Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 2 Deng Xian: Design Drawing Of Gas Centrifuge? ! [Seek Evaluation Tickets And Ask For Flower

"No, okay, I'll wait for his call back."

Yu Ci put down the phone, then waved for Yu Bei to sit down,

"Tell me, how did you come up with this thing?"

Yu Bei had no choice but to start making things up.

For example, when I was studying abroad in Damao, I met a certain expert, and then participated in physics seminars in my spare time.

I was stunned by the words.


the other side,

Far to the northwest.

The scenery here is different from that of Kyoto.

Gobi and yellow sand are everywhere!

At this time, several Da Mao's transport planes were parked at an airport in the Gobi.

Groups of tall, burly, big hairs are moving things in boxes!

The first few big-haired people in white coats were communicating with a middle-aged man headed by a small man, looking impatient!

"Deng, I said that this is the decision of the higher authorities! We have nothing to do! I have no way to communicate with you about more things. If you are interested in this aspect, we will wait for news in the future!"

A big hairy man in the lead looked at Deng Xian, frowned and said.

"But Mr. Pitarski, our agreement says that you are to assist us in completing the verification project!"

"This project is not halfway through, how can you leave!?"

Deng looked at Pitarski first, and said anxiously.

"Deng, you are not young, tell me what the agreement is?"

When Pitarski heard Mr. Deng's words, he sneered and shook his head.

And the other big-haired experts behind him couldn't help laughing out loud!

The laughter of several big hairy people made Deng Xian and his group look like clowns!

"Mr. Pitaski, you are thinking about it, at least help us solve the problem of extracting uranium-235. We have mined uranium now, you just need to..."

Although deeply humiliated, Deng Xian still begged with a cheeky face in order to be able to complete the task entrusted to him by the Dragon Kingdom.


And Deng Xian's unrelenting posture also made Pitarski's face turn ugly, he scolded Deng Xian angrily, then turned around and was about to leave without intending to say anything more.

"Damn! What arrogance! Without you, we can still make a nuclear bomb!"

A young man behind Mr. Deng couldn't bear it anymore, and said with red eyes.

And hearing his words,

A group of big-haired experts turned around,

There was another burst of laughter.

Pitarski even shook his finger at Mr. Deng.

"Deng, without the support of our big hair, you Longguo don't want to develop a nuclear bomb!"

After all, he boarded Da Mao's transport plane with his own people.


The sound of the plane was loud.

The yellow sand in the Gobi was blown up.

Deng Xian stood where he was, watching the big hairy plane gradually disappearing from sight.

After recovering, his face turned pale and his body shook!


"Mr. Deng!"

Several other people quickly supported Deng Xian.

Deng Xian waved his hand, wiped the yellow sand off his face,

"Let's go back first, have you calculated yesterday's formula?"

"Not yet. But teacher, why don't you take a rest first, your body..."

The young man said with a worried face.

"It's nothing, I can hold on."

Deng Xian refused, then got rid of the hands of several people supporting him, bent his body, and walked back to the base.

The originally not tall figure seems to be shorter again!

When the rest of the people saw this, their eyes turned red!

Then he gritted his teeth and followed!


And Deng Xiangang returned to the base.

A staff member hurriedly found him.

"Deng Gong, you are back. Just now a comrade named Yu Ci called you and said that he may have a design drawing of a gas centrifuge!"

The staff looked at Deng Xian and said.


Deng Xian was shocked when he heard what the staff said!

The heartbeat is also thumping faster!

You know, the threshold for making a nuclear bomb is the enrichment of uranium-235!

Now in the world, there are generally three ways to enrich uranium-235!

There's centrifugation, gas expansion, and lasers!

The most advanced is the centrifugal method!

It was no accident, Da Mao and the others sent experts over this time to help Longguo solve this problem!

"Gas centrifuge?! Real or fake!?"

"Hiss—who is this Yuci?! He can't joke?! How could he have this thing!?"

And a group of other experts who just came in just heard this, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes and exclaimed.

"Yu Ci is my childhood friend and the current major general of the army. He should not joke about such things!"

Deng Xian came back to his senses and said, trembling all over his body, then looked at the staff member,

"Call me back at the word! Immediately!"


The staff had never seen Mr. Deng like this before, and hurried to hug the phone.

Then asked the operator to connect to Yu Bei's house!

"Hey, Lao Yu, you said you have the design of the gas centrifuge in your hand?! Where did you get this thing?!"

As soon as he answered the phone, Mr. Deng couldn't wait to ask!

"What?! Your son drew it?!"

However, Deng Xian was stunned by Yu Ci's words!

Deng Xian, who was originally excited, suddenly became disappointed!

Of course he knew Yu Bei, but if he remembered correctly, Yu Bei was only 21 or 20 years old this year!

Although I have studied in Damao, what I can learn is literature!

He really couldn't believe that Yu Bei had the ability to draw a correct conceptual design of a gas centrifuge!

When the others heard Deng Xian's words, their faces twitched too!

Everyone lowered their heads like frosted eggplants!

"Old Yu, you're kidding me about this kind of thing! What a nonsense!"

Deng Xian said angrily.

However, after hearing Deng Xian's words, Yu Ci on the phone seemed to be arguing with Yu Bei about something, and in the end Yu Ci asked Deng to take a look at the design drawings before talking.

"Okay, then you can send this thing over for me to have a look. Okay, let's not talk, I have more things to do."

Deng Xian sighed, because of the relationship between the two, he reluctantly agreed.

Then hung up the phone.

"No hope, go to work."

Deng first looked at a group of people and said.


"Stinky boy, this time your father and I have given up our old face. If this thing of yours is a ghost drawing talisman, I will beat you to death!"

On the other side, Yu Ci pointed to his own face with a black line on his face and said.

At this moment, he also regretted making this call!

How strange!

How could I believe this kid's nonsense! ?

If he was really capable, he would have honored his ancestors long ago!

"Don't worry Dad, you'd better send this design drawing to Uncle Deng first."

Yu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, then said with a smile.

[The new book sets sail! Ask for flowers! Ask for an evaluation ticket! 】

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