Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 792 The process is not important! ([Monthly ticket] plus update)

Qingyu is using these very concise words to explain these contents.

After all, Ninja World doesn't have the Internet at all, and there are no so-called Internet celebrities, so they don't know the concept of Internet celebrity shops at all.

But Qingyu wants to make Yile Ramen a feeling like the online celebrity shop in reality.

It was an idea he had, and he felt he could do it.


Now Qingyu doesn't know how to clearly convey his idea to Tada and Namikaze Minato.

So he thought of such an answer.

"Is it a well-known store?"

Namikaze Minato pinched his chin with his right hand, and put on a posture of thinking.

Because he was just now.

He is also thinking about himself, and there is no conflict with Qingyu's discontinuity, because when Qingyu is thinking about how to answer the online celebrity shop, he has already begun to plan for Qingyu's future. the position occupied in .

Now that he has figured it out, he will give Qingyu the position of the head of the torture department in the Anbu of Muye Village, so after he understands these things, he looks into Qingyu's eyes again, and he has already regarded him as The future head of the torture department.

Based on such things, now Namikaze Minato's requirements for some of the content here have become more real.

Now Minakame wants it very much, and understands more clearly, what exactly is Aoba thinking?

Because this can effectively help him understand Qingyu's way of thinking.

"If it is a well-known store, then Yile Ramen is now an online celebrity store in Konoha Village!"

Namikaze Minato then added, although he didn't know exactly why the vocabulary of this online celebrity shop was extended, but he felt that since Qingyu called it that, then he followed Qingyu's words Come out, because he wanted to know that Qing Yu might want to give a new meaning to this type of storefront.

But according to what the couple said, then Yile Ramen itself is already an online celebrity shop in Konoha Village, plus some other shops including Konoha Village, such as the three-color meatball shop can also be said It is an online celebrity shop in Konoha Village.

Because these stores have already become household names.

Namikaze Minato has become a household name and weighed the concept of an online celebrity shop in this way, and directly expressed his inner thoughts to Qingyu.


In fact, deep down in Namikaze Minato's heart, he felt that Qingyu might need another way of expression, but in the process of asking, he could give the couple more opportunities to explain.

"It's not such a concept!"

Qingyu's words immediately caught Namikaze Minato's attention, because he knew that now, what he was thinking was exactly what he was thinking about just now, and a new concept had indeed been derived, but he still didn't know exactly what this new concept was. what is it.

Such a situation made Namikaze Minato even more impressed with Qingyu's talent, because in just this day, Qingyu already uttered countless words that Yuqian had never heard before.

In Namikaze Minato's view, these words were all created by Aoba, because no one has ever heard that Aoba was the first to say it, so it must have been created by Aoba. In a short period of time, the vocabulary that only waits for new things is continuously created, which shows that the latter's brain is too active and his way of thinking is very powerful.

All of a sudden.

Namikaze Minato immediately pricked up his ears.

Prepare to listen carefully to the concepts that Qingyu may be about to say.

Because after he heard Qingyu's denial of his words, he understood that Qingyu would definitely bring up some very strange things in his opinion, and these things would be very helpful to him.

so far.

After Namikaze Minato met Qingyu, any of the things he asked about Qingyu and the answers he got about Qingyu actually guided him to the imaginable direction for the follow-up to a large extent.

Namikaze Minato learned a lot from it.

Not everyone can say these things. After all, there are too many problems in it. Qingyu's active thinking has brought many things that have never been mentioned by people in the whole ninja world. Some new things, these things are constantly improving their cognition to a certain extent.

For now.

The concept Qingyu brought him was of great help to him, and to a large extent helped him complete a new transformation in some choices.

Especially when it came to Yile Ramen, Qingyu continued to ask a lot of questions.

Although it is almost very difficult to say that the public opinion related to Xiaonan is almost very difficult, and not everyone can be sure that it will be held smoothly, and then the method of turning Yile Ramen into a member store is proposed. In the end, he directly said the name of an online celebrity shop.

Words like this one after another kept coming out of Qingyu's mouth, enriching their conceptual branch, and allowing Namikaze Minato to have a new understanding of Qingyu.

I have to say that Qingyu is really too powerful!

Every time Minakaze Minato thinks of these things that Aoba said, there is an incomparable existence in his heart, and he even begins to look forward to becoming the Hokage of Konoha Village, how to use it in front of Aoba after having a certain amount of real power.

"The concept of an online celebrity store does not just refer to word of mouth."

Qingyu's voice sounded slowly, he was trying his best to find a way of speaking that could explain these problems conveniently.

"If it's just word-of-mouth stores, then there are actually a lot of them in Muye Village!"

"People spread word of mouth and think this store is very good and delicious, and they all rely on their own strength."

"It is understandable that a normal store can obtain its own name by relying on its own strength, but the online celebrity store can indeed improve on the basis of its original strength, or in the case of not having much strength, it is still possible. Has a very high reputation!"

"This refers to something other than strength!"

"It's just a store. In addition to the word-of-mouth that his products can bring, he has some other places that people can yearn for."

"This part is one of the fundamental reasons why it can become an online celebrity store, and it is also the characteristic of this store!"

