Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 916 Ziraiya (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

After this person uttered these words, all pairs of eyes on the scene were focused on him, and everyone's eyes flickered with thinking eyes.

I have to say that is indeed the case.

Previously, all they thought about was the things in Yile Ramen, but they didn't think about whether those people from other villages should apply for membership cards, they just wanted to keep those people from other villages from coming in.

At that time, I felt that preventing people from other villages from entering was an act of embarrassing them.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Instead, let them in. If they can't come in, this is an embarrassing behavior.

All of a sudden.

Everyone is thinking about such a thing, whether this position should be given up.

Or it can be said that this is not a concession.

Instead, through the special marketing model of Yile Ramen, people from other villages will be disarmed.

"I think it makes sense."

"It really makes sense!"

"What should I say about this matter? It seems that there is such a feeling."

"Things seem to be a little bit like that right now."

"It's not a way."

"If we give up the position, will those people from other villages come in?"

"There's really a lot to think about in there."


These people discussed each other sentence after sentence, and they all felt that what the person just said was indeed to a certain extent, a part that could be decided.

That's exactly what it looks like.

Now they are all thinking about the problems here.

If they move the position out of the way to let these people in.

Then they should be able to come in. In this case, there will be many things that will focus on those people from other villages.

after these things.

These people nodded in unison. Some of them looked outside and found that there were not many people waiting in line outside.

But most of them are people from other villages, because the members of this village know that once someone is inside, they will not go out for almost a day, so there are very few people queuing outside, and occasionally a few people just The members who handle it have not experienced the beatings of the previous things.

"Why don't we go out."

Several people in Yile Ramen made the same decision by coincidence, and they immediately got up and walked outside.

This is also the first time since Qingyu arranged for those people to work there for a day, some people came in and then walked out silently.

With the departure of these people.

The seat for Yile Ramen was immediately vacated.

The people from other villages who were waiting outside were still thinking about these things, because they always felt that they could only feel what happened to Xiaonan in Yile Ramen, what was going on.

They have never had a chance to go in, but now their chance has come.

With such an opportunity, they can judge the situation more easily.

On the contrary, I feel very satisfied in my heart.

After going through these things.

Everyone at the scene had the same feeling in their hearts, that is, they wanted to see what happened inside, so they walked towards Yile Ramen together.

As time went by, the few people at the front of the queue who had already signed up for a ramen membership got in.

But until the ninja from an unknown village was at the top.

The ninja was stopped at once.

“A membership card is required to enter Yile Ramen!”

Xiao Nan's cold voice sounded slowly.

As a staff working in Yile Ramen, she has fully adapted to her job during this time. Although she will not continue to work here in the future, as long as she is here, She will do her own thing perfectly.

"Do you still need membership to eat noodles?"

The ninja asked with a hint of luck. In fact, after he came to Muye Village, he got some information about a ramen, but he still wanted to get involved.


After the ninja asked this sentence.

Xiao Nan didn't answer him.

Instead, look behind this person.

"Is there anyone in the back who is already a member?"

Xiaonan said coldly.

Now she doesn't care about it at all, and there is no one who has registered for membership.

This kind of thing has almost nothing to do with her.

Especially after experiencing the vortex of public opinion some time ago, she almost didn't care about such people at all, because there were too many people applying for membership every day.

over time.

Xiao Nan has long been numb.

That's why she decided not to do it after a while.


From Xiaonan's point of view, as long as it takes a while, all the problems here will be solved by her.

There should be no people without members in Muye Village.

Even if there is.

It's a very small part.

The vast majority of people already have Yile Ramen members, and the remaining small part did not apply at the beginning, even if they really want to apply, or involve the renewal of those who have already applied for membership, Then hand hitting the big brother can also be done.

When Xiaonan came to Muye Village, she didn't intend to be such a person who manages members. Of course, she has a very strong talent in managing money.

These things seem to be natural to her, she hardly needs to learn, and she can get started with a little practice.

In a way.

It was the first time Xiaonan discovered that she had such a talent.

He has a very unique way of thinking about counting and managing money.

Can handle things here very clearly.

One such aspect is.

Xiaonan still felt that he had a certain degree of windfall.

So in Muye Village, she also wants to do some things of her own.

In fact, what exactly is this thing like...

Now she doesn't know how to make a decision about her behavior.

From another point of view.

At this point in time, Xiao Nan actually cared about beating her elder brother very much in her heart.

After all, when she first came to Muye Village, Brother Slapping provided her with a place to live.

Let's talk about it from another angle.

Her senior brother Namikaze Minato successfully helped her become a ninja in Konoha Village, stayed here and changed her fate.

Although it is said that the people who have done all this are actually three generations.

But she didn't really attribute all this to the third generation at all, because she knew very well in her heart that the third generation was just a pawn in the hands of Namikaze Minato and Qingyu, and everything was under Qingyu's control from the beginning middle.

Especially when this matter started, Xiao Nan was not particularly sure.

