Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 89 Dragon Kingdom Deploys Anti-Ship Missiles! Joint Drill Begins! The Impending Collision! T

Cheng Hua's words were extremely heavy.

Yu Bei's heart was also awe-inspiring.

To know,

Even hereafter,

Long Kingdom is also many years later,

Just got my first aircraft carrier!

And I still use other people's old products!


now he is here,

Then some things will definitely be different!!


Yu Bei sighed,

I don't know what to think of,

change of expression,

The whole person is excited,

"Boss Cheng, you are right.

"But I'm thinking, what if we can get the core technology of the aircraft carrier or just get a ship frame?!"

"Get a boat stand?! Where can I get it!? Even if it's under construction, will it be given to us?"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Cheng Hua was stunned for a moment, then said with a frown.

"Hehe, it was definitely impossible in the past. But now we have a chance!!"

"Originally we just wanted the F-16 to sneak attack on Da Mao, to mess with Da Mao's mentality!"

"I think we can make a change!!"

Yu Bei smiled,

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and then he said,

"I decided, let's just make the noise louder!!"

"Directly let Da Mao and the beautiful country collide!!"

"At that time, once the conflict is out of control, local naval battles will occur!!"

"In this way, whether it is the beautiful country or Da Mao, their aircraft carrier will definitely be damaged!!

"We will be able to drag a few ships back and help them "repair"!"

"Of course, in order to prevent accidents, I think we can still mount our Wind series missiles!!"


Cheng Hua's eyes widened when he heard Yu Bei's words!!

His face gradually became weird!

"Yu Bei, let me tell you, you brat, why are you doing some dirty tricks!?"

Cheng Hua took a deep breath,

Then he glanced at Yu Bei,

With a smile on his face,

"Hey, but I like it!!"

Yu Bei also smiled when he heard Cheng Hua's words, and nodded,

"At that time, these aircraft carriers that need to be "repaired" will be dismantled, and then a ship frame will be built, and our aircraft carrier will have a certain foundation.

"No process boss, let's not worry yet, after I get the fifth-generation aircraft out, we will immediately start the aircraft carrier project! And I will make some modifications to the aircraft carrier!"

After 260 heard Yu Bei's words, Cheng Hua nodded,

Then I don't know what to think,

He froze for a moment, speechless,

"What time is it, and I'm still thinking about your fifth-generation machine!! All right, all right, just do as you say!!"

"I'll contact our rocket team right away! They're deploying Wind series missiles along the coast!!"

After finishing speaking, Cheng Hua picked up the phone and called.

"Hello, 543? The new anti-ship ballistic missiles made by the comrades at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base based on the Feng-31 have already served in your place?"

"Okay, you obey orders now!! Go along the coast immediately, and deploy all your anti-ship ballistic missiles there, ready to fire at any time. I will tell you the target and location in time!!"

"In addition, please pay attention, the positioning system handed over to you will also update the position!"

"It's not an aircraft carrier! An aircraft carrier? What are you thinking!? That's our aircraft carrier! Well, let's not talk about it, there are still some days, and I will clarify the specific actions in documents!"

After speaking, Cheng hung up the phone.

Then look to the north,


"nailed it!"

Seeing this, Yu Bei also breathed a sigh of relief,


There was a gleam in the eye,

"Now, let's wait for this so-called joint military exercise! Let our navy comrades prepare! In addition, let them be ready to run away at any time! Don't get involved!"

"Don't worry! The commander of our navy is Han Xiao, my former subordinate, this old boy is really smart!!"

Cheng Hua said with a smile, another telegram entered the evidence.

while on the other side,

Just when Longguo was plotting a plan.

The formation of USS Company in the beautiful country and USS Independence, USS York City aircraft carrier formation,

Sailed from port.

Opened towards the sea of ​​cherry blossoms.

"Colonel Tom, I didn't expect Longguo and the others to actually conduct a joint naval exercise with us. Hehe, what a shame!"

on the company number,

Deputy Captain Jack smiled while smoking a cigarette.

But Captain Tom's face was a little heavy,


"Jack, don't underestimate the people of Longguo. I heard that they have implemented the positioning system this time, and our senior management is shocked!"

"That thing is really scary! Any military deployment looks transparent in front of it!!"

