Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 12 Big Bosses Arrive! Yu Bei, Chief Engineer Of Longguo Nuclear Bomb Project! [Seek Evaluati

"Hey, Mr. Qian, Mr. Deng, the other members of the team agreed to temporarily replace the chief engineer of the nuclear bomb project, but they asked to go and see this genius together!"

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Hua said with a bit of embarrassment.

And Deng Xian and Qian Lao were also slightly taken aback, and then the former couldn't help but said,

"Boss Cheng, why did I sound like you were the one who asked to see it?"

"I heard that too."

Old Qian nodded.

Cheng didn't expect that his low-pitched communication just now was overheard by the two of them!

Immediately the old face flushed!

"Ah, is it? Haha, you heard me wrong! But I really want to meet this young man who is full of praise for his hard work!"

Cheng Hua laughed and covered it up a bit.

Seeing this, Mr. Qian and Deng Xian did not continue to poke him.

Mr. Qian also smiled, his eyes brightened slightly: "Okay, since you are all planning to visit Yu Bei, and it happens that I have never met a real person, then let's go together!"

"Old Qian, this is not good for your body..."

"Yeah, Mr. Qian, why don't you go..."

Deng Xian and Cheng Hua were shocked when they heard Mr. Qian's words, and said quickly.

However, Mr. Qian waved his hand, and then said: "It's okay, it's just a day or two, and it won't have any impact. Boss Cheng, I'd better trouble you to make arrangements."

Seeing that Mr. Qian was so persistent, the two had no choice but to nod their heads.

And Cheng Hua immediately arranged a special plane.

Afterwards, after waiting for the principal persons in charge of several other units to rush over, they boarded the plane together and rushed towards the northwest base.


on the other hand,

Northwest base.

After confirming Yubei's formula,

The calculation group is also automatically merged into the enrichment group.

According to Deng Xian's order when he left,

A group of people asked Yu Bei to give a lecture on stage,

Explain the theory of gas centrifuge operation.

Yu Bei didn't make any tweaks either, he just went on stage and spoke to a group of people.

A group of people listened very carefully,

They wrote down every word Yu Bei said in their little notebooks!

An afternoon passed without knowing it!

The afterglow of the evening also sprinkled on this group of people through the window!

Yu Bei looked at a group of people who were dressed in plain clothes, even many of their clothes were patched.

My heart is so soft,

This group of people is the cutest group of people in this era!

"Okay, everyone, it's getting late, everyone stayed up for so long last night, let's stop here today, and when the specific design drawing of the gas centrifuge arrives, we will talk about it in detail one by one!"

Yu Bei took a deep breath, and then said to the group of people.

When a group of people heard Yu Bei's words, they came back to their senses, and then they were shocked when they saw the sky!

"I'm going, it's so late!"

"Yeah, why do I feel like I just started talking!?"

"Hiss—didn't expect me to be so old, and there would be a day when I was fascinated by listening to lectures!"

A group of people touched their noses in embarrassment, a feeling that they really experienced it in the distant student days!

Yu Bei looked at the reaction of the group of people and smiled.

At this time, a staff member hurried in.

Said to a group of people,

"Everyone just received the news that Mr. Deng is coming back soon! With him, there are Mr. Qian and a few big shots!"

"What!? Money is coming!? There are big shots!?"

A group of people were shocked when they heard this, and then said.

Everyone had expressions of surprise and excitement on their faces! !

You must know that Qian Lao is in this era, he is the benchmark in their scientific research field! !

And now such a banner figure actually wants to come and see them in person! ?

And there are other big names too! ?

Even Yu Bei was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that he would see Mr. Qian so soon!

And he didn't know why, he always felt that things seemed a little weird, why did Deng Xian go to the capital suddenly, and then Qian Lao followed?

"Go, go out and meet Qian Lao!"

Lin Ye patted the dust off his body, then smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes, so he said nervously.

"No need, what can I do for a bad old man?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Deng Xian pushing Mr. Qian in at the door, and there were several people they didn't know beside them!

One of them was wearing a military uniform, and the four stars on his shoulders were shining brightly in the afterglow of the sun!

general! !

A group of people were shocked when they saw this scene!

Including Yu Bei, none of them thought that the so-called big man would be so big! !

General! !

This is a figure in the first echelon of the entire Dragon Kingdom's military, and his rank is one step away from reaching the top!

In an instant, everyone was numb!

"Hehe, don't be nervous, everyone. My name is Cheng Hua. I am temporarily serving as the director of the National Defense Agency. This time I am here mainly to accompany Mr. Qian to have a look."

"This is Hu Weinan, the newly appointed president of the Academy of Dragon Sciences."

"This is the leader of the assembly, Lieutenant General Xu Guo."

Seeing the tense faces of a group of people, Cheng Hua just smiled, and then introduced.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down. This time Mr. Qian and the leaders are here to announce one thing."

Deng Xian also smiled and asked a group of people to sit down.

Then take a deep breath,

With a relieved smile on his face,

"From today, I will no longer be the person in charge of our project!"


A group of people just sat down after listening to Deng Xian's words, and immediately stood up again!

His face was shocked!

Yu Bei was also a little surprised, but he vaguely guessed something in his heart!

"Deng Gong, what do you mean? You mean you are leaving us!?"

"No, Mr. Deng, our project was initiated by you, and you have put in so much hard work. Seeing that the nuclear bomb is about to be completed, how can you leave at this critical moment!?"

A group of people came back to their senses and said anxiously.

Deng first pressed his hands, signaling the group of people to be quiet.

Then, he looked at Cheng Hua.

"Boss Cheng, it's up to you to announce."

Deng Xian said.

Cheng Hua smiled and nodded,

Then he walked directly to the stage, took out a letter of appointment, and said with a serious face,

"The appointment is now announced. After discussion and decision by the nuclear bomb leadership group, Comrade Deng Xian will be revoked as the chief engineer of the nuclear bomb project! Comrade Yu Bei will be appointed as the chief engineer of the nuclear bomb project!"


As soon as Cheng Hua said this,

The group of experts present was a sensation! !

No one thought that this appointment would be so sudden!

Yu Bei unexpectedly transformed into the chief engineer! ?

Although he made a great contribution,

But he's only in his early twenties! !


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