Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 103 Detention! Peter's Means! Dark Storm! 【Seek Full Order】

Da Mao is a closely knit federation.

The main ethnic group of the huge alliance is the Ross family.

Most of the upper echelons are Ross people.

For countries that joined later,

Da Mao is basically controlled in the form of garrisons.

Even some friendly countries that have not joined, Da Mao wants to use this method to control.

For example, Dragon Kingdom.

It's just a pity that the Dragon Kingdom didn't compromise on this like other countries did.

So there is a rift in the main body of the two red camps.

But now because of all kinds of Dragon Kingdom,

As a result, some alliance countries within Da Mao have questioned the authorities!!

Coupled with Peter's previous search,

Don't let it be calm outside,

The relationship is actually very tense!!

Peter increased the number of troops stationed in each alliance country overnight!

To prevent the situation from getting out of control!!

But he thinks this is not enough!!

"Guys, I think some more necessary measures should be taken.

Peter said aloud.

The other big hair high-level people looked at him nervously.

"Tomorrow a summit meeting within the coalition states is going to be convened."

"My idea is to let the sons and daughters of the leaders come to study in Moxico, and we will hire the best teachers for them!!"

Peter was silent for a while, eyes sparkling, and said.

When the other big hair high-level officials heard what he said, their expressions immediately changed!!

Everyone is not an idiot!!

Isn't this equivalent to being a hostage!?

"What kind of eyes are you looking at!? Let me tell you, the current international situation has changed too much! The two-level situation was directly broken by the Dragon Kingdom! I predict that it will not be long before the Dragon Kingdom will definitely make big moves!! Let's not go ahead at this time Stabilize yourself, if something goes wrong, the whole big hair will be very dangerous!!"

"Everyone here, including me, will be very dangerous!!"

Peter took a deep breath, looked at the group of people and said.

When a group of people heard his words, they immediately felt cold!!

Woke up all of a sudden,

If Peter's words come true,

What happened to them!!

At this point,

They have no choice!!

can only be more radical,

Press back this contradiction!!

"Understood, Mr. Tong, I support your decision!!"

"Me too, Mr. Tong, you are right. If there is a fire in our backyard at this time, the problem will be serious!"

come to my senses,

A group of people all agreed.

Ever since,

moxico party,

Send urgent calls overnight!!

Convene the leaders of each alliance country to Moxico for a meeting!!

East Hansland,

Chief Lucas looked at the notification document on Moxico's side,

He frowned.

"What are you calling us to do at this time?"

Lucas murmured softly.

"Chief Lucas, is Moxi wanting to plunder our resources again?"

The deputy on the side asked with an unhappy expression.

Lucas heard his words,

shook his head,

"It shouldn't be. Forget it, don't worry about it, I'll find out when I go and have a look tomorrow."

The deputy listened to what Lucas said,

It can only be a sigh,


"I just told us how good it is to join the alliance at the beginning, but I don't think it's that good!! It's next door to West Hans, and the quality of life of the people is much higher than ours!

"Speaking of which, first of all, sir, there is something that must be reported to you."

"Recently, in our East Hans country, there have been many incidents of hitting the Hans wall..."

"Understood, let's press first, Moxico's attitude is tough, and we have nothing to do.

Before the deputy could finish speaking, Lucas interrupted him, then shook his head and left the office.

The same scene is also being staged in various countries of the alliance.

The heads of all the alliance countries are very confused by Moxico's decision!!

But due to Da Mao's strength,

They also dare not speak out.

Can only be invited to the banquet.

the next day.

Great Hall of the Damao Center.

The heads of all the Union countries are gathered here.

However, unlike before,

They used to sit on the stage,

But this time, Ah Di sat under the stage like a primary school student in class.

On stage is the real core of Da Mao,

Commander Peter, General Bourne, etc.!!


In addition to essential staff,

There is no one else in this venue!!

Is an absolute closed loop meeting!!

And the heads of the various alliance countries also felt this atmosphere,

Everyone's face is tense,

It is absolutely very important to understand what this meeting is talking about!!

"Ahem." "

Peter sat in the middle of the stage,

Tried the mic,

then said,

"Everyone, I know it's not in the rules to call you over so abruptly."

"And now our alliance has no choice.

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much. The main reason for letting everyone come here this time is to tell you some good things."

good news?!

Upon hearing this, the leaders of the various alliance countries in the audience,

All of a sudden they were stunned!!


Why do they all feel chills down their spines!!

In an instant, Peter's gentle smile turned cold!!

"It's like this, because considering the internal culture of each of our alliance countries, the culture is still a bit unstable. It is also very easy for us to go the wrong way in the education of our children!"

"So here, we will specially allocate a fund to build a new type of school, so that the children of Hakka can study here."

"Don't worry, everyone, we will hire the best teacher resources in the entire territory of Damao! We will definitely give our next generation the best education! And the children of General Byrne and I will also enter this school to study."

Just when a group of leaders of the alliance countries below were wondering,

Peter smiled,

Then he spoke out his plan.

this moment,

The heads of other alliance countries in the audience were as motionless as if they had turned into ice sculptures!!




All kinds of extremely negative emotions filled the hearts of the leaders of the various alliance countries at once!!

everyone understands

The purpose of education that Peter said is secondary,

The main purpose is to keep their children as hostages in Moxico!!

It's literally about controlling them from start to finish!!

"Commander Peter! Isn't this too unnecessary? Our children can also get a good education here!! Isn't it a waste of money to set up a special school!?"

"Yes, Mr. Tong, I don't think it is necessary to build a special school!! Don't worry, I will definitely educate my children well! My family and I are absolutely loyal to Da Mao!!"

