Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 18 Ant Colony Merger Plan

As Hot Wheels shouted, Zero and Thunderbolt started to move towards each other.

Using both fists and feet, the sound of metal clashing could be heard for a while.

The fighting postures of the two are not amateurish. Even the most elite human fighting masters can't find anything wrong with them.

Because in the past few days, they downloaded some fighting skills of humans from Lu Yuan Star from the Internet.

After absorbing and integrating them, they initially formed their own mechanical fighting skills.

For them, that's enough.

After all, for the mechanical race, close combat is the lowest form of fighting.

Their combat training is only to better stimulate the activity of [Fire].


Lu Yuan was very pleased to see that Zero had successfully deceived Sha Minghui and was developing the machine clan step by step.

Among the three heroes so far, he was originally the most optimistic about Gou Liang.

But this guy's template is only suitable for being a lone ranger. He may become a pillar of Lu Yuan's star in the future, but it will not bring more benefits to Lu Yuan.

Now, he has great expectations for Zero.

Even if you don't look at the huge background of the Machinery Clan, just the fact that he has one more [creature] on his panel is already very good.

Because this may increase his source point income!

Directly increase the speed of becoming stronger!

As for Ma Yi

In fact, Lu Yuan still doesn't understand the significance of Ma Yi, the "King of the Ant Colony".

What can ants evolve into?

Big ant?

Super giant ant?

You can't evolve into an interstellar insect swarm, right?

"What is he doing now?" Lu Yuan then remembered that since Zero appeared, he had put most of his energy on Zero, for fear that this two-person mechanical clan would die like this.

Occasionally, when I have free time, I pay attention to Gou Liang, who is still fighting mice in the sewer.

As for Ma Yi, he has not paid attention to it for many days.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan set his sights on District 11.


Ma Yi is going to do something big today.

Early that morning, at dawn, he climbed up from the queen's limp body, placed some food next to the queen, and walked out of the bedroom filled with all kinds of food.

After walking along the main road of the cave for a while, Ma Yi turned into a cabin.

The appearance of Ma Yi's pheromones caused the soldier ants who were resting in this cabin to stand up and swing their tentacles.

This is a group of mutated black fire soldier ants covered with a black base and embroidered with yellow-brown patterns on their carapace. Each one is at least 8mm long, and there are dozens of them in total.

These are the "elite soldiers" that Ma Yi carefully selected from the soldier ants that the queen has given birth to over the past few days.

They are fed delicious food every day, just waiting for today.

Ma Yi waved his tentacles, turned around and left the cave.

Behind him, ten soldier ants immediately lined up to follow.

In the ant colony, the queen ant is actually the only one they trust.

This situation is especially prevalent among red imported fire ants.

This is because in the fire ant colony, except for the queen ant who is specifically responsible for reproduction and the male queen ant that only appears during the breeding period, the rest are all female individuals without the ability to reproduce.

These non-reproductive females are called "workers".

Staff ants are divided into two sub-classes: worker ants and soldier ants.

But Ma Yi, the sixth person, had foresight.

Before the ants hatched, he used his pheromones to coat the entire cave, all the ant eggs, and even the queen ant.

Therefore, all ants born took the shape of Ma Yi.

Even the queen ant gradually succumbed to Ma Yi in these days. When he came back every day, she let him lie on her body to rest, massaged him with her tentacles, and let him enjoy the bliss among the ants.

Ma Yi also lived up to his expectations.

Under his management bit by bit, the couple is now somewhat capable.

In their colony, there are now nearly a hundred worker ants and twenty-six soldier ants.

The most critical food for ants has now filled the cave to the brim, enough for all the ants to eat for several days.

It’s not a boast, but if you just look at the emerging ant colony, it can definitely be rated as an “advanced model”.

Today, the big thing he is going to do is "robbery"!

These days, he suddenly discovered an interesting thing.

There are actually no fewer than ten ant nests hidden within an estimated radius of less than ten meters near their nest.

Oh no, saying anthill is a bit exaggerated.

In fact, those should be the same group of queen ants who got married as Ma Yi and his wife.

After they complete their nuptial flight, they will find a hole in the ground to hide themselves and lay eggs. Then it will starve for two to three weeks or even more than a month, and only after the first batch of worker ants hatch can it be given its first bite to eat.

During this period, most queens will starve to death.

Only a lucky few make it through and become queen ants.

This is also the reason why so many male and female ants fly each time, but there are not as many ant nests as expected.

Ma Yi, who has never studied the habits of ants, naturally does not know this.

However, just a few days ago, there was a queen ant nearby who was lucky or unlucky and survived.

After the queen ant's workers hatched, she immediately ordered the workers to go out in search of food.

After all, it has been hungry for a month and is about to starve to death!

The group of worker ants happened to encounter Ma Yi's child. They took action and not only snatched the food that the worker ant had brought home, but also killed the lone worker ant and even dragged the body back and ate it as food. ! (Ants eat ants.)

An ant was lost inexplicably, and Ma Yi didn't take it seriously at first.

Soldier ants have a poor ability to protect themselves. It is normal for them to have accidents when looking for food outside. It is not like they have lost food before.

But over the next few days, worker ants disappeared one after another.

Ma Yi sensed something was wrong.

On the same day, he set up an ambush and used a lone worker ant as bait to attack and kill the invading worker ants.

Moreover, he counterattacked and wiped out the ant nest in one fell swoop.

He even killed the opponent's queen ant and took it home as a food reserve.

A queen ant, plus the corpses of dozens of worker ants and several soldier ants, hundreds of eggs, and some food. After counting, he found that the harvest was unexpectedly good.

This time, his mind became more active.

The strength of these emerging ant nests is too weak!

Even if the worker ants are added, they are only as powerful as dozens of ants. With Ma Yi's current power, he can definitely achieve the same goal!

So, in the next few days, he began to consciously pay attention to the existence of ant nests nearby.

Relying on the reconnaissance knowledge before rebirth, it is not easy to do this.

He quickly touched all the ant nests nearby, large and small.

And today is the day when he will implement the ant colony annexation plan!

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