Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 55 Enemies Of The Whole World? ! Da Mao Leads The All-China League—To Declare War On The Dra


The high temperature generated by the violent impact made the cement squeak.

There is also a strange smell in the air!

The invincible Peter the Great in the past,

The body was broken in two,

His whole body was also discolored by the heat,

lie on the floor,

Very bleak!!

Bourne and the person in charge of the base stood in this almost ruined place, feeling extremely complicated!

I don't know whether to be happy or angry!

The test bomb launched by Longguo on the side does not have any words of shame,

But the scene in front of them ruthlessly mocked them!

This sense of shame is far from being able to be brought by a few words!

"General Bourne..."

The person in charge of the base opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, let's find Mr. Tong first. The matter of the test bomb has come to an end, but it is not over yet...

Bourne clenched his fists, then took a deep breath and said.

He understands that with Peter's character, or with the character of the entire Da Mao nation!!

You will never swallow this breath easily!!

Dragon Kingdom this crazy move!!

Coupled with all kinds of conflicts and frictions over the years,

The situation will definitely lead to an unmanageable situation!!

Between Da Mao and Long Guo,

A war is inevitable!!

"What's going on!? Didn't the missile explode!?"

"This... we survived?!"

"Survived! Really survived! Hahaha!"

"Thank God!! Almighty Lord, You didn't abandon Your people!!"

And at this time,

Some big hairy people who were already desperate,

After not hearing the sound of the missile exploding,

They all froze for a moment,

Then cheers!

Many strangers showed the smiles of the rest of their lives, and then embraced each other!!

Although I don't know each other, but at least at this moment,

their happiness, tears, joy,

These emotions are all connected!!

They survived!!

their way of life,


"What happened? Didn't it explode?! We stopped it anyway!?"

And this time,

Peter, who was hiding in the air-raid shelter of the Knin Palace, was also very surprised.

I don't know what 887 came to mind,

Peter's originally pale complexion also showed a hint of rosiness!!

"Mr. Tong... Be careful!!"

Peter rushed out of the air-raid shelter regardless of the security team's obstruction!!

standing outside the bomb shelter,

Peter took a deep breath of fresh air!!

Outside, there is not a trace of gunpowder in the air!

In addition to the shrill sirens,

Everything is as usual!

At least in Peter's opinion,

Moxico is still so beautiful!!


"It seems that what Long Guo said is true, it is indeed a test bomb..."

Peter wiped the sweat from his brow and muttered to himself.

There is some joy secretly in my heart!

No one knows what kind of pressure he endured in just one hour!!

Although Da Mao is suffering humiliation now,

But at least I have not suffered any irreversible losses!!

"Dragon Kingdom....Your actions will make you pay!!"

There was a cold gleam in Peter's eyes.


Just at this time,

The person in charge of the base and Byrne also rushed here!

Seeing Bourne approaching, Peter's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked quickly,

"Bourne, what's the specific situation? Where did Longguo's missile fall?! Is it a test bomb?!"

Byrne look at this Peter,

Reminiscent of the relationship between the leader and the statue,

look a little embarrassed,

The statue of Peter the Great fell down,

in a certain sense,

It's like digging the grave of the Romanov family!!

"Mr. Tong, the test bomb launched by Longguo is indeed a test bomb! It just landed beside the Moxico River... which is the memorial site of Peter the Great!"

Bourne took a slight breath and said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, it's okay, the test bomb..."

After hearing Bourne's confirmation, Peter subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief,

However, he suddenly reacted,

The whole person is suddenly stupid!!

"Bourne, what are you talking about!? It landed at the memorial site of Peter the Great!?"

Peter's eyes are staring like brass bells!

"That's right, the statue of Peter the Great has fallen! Their missiles are very accurate!!"

Bourne took a deep breath, then nodded and said.

"Quick! Take me there!!"

Peter couldn't help shaking all over his body!

Bourne and the person in charge of the base nodded, and then drove Peter towards the Mosico River!!

And in the car, Peter couldn't be calm for a long time!

Peter the Great, that is their ancestor!!

The reason why he is also called Peter is because the family expects him to restore the glory of the family!!

However, at this time, the totem of their family was knocked down!?

Or on a day like June 9th!?

This is digging his ancestral grave!!

"Mr. Tong, we are here."

The person in charge of the base said after the car was fine.

With Bourne's support, Peter numbly walked to the broken statue of Peter the Great!!

All of a sudden, Peter's legs went limp, and if Bourne hadn't supported him, he would have almost knelt down!!

Peter took a deep breath, blocked Bourne's hand, and tremblingly hid in front of the statue of Peter the Great,

He reached out and stroked the face of the statue.

Heart like a knife!

This is the symbol of his noble blood!

Now it has been trampled by outsiders!

"Mr. Tong, according to our current technology, we can actually restore the statue of Peter the Great..."

The person in charge of the base on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but said aloud.

"Repair? What's the use of repair!?"

"I don't think it needs to be repaired!"

"Leave it as it is! Warn us!"

"It's time for us Da Mao to wake up!"

Hearing the words of the person in charge of the base, Peter came back to his senses, and then forcibly held back the emotions in his chest, and said.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Longguo didn't restore the burned garden!

Shame, should be remembered!

Peter stood up, took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions and returned to the car.

"Let's go, go back right away. We have to hold an emergency meeting! We must respond to Longguo's actions as soon as possible!"

"On the forehead of a big hairy man, two shame cannot be engraved!!"

Peter closed his eyes and said.

two hours later,

Kning Palace (anti-river crab),

At this time, Da Mao's top management gathered again!

Even the main person in charge of the navy was present!!

Everyone is sitting on the stool with a face of humiliation!

