Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 59 Cautious Bourne! Dragon Kingdom's "Empty City Plan"? ! Unsheath, Hydrogen

The Allied Forces of the Chinese Alliance have advanced a certain distance!

Finally, it stopped less than 20 kilometers away from the border of Longguo!!

And at this time,

The original no man's land.

But it was a scene of desolation!!

As dense as locusts, the Allied Forces of the Chinese League,

And those tens of thousands of terrifying steel monsters,

The so-called "steel torrent"

like a wall,

Block the wind blowing from Siberia to the northwest of the Dragon Kingdom!!

Every soldier of the Allied Forces of the Chinese Alliance is holding his chest high at this time,

There is a fierce light in it,

Always ready to charge!!

Bourne held the binoculars to observe the situation ahead,

His face was somewhat hesitant.

The commanders of other Chinese alliance countries also found something wrong just like Bourne!!

They are now only twenty miles away from Longguo,

On this flat terrain,

But I can't see any military units of the Dragon Kingdom!!

This is how the same thing?!

According to the attack distance of ordinary artillery,

They have actually entered the combat zone!!

What about the Dragon Kingdom team?!

Where did you go?!

"General Bourne, what's going on, why didn't Longguo and the others show any signs?!"

"That's right, General Bourne, this is a bit too abnormal! It stands to reason that the entire Dragon Kingdom should be on alert!!"

"What the hell is this Dragon Kingdom doing? Could it be that you feel guilty when you see my 580 millions of troops!?"

The commanders of other Chinese League countries walked up to Bourne and asked aloud.

"Impossible, Dragon Kingdom will not feel guilty! I have seen their fighters' fighting styles before, and they are all of the kind that don't want to die!!"

Bourne was also frowning at this time, and finally took a deep breath and said,

"Send someone to take a look first, don't use an ambush!!"

Regarding this abnormal situation, he, who has always been cautious, naturally did not dare to act rashly!

It's like Peter commanded him to evaluate him,

His combat command has always been out of caution!!

This was the case even when fighting the Fass forces before!

Relying on his cautiousness, he escaped several ambush!!

So General Born still decided to plan first and then make a decision!!

while on the other side,

The highest military command center of the Dragon Kingdom.

Mr. Qin looked at a group of generals with a serious face and said,

"Everyone, the Huameng Allied Forces has a million troops now! It is less than 20 miles away from our border!"

"How is our team evacuating?"

"In addition, the team must also be well maintained and ready for battle at any time, and we must not relax because of our plans!!"

"If something goes wrong, then things will get out of hand!!"

"Chief, the team has withdrawn to a safe location! You (aifd) rest assured that the border guards are ready to fight!"

The general in charge stood up and said.

"What about the other things, are the logistics ready!?"

Mr. Qin nodded and said, even though everything is proceeding according to plan, he must prepare for the worst!

Millions of troops lined up, this is no play!!

"Already prepared!!"

Another general, stand up!

"Chief, let's issue an order now so that Yu Bei can act!"

At this time, Cheng Hua also took a deep breath and said to Mr. Qin,

"I know Bourne's combat style very well. Seeing that we don't have any garrisons there, he will definitely be very cautious. He will not make any moves for at least two hours. In fact, it is crucial for us to take some actions against them. Time!! If we let them act, then the effectiveness of our plan will be greatly reduced, and there will even be certain risks!!”

"Okay, now that everything is ready, let's act!"

When Mr. Qin heard what Cheng Hua said, he nodded and said.

Cheng Hua nodded, immediately picked up the phone,

Pass this emergency order to the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base!!

"Okay, I see. Don't worry, Boss Cheng, nothing will go wrong!"

Yu Bei hung up the phone.

Afterwards, they rushed directly to the outside of the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base.

At this time, Lin Ye has already driven the missile launch vehicle over!

"Yu Gong, everything is ready!!"

Lin Ye stood on the missile launch vehicle and saluted Yu Bei.

Yu Bei nodded,

breathed out, and said,

"Hang up the hydrogen bomb!!"

Ready to correct the angle!"

"The height should be determined too!!"

"We invite the "VIPs" from afar to enjoy a big firework!!"


Hearing Yu Bei's words,

There was a burst of light in Lin Ye's eyes!

Then I started to sit in the missile launch vehicle and adjust the angle and height!

Compared with the last missile launch,

My heart is also excited,

You must know that the missile he launched next is not a test bomb that will not explode,

This is a hydrogen bomb with a huge yield!!


while on the other side,

On the northwest border of the Dragon Kingdom,

The Allied Forces of the Million Chinese Alliance have been here for almost two hours now!!

scorching sun,

The air on the entire surface is transpired and distorted!

Bourne was also sweating profusely at this time,

But still keep watching the situation ahead!!

And still the same as the previous two hours,

With the exception of animals that occasionally come into view,

Didn't see a single person!!

"General Bourne, the people we sent out have returned! There is indeed no sign of the Dragon Kingdom team ahead!! What should we do now?"

A commander from a Chinese League country walked up to Bourne and said anxiously.

Hearing this, Bourne's face suddenly became extremely ugly!!

According to his habit in the past,

He will surely wait here for a while,

After all, a cool head is a must to be a good commander!!

But now the situation is different!

He is not leading one or two armies, nor is he making a tactical breakthrough!

He led the entire Chinese Alliance, a million-strong army!!

Time can't afford to wait!!

Decisions must be made now!

"Wait until the whole army is ready, temporarily cancel the three-step plan! Enter the Dragon Kingdom first!!"

Bourne gritted his teeth, and then said aloud.


Hearing Bourne's words, the subordinate also took a deep breath, and then said!!

Then, Bourne's order was issued!!


After two hours of silence,

The "steel torrent" formed by Da Mao and Huameng rolled its tracks again!!

Like a hungry beast,

With unparalleled momentum,

Rolling over towards the domain of the Dragon Kingdom!!

"Report to work! Altitude correction complete!! Angle correction complete!!"

"A request for further instructions!!"

At the same time Bourne gave the order to move forward,

Here at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base,

Lin Ye also made the final correction,

Then shouted.

The rest of the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base couldn't help but get nervous at the moment!

Everyone couldn't help clenching their fists!

Even Qian Zhilao is in a wheelchair,

He straightened his body, his face was dignified!!

According to Yu Bei, whether or not the Allied forces of the Chinese League can be repelled depends on this hydrogen bomb!


Yu Bei nodded.


the voice fell,

Lin Ye also pressed the launch button!

Immediately afterwards,

The Feng-31 missile carrying the hydrogen bomb roared out!!

It flew out in the direction of the Chinese Alliance Army!!

"The sharp sword is out of its sheath..."

Yu Bei looked at the missile flying towards the sky at extreme speed,


The corners of the mouth are also curved!!

[Fifth update! 20,000 words on the first day! Continue to 20,000 words tomorrow! Thank you guys for your support!].

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