Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 324 The Planet Belt of the Lin Family Galaxy (Fourth Update)

Lin Xuan had a rough understanding of the Lin family's situation, but the news that Mr. Lin revealed at the end was beyond his expectation.

The Lin family wants to replace the Interstellar Federation?

This was news he had never heard of.

Lin Xuan was frightened and remained silent.

I don’t know how long Mr. Lin had been crazy. At the end, he gradually calmed down, and the only sound left in the watch communication was his heavy breathing.

Perhaps, because he had too high expectations for Lin Tao and did not know how to win Lin Tao back, he had been extremely depressed. At this time, he finally couldn't help but explode.

for a long time.

Mr. Lin's breath calmed down, and he took a deep breath: "Lin Xuan, do you understand the weight of your responsibility now?"

"I understand." Lin Xuanyi responded briefly.

No, the real situation is that Lin Xuan really doesn't know how to answer. It is better to simply respond to the previous sentence, because the amount of information he has obtained in this communication far exceeds that of his many years with Lin Tao.

After the communication ended, Mr. Lin became calmer and calmer with this outburst. His heart moved, and he operated a few times on the operating table in front of him with both hands.


A curtain of light appeared from above.

The light curtain was divided into multiple pictures. Each picture had one person, but it was Lin Tao and his party, including Master Gu Lei, Yang Yanzong and others. Their every move fell into the eyes of Mr. Lin through the light screen.

However, Mr. Lin's eyes were always on Lin Tao. As for the others, he was too lazy to pry secretly.

Through this period of monitoring, Mr. Lin became more and more unable to figure out Lin Tao, because Lin Tao did not join other people at all. He usually only stayed in the warehouse and practiced Yang from time to time after the starry sky ship came out of the super-time and space channel. Ancient martial arts in martial arts schools.

"It's just marksmanship, what's there to learn?"

Mr. Lin frowned secretly. The Lin family was also an ancient martial arts family. If Lin Tao really planned to practice ancient martial arts, he would definitely teach Lin Tao the Lin family's unique skill of Bengquan without any reservation.

In his eyes, Bengquan is definitely countless times more powerful than Yang's gun.

After observing for a long time, Lin Tao kept practicing the Yang family gun on his own. Although the process was boring, Mr. Lin always watched, never tired and very patient.

If a person who has reached his status doesn't even have this patience, how can he be the head of the family!

"The ancient martial arts that rely on external objects are always inferior to the ancient martial arts that rely on their own strength."

Even so, Mr. Lin has great disdain for the Yang family gun.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

"Master, the hypertime engine has completed energy storage. In five minutes, we will enter the hypertime engine."

"Notice down, everyone get ready." After hearing the notification from the bridge, Mr. Lin turned off the monitoring.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, when the starry sky ship came out of the hyperspace channel again, the bridge notified the crew of the ship through the loudspeaker.

"We have arrived at the Lin family galaxy. Everyone, please pay attention. You now have one hour for stargazing in space. Crew members in need are requested to take the time to do stargazing in space."

The notification was delivered three times in total.

The so-called space stargazing is to observe the inhabited planets at close range in outer space. Almost every time you travel to the stars, you will have such an opportunity when you are about to arrive.

Not long after hearing the notice, Master Gulei knocked on Lin Tao's door.

Lin Tao opened the door.

"Lin Tao, this Lin family galaxy is a rare dual solar system in the universe. Let's go and have a look." Master Gulei was not nervous about arriving at the Lin family's capital star. Instead, he was full of anticipation like an old naughty boy.

Double solar system?

Lin Tao nodded. In later generations, due to the abuse of giant insects, the starry sky field of the human interstellar federation shrank significantly, until finally, it had to shrink back to the solar system where the earth is located.

For the special scenery in the starry sky, Lin Tao can only simulate it on the computer.

At this moment, if he had such an opportunity to watch in person, he would naturally not give up.

"We've arrived at the Lin family's capital, Xing. Don't you want to say something?" Liu Xueying followed Master Gu Lei and saw the two of them looking so excited that she couldn't help but look livid.

"Haha~" Master Gu Lei laughed loudly: "I'll take care of myself now that I've come. Are you still afraid that the Lin family's mouths will be so big that they can swallow us all up in one bite?"

"The rich and powerful are like gluttons, they can never have enough to eat. A few of us are not enough for them to pick their teeth."

Liu Xueying had a stern face.

"Xueying's grandnephew, what you said is wrong. Rich families are wealthy forces, and gluttons are gluttons. How can they be mixed together?" Mr. Lin sauntered over from the other side of the passage with his hands on his back. After hearing Liu Xueying's words Afterwards, he couldn't help but smile.

Liu Xueying looked ugly.

"One day, when you stand at the top of a wealthy family, you will understand what is going on." Mr. Lin was full of sighs. After saying this, he stopped sighing, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Lin Tao, Master Gulei, it’s rare that you are also interested in the dual solar system, why don’t we go over there and take a look.”

