Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 927 Nara Lujiu (please subscribe for monthly ticket)


After hearing Qingyu's words, Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment.

He never thought that Qingyu would recommend other people to him, and he didn't know who else was more suitable for such a job.

All of a sudden.

Namikaze Minato stared at Qingyu closely, his eyes were full of curiosity, wanting to know what was going on.

"Nara Shikahisa."

Qing Yu faintly said a name, this is their classmate who went to school together, and also someone who had doubted him before.

Shikahisa Nara.

Nara Shikamaru's father.

Has a very high IQ, strategy and judgment ability.

Together with Kaiichi Yamanaka and Dingza Akimichi, they form the group "Pig Deer Butterfly".

In the Naruto anime, that is, under the normal historical trajectory, Nara Shikahisa eventually became the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Ninja World War.

To a certain extent, Aoba still agrees with Nara Shikahisa's resourcefulness very much. Even if such a thing happened before, he has no other prejudice against that road. He is indeed a positive person.

In addition, Shikaku Nara was still young before.

At that time, it was not a problem that some forms could not be seen through.


Qingyu is very clear about what kind of role he is playing here, and there are not many ninjas who can take advantage of him.

Therefore, Nara Shikahisa did not take advantage of his matter, and it is not a bad place. On the contrary, it is necessary for Nara Shikahisa to grow to a certain extent in the follow-up, which will also allow Nara Shikaku to Now, it is still an important reason why he can still be nominated by Qing Yu.

In general.

Although Qing Yu didn't have a particularly good impression of Lu Jiu, but he recognized Lu Jiu's strength.

In the past, Nara Shikahisa also established himself in Konoha Village as a staff officer in Hokage's office.

It's just that most of the time, Nara Shikahisa has been helping the third Hokage, but now he is nominated to help Namakaze Minato. On this point, Aoba does have some bottom-lines of his own.

"Nara Shikahisa is from three generations..."

Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice, in fact, he had thought about this person, but because he was an old member of the third generation, so he has never particularly dared to believe in Nara Shikahisa, even if they are students, but Nara Shikaku, after all, is Nara A clan of people.

It is precisely because of such things.

When Namikaze Minato made these thoughts, he had many entanglements in his heart.

Because now he is the Hokage of Konoha Village, as the new generation Hokage of Konoha Village, he must support the entire Konoha Village.

As the saying goes, one emperor and one courtier.

If Namikaze Minato can become the new Hokage of Konoha Village, then there is bound to be a strength that is far beyond the reach of others.

on such a basis.

When Namikaze Minato made these thoughts, he must have some considerations of his own. He cannot easily let people from the Nara clan continue to hold a relatively important position, otherwise he feels that he may be led astray. .

"This is your prejudice!"

Qingyu shook his head at that time, his eyes fixed on Namikaze Minato, showing a relatively serious state.

"Nara Shikahisa is from the Nara clan, and he is also from Konoha Village!"

"Essentially speaking, he should be from Konoha Village first, and then from the Nara clan!"

"Although the Nara clan and the Sarutobi clan are relatively close, and Nara Shikahisa was promoted by three generations, but if we abandon Nara Shikahisa because of this and don't use it, it just reflects your narrow side! "

"Personally, I don't think you should do this!"


"You are Hokage of Konoha Village!"

"Hokage should have its own generosity. Your grievances are with the third generation, but as you officially become Hokage, the third generation has also let go of everything. Why can't you let it go?"

"It is impossible for the third generation to become Hokage again."

"Nara Shikahisa is the most suitable person for this!"

"So I think you should have reused it for a long time, and that Lujiu will also feel flattered by your reuse, and will definitely try my best to deal with all the problems that are happening now, including the Nara clan, and even the subsequent ones." Pigs and butterflies may become your fans!"

Qingyu said one sentence after another, all the content he described was directed towards Namikaze Minato, and after Namikaze Minato heard what he said, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

"You are right!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly felt that his previous thinking was a bit biased, because he didn't think about so many things when he was competing with the third generation, but at this point in time, he is already the Hokage of Konoha Village , Then on many follow-up issues, he can actually let go of his hands and feet, and don't have to worry about so many things anymore.