After regaining consciousness, the leaders of each alliance country said with a pale face.

All of a sudden, the whole venue became a little rioted!!

Peter looked at the people below, smiled slightly, and didn't speak.


Bourne, who was wearing a military uniform, understood and pulled the microphone in front of him towards him,

Then said aloud,

"Everyone, be quiet."

The whole venue suddenly fell silent.

There is also a trace of fear sprouting in everyone's heart!

If before that, they still hope that Peter can take back the order.

And now Bourne has spoken,

they will understand

There is absolutely no room for maneuver in this matter!

"Everyone, I know that you think there is no way to accept this matter, but this time we called everyone over, it's just a notice, not a solicitation for your opinions!!"

"And according to what we have learned, some of you here have sent your children to study in Western countries, right?"


Byrne listened,

A pair of eyes glanced around coldly!!

The expressions of some of the people below changed drastically!!

All are shocked!

I don’t understand how Moxico got the news!!

This is a taboo!!

If Moxico really makes a fuss about this,

Don't say that the seat is not stable,

It's one thing whether they can keep their heads or not!!

"It is reasonable to say that this matter should be dealt with seriously, but considering everyone's contribution to our Da Mao's entire alliance, I discussed with Mr. Tong and decided not to deal with it in detail this time, but you must treat yourself The children of the school are resent to the school in Moxico, and then write a letter of apology to the center so as not to make similar mistakes again."

I saw that some people's foreheads were covered with beads of sweat,

Bourne also smiled,

Then he said out loud.

In fact, this was something he discussed with Peter overnight last night.

In this case,

It is more conducive to controlling these people in front of you!!

"Understood! Mr. Tong, General Bourne, please rest assured, I absolutely fully support your work!!"

The head of the Hungarian state heard Berne's words,

Immediately heaved a sigh of relief,

After wiping the sweat off my brow,

stood up straight away,

Then he said to Peter and Byrne on the stage.

"I will also fully support your work!"

"Me too!"

The other people who were caught also stood up,

They all said to Peter,

Show your loyalty!!

"Very good. I appreciate the old saying of Longguo and the others. If you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is nothing better. I am very happy that you can recognize your mistakes and support my work.

Seeing the scene in front of him develop according to his imagination, Peter nodded with a smile and said.

"What about the others? What's your opinion?"

Bourne also took over the conversation in time at this time, and then looked coldly at those who hadn't made a statement yet.

And those people have nothing to do at this time,

can only nod,

also stood up,

Agreed with Peter's idea.

"" Well, since that's the case, then it's settled. We have already found the location of the school, and it is estimated that the construction will be completed within a month. Then you can send your children here. "

"As for the name of the school, we have also chosen it. It is called the Catholic Alliance Friendship and Mutual Aid School. Do you have any opinions?"

Peter said with a smile.

Others hear the name of this school.

It's all cursed in my heart!!

Friendly and helpful?!

This is clearly forcing the good into prostitution!!

But now it's done,

For a name,

They also have nothing to say,

It can only be agreed!!

"Okay, then congratulations on the successful conclusion of our meeting. Tonight, we have prepared a sumptuous dinner for you all. Let's all stay and eat."

"In addition, regarding the upcoming World Resource Military Competition, I hope that everyone will be able to work together as one. Only by getting a good ranking in this competition can we maintain our current advantage."

"The current Dragon Kingdom and the Beautiful Kingdom are threats to us, we cannot take it lightly!!"

Seeing that things had been done properly, Peter breathed a sigh of relief, and then said out loud.

"The World Resources Military Contest will start in a few months, General Mike, do you have anything to say?"

On the other side, at the white house in the beautiful country, Hanks also convened a meeting of various high-level officials in the beautiful country.

"Ahem, Mr. Tong, all the training and exercises are going on smoothly. This time we should be able to get a good result."

Admiral Mike said,

His face was slightly pale,

Ever since he was irritated by Long Guo last time, he suffered from coughing.

"That's good."

"Everyone, although we still maintain a certain advantage over the Dragon Kingdom. (That's great) But everyone has also seen the recent actions of the Dragon Kingdom, and their development is too fast!"

"There is basically no opportunity to have a hard conflict with them. Can we think of a way to restrict the Dragon Kingdom from other aspects?"

Hanks asked.

Hearing what he said, the other senior executives of the beautiful country immediately lowered their heads.

"Don't have any ideas? Well, let me talk about my ideas."

Hanks saw the appearance of the group of people in front of him, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, then nodded and said,

"My idea is that since we are less likely to confront Dragon Nation head-on, we also need Dragon Nation to check and balance Da Mao."

"So militarily, we can't do anything about Dragon Kingdom right now."

"However, what if we focus on the economy? Or on people's livelihood? Although the current Beidou seven-star satellite system in Longguo is very profitable, it still started late and has not yet driven the development of all walks of life in Longguo."

"I can't even talk about the people's livelihood on their side... I heard that many people on their side are still living in a tight life."

"Most of the people over there have never seen any high-rise buildings, have they? Cars? Airplanes? Entertainment life? I think these places are the points we can use to attack the Dragon Kingdom!!"

"If you can't beat them from the outside, then evolve them from the inside!!"

"People who have seen the light...will they still get used to the darkness around them?"

Having said that, Hanks didn't continue talking.

The eyes of other beautiful country executives are bright!!

Hanks' idea was indeed something they hadn't thought of before.

And it sounds very operable!!

after all,

Their beautiful country is known as the beacon of human civilization!!

Why can't the light of this lighthouse shine on the land of Dragon Kingdom,

Does it shine on the people of the Dragon Kingdom who live in misery? Young!.

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