"Originally, we should set up a flower hall to entertain guests, but the children said it would be better to set it up directly in this glass flower room. Please forgive me if I am rude."

It's not serious enough, but it's also really interesting. If it is not solemn, it will appear to be insignificant.

During the festival, we have to attend banquets every day, but every family has the same background and the situation is similar. In the winter, even in the best garden, there is actually no grand scene. The prince's wife is tired of watching it, so how can she be interested? On the contrary, the Yan family's back garden is eye-catching.

The Yan family's back garden is not big, but it is full of flowers and lush greenery. If you are used to seeing the chill of winter, seeing the red flowers and green leaves makes people feel relaxed and happy.

In particular, the glass flower house, which took up nearly one-third of the garden, was even more uniquely decorated, making the Crown Prince's wife, who was used to seeing wealth, have to praise it.

After all, Mrs. Shizi was used to seeing the big world, so she was able to handle it, but her little girl looked around curiously.

When they arrived at the glass room, Gong Yumingxi invited Mrs. Shizi and her daughter to sit down and said with a smile: "These are the three daughters of my family. The eldest and her two brothers are triplets. The two younger ones are twins. The three daughters are women. Calm, two little ones, each with their own naughty ways.”

The three sisters paid tribute to Mrs. Shizi. Mrs. Shizi smiled and said: "Chu'er is at home and never leaves his brothers and sisters of the Yan family, especially the three sisters. I thought about what a good little lady she must be to call my family Chu'er." My son likes her so much. When I saw her today, I realized that what the child said is indeed the truest. Madam, you are so lucky. All of your children are outstanding. Even for those noble girls in Chaoge City, I have never seen anything better than these three from Madam’s family. This little lady is even more impressive."

Gong Yumingxi said politely: "You are so complimentary."

When they met for the first time, Mrs. Shizi gave each of the three Lingsu sisters a gift. The three sisters accepted it after seeing their beautiful mother nodding.

Mrs. Shizi then introduced her daughter: "This is my daughter. She has two brothers. She is the youngest. She will inevitably suffer more pain at home and has a bit of a delicate temperament. I heard Chu'er praise that everything in your family is good. , so she asked me to bring her here to play, saying she wanted to see what the glass house looked like and whether it was really possible to grow flowers in winter. Haha, I met her now. Yu'er, I have met your aunt and sisters from the Yan family. "

Li Yu'er hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "I've met my aunt."

Gong Yumingxi smiled and said, "No courtesy."

He was also given a greeting gift, but it was a walking stick made of pearls brought back by Brother Monkey from the East China Sea. In terms of value, it was only higher than the three greeting gifts given by the Crown Prince's wife.

Mrs. Shizi was not surprised by the financial resources of the Yan family. They could even afford to build a glass house.

Li Yuer likes this pink pearl step very much.

Li Yuer is thirteen years old, one year younger than Lingsu, but older than Qixun and Lingyu. She looks innocent and innocent, obviously a young lady raised by a wealthy family.

Seeing that she was curious about the glass house and looked at her with great eyes, she was very beautiful, and the three Lingsu sisters couldn't help but feel good about her.

Lingsu waited in front of the two elders, and Lingyu smiled and said: "Sister Yu'er, how about me and the fourth sister showing you around the glass house? There are also some nice flowers and plants in the yard, do you want to take a look?"

Li Yuer nodded and saw Lingyu taking the initiative to talk to her. She was originally from a good background and was not restrained. She smiled and said: "My sister is so beautiful. I have never seen a prettier girl than you. Your flower , how come they are raised so well? I also have a greenhouse at home, but in winter, I can’t see much."

Lingyu smiled and said, "Sister is also very pretty."

Qixun and Lingyu led Li Yu'er to see the flower house, and then went to visit their own garden. Li Yu'er didn't put on the cloak that he had taken off. When they got outside, Li Yu'er said curiously: "I just discovered it." , why isn’t it cold in your courtyard?”

Lingyu smiled and said: "I used some methods of cultivating the world, it's nothing. I don't do this usually, today it's just to entertain guests."

The Duke of Qi and the Crown Prince are both cultivators and have nothing to hide.

Li Yu'er praised: "No wonder my younger brother likes to stay at your home, and I would be willing to leave it to you. Your home is indeed very good. My younger brother used to praise us every day about how wonderful your home is, but I'm still not convinced. I I think my home is pretty good too. Anyway, there aren’t many places in Beijing that are better than my home. Now I’m really convinced. It’s great to be able to see these flowers and plants in winter.”

Lingyu said: "If sister Yu'er likes it, you can pick out some pots later and I will give them to you."

Li Yuer's beautiful eyes lit up: "Really?"

Lingyu smiled and nodded: "Really."

Li Yu'er looked at the pot of vigorously blooming gardenias and said, "I like gardenias. People in the world say gardenias are tacky. They are obviously white as jade flowers, but their fragrance is too strong and too bright, but I don't." Agreed, why do you say it is not as light and elegant as jasmine? I prefer its flowers as plump as jade plates, blooming vigorously, and the fragrance is warm and unrestrained."

Lingyu was surprised that this young lady was born delicate and frail, but she didn't expect to have such a clear temperament.

"Then you and my fourth sister must have something in common. Among all the flowers, she loves gardenias the most."

Li Yu'er looked at Qixun and thought to herself, they are obviously twin sisters, but this particularly beautiful sister looks fragile, while the other one is more heroic and young, even though she is wearing a skirt, it makes her look... People have a sense of indisputable distinction between male and female.

She is delicate and naive, but she likes brave and heroic women. After hearing this, she clapped her hands and said, "Let me tell you, as soon as I saw Sister Xun, I fell in love. It's just that she's not as good at talking as you, Sister Lingyu, so I I’m embarrassed to talk to her.”

Lingyu pursed her lips and smiled: "It's not that she's not good at talking, she's just lazy and likes to be in a daze, so others tend to think that she's being arrogant."

Li Yu'er smiled and said: "Is this so? By the way, Brother Chu said that if you fight with Sister Xun... No, your martial arts skills are very good, is that true? In fact, I also practice martial arts, but I'm not very good at it. Can you give me some advice? My uncle is also very good at swordsmanship, but he said I’m not suitable for learning swordsmanship.”

Lingyu was a little surprised: "Are you learning martial arts?"

Li Yu'er said: "What's strange about this? Our Duke of Qi started his family with martial arts, and was awarded the title of Duke. Most of his clan members also served in the military. Unlike the civil servants, our kind of distinguished family has girls in the family who are willing to learn martial arts. , the family couldn’t help but encouraged me. My second uncle is my younger brother’s father. He is a civil servant, so he is a special case in my family.”

Qixun chatted: "Learning martial arts is good, it can keep fit. My martial arts skills are not great. Fighting or something like that is purely Li Xiaochu's slander. Is fighting okay? I am a gentle man."

Lingyu rolled her eyes. It seems that you are not the one who practices swordplay every day, rain or shine.

Li Yu'er pursed her lips and smiled, looking at Qixun's big eyes flashing, full of "I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

Li Yuer picked a pot of gardenias with many blooming buds, a pot of jade beads, a pot of spider plants with fine white flowers, and a pot of cherry tomatoes. She pointed at the cherry tomatoes and said: "Li Xiaochu gave me this. It's sour and sweet. I like it very much. I'll keep it myself in the future. I can pick one if I want to eat it. It's more delicious than washing a whole plate and eating it."

While he was talking, he heard the report from Mr. Xin's borrowed maid that people from Zhongdehou's house and Mei Hanlin's house had arrived.

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