Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 384 A one-sided battle

"Lin Tao, do you really plan to give them comprehensive guidance?" Xie listened to Lin Tao's words throughout the process.

"It's okay to give some advice." Lin Tao smiled. In later generations, he also received advice from others and gained the reputation of Mecha Master, so he often supported his younger generations.

What's more, Lin Tao is also a mecha master trained by the Interstellar Federation.

Hearing this, the ferocious core ball flashed.

"Huh?" Lin Tao was startled: "What?"

"We, the mechanical family, will not give advice to others for no reason, unless we can share some special data." Xie said.

Lin Tao frowned: "Isn't your database shared by the entire machine clan? You once said that as long as you get the approval of the first-generation powerhouse, you can get the information of the entire database. In this way, you can still master the private data?"

"Under normal circumstances, this should be the case, but some data will be excluded by the first-generation powerhouses. If you want information outside of these databases, you have to exchange it privately. The first-generation powerhouses are not surprised by this situation. , as if acquiescing to our behavior." Xie said, paused, and then said: "I thought you wanted to point them out because you wanted to win them over."

Lin Tao chuckled. As someone who has come before, he clearly understands that it is not so easy for super mecha masters trained by the Interstellar Federation to be won over. If this were the case, those wealthy forces would have already won them over to their banners and worked for them. Contributed.

In the dark starry sky, fireballs lit up one after another, like a series of lights. They were all the mechas of the starry sky pirates that had been blown up!

"Who are they? How can they be so powerful?"

"Devils! Demons! They have demonic abilities!"

"No, we are no match, retreat quickly!"

"No wonder they can shoot down our giant starship with just one shot. They are definitely top-level mecha masters!"

The Star Pirates' mecha public channel was in chaos.

The signal was transmitted to Du Yu's main ship.

Du Yu's face was twisted into a ball, with a gloomy expression.

The leader of the Starry Sky Pirates' eyes flickered even more. Although he felt sorry for those mechas, he did not dare to speak easily at this time. The Starry Sky Pirates were directly overwhelmed before the battle started. One end.

Not to mention that the giant starship has new defensive weapons, even the mecha masters of those mechas are equally powerful.

If it fails this time, someone will definitely take the blame!

Thinking of this, the leader of the Starry Sky Pirates became even more silent.

"How long will it take to complete charging?" Du Yu asked in a deep voice.

"At least ten more minutes."

"Let those two hundred giant starships resist for ten minutes no matter what. As for those mecha masters who dare to retreat..." At this point, Du Yu's face turned serious: "Tell them that once they retreat, they will not be able to continue in the future." I’ll stay in the starry sky pirate business.”

The Star Pirates also have absolutely iron-clad rules. Once they are touched and kicked out, no force will dare to accept them. In this case, they are equivalent to becoming wanderers in the universe and can only rely on their own efforts.

"This..." The leader of the Starry Sky Pirates was also stunned: "Du Yu, why wait until all the starry sky giant ships are full of energy? With our current number, we can shoot them down..."

"Even one shot failed to break open the defensive shield?" Du Yu asked back.

Suddenly, the leader of the Starry Sky Pirates did not dare to speak anymore. If one shot failed to break open the opponent's defense shield, it would mean that they had failed.

Once they fail, what will be waiting for them when they go back?

Nobody knows.

However, the leader of the Starry Sky Pirates knew in his heart that the situation would definitely be worse than that of the leaders of the three major Starry Sky Pirates, Luo Lei, who had turned into charred flesh.

After sighing, the leader of the Starry Sky Pirates could only issue orders to the outside world. The two hundred starry sky giant ships and the mecha masters on them were completely abandoned.

"What, you still want us to attack?"

"If you retreat, you will be considered a traitor to the Starry Sky Pirates?"

"This...isn't this forcing us to die?"

"Even if you don't go to die, you still have to become a wanderer after you go back. That would be worse than death."

The Star Pirates' mecha public channel was noisy.

However, no matter how much they disturbed, they finally chose to set off again. This time, they set out with the idea of ​​dying together, so their offensive was even more powerful.

"No, why do these starry sky pirates seem to be desperate for their lives?"

"Not only are they moving faster, but their attack awareness is much stronger than before?"

The super SSS mecha masters of the Interstellar Federation were also shocked.

Lin Tao's eyes flashed for a moment and then he ignored it. He could see that even though the Starry Sky Pirates mecha masters showed great strength, they were still no match for the super SSS mecha masters.

After all, each of these super SSS mecha masters have already experienced death, and they are not the SSS mecha masters who are purely competing for rankings.

Xie remained silent about this and secretly collected relevant information.