Because at that time, it was indeed the third generation who arranged for her to become the ninja of Konoha Village.

But at that time, Xiaonan always felt faintly in his heart that there was Qingyu's handwriting here, but he didn't particularly confirm it in his heart, until when the third generation became irreparable because of helping her become a ninja in Konoha Village, Her psychology was really determined.

That's exactly what it looks like.

If the third generation hadn't finally helped her become a ninja in Konoha Village, then the third generation would not have fallen to the point where she is now helpless.

Xiao Nan was also among them, watching the situation here all the time, but he didn't have a particularly serious feeling.

In other words, she has never felt why the third generation arranged herself in Muye Village.

This point is actually unreasonable.

But that's exactly what happened.

And because of the emergence of such things, it directly caused the third generation to lose a very core competitive opportunity.

It is because of such a reason.

It brought the three generations into a very embarrassing situation today, which led to the position of Hokage in Konoha Village completely falling into the hands of Namikaze Minato.

It is precisely because of such a situation that Xiao Nan believes that Qing Yu's actions are definitely involved.

It's definitely not that simple.


Xiaonan's opinion on this matter is that the third generation either fell into Qingyu's trap, or was completely calculated by Qingyu to take this step.

It is definitely not such a simple thing to do.

Gradually as time passed, these two days passed, and the public opinion in Muye Village fermented more and more intensely, and these public opinions were no longer concentrated on her, but completely concentrated on her. On the body of three generations.

This made Xiao Nan feel more certain that there must be some problems in it that she hadn't thought of before.

These problems have also led to the current situation.

All of a sudden.

Xiaonan began to deduce this process repeatedly in her heart, but she never figured out how to get to where she is today. Even if she put herself in the position of the third generation, she couldn't get herself to this point. At this point, I feel that there are too many strange problems here.

Because the most incomprehensible thing that made her think was why the third generation included it in Muye Village.

There is absolutely no benefit to be seen in this matter.

The third generation itself is in a very weak position at this stage, and there is no need to do things that have no meaning to him at all.

This is a question that Xiao Nan can't figure out very much.

After Xiaonan thought about many things, she knew Sandai very well in her heart, and her ultimate goal was to become the Hokage of Konoha Village, and Sandai also showed it in this way, because she had seen Sandai with her own eyes.

In the process of talking to him in the third generation, in fact, he has been queuing for two consecutive days, wanting to become a ramen member.

This kind of thing is not so simple, because a ramen member has to deposit a lot of money at one go. Although the third generation was very distressed at the time, he did not hesitate. This shows that he still cares about the public opinion that happened to him. .

Through such things, Xiaonan knew that in Sandai's heart, he absolutely wanted to continue to be the Hokage of Konoha Village, but he didn't know why the public opinion on himself would become an obstacle for Sandai to move forward.

She never thought about this very clearly, and he didn't have a clear grasp of what happened in Muye Village before.


These are actually all right.

The most unbelievable thing is that.

Why did the third generation classify her into Muye Village? This is why she still can't feel it yet.

Xiaonan once thought about what he would do if he stood in the position of the third generation, but there was one thing she would never do, which was to put people in her position into Muye Village, because it would not There will definitely be a huge controversy, because she is entwined with various public opinions, so it is very unrealistic to forcibly suppress these public opinions and classify herself into Muye Village.

This kind of completely unrealistic thing is so outrageous, but this outrageous thing did happen, the more this kind of thing made him feel more incomprehensible, this incomprehensible thing turned her into a Now, even if he is still in Muye Village, there is always a huge question mark in his heart, no matter how he thinks about it, he can't figure it out.

It is precisely because of this.

Xiaonan has been thinking in her heart that when she has a chance, she wants to have a chat with Qingyu, and wants to ask what happened. For her, this is just to satisfy a little curiosity in her heart. Heart.

Xiaonan wondered if Qingyu would tell her.

But she knew in her heart that there would definitely be a reason for a couple here, because she had seen Qingyu before, and she herself had heard what Qingyu said, and she felt that Qingyu was indeed extremely talented, and Qingyu's talent was hard to understand .

But these are all things in Xiaonan's heart, and they haven't delayed her work in a big area.

Following Xiao Nan's words about whether there are any members in the future.

Among the crowd, some members who were queuing raised their hands, and Xiao Nan immediately nodded to them, indicating that they could go in.

Those who have registered for Yile Ramen members all had smiles on their faces. They originally thought that it was impossible for them to enter Yile Ramen today, and queuing up here is just the last stubbornness in their hearts, because They have nothing to do, so they can only stay here.


They didn't expect that there was indeed such an opportunity today, so many people came out of Yile Ramen.

Some of them are the newest members of Ichile Ramen, and they don't know the queue situation, but some of them have been here before.

They understand what happened here.

It is very clear what kind of problem there is.


When they line up here.

It is very clear in my heart that I may not be able to get in.

But being able to enter Yile Ramen now is like having a miracle for them. In such a miracle, they are greatly satisfied in their hearts.

