Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 73 The Longguohong Satellite Was Successfully Launched! Let The World Hear The Voice Of Drag

"Qian Zhilao, Dean Hu, we have to hurry up. Our Dragon Kingdom is still far from being a superpower. After we have done our "eyes", it's time to improve our conventional combat power. 11

"Top fighters, top bombers, top tanks, and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, we all need to have these things!!"

Yu Bei took a deep breath, turned around and looked at the pile of design drawings behind him, and said.

When Qian Zhilao and Hu Weinan heard Yu Bei's words, they were also shocked by Yu Bei's ambition!!

Those things that Yu Bei said are all things that Long Guo dreamed of!!

Do not know why,

The two actually subconsciously agreed with Yu Bei's words,

In my mind, I have already seen the scene where the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are strong and the horses are strong, berating Fang Qiu!

"Old and dead money?"

Just when Qian Zhilao was in a daze, Yu Bei shouted, and the latter finally came back to his senses.

"Old Qian, I just thought about it, let's focus on the present."

Yu Bei smiled and said.

"Okay, let's go.

Qian Zhilao took a deep breath, and then followed Yu Bei back to work.

Hu Weinan saw this scene, nodded and left,

The field he is focusing on does not help Bei and their project, and it is useless to stay here.

Time passed little by little.

Yu Bei led the academicians to overcome one problem after another.

The turbo pump, engine, hydraulic thrust storage tank, etc. were made with the blueprint of the system!!

And after finishing these things, the first satellite of the Beidou seven-star satellite system has been nearly half completed!!

"Okay, now we have basically built more than half of the satellite, and the rest of the work will be done soon!!"

Yu Bei looked at the huge satellite that had been modeled before him,

He exhaled and said.

Qian Zhilao and a group of academicians also had twinkling eyes!!

They never expected that the work of their first artificial satellite in Longguo would go so smoothly!!

During the whole working process, they hardly encountered any problems!

All parts of the satellite are made according to Yu Bei's design drawings, and Yu Bei will guide you if you don't understand anything!!

In the past, the scientific research projects that took a lot of thought, came to them like producing industrial products on the assembly line!!

In addition to working overtime occasionally for parts modification and other line arrangements,

Haven't encountered any problems!!

This also made a group of academicians completely convinced of Bei!!

This means that the design drawing given by Yu Bei is already a very mature system!!

And what surprised the academicians even more was that during this process, because they did not have the high-precision machine tools of artificial satellites,

Many extremely difficult parts are made by Yu Beiqin!

There is no error!!

This kind of craftsmanship simply stunned the academicians!

After all, among so many people, only Qian Zhi was more knowledgeable than Bei, who directly repaired the machine tools for producing centrifuges with his own hands!

"Our first satellite is indeed a bit troublesome. After this satellite is sent up, I will build some machine tools. In this way, our next thirty or so satellites can use machine tools as needed, so that our efficiency It will be faster!!”

"Maybe in less than a year, the entire Beidou seven-star satellite system can be formed!"

"When the time comes, we can do a good job with the ground receiver, and we can basically achieve positioning! As for other functions, we can develop them slowly!!"

Yu Bei said again.

But the group of people behind couldn't help but swallow their saliva!

It took half a month to complete the main body of the satellite, but at this speed, Yu Bei said it was troublesome!!

God Bodhisattva!

To produce a machine tool, an assembly line is required to produce satellites!?

"Yu Gong, you are going too fast..."

"Yeah, Yu Gong, it's too easy for us, I feel like I haven't encountered any problems..."

"This is really... the fastest project in my academic career!!"

A group of academicians came to their senses at this time, and then looked at Yu Bei in shock and said.

Hearing what a group of students said, Yu Bei was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, noncommittal.

And Qian Zhilao sat in a wheelchair and smiled, stroked his beard and said,

"You guys, you have to get used to Bei's speed. Speaking of which, the medium- and long-range missile we fired at Damao only took more than ten days to complete!!"

Missiles built in ten days!?

A group of academicians who were already shocked by Beisuan's eyes widened when they heard Qian Zhilao's words!!

It seems that when Yu Bei led the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base to make nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, there were still many magical things in Yu Bei that they didn't know!!

"Hey, Qian Zhilao, don't praise me."

When Yu Bei heard Qian Zhilao's words, he suddenly coughed in embarrassment, and then said,

"But everyone, we will have to work a little harder next time. We still have to go to the northwest side for the research of our test bench. The environment there is the most suitable for this research.

"However, the environment and conditions over there must be different from ours. You must be mentally prepared to endure hardships than fellow academicians."