Lin Tao rode the Demon God Mecha and looked into the sky as he rushed toward the two hundred giant starships that surrounded him.

"Xie, you must have collected a lot of information about us, right?" Suddenly, Lin Tao asked.

"A lot. Not only did I collect a lot of combat data on mechas from you, I even connected to Skynet through your watch, and also collected a lot of information." Xie responded.

"Are you connected to Skynet?" Lin Tao was startled and unconsciously raised his watch to take a look.

The watch displays as usual, with no change.

"Well, I used your account to connect." Xie sighed: "I really didn't expect that your account on Skynet has a very high prestige even though it doesn't have many achievements."

Lin Tao only has one account on Skynet, that is ‘L’. Since applying for this account, Lin Tao has only been able to connect to Skynet a handful of times.

Even so, no one knows about 'L''s battle in Skynet.

When he first went into battle, he directly destroyed Liu Zhengchen's body, and then forced Liu Zhengchen, who had already confirmed his real name. Later, in order to open up the sales of K223, he used K223 to fight against Wu Maji, who was ranked in the sky of Tianwang, and beat him again and again. burst.

This kind of performance has put the account ‘L’ on the rankings of Tianshangtian.

"You logged into my account?" Lin Tao was even more stunned. After frowning slightly, he couldn't help but ask: "You have collected so much information, how do you plan to use it?"

"This is the first time that our mechanical clan has been traversing the starry sky for so long, and this is the first time we have seen this kind of mecha combat mode of you humans. This situation is somewhat similar to that of our mechanical clan." He groaned.

The mechanical clan uses a core to control weapons to attack, while humans sit in the mecha and control it. Comparing the two, they are somewhat similar. Lin Tao nodded.

"I also have some understanding of the situation of the mecha. Well, how should I put it?" He paused.

Lin Tao was also a little curious about this, and before entering the combat range, he also raised his ears.

"If the built-in computer of the mecha is removed and replaced with the core of our mechanical family, and then you humans are still responsible for operating the mecha, will that greatly increase the strength of the mecha?" Xie suddenly said.

Hearing this, Lin Tao frowned secretly.

At this moment, this method is being used on the Demon God Mecha, which will not only greatly increase the strength of the mecha, but also allow the mecha master's technology to advance by leaps and bounds.

It is conceivable that if, as Xie said, the computers of all mechas are replaced with the core of the mechanical race, then the most common machine in the human interstellar federation will also become a machine with terrifying power.

But will the mechanical people do this?

Moreover, don’t the mechanical clan still have a mysterious memory metal shell, so do they need weapons like mechas?

Lin Tao was confused.

"In the Skynet BBS, I came into contact with the huge mecha 'Lan' designed by you. Although I haven't seen the physical body yet, judging from your fighting style, if I still have the memory metal shell, I won't necessarily He is your opponent." Xie didn't dare to be too confident about this.

"Are you too modest?" Lin Tao was stunned.

"We, the mechanical race, don't understand the humility of you humans. Everything is judged based on data. After many battle simulations, I failed more than half of the time." Xie Yuyan said vaguely.

"Oh?" Lin Tao blinked. Has this beast done so many things behind his back?

With a thought in his heart, Lin Tao put all these aside and asked calmly: "Xie, have you been tracking the whereabouts of that ball of memory metal?"

Hearing this, Xie fell into silence for a while, and then continued to speak after a while: "Well, that ball of memory metal has arrived at Mingyuan Star."

"On that planet, I saw a kind of machine made from the shell of starry sky creatures." At this point, the ferocious tone suddenly changed, and his voice became confused: "Lin Tao, your human interstellar federation has discovered starry sky creatures. , and can we defeat them easily?"

Xie had never been exposed to the scene of Lin Tao killing Kong Li, but it also heard from various channels that Lin Tao used mechas to kill these Kong Li.

Lin Tao avoided talking and instead gently raised the subject: "Xie, do you know the names of those starry sky creatures?"

"Kongli, this is a kind of gregarious starry sky creature. Once it appears, its number will be at least several thousand. And when it encounters some more terrifying groups, their number is calculated in hundreds of millions. We, the mechanical family, are suspicious , Kongli is probably one of the branches of the giant insect clan." Xie said truthfully.

Lin Tao was stunned for a moment. Even he did not expect that even Xie would call that kind of starry sky creature Kongli. From this point of view, after the Three-Eyed Tribe created their human race, they also left behind many wealthy people. Knowledge of the Great Interstellar Federation.

Lin Tao's eyes flickered a few times, and he suddenly asked a question that was extremely irrelevant to the topic: "Xie, what level of information does this belong to in your database?"

Xie was obviously startled, but as a machine race, it still answered the question: "The information about Kongli belongs to LV5."

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