Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era

Chapter 340: Yachting technology

  Chapter 340 Yachting Techniques

  Tao Ya people believe that Tao Zhiming knows his identity, so he speaks directly to him.

  This proposal obviously seems to be Tao Zhiming's intention to establish a personal interest relationship with him, so as to make good use of his influence in Neon in the future.

  What he said, by letting people see the propaganda effect that financial openness will bring prosperity and bring a happy life, is more in line with the mission undertaken by Tao Ya people, so that he has no worries. Even if the masters of the United States behind him knew what he was doing, the rhetoric would be convincing.

   The bait thrown by Tao Zhiming not only includes the huge future orders of the yacht shipyard, but also the contacts and interest opportunities of the Governor of Hokkaido Kozo Matsukata in the subsequent Nanpu Resort Greater Bay Area plan.

  Toya thought about the small shares of Mitsui and Sumitomo in the shipyard he said, which seems to be a very good line of interest for himself.

   "I don't need to contribute now?" he asked with a smile.

   "No, I have the money."

   "I own a large stake and manage it?"

   "That's right, how can I manage it? Apart from Mitsui's 8% and Sumitomo's 7%, I only need 20%."

   "What about orders?"

  Tao Zhiming said with certainty: "Yaren-kun, believe in my ability to do this! WanderDance, WanderKTV, Onodera Fortune, haven't I been leading the trend?"

  Tao Yaren thinks that the conditions are too good, is he still jealous of his own influence?

   So Tao Yaren smiled humbly: "President Tao, I really can't find a reason to refuse."

  Tao Zhiming smiled happily: "Brother Yaren, let Mr. Hector tell the real price at night!"

  Because although he has a lot of influence in neon through the power of the Americans, dogs also have their own ideas, and they also want to eat better.

   As for what financial openness can bring about a better life, after the bubble bursts in the future, the world will only see a counter-example.

   And that shipyard, Tao Zhiming doesn't care how much dividend it can pay in the short term. He is not in charge of management, and the order for 10 yachts, especially a top yacht, will only make this RIVA very comfortable in the hands of Taoya people? If it is given to Azimut, they will immediately dig talents and grab the market. Also in Idari's RIVA, there is a ghostly competitiveness.

   In the same way, if Tao Zhiming gave the order to Azimut, and then proposed that in order to ensure that his yacht could be completed on time, he needed to pay some money and take a little share. Azimu, who needs to add so much manpower and material resources to meet the construction of the 100-meter giant ship, will not be moved by Tao Zhiming's slightly generous investment? What if this requirement is the bottom line requirement for giving an order?

  At that time, in addition to these 10 boats, BRAVOSPORT, which also holds the largest order volume in the Asia-Pacific region, can make these top yacht brands pay more and more attention to the Asia-Pacific business, and tend to and rely on him more and more.

   Once the expectations have been raised, the production capacity has been greatly reduced by all parties, but the orders have been greatly reduced.

   His acquisition plan, which is as urgent as he said?

   As Tao Zhiming said, he is young!

   So the guest and host enjoyed themselves, and both of them felt very happy.

  Tao Zhiming smiled and looked at Tao Yaren, who started to call him Dalang's brother. With this beginning, not only in the entertainment circle what he wanted to do with Kitagawa, but Tao Yaren would not jump up against it. Moreover, you can also start burying pits for this pottery family in other aspects.

  In the bubble era, Tao Zhiming can come up with many good plans in his mind.

  This dog pit has only shoveled the first shovel soil now.


   When eating and drinking in the evening, Tao Ya, who smelled the meat, was in a completely different state.

  Tao Zhiming also showed off his strength greatly.

First of all, the colluded Maehara Mina called, Tao Zhiming said: "I have subscribed enough bonds of 200 billion yen, and Sumitomo's side is not less than this, how can it be so sloppy? Tell the people of Mitsui Bank, you must There is a plan that reassures me the most. The plan in Hokkaido is about to start, help will be helped, at least there must be a clear time point, and I can't get the money when I need it. "

The tone of    is quite dissatisfied, anyway, the point is only the figure of 200 billion yen.

  Taoya helped translate the whisper to Hector, and the sum of nearly 3 billion yuan on both sides surprised him. Looking at Tao Yaren's expression, it is obvious that he did not expect Tao Zhiming to have so much money. Although it may be just a turnaround, his strength is unquestionable, and his relationship with Sumitomo and Mitsui is also there.

   Then came Xiaozang Songfang. Seeing that the president of RIVA was here, he was really talking about the acquisition, and he had a sense of the seriousness of Tao Zhiming's plan.