"Maybe there is a pair of eyes looking at us right now!"

(badg) After speaking, Tom looked up and squinted at the sky.

When Jack heard his words, he paused for a while, then sneered,

"So what? Even if they can detect our deployment, but in the face of absolute strength! What's the use of poor information? Just rely on the broken ships of their Dragon Kingdom?"

"Besides, the location of the joint exercise this time was originally in the coastal waters of their Dragon Kingdom, and then they insisted on changing it to the Sakura Sea in the Sakura Kingdom. Doesn't it mean that they are still afraid of cypresses?"

Tom shook his head, "Okay, don't talk about this, continue on your way, you can check the various systems of our company account again. This joint exercise is the first time our company account is on stage, so there must be nothing wrong!"


Jack smiled,

took a sharp puff,


Then came the execution of the order.

It's been about ten days.

The three aircraft carrier formations of the beautiful country have arrived in the cherry blossom sea!

Tom, as the general director of this exercise,

Received by the highest standard of Yamamoto, the head of the Sakura country!!

This makes everyone in Sakura Country feel a little shame!

It's just a big school,

Their Sakura Kingdom needs such a big battle!!

As for!?

Sakura Country Dinner.

The specifications are grand.

To welcome Tom,

Yamamoto specially prepared dinner according to the habits of the beautiful country.

"Mr. Colonel, it is our cherry blossom country's luck to be selected for this joint exercise in our cherry blossom sea.

Yamamoto raised the goblet, bowed down respectfully and cupped it with Tom.

Tom nodded, his face was indifferent, and he didn't say a word.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Yamamoto's face, and then he smiled freely,

"It's really unexpected that the Dragon Kingdom would agree to this drill! Many of their current ships are old products from Dafengmu and returned to them. I really don't know where the confidence comes from!"

"Mr. Yamamoto, you talk too much..."

Tom glanced at Yamamoto and said.

Yamamoto's face turned green immediately, he nodded embarrassingly, and stopped talking,

But the other hand hidden in the sleeve clenched its fist involuntarily!

After the dinner, Tom didn't say hello to Yamamoto, and left with the people.

A group of high-level Sakura Country officials with ugly faces are left!

"This group of proud people from the beautiful country!! It's really disgusting! Do you treat us like dogs?!"

The head of the Sakura Country Navy with a mustache slammed the cup on the table,

said angrily,

"I think back when our navy was strong, how dare people from their beautiful country treat us like this?!"

"Come on!! If it wasn't for your navy's shameful defeat at Midway Island, hehe, one aircraft carrier in the beautiful country sank four of your ships! Would the situation in our Sakura country become so difficult?!"

The leader of the Sakura Army said disdainfully.

"What did you say?!"

"How good is your army?! Otherwise, you'll be beaten to the brim! You'll need a huge amount of military expenses, but you'll be able to say big things. Has it come true?!"

The head of the Sakura Kingdom's navy stood up and scolded angrily.

"It's not that your navy is holding back!!"

Upon hearing this, the leader of the Sakura Army,

face changed,

Also said angrily!

In the end, the two of them quarreled with red faces!


Yamamoto shouted, this stopped the two parties who had been at odds.

"This time the beautiful country and the dragon country are conducting maritime military exercises, we, the Sakura country, have to do something! At least let the world know that our Sakura country still has some strength!

"There are still a few days before the official rehearsal. Pull out the coast guard ship we remodeled. During their rehearsal, it's called maintaining order, but it's actually showing off its muscles!"

"This thing doesn't need to be given to the people of the beautiful country. While comparing the broken ships of the dragon country, we should also let them know that even if they treat us as dogs, our dogs have teeth!"

Yamamoto drank the red wine, a light flashed in his eyes, and said.

As for the Dragon Kingdom,

Several regular frigates have been assembled!

"Comrades, once again clarify the mission of our participation in the joint naval exercise!"

"Must not get too involved!!"

"Immediately retreat from the rear upon receiving the signal!!"


Vice Admiral Long Guo,

Han Xiao said.


Plainly dressed navy soldiers spoke out one after another.

Then, board the ship and set off!!

Han Xiao stood on the deck,

Looking at a few old frigates around him.

Reminiscent of the new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier announced by the beautiful country,

I felt a little sad for a while.

