Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 83 What? ! Yu Bei Said That The Mi-19 Is Rubbish? ! Fear From Ghosts! Terrified Big Hair!

"Stop!! Stop!!"

The artillery platoon commanded three Mi-19 fighter jets to stop on the large flat ground behind their positions.

And since there is no smooth runway,

So three Mi-19s are equivalent to a forced landing,

Stop without any risk.

"Come down!!"

The artillery platoon leader led the soldiers with guns,

Walked directly to the cockpit of three Mi-19 fighter jets!!

A few big hairy men got off the fighter jets,

Raise your hands high!!

The strong physique of the big-haired pilot looks extra large in front of the soldiers!

However, at this moment, being pointed at by a gun and raising his hand high, he looked so embarrassed!!

"You... hello..."

A few big-haired pilots spoke in broken Chinese.

"Good mother!!"

When the platoon leader of the artillery platoon heard this, he immediately walked up, slapped each of them, and then cursed!!

The three big hairy men were immediately stunned by this slap!!

" Long Kingdom said that you will not abuse prisoners of war!!"

One of them blushed, gritted his teeth and said.

"Say it again, I'll kill you!!"

The soldiers of the artillery platoon poked the wing area with their muzzles.

"Notify the headquarters immediately!! We have captured three brand new Mi-19 fighter jets!!"

The platoon leader of the artillery platoon also said excitedly, and immediately found a correspondent to pass the news back!!

The headquarters of the garrison army was also very excited after receiving the news!!

Dragon Kingdom has long been envious of this big hairy Mi-19 fighter jet!!

I also asked Da Mao before if I could buy it,

How could Da Mao let such an advanced weapon be handed over to Longguo!?

Rejected directly!


I didn't expect today to be a blunder,

Actually, three Mi-19 fighter jets came out directly!!

Dragon Kingdom Garrison Command,

After getting this news,

Everyone is cheering with joy!!

"Haha, it's really a coincidence that we came here. I didn't expect that we would have three Mi-19 fighter jets like this!! And there are three pilots!!"

"Yes, Commander! I didn't expect us to be so lucky!"

"What kind of luck is this? If it wasn't for Mr. Cheng and Comrade Yu Bei's plan, where would we get this thing? Yu Bei......Speaking of which, I really want to meet this young man!! It's too much It’s miraculous, and the planning is under thousands of miles!!”

"Hurry up and tell Boss Cheng the news!!"

The local commander smiled and directly reported the news to Cheng Hua!!

"Okay, I got it, Tian's handsome old man!! Send that Mi-19 fighter over right away!

"With this thing, we can directly reverse map it, and then we can also equip the Air Force with Mi-19!!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for your good news!!"

Dragon Academy.

Cheng Hua hung up the phone,

Then he said to Yu Bei and others excitedly,

"Everyone, we have achieved great success this time!!"

"Not only shot down Da Mao's seven Mi-19 fighter jets, but also successfully intercepted three Mi-19 fighter jets! There are also three Da Mao's pilots!!"

Hearing Cheng Hua's words,

Everyone present is so excited!!

Especially the team led by Shen Ming,

I almost didn't jump straight up!!

You know, even if this big hairy Mi-19 is placed in the world,

Only the cutting-edge fighter jets in the beautiful country can match it!!

And their fighter jets from the Dragon Kingdom,

Not only is there a huge gap in quality,

Even the quantity is stretched!

Everyone still remembers ten years ago,

that inspection,

Not enough fighters,

It took a few laps to make up the numbers!!

By now,

Although it has developed over the years,

For technical reasons, the

So even if there is progress, it is very limited!!

And now,

They Dragon Kingdom won this opportunity!!

"Boss Cheng, please give us these three Mi-19 fighter jets! We can reverse engineer the design of the Mi-19

"We may not be able to complete the Red-6 bomber, but we can definitely do a good job of the Mi-19 fighter!!"

Shen Ming took a deep breath, and then said.

"That's right, Boss Cheng, although our Red-6 project failed, we can still map out the Mi-19!!"

"Boss Cheng, give us another chance!!"

