for a fool!

At this moment, Qingyu already fully understands that it is impossible for them to reach an agreement, so she understands that this Namakaze Minato came to find an initial point of contradiction for him, thinking in his heart, no wonder the ninja who guards the gate is not willing Tell her this.

Because although the memory of this gatekeeper ninja completely covered what happened just now, with his ability and wisdom, he couldn't make any judgment at that moment, and this gatekeeper ninja not only didn't understand Namikaze Minato, but also didn't understand the Akatsuki organization. The three of them seemed to him to be a sudden phenomenon, and depending on the possibility of being out of the situation now, he didn't know how to solve it.

Thinking of this, the gatekeeper ninja under Qingyu looked over.

At exactly the same time, the gatekeeper ninja was also observing Qingyu. When the two of them looked at each other, the gatekeeper ninja was startled, the hairs on his body stood on end, and he quickly looked away.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible..."

This is the gatekeeper ninja thinking quickly in his heart.

Just now he discovered Qingyu's abnormality, so he allocated some energy to observe Qingyu, and found that this person who dared to live alone in this eerie Anbu dormitory looked like a psychopath, shaking his head constantly head.

Occasionally, there will be some unbelievable expressions.

These things revealed inadvertently made him feel chills all over. He seemed to have seen that this person was not normal at all. After all, no normal person would look like this.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he felt, and the more he wanted to leave the Anbu dormitory quickly, but he found that the couple's footsteps were not fast, but they just maintained a fixed rhythm, walking like that, even though they looked forward, But there is no divine light, as if he is trapped in his own world, thinking about something, but the function of his eyes, just the simple and most basic eyes that prevent him from hitting the wall.

This state seems to be in a trance, but it is not clear whether it is in a trance.

All in all, very incredible.

At least in the eyes of this gatekeeper ninja, it's hard to understand.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu, the gatekeeper ninja, is even more terrifying.

According to the legends of ghosts and gods he read, there might be ghosts in the gloomy environment of the Anbu dormitory.

Then Qingyu who lives here may be an existence that even ghosts are afraid of.

This gatekeeper ninja has an indescribable intuition. He always feels that Qingyu is not as simple as it seems on the surface. There seems to be some ulterior secret in the black mist, as well as that seemingly slender body. There seems to be a lot of energy hidden in it.

This man is horrible!

The gatekeeper ninja quietly made a definition for Qingyu in his heart, he understood that no matter what the circumstances, he must never mess with this person, otherwise he would bring himself great trouble.

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