"I hope the plan of the boss and the others will be successful... Our navy..."

The aircraft carrier is so needed..."

Han Xiao took a deep breath.

after one day.

The Dragon Kingdom Fleet and the Beautiful Country Fleet meet.

Among the three huge aircraft carrier formations in the beautiful country,

Dragon Kingdom's fleet is like a child from a poor family!!

Whether in terms of size or appearance,

It’s all missing more than one level of the beautiful country!!

Especially the oppressive feeling of the Company, it is even more coercive with the backdrop of the Dragon Kingdom fleet!!

Even the few coast guard ships sent by Sakura Country to maintain order,

It's all shiny!!

And the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom,

Even the paint is peeling off in some places!!

Looks shabby!!

"Hahahaha!! What kind of team is this!!"

"Can they be regarded as a navy with their equipment? I think the pirates we fight are better equipped than theirs!!"

"Oh God, look, what's that on their deck? That's a carrier plane!? A seaplane?! There's a crane next to it?! Hahahaha! They're going to use a crane to put the plane on the water and take off?! They No catapult?!"

Jack stood on the deck of the Company, looking at the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom,

I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, these bumpkins from the Dragon Kingdom!! I'm afraid they will never have the chance to set foot on the deck of an aircraft carrier?!"

"That's right!! Maybe they will never have the chance to smell the smell of the aircraft carrier in their life!!"

"Hehe, this time it will be a solo performance by our company members!! These broken ships of Longguo can't make a name for themselves!!"

"Laughing to death, there are only a few broken ships, and I have the nerve to participate in the joint sea drill!! Then, doesn't the Dragon Kingdom feel ashamed?! If it is me, I will jump into the sea and commit suicide!

And the other subordinates couldn't help laughing!

Great sound!!

You can hear it even hundreds of meters away!!

And the coast guard of Sakura Country also laughed.

The eyes looking at the Dragon Kingdom Fleet are full of jokes!!

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom Navy are gnashing their teeth one by one!!

His face is so red!!

Clenched fists!!

"Calm down! Look at what you all look like! Are you so emotional after being ridiculed by others?! Soldiers must maintain their blood and reason! Otherwise, if the enemy mocks you, you will be superior, how can you fight! ?”

Han Xiao came out of the command room and scolded with a cold face.

A group of naval soldiers took a few deep breaths,

Stabilize your emotions!

And Han Xiao also walked towards the stage with a sullen face.

But with the hands behind my back,

Can't stop trembling!!

Apparently his heart is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface!!

After taking the stage,

Tom stretched out his hand to hold Han Xiao together.

"General Han Xiao, I hope our joint maritime exercise will be a perfect success!!"

Tom said with a smile.

Han Xiao nodded.

My heart is not the taste!!

A lieutenant general like myself is actually on an equal footing with a colonel in the beautiful country!

shook his head,

don't think about it anymore,

Han Xiao took a deep breath,

sat in his place,

And Tom is wearing a pair of sunglasses,

walked up to the stage,

Shen Sheng said,

"Everyone, today is the day for our beautiful country and dragon country to conduct maritime military exercises!"

"I hope that whether it is the beautiful country or the dragon country, they can show their outstanding performance!! Earn the glory they deserve for their country!!

"This drill is mainly divided into the following stages..."

Tom started the process.

half an hour later,

The introduction is over.

Tom took a deep breath,


"Okay, now I announce that the joint sea drill between the beautiful country and the dragon country has officially started!!"

"It has now been confirmed that the Dragon Kingdom and the Beautiful Kingdom will conduct a joint maritime exercise!!"

"This is a disgrace to our Union, it is a betrayal of our beliefs!!"

"For our faith, for the glory of the alliance!!"

"We want the beautiful country and the dragon country to see our strength!!"


Big hair here.

Byrne himself came to the navy,

To the sailors below,

Make the final mobilization!!


The navy soldiers below all blushed and roared.

"Then let's go!! Target the sea of ​​cherry blossoms!!"

Seeing the high morale of the soldiers,

Byrne nodded,

Take a deep breath.


All aircraft carriers in the entire Damao Navy,

They are all coming out!!

Also rushed towards the sea of ​​cherry blossoms!!

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