The other members of the Red-Six project also looked forward to it at this time,

In their view,

The successful reverse engineering of Mi-19 is another chance for them to prove themselves!!

When Cheng Hua heard what they said,

Immediately also nodded,

directly to them,

Instead, he turned his head to look north,

After all, he also noticed just now,

From the moment I said that I had acquired three Mi-19s until now,

There was no fluctuation on Yu Bei's face at all!!

"Yu Bei, what do you think?"

Cheng Hua asked with a smile.

When Yu Bei heard Cheng Hua's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said,

"To be honest, this Mi-19 fighter jet is... quite ordinary."



Everyone heard Yu Bei's words,

Immediately I was dumbfounded!!

Even Shen Ming felt that Yu Bei's expression just now was generally for the sake of making it sound better!!

If it was in private, maybe I would just spit out trash directly!!

But it’s fine if it’s an ordinary fighter!!

This is Mi-19!!

If this is normal,

The fighter jets currently in service in Nalong Kingdom are imitated Mi-17s!!

Wouldn't that be garbage among garbage?!

Even Cheng Hua couldn't help taking a deep breath,

Eyelids trembled,

Then he thought that Yu Bei didn't know the performance of Mi-19,

is to start introducing,

"Yu Bei, the Mi-19 is Da Mao's top-notch fighter currently in service!! Maybe you don't know its performance well, let me tell you..."

"Mi-19, the world's first-class fighter that has entered supersonic speed."

"The aircraft has a length of 14.64 meters, a height of 3.89 meters, a wingspan of 9 meters, a maximum take-off weight of 8,830 kilograms, a maximum level flight speed of 1,440 kilometers per hour, a ceiling of 18,500 meters, and a maximum range of 2,160 kilometers."

"The main airborne equipment of this aircraft includes a communication station, an altimeter, a rangefinder, an IFF device, and a radar; the aircraft is equipped with two 30mm cannons, equipped with 140 rounds of ammunition, and can carry 4 air-to-air missiles or 8 rockets and various bombs."

But Cheng Hua just said half of what he said, but Yu Bei said it directly, reciting the various performances of the Mi-19!!

A group of people's eyes widened when they heard Yu Bei talk about Mi-19's statistics!!

Heavenly Bodhisattva, so you know this fighter so well!!

As far as this performance is concerned, it is still called mediocre!?

In your eyes, what kind of fighter jet is considered good?!

"Hey, Yu Gong, what kind of fighter jet do you think is good?"

Shen Ming took a slight breath, and then asked aloud.

The others also turned their attention to Yu Bei in unison.

I want to see the standard of this god-level genius!!

Yu Bei heard his words,

suddenly smiled,

"Guys, it's useless for me to say it here. Let me take a while, and I'll develop a fighter that is more advanced than the Mi-19 and show it to you, and you will know it!!"

"What!? You want to study a fighter that is more advanced than the Mi-19!?"

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard Yu Bei's words!!


Yu Bei smiled, and then thought of something, a cold light flashed in his eyes,

"But before that, Boss Cheng, we have one more thing to do!"

"What's up?"

Cheng Hua asked.

"We still have to ask Da Mao to compensate us for our losses. He has robbed so many things from the people of Long Kingdom, so it's impossible to just forget about it!?"

"They deserve to die. Who let them interfere with our people's daily economic activities?"

"But we can't just let this loss go!!"

Yu Bei said.

the other side,

big hairy,

Knin Palace!

Knin Palace, which was originally peaceful late at night,

At this time, there was a loud roar again and again!!

"How did this happen!? Paul, what is your 2nd Army doing? Why did this happen!?"

"It means that you didn't even see the enemy's bombers this time!?"

"Evaded radar detection!?"

"Bullshit!! Get that pilot over here right away! I want to know what kind of monster bomber it is! It can escape radar detection!"

After speaking,

Peter directly hung up the phone heavily!

Chest ups and downs!!

calm down,

Peter looked at Bourne, who was also dignified,

"Bourne, you said..... There is really this kind of bomber?? Can avoid radar detection!? Whether it is ground radar, or our Mi-19, facing it... it will directly fail


Speaking of which,

Peter didn't know what to think of,

My whole body couldn't stop shaking!!