They feel that this is indeed the victory they have been waiting for. This kind of victory is more joyful than queuing up to come here the next day, because no one has come out of here in the past few days, and waiting is almost impossible. kind of miraculous.

But they just let them wait.

Time is such a teaser. After they bypassed the people in front of me who had not registered for membership and walked in, those people from other villages who had not yet registered for membership began to panic in their hearts.

They came here to inquire about information, especially about Xiao Nan, but it would be a pity if they didn't even enter the door.

Moreover, the information obtained between the various villages is not interoperable.

That is to say, after someone gets the information, they will not share it with other people's villages.

So if they don't enter Yile Ramen, there is no problem. As long as people from other villages don't enter, then everyone has not obtained this information, but once someone else enters, it will be a problem for them. One piece of information is missing.

This kind of thing is very important.

Everyone at the scene fell into silence for a while, because after they watched the people who had registered for membership go in, everyone suddenly became anxious, but most of them found that they were in the same situation as they came to Muye Village. Those other people among them were not able to enter, and everyone was still standing on the same horizontal line.

People from other villages like them don't care about people from Muye Village.

Under such a premise.

As long as they are still on the same starting line, there is no problem. After all, it is meaningless to fight with the original people in Muye Village.


The person in the first row asked Xiao Nan about the membership of Yile Ramen. Although Xiao Nan's answer was cold, everyone at the scene heard it.

Everyone knows about Ichiraku Ramen members.

Only real members can enter a ramen, and others cannot.

Then everyone is thinking about the membership, after all, they have heard the entry of the members, which indeed exceeded all of their expectations.


Just before these people arrived, Qing Yu started to fight, and the eldest brother sent a signal, that is, those people who have not registered for membership before, when they apply for membership again, the threshold for membership has been raised again, and everyone needs to pay Only 50,000 yen is enough.

This has a very strong feeling, which makes them feel that the threshold has been raised instantly, much higher, and it takes so much money in one go. Many ninjas don't have that much money in hand.

When Shuda received the news from Qingyu, he still had a lot of doubts in his heart, because he felt that once the threshold was raised to this level, no one would apply for a ramen membership again, but at that time Qingyu In the answer to him, this problem was solved immediately.

What Qingyu said at the time was that in terms of explanation, it could be said that some discounted memberships were being processed before, which would make those who had previously applied for memberships feel a very strong sense of satisfaction in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this.

When Yile Ramen decided to increase the value of membership, those who had previously applied for membership, not only did not have any objection, but they all raised their hands in agreement.

It is precisely because of such a situation.

Therefore, Yile Ramen was completed very smoothly when increasing the membership threshold, and did not get any public opinion storm, even if many people in Muye Village did not know about such a thing, after all, most of the people in Muye Village All of them have signed up as members of Yile Ramen.

When they handled the first few batches, they already had the feeling of buying early and enjoying early.


They still haven't felt it yet.

Because everyone is basically the same no matter whether they buy early or late, at most there is a gap of a few days. There are still some social fears, they didn't ask Xiao Nan about those public opinion questions, so at most, they came here early to pay more attention to Xiao Nan.

But the substantial increase in the threshold now really makes them feel that they have saved 20,000 yen.

Although the price has changed, the service they enjoy has not changed at all. Whether it is the person who applied for membership before or after the threshold was raised, everyone is the same member, which makes the person who applied for membership feel that they are Higher service and experience are bought at a lower value.

All of a sudden.

Such a transformation has been greatly improved.

Of course, hand playing also knows that such a change is aimed at those outsiders, and he is still very puzzled, because if this is done, will those outsiders still apply for membership of Yile Ramen?

After he relayed this point of view to Qingyu, the answer he got was that it doesn't matter whether they come or not, as long as they handle it, it is equivalent to a one-shot deal, and at such a price, they only buy one or two bowls of noodles. .

Because after all, these people will return to their former villages and their original vision, and they will not often come to Yile Ramen to eat noodles.

It is even possible that after eating a bowl of noodles, you will not be able to get in the queue for the second time.

Such a transformation will make each of them feel very uncomfortable in their hearts, like eating flies.

But there is no answer to this multiple-choice question, as if telling them clearly that even if it is a fly, you have to eat it, and you must finish eating it.

It was precisely because of this feeling that after Xiaonan finished talking about the price of Yile Ramen members, the people at the scene fell silent. Everyone knew that the cost of this information was too huge.

Everyone already has an idea of ​​retreating.

Everyone even wanted to cover the matter tacitly.


Just at this time.

A thick voice sounded.

"I handle membership."

This figure is slightly tall, with long silver hair. When he walked towards Xiaonan, his eyes were full of tenderness. He wore a ninja forehead protector on his forehead, with the word "oil" written on it.

This person is Jiraiya, one of Konoha Sannin!

After seeing this figure, Xiao Nan's pupils shrank violently, and a strong longing rushed into his heart.

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