A group of academicians immediately laughed when they heard Yu Bei's words.

"Yu Gong, are you kidding us? All of us have experienced the cause of not having enough to eat! It is not uncommon for us to hide and hide during the war. Is there anything we can't eat?"

"Isn't it, what you said, Yu Gong, we old guys are not so hypocritical, besides, you and the comrades at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base have worked there for so long, and you can endure hardships, can't we? !"

"That's right, Yu Gong, don't worry, I assure you! If one of our group complains over there, we will jointly apply to Dean Hu for his academician status!!

Several academicians stood up and said to Bei with a smile.

It also caused other academicians to nod and applaud.

Yu Bei nodded, of course he believes that academicians can endure hardships!

in other words,

in this year,

Is there anyone in Long Kingdom who didn't endure hardships?!

"Hehe, our current conditions are not so bitter, right? Yu Bei was stumped by the fact that I starved you in the base back then?"

However, just when Yu Bei was about to say something, a familiar voice suddenly came over!!

Everyone was stunned for a moment,

Then I looked towards the source of the sound!!

I saw Deng Zhixian with a normal face standing there, looking at everyone with a smile on his face!!

"Uncle Deng!?"

When Yu Bei looked at Deng Zhixian, a light flashed in his eyes!

Qian Zhilao is also surprised!!

"Uncle Deng, why are you here!?"

Yu Bei walked quickly in front of Deng Zhixian, and then asked aloud.

"Yes, Xiao Deng, are you in good health? Are you here!?"

"Old Deng, hahaha, it looks like he's recovering well, his face is getting fatter!!"

A group of academicians who knew Deng Zhixian also came over, and then said in surprise.

Deng Zhixian smiled and nodded to the academicians, then looked at Yu Bei,

"Why, Yu Bei, don't you still want to say that your words don't count? You told me to join this project if I get better. Are you going to not want me now?"

Hearing Deng Zhixian's words, and carefully observing Deng Zhixian's mental state, he suddenly smiled in surprise, and then said,

"Uncle Deng, what are you talking about? Your presence will be of great help to our project!!"

"Comrade Deng Zhixian, on behalf of all members of the Beidou Seven-Star Satellite Project Team, welcome to join us!!"

After all, Yu Bei smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Deng Zhixian together!

Feeling the temperature in the palm of Yu Bei, the atmosphere in the project team,

Deng Zhixian's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

After nodding heavily,

Said to Yu Bei,

"Yu Bei, thank you, you gave me a second life!!"

Yu Bei took a deep breath, nodded, and did not speak.

The next day, after Yu Bei finished handling the matter here, he left some academicians in charge of the follow-up research and development of the satellite and the mechanics and environmental testing experiments.

Then he returned to the northwest with other academicians.

It's just that there are still hundreds of kilometers away from the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base.

After finding a suitable location.

Yu Bei started the research and development of the test bench with the academicians.

ten days later,

With the efforts of academicians and engineers transferred from all over the world,

A huge test bench stands in the northwest desert!!

And Yu Bei didn't stop,

In the last few days of the month,

Also made a liquid sounding rocket.

And this time,

The Research Institute of Dragon Academy of Sciences in Kyoto also completed the finishing work of the satellite,

A paper order.

The satellite was shipped from Kyoto!!

So far,

The first satellite of the Beidou Seven-Star Satellite System is launched and there is only one last step left!!


When the weather is fine,

Yu Bei ordered to prepare to launch a satellite!

"Come on!! Be careful! Don't go wrong!!"

"What's going on with you?! Hurry up! If you delay things, you will be in trouble!!"

The engineer in charge of the final launch was on site constantly directing.

Yu Bei, Qian Zhilao, Deng Zhixian, and academicians all went to the command room.

Looking at the towering rockets in the distance,

Everyone's face is a little excited!!

Looking back on this month, they felt that all this was just like a dream!

This satellite and rocket was created entirely from scratch!

"Report to work! The launch pad is ready!"

Just at this time,

There was a message from the launch pad in the command room.

Yu Bei took a deep breath, nodded, and then said into the microphone,

"Okay! Now enter the countdown to the launch of the first satellite of the Beidou Seven-Star Satellite System, Longguohong!"





As Yu Bei counts down,

The entire command room was tense, and everyone's breathing became rough!!

Whether it works or not, just watch it!!





At this time, Yu Bei also finished the countdown, and then directly pressed the launch button in front of him!!


With a huge roar!

Everyone felt the ground shake a bit!!

Immediately afterwards,

A burst of blue light erupted from the tail of the rocket in the distance!!

