Chapter 195: The Unexpected Thing Happened [Subscription]

At the same moment, the three generals also successfully received Ace, and among the people who came to receive it, there was also an iron fist that could not be ignored!

Ace’s identity was exposed, and there were ten thousand discomforts in Kapu’s heart, but there was no way, it didn’t matter when it was hidden, once it was placed on the table, there was no need to talk about it.

Karp also knew that the boy he had raised was facing death, so he came to see him. As soon as the two grandchildren met, Karp sighed.

“Ace… Do you regret it? ”

Ace looked at his grandfather, his expression was very complicated, and he couldn’t say whether it was guilt or what.

“Man, I’m alive…”

“Ace wants to say that it was a mistake to be alive, but what about him?”

I can’t open my mouth.

Whether it was a mistake or not, he was also the child born twenty months after Lu Jiu’s pregnancy, and it was Kapu’s bloodline that had been hidden by the world.

Even Whitebeard brought him a lot of love with his sea-like mind.

No matter how much malice the world had toward him, the people around him had given him infinite kindness.

Cap touched Ace’s head, “You said that if you had listened to me, you would have been able to become a glorious navy, and maybe you would be better now…”

Imagine that under the great glory of the Navy, Roger’s son resolutely joined the Navy and devoted himself to fighting the pirates, vowing to end this chaotic era created by his evil father.

This little bit of content is enough for Morguns’ World Economic Journal to make up a few serial publications.

Even if it is said that when Ace’s identity is exposed, he will get unlimited tolerance and support from the world government, but this can only be imagined.

“Man, isn’t that troublesome?”

Ace was desperate to know his end.

After all, people really want to live when they die, and after Ace has been caught until now he has been accepted by the Navy, he is in a very calm state.

In this way, he can think of many things, including how the world government will react after he is arrested, what will happen to the father, and what will happen to the new world federal government behind the father…

Karp scratched his head, not knowing where to start, and could only deliver a newspaper to Ace.

As a naval hero, he still has this little right, and no one can stop him from doing anything, as long as it does not violate the interests of the navy, everything is easy to negotiate.

Ace looked down at the newspaper, and the most eye-catching headline was that Roger’s son had been arrested and would soon be publicly executed! Ace carefully looked at every word in the newspaper, and his heart was troubled!


“Child, it’s too late to say anything, this newspaper is today, I think soon there will be a reaction from the side of the white beard, then it will be difficult for you, and you will have to endure such suffering before you die.”

Ace didn’t speak, and for a moment there was some silence.

Coming with Kapu was the Green Pheasant, one of the three current generals.

In the early years, as a subordinate official of Kapu, the pheasant is now in a high position, and if it is really true, Kapu is really not as powerful as the pheasant.

The pheasant was a little embarrassed: “Mr. Karp, in order to ensure that there is no accident, I also ask you to end this visit.” ”

Cat nodded.

He can still carry this matter clearly, see that his grandson has nothing, and then do some superfluous things, it seems a little too much. When the two men came out of the cabin and came to the deck, the Red Dog and the Yellow Ape were staring at Teach.

Tichy was in a state of his own people, eating and drinking on the deck, not caring about the state of the knives and soldiers around him and the navy.

“Thief hahaha… Admiral Sakarsky, do you want to have a drink together? ”


Sakarsky didn’t have a good feeling for the pirates, and it was already a matter of face to be able to do it without doing anything. The so-called legal pirate of the Seven Martial Seas was tantamount to standing tall in his eyes.

Tichy didn’t care about these things, but there were more and more words, and there was actually a sense of testing the bottom line between the words, which was cautious and fearful along the way.

Finally escorted the man to the naval headquarters.

Sengoku himself came out to pick up people, and Tichy began to make moths again.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I finally saw you, I didn’t expect that we would have a formal meeting…”

Tichy smiled and leaned forward, a good set of almost.

Sengoku blackened his face: “Don’t play tricks, what do you really want to say?” ”

··· Ask for flowers…

Tiqi smiled, “Nothing, I just don’t know if I have any special rights after I become the Seven Martial Seas, after all, I can also be regarded as an armed force of the world government, I should always have a little different treatment from other pirates, right?” ”

“What do you want? Since you had the intention of joining the Seven Martial Seas before, don’t you know what the meaning of the rights of the Seven Martial Seas really is? ”

Sengoku’s eyes grew deeper and deeper.

Tichy explained, “Isn’t this betraying Daddy, I’m thinking of throwing myself into a force that can fight Daddy, you know I don’t have a good choice…”

Tichy is just talking nonsense, opening his mouth to come, and making up a set of blind words.

Sengoku didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, and directly let Lieutenant General Squirrel take him to the Seven Martial Sea Reception Room, where to say anything.

Tichy did not refuse, but instead made a casual look, not knowing what was hidden under this smiling face.

The next morning, something unexpected happened, and Blackbeard Titch, under the close surveillance of the Navy, disappeared from the Navy’s sight, and no one knew where they went.

The Sengoku were surprised as soon as they received the news.

If Tichy dared to break away from the Navy’s surveillance, did he not know that all abnormal actions would now be interpreted or would be against the world government and the Navy?

He had paid a great price to become the Seven Martial Seas, what was this guy thinking?

“Go find him, this guy’s behavior is too strange, you must find him.”

It was at this time that Titch’s phone went directly to the Sengoku.

“Thief hahaha… Marshal of the Warring States, please don’t misunderstand me, I didn’t mean to, but my current situation is still very dangerous, it is really inconvenient to stay in the Navy Headquarters, in case of a little mistake, I really don’t feel a little sense of security, so I slipped away, absolutely no other meaning. ”

The green tendons of the Warring States Qi burst out and shouted in a deep voice, “Titch! I warned you, don’t be like us, I can make you a Seven Martial Sea, and I can immediately cancel your Seven Martial Sea identity! ”

“Marshal of the Warring States, this is my intention in making this statement… Up”

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