Regarding what just happened in Da Mao's capital,

Let everyone feel unprecedented anger!!

"Everyone, now it's time for our big hair to make a decision!"

"Long Guo's behavior has already torn faces with us!"

"Next, we must respond! Otherwise, Da Mao will not be able to raise his head internationally in the future!"

"Let's talk freely, let's discuss!"

Peter looked at the people in front of him related to Da Mao's various affairs, and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go to war!! Now even the Dragon Kingdom can ride on our heads! If our big hair is not tougher, how can we lead the entire camp!?"

An admiral stood up directly, blushing and said.

"That's right, I also support the war! Since the founding of Da Mao, even when he (aidg) fought against the Fass Alliance at the beginning, he has never been so humiliated!! We must let the Dragon Kingdom clearly understand the bloodiness of the Da Mao people! !"

"I also support war!"

As soon as the admiral finished speaking, he immediately aroused the agreement of most people!

After all, until now,

The whole world is watching their big hairy jokes!

If you're not a little tougher at this time,

That big hair's prestige will plummet!!

"But now we can't stop Dragon Kingdom's missiles! What should we do if they launch a real missile next time?"

"Yes, this is indeed a problem!! Our SA-4 has also been scrapped this time! If the Dragon Kingdom launches again...the consequences will be very serious!!"

At this time, several people raised their concerns.

"What are you afraid of!? Are they the only ones who have missiles in Longguo!? We, Da Mao, also have missiles! The stock must be much more than them! Maybe they only have one!"

"That's right, I believe that we can't stop their missiles, and they certainly can't stop our missiles! No matter how fast their Dragon Kingdom develops, it is absolutely impossible for them to build something better than ours in such a short period of time. air defense system!"

"That's right, let's confront them in the worst case! Their economic strength can't support this kind of consumption! If there is a real fight, maybe it won't be long before they themselves will drag themselves down!!"

"That's right, we Tianmao must vent this bad breath!! There is no coward in the Damao nation!!"

However, as soon as those who raised objections just finished speaking, they were immediately overwhelmed by overwhelming voices of opposition!

The heads of those few people couldn't help shrinking in fright!

"Okay, since everyone has their own ideas, let's vote with a show of hands!"

Seeing that they had been arguing for a long time, Peter frowned and said.

After all, now is the time to grab time, so don't delay too long!

"Hands up who agree to start a war against Dragon Kingdom!!"

Peter took a deep breath and raised his hand!

Regardless of whether it is for the individual or the country,

He felt that war was inevitable!!

This is definitely the most irresistible reason to start a war!

And after seeing Peter raised his hand,

Others also raised their hands one after another!!

Seeing this situation, the few people who opposed before could only sigh slightly and raised their hands!!

Unanimous vote!!

"Okay, I announce! The opinion to start war against the Dragon Kingdom is approved!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Peter nodded and said in a deep voice.

Then the layout started!!

"Bourne, you are going to go into battle this time! How is our army of one million preparing?"

Peter looked at Bourne.

Bourne stood up directly and saluted Peter,

"Report to the commander! After the reorganization and mobilization of the previous few days, the legion can complete the preparation work within three days and go to the Dragon Kingdom!!"

"Okay! That's scheduled for three days later! Da Mao's battle against the Dragon Kingdom will begin! The name of the "Suppressing the Dragon" operation will be changed! This time we will defeat the Dragon Kingdom in one fell swoop!

Peter heard Bourne

After saying this, he nodded, and then said out loud.


exclaimed Byrne, and sat down straight!

Then, Peter looked at the person in charge of the out-of-focus department!

"Lakdarski, you are going to make a statement right away! Let the whole world know our big hair's determination!"

"In addition, notify the other countries and forces of the Chinese Alliance, and immediately declare their position! Declare war on the Dragon Kingdom!!"


Lakdaski, head of Da Mao's out-of-focus department, also nodded.

"Logistics, intelligence, all departments are up and running immediately! Prepare me for battle! In addition, keep an eye on the beautiful country! Don't let them pick up the loopholes!


"This time, we must first clean up the elements that destroy the unity in the camp! We must also pay attention to these guys headed by the beautiful country and take advantage of it!! Got it?!"

At the end, Peter reminded again!!


All the top brass stood up, and then shouted loudly, the veins on their necks burst out!

"Okay! Then get ready to go!! The meeting is over!!"

Seeing this scene, Peter nodded in satisfaction, and then said.

A group of big-haired high-level officials immediately left without saying a word, ready to carry out the order!!


whole big hair,

and Huameng,

It's all working!!

Each of them uttered the strongest voice against Dragon Kingdom!!

June 9th, at 3:10 am,

Da Mao declares war on the Dragon Kingdom!!

June 9th, at 3:20 am,

The Eastern Hans Kingdom issued a statement, declaring war on the Dragon Kingdom!!

June 9th, at 3:25 a.m.,

Rimbaud issued a statement declaring war on Dragon Kingdom!!

June 9th, at three thirty in the morning,

Hungary issued a statement declaring war on Dragon Kingdom!!

Until June 9th, at 5:00 am,

The entire Huameng countries have declared war on the Dragon Kingdom!!

Point the gun at the former siblings——Longguo!!

for a while,

The whole world is shocked!!

Even the beautiful country is scared!!

This battle is really huge!!

Dragon Kingdom is simply fighting against the entire Huameng with its own strength!!

Besides their beautiful country themselves,

It is estimated that no country can hold on for a day,

It will be crushed by the iron hooves of Da Mao and the Chinese Alliance countries, and become the dust that dissipates in history!


Can Dragon Kingdom do it?!

Will miracles still happen to Longguo?!.

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