   And Tao Yaren even made a phone call to the president of Dentsu. He said that Hokkaido will have a huge plan. He asked him to speak with Governor Xiaozang, and he must give support. When Xiaozang Songfang heard the promise from the advertising giant, he became more confident.

   After three rounds of drinking, Tao Zhiming made another call to Azimut's beauty director, Teresa.

The presence of   Idari Meiren allowed Tao Yaren to confirm that Tao Zhiming really wanted to do this. Because this woman was obviously very attentive to Tao Zhiming, but was blocked by Tao Zhiming's words to the state that she was only specializing in drinking.

   "Business affairs, let's not talk about it now. After drinking so much wine, I'm afraid that I will agree to your terms because of your beauty."

   "Of course, of course, I'm not in a hurry. I'll see Mr. Tao again tonight, I understand." Tereza sat beside him, but looked at Hector.

   Both of them had heard the introduction of their identities before, and at this moment they couldn't help but intertwined their eyes and secretly became vigilant.

   One thought that the other party was also here to compete for the huge order, and the other thought that the other party was also the acquisition target under negotiation.

   Hector felt that Tao Zhiming was still willing to give a premium. At this moment, neon people's money is really not money.

Tao Yaren, who knew his situation well, took a chance to go to the toilet and said to him privately: "Since you want to sell, you should be more relaxed. You must know that because Neon has a policy window now, they are all closely planning that bay. District development plan. Your club is only worth more than 30 million yuan, and the business situation has been investigated clearly, how can it be possible to give you a price of more than 100 million yuan?”

   "30 million yuan? What are you kidding?" Hector was very depressed, "Then I don't have enough money to repay the loan!"

   "I have a solution."


Tao Yaren said lightly: "The most important pledged equity is only more than 20 million yuan. I can tell you that if the purchase price is 50 million yuan, it is enough for you to redeem and there is still excess. In fact, Instead of giving your money to the people in Huajie, it is better to give it to Tao Dalang. For the wealth of Onodera under his name, last year's fund provided a 30% guaranteed return."

   "30%, are you kidding me?"

   "Of course there is not such a high guarantee now, but if I tell you something, he should be willing to promise this rate of return." Tao Yaren is very confident.

   "...Can you really get a purchase price of 50 million yuan?"

   "You can give it a try."

   Hector lit a cigarette, and then said: "This means that he has to take on a loan of more than 30 million yuan. Will he be willing?"

   "Just to see his determination, and this is also an excuse for a significantly lower offer."

   Hector took a few sips and felt a little sober from the alcohol. Then he squeezed the cigarette **** and said, "Okay, give it a try!"

   After they returned to the room, Tereza didn't know Tao Yaren and thought it was President RIVA's subordinate on Neon's side. Seeing that they went out for a long time, Hector pulled Tao Zhiming like a brother and said something after returning, and she couldn't help but get nervous.

  I saw Tao Zhiming sit up straight and said with a smile: "I still need to consider this price. Mr. Hector, although the price is a lot lower, I take more risks."

   After saying that, he looked at Tao Yaren.

And Hector continued to pull him and whisper: "I heard that Mr. Tao also has a financial investment company. If there is enough income, we can also talk about entrusting my funds to you. I heard that you can guarantee At least 30% yield?"

   Tao Zhiming didn't expect this, but after looking at Tao Yaren, he realized that he was the one who suggested it.

The price of   50 million yuan is still higher than he expected, maybe 10 to 20 million yuan. And regardless of whether Hector promised him anything, let him have a chance to eat both ends. But if this Hector can provide himself with some funds, Tao Zhiming's ability to make money seems to be only profitable.

   So he said with a smile: "Mr. Hector, it still depends on the amount of money."

   Hector looked at Tereza, then smiled and said, "RIVA is just a marginal industry in our family. Mr. Tao, 150 million yuan, how about it?"

  Teresa was confused when she heard it. The top 100-meter yacht, plus 3 flagship and 6 smaller luxury yachts, totaled 150 million yuan?

  Are RIVA people crazy to grab this order?

   Also, the parent company of this RIVA has a lot of industries...

She looked at Tao Zhiming and was about to say something, but she heard Tao Zhiming raised his glass and said, "Mr. Hector, I'm already a little drunk, let's talk about it in detail tomorrow. Miss Tereza, please forgive me, say Let's not talk about business."

Tereza held up the red wine glass and said with a smile: "Mr. Tao is really a gentleman. According to Mr. Tao's needs, I believe that our Azimu is the most powerful. Mr. Tao, when will I go to Idali? Take a look at our factory?"

   "If you want to go, wait for this stage of things to end, maybe around September, you will go out. Miguo, Idali, you have to go."

  Tereza thought it was a bit late.

