Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 29 The Command Post Has Collapsed! Da Mao: Why Is There Another Earthquake? ! [Ask For Evalu

In the enthusiastic and expectant eyes of everyone,

After Yu Bei counted down to the last number, he pressed the button.

Immediately afterwards, another dull roar came from the ground! !

It was as if a sleeping beast in the center of the earth woke up! !

And the entire ground also experienced a more violent vibration than the last time!

"Bang Chi Bang Chi!!"


At this moment, the entire command post shook as if it was about to fall apart! !

Many of the placed items were shaken down! !

For a while, the command post, which was originally neat, became a mess!

"Hurry up and get out!!"

Seeing this, Yu Bei screamed something bad in his heart, and immediately took everyone out of the command post and ran outside! !

And I don't know it inside, but just looking from the outside, this simple floor room command post is really swaying like duckweed on the water!

Finally, in the eyes of a group of people,

Just tried the command post twice,

Fall down in front of everyone! !


The fallen board tossed up a large piece of yellow sand,

This made a group of people ashamed! !

After a few seconds,

The vibration disappeared and the ground returned to calm.

"Cough cough!! Ouch——"

Lin Ye got up from the ground, squeezed his throat, and then spit out the sand that he accidentally gnawed into his mouth! !

"Oh my god, what's going on?! The command post has collapsed!?"

Lin Ye smacked his bitter mouth, then looked at the scene before him in shock and said.

At this time, the others also stared at the "ruin" command post in front of them, and were stunned! !

Everyone opened their mouths wide, with expressions of shock and surprise on their faces!

Yu Bei twitched his face. He really didn't expect that this experiment would directly collapse the command post! !

"That...Uncle Deng, don't you need to pay??"

Yu Bei touched his nose in embarrassment, then said aloud.

After Deng Xian heard his words, he came back to his senses, then looked at him strangely, patted Yu Bei's shoulder,

"Compensation? Compensation for what? This thing is worthless, at worst, just spend some effort to build another one!"

"But I said Yu Bei, you boy... don't you have some problems with your own nuclear energy formula? This yield is probably much greater than the yield of the previous nuclear bomb!"

Hearing Deng Xian's words, Yu Bei scratched his head in embarrassment.

And Lao Liao's face was both happy and sad! !

Happily, their hydrogen bomb nuclear formula test was successful, and the power was beyond budget! !

What's sad is that he really doesn't know what his underground and experimental area looks like now, and whether he can continue to use it! !

Although an underground nuclear test area is nothing compared to the success of the experiment,

But Lao Liao himself has stayed there for so many years, and he already regards it as his other home!

And now Yu Bei's action is very likely to leave him without a "home" to return to!

"If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have followed Yu Gong to blow the equivalent that our underground nuclear test area can withstand..."

Lao Liao sighed in his heart and said in a low voice.

"Old Liao, what did you say?"

"Ah, it's nothing, Mr. Deng, I mean it's beautiful..."

Lao Liao grinned awkwardly when he heard Deng Xian's words.

"Okay, don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself! The test is successful! This is the most important thing!"

Deng Xian patted Lao Liao on the shoulder with a smile and said.

"But... what if there is another nuclear test in the future?"

Lao Liao smiled wryly.

"Don't worry, Lao Liao, with Yubei's two nuclear energy models, for the future nuclear industry, just buy duck eggs according to the basket."

Deng Xian smiled and comforted Lao Liao a few words,

Then look to the north,


"Yu Bei, now that the nuclear and hydrogen bomb tests have been successful, what should we do next?"

"Next, let's reload according to the proportion!! Uncle Deng, congratulations!! We have successfully made nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs!!"

Yu Bei came back to his senses, then turned around, looked at Deng Xian and said happily.

"Hahahaha! Good good! I will cook a table of dishes when I go back today, and everyone will have a drink! Let's have a good celebration!"

When Deng Xian heard Yu Bei's words, his eyes suddenly burst into light, and then his face turned red, and he said with a big smile.

When the other people heard Yu Bei's words, they also cheered!

By now, they can say that they have completed the task that history entrusted to them! !

Moreover, it is still overfulfilled! !

After all, the original hydrogen bomb was not on their task list!

Of course, when they were excited, they would not forget who made all these changes!

Everyone looked at Yu Bei with a look of admiration in their eyes! !

Seeing a group of people so happy, Yu Bei nodded with emotion.

Although I have experienced so many unbearable sufferings for ordinary people,

Even the vast majority of people here have their own pains either physically or psychologically,

But Yu Bei believes that

At the moment when nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs were made,

They will definitely think that their efforts are worth it! !

"Let's go back and cook. Yu Bei, you don't know that my cooking skills are good. When your father was fined not to eat at home, he always came to me and I secretly cooked for him. "

Deng Xian exhaled and said, and then chatted with Yu Bei in a happy mood.

And several other people were chatting excitedly, got in the car and rushed towards the base.

"By the way, the seismic wave should be approaching Da Mao's side, right?"

Someone suddenly asked with a smile.

"Isn't it? It's better to shake for a while longer, so that those big hairs can shake their hearts for a while longer!"

Lin Ye grinned, with some yellow sand on his teeth.


"Okay, let's stop here for this meeting, do you have any questions?"

On the other side, Bourne stood up, and after sorting out the documents, he looked around and asked.

Everyone else nodded with a half-smile.

Although being bullied by Da Mao, no one has the intention to resist!

Cheng Hua was the only one with a relaxed expression. This time, Da Mao rejected all of Da Mao's proposals to Long Guo!

He didn't save any face for Bourne! !

"In that case, let's go."

Bourne said indifferently.

Although this time they searched a circle of resources from other countries,

But the main purpose of this meeting was not achieved!

On the contrary, the Dragon Kingdom is getting more and more out of control!

"Hey! It's finally over! My waist is sore!"

Cheng Hua was the first to stand up and complained.


As soon as he finished speaking,


I heard tinnitus,

The entire hotel lobby began to shake again! !

Everyone was stunned! !

Why is there another earthquake? !


[Today is five more! The first update! Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes! 】

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