After all, if what they say over there is true!!

Then, how dare he guarantee that those ghostly bombers will not fly over the Klin Palace!?

Bourne didn't speak.

He didn't quite believe that there are bombers that can escape radar detection,

But he also understands Paul's character!!

He will never lie about such a big matter!!

"Mr. Tong, let's wait for the pilot named Sissoko to come over and talk about it!!"

Bourne took a deep breath,

Then he said out loud.

Peter could only nod his head.

five hours later.

Sissoko was escorted to the Knin Palace.

Looking at the glorious Knin Palace in front of you,

Sissoko is like a frosted eggplant!!

He did not take credit for coming here this time!!

As the captain of the Mi-19 fighter formation,

Not only did he fail to complete the task,

Even because of his own greed, other than the Mi-19 fighter jet he himself piloted,

Seven fighters were destroyed!!

Three Fighters Captured!!

this loss,

Could have shot him several times!!

"`"Go in!!"

The big hairy soldiers who escorted Sissoko into Peter's office.

Sissoko looked at Peter's figure,

and the crossed figure of sickle and hammer behind him,

Immediately my legs went limp!!

"Stand up!! Look at yourself, do you still look like a warrior!?"

At this moment, Byrne stood aside and said angrily.

Sissoko then stood up straight, took a deep breath, and saluted Peter and Bourne,

"Mr. Commander, Mr. General!!"

"Sissoko, tell me you can see... that bomber, really can't be detected by radar!?"

asked Peter.

"Sissoko, every word you say now must be authentic, your command error is enough to send you to a military court!

Bourne also reminded on the side.

Sissoko nodded,


"Mr. Tong Leader, Mr. General, I am fully responsible for the following content!!"

After saying this sentence, Sisok said everything he experienced!!

And after hearing Sissoko's full narration,

Both Peter and Bourne have solemn faces!!

If what Sissoko said is true,

Then the bombers of the Dragon Kingdom,

Definitely going to be a huge killer!

It will even change the form of the entire war!!

"Okay, I see, you go down first, about your matter, Sissoko, we will send a special team to investigate your matter, if what you said is true, maybe things will not turn around.

Peter came to his senses,

Then he waved to Sissoko.

The latter heard Peter's words,

Immediately my eyes lit up,

Salute to Peter and Bourne again,

Immediately nodded, (good, good) and then left!!

And after Sissoko left,

Is this Peter or Bourne,

Neither of them spoke for a while!!

Both of them were shocked by what Sissoko said!!

Even now the scalp is in a state of numbness!!

It seems that in the dark, there are countless ghost bombers from the Dragon Kingdom hovering over their Klin Palace!!

Be ready to drop the bomb and turn them into ashes!!

"Bourne, this matter is a bit serious!!"

Peter took a deep breath and broke the silence,

"We must find a way to deal with it!!"

Byrne nodded,

"Mr. Tong, I think we can go in two directions now."

"First, we can let our team study the direction of Longguo, which makes bombers invisible to the radar!!"

"Secondly, if Longguo really made such a stealth bomber, I think it's not just about us Da Mao!! They must also let the beautiful country know! Aya

"Since the Dragon Kingdom is now so close to the Beautiful Country, then we must alert the Beautiful Country, and if possible, join us in dealing with the Dragon Kingdom!!"

Hear Bourne's words,

Peter nodded,

"The first direction is not a problem at all. But the second is a bit difficult. We have been ideologically opposed to the beautiful country for so many years."

"Including armaments, they have been competing for so long, they must regard us as the first target!!"

"It's unrealistic for them to make Longguo a priority to suppress!"

"What's more, our relationship with Dragon Kingdom is now broken. From their standpoint, they prefer to watch the fire from the other side!!"

"But what you said makes sense, but if the beautiful country knows that the Long Kingdom and the others have made such a bomber, even if they don't suppress the Dragon Kingdom with us, at least they will be wary of the Dragon Kingdom!!".

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