The huge force generated by the combustion of liquid fuel,

Directly pushed the huge rocket up!

Then, rushed into the king of the sky!!


The academicians watched nervously as the rocket successfully disappeared into the sky,

Afterwards, ecstasy appeared on his face!!

Immediately cheered!!

"Hahaha!! It worked! We made it

It worked!"

"It's like a dream!! One month, just one month! We actually made a satellite and a rocket, and the launch was successful!!"

"Has this... started?"

"Old Li, are you excited and silly? Have you started yet? It's over! The rocket has successfully lifted off!!"

A group of academicians cheered, with excited smiles on their faces!

Only Yu Bei, Qian Zhilao and Deng Zhixian still looked nervous.

They know it's relatively easy to launch rockets,

The rare thing is whether the satellite can successfully escape from the rocket and successfully enter the orbit!!

At this time, the excited academicians also noticed the faces of the three of them.

It took a while to realize that the matter was not over, so I immediately calmed down!!

Quietly looking at the screen in the command room in front of me, waiting nervously!!


After more than two hours,

With a soft sound.

The screen shows that the satellite has successfully disengaged from the rocket!

More than half an hour passed!

Successfully entered the predetermined track!!

"Huh—it worked!!"

Yu Bei was relieved at this moment.

Qian Zhilao and Deng Zhixian also had smiles on their faces!!

But this time, the academicians laughed with confidence!!

"Uncle Deng, we can now notify Boss Cheng that our Beidou seven-star satellite system has made a breakthrough!!"

"You can also announce to the outside world that our dragon country's satellite has been launched!"

Yu Bei smiled and said to Deng Zhixian.

"Okay, I'll tell Boss Cheng right now, he must be shocked too.

Deng Zhixian seemed to have seen Cheng Hua's shocked look, and said with a smile.

"What!? Xiao Deng, you said that the first satellite of Longguo, Longguohong, has been launched and successfully entered orbit?!"

"real or fake?!"

When Cheng Hua heard the news on the phone, he couldn't help but take a deep breath!!

Because he has a lot of things these days, and Longguo has delegated all power to Bei, so if he doesn't take the initiative to understand, Yu Bei doesn't need to ask him to report the situation!

And he originally thought that no matter how powerful Yu Bei was, it would take at least two months to build the first satellite.

Who knew that the satellite would be launched quietly in this one month?!

"Hehe, Boss Cheng, the fact is true. Yu Bei also said that we, Dragon Kingdom, can announce our achievements to the world!"

"Also, if they have the time and interest, they can try to receive a signal on the 20.009 megahertz frequency in two hours."

"We will let the world hear the voice of Dragon Kingdom."

On the phone, Deng Zhisheng said.

After that, he reported some details, and then hung up the phone.

"Hiss—" (by Lee)

"Xiao Li!!"

Cheng Hua was stunned for two minutes before he realized,

Then he quickly called his guard over.


The guard saluted Cheng Hua!

"Quick, quick, quick!! Let the publicity department write a manuscript immediately, saying that our first satellite in Longguo--Longguohong was successfully launched! By the way, we must mention to let them pay attention to the night

Point the signal at a frequency of 20.009 MHz!!"

Cheng Hua blushed excitedly and said.


The guards were also shocked!

After the guards left, Cheng Hua immediately called Mr. Qin again.

"Boss, our Dragon Kingdom's first satellite, Longguohong, has been successfully launched!"

"Also, Yu Bei said that at nine o'clock in the evening, the world will hear the voice of Dragon Kingdom!!"

"Okay!! I'll be right over!!"

Cheng Hua swallowed and said excitedly!!

twenty minutes later,

The news sent out intentionally by Longguo shocked the world!!

Longguo announced the successful launch of the first satellite Longguohong!!

Both Meiliguo and Da Mao were shocked!!

Logically speaking, the nuclear bomb technology

In the early stage of Longguo and Da Mao, I also understood some theories.

With hard work and luck,

Making a nuclear bomb can be regarded as barely figured out!!

But satellites are different!!

This is extremely cutting-edge technology!!

It was completely blocked by Da Mao and Meiliguo!!

Even 80% of the latter's technology still refers to "Da Mao"!

Before the relationship broke down, Da Mao had never had any cooperation with Long Guo in this regard!!

Where does the Dragon Kingdom go to build satellites! How many?

Still launched!?

Both Da Mao and Meiliguo's high-level executives are mentally numb!!

What the hell is going on with this Dragon Kingdom!?

"Impossible!! Absolutely impossible!!"

Peter's startled and angry roar resounded in Da Mao's Kning Palace!!

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