Master Gu Lei's eyes lit up: "Yes, with the head of the Lin family personally checking the situation, it seems that we should still be able to see some wonders."

Lin Tao narrowed his eyes slightly, but smiled and said nothing.

As a rare dual solar system in the human interstellar federation, it will naturally leave a mark in the historical data of later generations.

The dual solar system is extremely special. When it appears, the planets in it will become extremely unstable due to the scorching sun. Earthquakes and volcanoes often occur. I don’t know why the Lin family chose such a solar system as the main system, but it is also because of this. It can be seen that the Lin family is definitely an ambitious force.

"Speaking of wonders, well, this dual solar system does have a wonder, but..." At this point, Mr. Lin raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and then looked regretful: "We came at the wrong time, that wonder is still there It will take another year to see it.”

"Oh?" Master Gu Lei's curiosity was aroused.

Lin Tao also looked at Mr. Lin curiously.

Liu Xueying had a stern face and lowered her head, as if she didn't like contact with the Lin family.

Mr. Lin chuckled, turned around and led the two of them to the bridge. Liu Xueying did not follow, but walked to Yang Yanzong.

Looking along the bridge monitoring window, Lin Tao suddenly saw a huge planet in front of him. This planet was extremely weird. There were several huge belt-like iron bars on the outside of the planet, and the entire planet was tightly surrounded.

"That's..." Lin Tao was shocked.

Space orbital base!

That is definitely the space orbital base recorded in later data!

This kind of space orbital base surrounds the planet like an iron belt. Not only can it function as a space base in wartime, but it can also provide a layer of protection to the planet in peacetime.

"That's a space orbital base. We generally call it the 'Planet Belt'." Mr. Lin said with a smile: "In the dual solar system, the sunlight is stronger than in the ordinary solar system. This 'Planet Belt' can not only protect the planet, but also It can protect the planet from the impact of two suns."

"With these 'planetary belts', we can be like ordinary inhabited planets on the planet."

Mr. Lin explained.

Lin Tao nodded.

"This thing is expensive to build. Why did your Lin family choose such a place as the main galaxy?" Master Gulei remembered that in order to gain control and naming rights of this planet, the Lin family gave up a highly developed and rich planet. Inhabited planet.

"Everyone has his own merits." Mr. Lin chuckled and didn't explain too much.

Lin Tao and Master Gu Lei looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Look." Mr. Lin pointed to the starry sky on the other side.

Lin Tao and the others followed what they expected and saw two radiant balls of light, one large and one small, in the starry sky. One was extremely bright, with countless flames emerging from its surface. The other was dimmed a bit, but still You can see sunspots appearing on it from time to time.

"The two suns will be relatively close to each other at a certain time every year. At this time, the larger one will devour the smaller one."

"According to our preliminary estimates, in a few million years at most, the larger one will swallow up the smaller one completely. By then, the dual solar system here will also become a single solar system."

Mr. Lin was very excited about this rare celestial movement and seemed to be very interested in it.

Hearing this strange news, Lin Tao's curiosity was suddenly raised to the top. In future generations, he would not have the chance to leave the solar system due to the giant insects.

In fact, except for the planet in the solar system, Lin Tao had never been up close and witnessed such a starry sky spectacle with his own eyes.

"Star swallowing?" Master Gulei was shocked: "Wouldn't this swallowing affect other planets in the galaxy?"

"Of course." Mr. Lin smiled. He stretched out his hand and circled it in mid-air, then circled to the planet that was wrapped with several layers of iron belts: "If it weren't for these 'planet belts', I guess our Lin family would also have to Replaced with the capital star."

"There are two gaseous planets nearby, which have completely turned into dust in the starry sky under such circumstances."

Next, Master Gu Lei and Mr. Lin actually started a discussion on this issue.

Lin Tao was only interested in mechas in later generations. He had only a smattering of knowledge about celestial bodies, but it was difficult to interrupt the two people's communication about the planet's phenomena.

Time flies.

After another notification from the bridge, the starry sky ship landed towards one of the 'planetary belts' and parked at the designated parking platform.

"Giant starships generally do not enter the planet directly, so we will transfer to the spaceship next." Mr. Lin personally led the way from the front.

At this time, Yang Yanzong and other people from the Yang Family Martial Arts School also walked out of the warehouse. From the observation port, they saw the Lin family's capital star who was tied with several iron belts. Their faces were extremely ugly.

After exiting the starship from the special passage, the group came to the 'Planet Belt'. Under the leadership of Mr. Lin, after several rounds of registration, they boarded the spaceship and landed on the Lin family's capital star.

I came back early and wrote another chapter. I will go to bed later. Can I vote? Although there are not many people watching, I still asked shamelessly.

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