It is precisely because he has thought too much before that he wears shackles. When using a person, he does not look at the person's talent, but the person's background. This is a very undesirable behavior.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato's back broke out in a cold sweat.

Because this kind of thing not only made him feel that he had reached a dead end to a great extent, but also made him realize that if this continues, what is the difference between him and the third generation?

Isn't that all there is to it?

Under such a problem, he feels that there is little he can do, which leads to him becoming more and more concerned about these relationships in the future, rather than strength. It also makes Muye Village gradually go downhill. .

"Qingyu, thank you, I understand!"

Namikaze Minato nodded solemnly to Aoba. In fact, he was looking for Aoba to solve these problems, and he really wanted to become the Hokage of Konoha Village because of these things.

But he completely ignored the problem inside.

under such a problem.

He suddenly realized for a while now.

"I still have something to do now, let's take a step first, and we will talk about the rest of us later!"

Namikaze Minato immediately turned and left, because now he has just accepted the Hokage of Konoha Village, and there are still many things that he needs to deal with, and now he is completely unable to handle it by himself.

It is precisely because of such things that he came to find Qingyu in desperation, hoping that his lover could come to help him solve it.

But now that he knew about Nara Shikahisa, his heart became more spacious.

It is such a reason.

Because Namikaze Minato knows very well that Qingyu is a very evil talent, this kind of talent is suitable for more useful places, and the daily work is not suitable for Qingyu to do, if he is not really looking for If there are no more people, he will not come here to look for Qingyu.

Now with Nara Shikahisa's help, he felt that he didn't need to bother Aoba with such matters.

Because he felt that Qingyu's talent should not be wasted for no reason on such meaningless things, and he should find Qingyu to help solve the problem in a more valuable place.


Namikaze Minato just left in front of Aoba.


Qing Yu quietly watched the office workers leave, and did not speak until the other party had left for a long time. His heart was still at a stage that was relatively not particularly quiet.

have to say.

The fact that Namikaze Minato found him now brought him a certain sense of crisis. He understands that Namakaze Minato has just become the Hokage of Konoha Village, and in many places he has not yet fully possessed these things.

So Namikaze Minato will definitely think of him again when he encounters some problems!

This is also impossible.

Qingyu felt in his heart that there was no particularly good solution to such a situation, and the only thing he could do was to find other people to help him deal with it.

It is true that Nara Shikaku can still be used now, and the ability you have acquired like that will not have any major problems in solving the affairs of Konoha Village.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu also fell into a kind of contemplation, and he was also thinking about what kind of method he would use in the future to get it done once and for all.

But he couldn't think of it at all.

Because unless he personally came forward to solve the problem, even if he used the avatar, only he could solve all the problems in person.

But if this is the case, he will also have a lot of trouble in the process.

Qingyu also doesn't want to bear these troublesome things here.

This leaves nothing in particular to do in the end.


When Qingyu was thinking about these things, he fell into a rather helpless mood again, so he took out those notebooks and began to write the story he always wanted to write.

Come out with these stories.

There is a little sustenance in Qingyu's heart.

Maybe after Konoha Publishing House is really established, he will also have some things to do that belong to his own hobbies. When all the words he wrote are published and seen by others, he may be able to Create a real sense of accomplishment.

These senses of accomplishment will make him feel a better life in Konoha Village, in the ninja world.


Qingyu has already begun to look forward to the appearance of Konoha Publishing House. He hopes to publish all these articles in hand. When the whole publishing house is serving him, he can experience various states as much as possible.

"No, I can't wait for Namikaze Minato, because he has too many things on hand now!"

Qingyu kept it privately in his heart. He felt that in the past few days, he must take the initiative to find Namikaze Minato, and then completely settle the matter of Konoha Publishing House, so that in the follow-up In time, he will be able to take charge of these at Konoha Publishing House.

As for the dark matter...

It is completely enough for Brother Mori Yiton to deal with it.

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