"I don't know if you can understand me when I say that..."

"In short, what I want to improve is not the word-of-mouth reputation of Yile Ramen in terms of the taste of ramen, but the reputation of the entire store!"

"The reputation of Ichiraku Ramen will spread to the whole ninja world, let everyone know the existence of Iraku Ramen in Konoha Village, and even become a check-in place!"

At the end of Qingyu's talk, he brought up the concept of clock-in, but he said it casually, but it easily spread to the ears of Namikaze Minato and Xiaonan.

Everyone at the scene was constantly shocked by the special vocabulary that popped out of Qingyu's mouth.

They were just still understanding what that online celebrity shop meant. After all, they had never heard of such a name, and the explanation Qingyu just made was not so special and complete in their opinion. First of all, That is, this thing has nothing to do with word of mouth, but what does it have to do with it?

Can you gain popularity casually?

Or is there any other way?

Everyone at the scene felt as if they heard it, but they didn't understand it at all, because this kind of thing was too advanced in their opinion.

Almost no one can easily understand the concept of an online celebrity store here, because they have never seen a similar storefront.

But Qingyu can't explain it very clearly now, because he doesn't know what kind of words to use to replace those Internet words, and what kind of description to use to make them understand the concept of such a thing.

"In short..."

These people from Qingyu spoke first before asking questions. He understood that this is not the time to preach these concepts too much, but to implement these things immediately. After all, if these questions continue to dig deeper Go on, then there may be more and more things to say.

There are not so many things to continue talking about now, because although there is a lot of space for him, there are actually many restrictions. If everything is said too clearly, many places will be withdrawn when doing it in the future. , on the contrary, it is somewhat difficult, and now because the civilizations of the two worlds are different, he has no way to completely understand, and people can directly convert the two different civilizations in one fell swoop.

After all, converting this concept of civilization is not like writing a novel, just replace the original urban background with the background of the ninja world.

There are many different things that need him to solve.

For example...

Although the concept of an online celebrity store is based on the Internet, and then driven by those who have more traffic, it forms a place where you can check in, but for Qingyu, this position can indeed be converted into a person in the ninja world A place everyone wants to come to.

It takes a lot of marketing and hype along the way.

For him, such things are not uncommon. He has forgotten that he has seen many, many cases like this, and he knows what kind of program it is, but after all, it has not been formally practiced, so there is no way to Completely tell them all the contents inside before proceeding.

This situation is very simple, not so difficult to understand, because Qingyu doesn't know how to explain clearly, so he has no way to explain clearly.

This is just like the plan he was making in the past. Even if the plan is too detailed, when it is actually implemented, reality will lead to another direction.

This is how Qingyu feels at the moment. If he has made everything as clear as a map of plans now, but if something changes during the process, then he still needs to continue to change the plan, and These plans all have a chain of logical thinking. When there is a problem in one place, there will be problems in the follow-up.

This is the so-called pulling one hair and moving the whole body!

Therefore, Qingyu feels that it is useless to give these people an outline now, because when it comes to further development, the plan will never change quickly, and it is very likely that it will develop in another direction because of a little problem. Sometimes he needs to re-plan.

First of all, it is very troublesome to do so, and it is necessary to show these people again when re-making the plan. In fact, it is not necessary at all, as long as he does not say too much.

The second is that when the plan changes, when explaining to these people, it is very likely that they will be misunderstood, thinking that the plan has failed or that the previous plan has deviated, which may make them more concerned about the follow-up plan. Planning creates thoughts of low confidence.

The third is that Qingyu itself doesn't have so many detailed concepts at all. It wants to take a step at a time. As long as it maintains a general direction, it can advance and retreat at any time, and as he creates public opinion, We also need to see the reactions of these people on the scene, how to make a plan for the next step.

It is precisely because of the above viewpoints that Qingyu doesn't want to explain the topic so thoroughly at this time, and there is no need to explain it so clearly, as long as it is correct in the general direction.


Qingyu could tell that hand-slapping cared more about the result than the process.

What exactly is this process?

In fact, it doesn't matter at all!

As long as Yile Ramen finally becomes a real online celebrity shop, and ninjas from various villages are willing to come to Muye Village to eat noodles like Yile Ramen, then the ultimate goal can be said to be achieved .

"Leave this matter to me!"

"I will be able to do this very smoothly!"

"You just need to follow my command!"

Qingyuxiang and Xiaonan looked at it, because he knew that if he wanted to make ramen become an online celebrity shop, then the two of them are indispensable and have a very important role, but the one that bears the brunt is the one he just said, Xiaonan can't leave Yile Ramen, he doesn't need any words in the unexpected world, and will reform Yile Ramen as a member store.


Namikaze Minato hit the hand next to him, looked and looked at Xiaolan's meaning, for Qingyu's plan, there was only a sense of anticipation, and they were curious to know the details, because even if they heard Qingyu may not be able to understand what he said, and he may not even be able to help. It is better to witness all of this bit by bit, but for Minato, he really wants to hear more about Qingyu. Talk about the details here.

But he found that he was the only one paying attention to these things... Hello.

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