Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 32 Cheng Hua: What The Hell? ! I Went Abroad, And You Made Nuclear Bombs And Hydrogen Bombs?

the other side,

Just when Da Mao's senior officials were voting on Longguo's established measures,

Cheng Hua also took a special plane, but the direction of the plane was not towards Kyoto.

It's the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base! !

"What the hell are these guys doing? Why are they so busy doing two nuclear tests?? Could it be that something went wrong!?"

Sitting on the plane, Cheng Hua frowned, thinking about what happened just now, he felt a little anxious!

You know, after this meeting, the relationship between Longguo and Da Mao has deteriorated further! !

If Long Kingdom didn't have its own nuclear weapons at this time, he couldn't even imagine the pressure he would face Da Mao! !

Yu Bei, don't let anything go wrong!

Cheng Hua closed his eyes, sighed, and squeezed the armrest of the seat tightly.


Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base.

All the staff are desperately busy.

After Yu Bei's instructions, they have now started the last step - assembling the nuclear bomb! !

With the concerted efforts of all,

This last step is also the easiest,

It's finally done! !

A large black spindle-shaped object was placed on the square of the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base.

All are gathered,

Around this nuclear bomb.

The eyes are shining! !

"Report to Yugong! Dragon Kingdom's first nuclear...nuclear bomb has been reloaded!"

Lin Ye walked up to Yu Gong, saluted Yu Bei, his hands were trembling slightly! !

The voice is choked!

Yu Bei nodded, seeing the nuclear bomb in front of him, he was also in a daze!

This thing is something that brings dignity to the Dragon Kingdom! !

Deng Xian couldn't help walking forward,

Compared with the success of the first nuclear bomb test,

Deng Xian's mood was obviously not as excited as before,

Looking at the nuclear bomb in front of me,

Deng Xian had a dream come true illusion in his heart,

The surrounding sounds seemed to disappear as well.

Everything seems so unreal! !

Subconsciously touched the nuclear bomb with his hand.

The cold touch made Deng Xian wake up.

This is not a dream...

They really have nukes! !

Such a thought flashed in his heart, Deng Xian suddenly felt that the world was spinning a bit, and he took a few steps back abruptly.

Fortunately, Yu Beiyan was quick to support Deng Xian.

"Uncle Deng, are you okay?"

Yu Bei looked at Deng Xian, whose face was a little pale, with regret flashing in his eyes, and asked aloud.

Other people also gathered around at this time.

"Mr. Deng, are you okay! Hurry up and take a rest, Mr. Deng, you haven't rested these days!"

"Teacher, take a break! You shouldn't have been drinking yesterday!"

A group of people said eagerly.

"It's okay, it's just that this dream came true too quickly! I can't react!"

Deng shook his head first, then stood firm, looked at the nuclear bomb in front of him and said,

"Think about it, we were still looking at the faces of those big-haired experts two months ago. Our technology can't even repair a dilapidated machine tool."

"I didn't expect such a big change in the blink of an eye!! We even made not only the nuclear bomb, but also the hydrogen bomb!"

When a group of people heard Deng Xian's words, their expressions were also in a daze.

Thinking about the experience of these two months, they felt that it was really like a dream!

Everything went so smoothly, it was even a bit scary to go so smoothly!

"Okay, Uncle Deng, don't think about it. Now that we have made the nuclear bomb, it's fine. Thinking too much is not good for your health."

"Everyone, let's go. We will continue to work hard tomorrow and get the hydrogen bomb out. Our project will be over."

Yu Bei saw Deng Xian like this, and then said.

Only then did a group of people come to their senses, and then returned to their posts.

"Okay, Yu Bei, with you..."

Deng smiled first, and was about to say something when suddenly a staff member ran in from the outside!

And behind him is Cheng Hua who is in a hurry! !

"Boss Cheng, why are you here?!"

Deng Xian and Yu Bei were also stunned when they saw Cheng Hua, and couldn't help asking.

"Yu Bei, is there something wrong with your side? Why did you conduct two nuclear tests!? You don't know, I just fooled it on Damao's side, and your second wave of earthquakes... this... this is?! "

Cheng Hua said cracklingly, but suddenly saw the nuclear bomb placed in the middle of the square, his voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells! !


"Yu Bei, is this a model or..."

Cheng Hua came back to his senses, then couldn't help swallowing, looked at Yu Bei and asked.

"Boss Cheng, yes, this is a nuclear bomb, not a model!"

"Dragon Kingdom's first nuclear bomb has been completed!!"

Deng Xian said with a smile.

"Completed!? So fast!?"

Cheng Hua was even more shocked when he heard Deng Xian's words!

As far as he knows, after the nuclear test is successful, generally speaking, there is still a period of time before the nuclear bomb can be truly completed!

How did this get to them? Everything has become different! ?

"Boss Cheng, all of this is due to the nuclear formula that Yu Bei made!!"

"If it wasn't for that formula, there would be no way to do it so fast!"

Deng Xian smiled and said.

"No wonder! I said why there was a second nuclear test in such a short period of time, so it was because of this! I thought something went wrong!"

"Okay, okay, it's good if we get it out! We can produce a nuclear bomb after two nuclear tests. Even if it is put outside, it is definitely an astonishing achievement!"

Cheng Hua suddenly realized and nodded.

But his words made Yu Bei and Deng Xian puzzled!

"Boss Cheng, what are you talking about? Why did two nuclear tests make a nuclear bomb? We only used one nuclear test?"

Yu Bei frowned and said.

"Only one nuclear test was used?! But I clearly felt two earthquakes in Damao!"

Cheng Hua was stunned.

"We did two nuclear tests in a row, but one was a nuclear bomb and the other was a hydrogen bomb."

Hearing this, Yu Bei smiled and said,

"Boss Cheng, we also made a hydrogen bomb by the way!"

By the way... also made a hydrogen bomb? !

Cheng Hua opened his mouth wide when he heard Yu Bei's words? !

Does that sound too easy? !

Hydrogen bombs are as simple as that! ?

Was it done by the way? !


This is playing house! ?

Cheng Hua was extremely shocked in his heart. After taking a deep breath, he said in surprise,

"I'm a good boy! I'm going to go abroad, and you guys made both the nuclear bomb and the hydrogen bomb!?"


[Second update! Ladies and gentlemen, please ask for flowers and evaluation votes! ! 】

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