  Although the design drawing has begun to temporarily add equipment at the office on Neon's side, but according to his needs, how can the total price be less than 180 million yuan? After all, the 100-meter top yacht he asked for is really the top yacht now. There are many technologies that need to be invested in research and development to complete.

   And if the price cannot be negotiated, why is it necessary to inspect the factory?

   Fortunately, she arrived in Hokkaido and stayed in the same hotel as Tao Zhiming. Using this as an excuse, she naturally asked Tao Zhiming "gentleman" to ask her to sit in his Bentley and go back together.

   Ogata Toshio was driving the car, and Jiang Yangshui was a little bolder than him. He turned his head and looked at the two who were laughing and talking in a low voice.

  Idari beauty, didn't Ueda Shana come together?

  Speaking of which, Tao Dalang is really powerful. It is not a secret for many people that he has other women. Master Ueda must know that, right?

   With his usual character, he can actually tolerate the man of Ueda Shana.

When he arrived at the hotel, Huona Jiang Yangshui put his shoulders on Ogata Toshio and said, "Let's go to practice and let go of the alcohol. It's good that you don't have to drink along, really, you always use my previous identity... "

  Tao Zhiming smiled and watched him drag Ogata Toshio to the fitness floor of the hotel, thinking that this kid is quite clever.

  When the elevator closed, Tereza raised her hands and folded her hair back and said, "Mr. Tao, the wine tonight was really good. I'm a little drunk too. Is August in Hokkaido so hot too?"

   This action immediately revealed her slender neck, and the proud Itarimi rabbit seemed to be imprisoned and suppressed.

  Tao Zhiming asked with a smile, "Miss Tereza, Azimut has opened an office in Tokyo, so it should have the best yacht for show right now? I'll try it out when I get back to Tokyo."

  Teresa let go, her hair fell out again, bringing out the scent of perfume on her body, and then said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Tao is always welcome to test~ride~experience~experience~"

The words    were said in a gentle voice, Tao Zhiming looked at the soft light in her blue eyes, and he already understood.

   Then he asked, "Miss Teresa's surname is Betty. Could it be that Betty who was bought by Azimut?"

  Teresa was stunned, then smiled and said, "Yes. Mr. Tao also knows about the Betty family?"

"Yeah. I heard that the original Betty Yachts specialized in super-large yachts. Miss Teresa, the market on Neon's side is mainly small yachts. Why were you sent here to be the director?" Tao Zhimingruo asked earnestly.

Teresa smiled: "With Mr. Tao's experience in driving such a large company, of course he understands why, right? So, please believe that I can help Mr. Tao to build that top yacht. Business, I will devote my whole heart to it!"

   "Ding." When Tereza was on the floor, she walked gracefully to the door but turned around in a pose of a model and said, "Mr. Tao, do you want to know Betty's secret?"

  Tao Zhiming sighed in his heart, Betty's secret, it seems that as long as you understand it, you can understand it deeply.

   He pressed the elevator button and smiled and said, "Betty's secret should still be known at sea. Miss Teresa, I look forward to your test ride. Good night and wish you a good dream."

  Teresa bit her lip, then walked outside, made a deep neon bow, paused before standing straight and said with a smile, "Good night, Mr. Tao."

   The soft fabric she was wearing was fitted again, Tao Zhiming recalled the scenery just now, the gentleman nodded and let the elevator door close again.

   is really tempting.

   So Tao Zhiming, who returned to the suite, saw Ueda Xana wearing a yukata, and immediately went over to hug her and said, "Governor Xiaozang is too good at drinking. Drunk people can't take a bath by themselves, so help me!"

   He came back so early, which surprised Ueda Shana. Seeing how drunk he looked, he clearly thought the big round bathtub in this suite was very good...

   But she felt that it was not conducive to conception, so when Tao Zhiming asked her to open her hands and grasp the edge of the bathtub, she said, "Don't do this..."

  Tao Zhiming thought about it for a while, and then smiled slyly: "There is a good method, it must be more effective!"

After   , Ueda Xana saw him wipe the water off his body, and the direction he ran out of was not the bedroom.

   Hearing the sound of something being dragged outside, she walked out curiously, then immediately backed back in fright: "Curtain!"

   "What are you afraid of, there is still a layer of veil, and it's so high!" Tao Zhiming came over and pulled her out, and said with a smirk, "Have you forgotten? If you are more excited and invested, it can improve the success rate."

   Ueda Shana quickly got carried away in the strange mood.

  To the horror, he didn't seem to close the windows of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

   The night wind in Hokkaido is clearly blowing the layer of tulle as if it is about to spread out, allowing possible eyes to glimpse the secrets here.

  Her head dangled from the couch, her eyes turned upside down, she just woke up for a moment, and then became confused again.

   (end of this chapter)

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