Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 407 Party

In this starry sky explored by humans, in terms of the size of the planets inhabited by humans, the Capital Star can be called the second, and no planet can be called the first.

On the vast capital star, the land area is not small.

Wei Feihang chose a villa halfway up the mountain to host the party.

It actually took nearly two hours to get the hover car over.

Just arrived.

Lin Tao saw a long iron fence like a city wall surrounding the foot of the mountain. From time to time, blue electric light flashed across the iron fence, which was obviously powered by high-voltage electricity.

"Why is there an electric fence around here?" Sensing that Wei Hongxin was more talkative, Senior Brother Wei Wei also became a bit talkative. He was still surprised by the seemingly invisible electrified fence in front of him.

Lin Tao also looked confused.

Master Gu Lei glanced at it, but smiled and said nothing. Liu Xueying and Lu Mengying also glanced at it, and quickly withdrew their gaze. Obviously, the three of them seemed to understand what was going on.

"Starting from these fences, we have entered the villa where the party will be held." Wei Hongxin said.

"Huh?" Wei Weiwei was stunned and said blankly: "I think this electric fence seems to have no edge. Could it be that it surrounds the entire mountain?"

"Yes, this hilltop, including the woods at the foot of the hill, is the same area as that villa." Wei Hongxin nodded.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Wei Weifang, Cheng Bingfeng and the others suddenly took a breath of air.

Lin Tao was also shocked and his pupils shrank.

The entire mountain top, including the woods at the foot of the mountain, is only the area of ​​a villa?

Is this capital planet a planet that is 100% developed?

Lin Tao's eyes flickered.

Lin Tao was born on Earth, and despite every inch of land, even the ocean has been completely developed. There are urban buildings on the sea, under the sea, and even in the sea.

On that earth, a mountain like this would have to be developed with at least nearly a hundred properties.

But now, the top of such a huge mountain, including the foot of the mountain, only belongs to one villa?

Could it be that there is so much land in the capital star that it can be easily discarded?

Wei Hongxin saw the confusion in Lin Tao's eyes and couldn't help but chuckle: "Lin Tao, despite the vast land area of ​​Capital Planet, this planet has no other resources except land, and the situation of Capital Planet is different from that of those giant Just like the capital stars of wealthy families, very few people can obtain approval and obtain land resources.”

"Not many people have access to land resources, and the development of land consumes a lot of money. Under normal circumstances, those who acquire land in the capital star will try their best to maintain the original ecology of the area in their hands. In this way, not only can they save money Money can also be used to turn it into a tourist destination and plunder more financial resources." On the side, Master Gu Lei also said in a deep voice.

It turned out to be like this, Lin Tao suddenly understood.

Just like the Lin family's capital planet, although the Lin family spends a lot of resources to develop the planet, the land resources of the entire planet are almost controlled by the Lin family. But there are only so many people in the Lin family. Even if they really get the land, who will develop it on a large scale? After all, the capital planet will not let outsiders enter at will and spend a lot of money to develop meaningless things. It is better to use these funds wisely. .

Therefore, most of the Lin family’s capital star development funds were spent on those ‘iron belts’.

The situation of Capital Star should be somewhat similar, but due to the special characteristics of Capital Star, it has developed into a tourist destination, attracting a large number of tourists.

The hover car keeps moving forward.

Since the entire hilltop is the area of ​​a villa, the villa is also built very large, occupying almost half of the mountainside.

Following Wei Hongxin's footsteps, Lin Tao and his party also arrived at the party venue.

The party was not held indoors, but outdoors, in a huge venue, like the empty backyard of a villa.

There were many huge tables placed around, and each table was full of food. No wonder Master Gu Lei said that he came to the party to fill his belly.

Many young men and women have gathered in the venue. Judging from their clothes, they seem to be children of wealthy families.

The Human Interstellar Federation has more than eight wealthy families, and there are also many small wealthy families. Most of these people come from these small wealthy families.

In the center of the venue, a stage was set up, as if celebrities were invited to perform.

As soon as Wei Hongxin arrived with Lin Tao and his entourage, there were two hurried footsteps.

Lin Tao turned around and saw Wei Feihang and Lin Wanxin.

"Lin Tao, I've finally waited for you." Lin Wanxin spoke first. She smiled, but her eyes fell on Wei Hongxin.

It seemed that this was the first time she had come into contact with Wei Hongxin, and she was extremely confused about his existence.

"Lin Tao, here we come." Wei Feihang also smiled and said: "Everyone is a little impatient to wait, why don't I take you to say hello to everyone first?"

Originally, the party was scheduled for eight o'clock, but because Lu Mengying spent more time choosing a dress, everyone arrived late.

However, for this reason, Lin Tao and his party had a lot of favorable impressions of Wei Hongxin.

Say hello to other people?

Lin Tao frowned. If it weren't for Lin Wanxin's warm invitation, he would not have participated in this party. After all, Xie almost caused a big incident when he arrived at Capital Star. If it was highly exposed, it would only be exposed earlier.

Lin Tao shook his head: "No need to say hello, I just came here to walk through the ceremony."

"This..." Wei Feihang was startled, and then he smiled again, but his smile was a little forced: "Lin Tao, this is a party specially held for you."

"The Speaker has already said that once you are promoted to a large wealthy family, you will need many small wealthy families to support you in order to quickly gain the same status as the eight wealthy families."

"These people who came to participate in the party are all small and wealthy families who have been carefully selected by me and have won a place in Capital Star."

Wei Feihang said.

"Lin Tao, getting to know them will be of great benefit to your promotion to a large wealthy family after the annual meeting." Lin Wanxin also advised politely.

"No need." Lin Tao waved his hand.

"Master Gu Lei, Aunt Xueying, Second Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Sister, let's go to that end, there are fewer people there." Lin Tao pointed to an inconspicuous place.

Everyone immediately followed Lin Tao and headed towards the other end.

Looking at the backs of Lin Tao and others, Wei Feihang was stunned for a moment. After a moment of reaction, his face darkened, like a rain cloud, very ugly.

Lin Wanxin bit her lip tightly. In this situation, she had no choice but to close her mouth.

Wei Hongxin chuckled: "It seems that even after Lin Tao is promoted to a large wealthy family, he is very sure that he can catch up with the eight wealthy families in a short time. Feihang, let's not worry too much about this."

"You two, excuse me for now." After Wei Hongxin finished speaking, he walked towards Lin Tao.

It felt like Wei Hongxin had already established a relationship with Lin Tao and his party, and Wei Feihang's expression turned extremely ugly.

Lin Wanxin said nothing, but her eyes flickered as she looked back and forth at Wei Feihang and Wei Hongxin.

On the other side of the party, several children from wealthy families gathered together.

"That must be Lin Tao from Mingyuan Star. I have seen his photos, but the photos are still very different from the person he is."

"It's a joke, that photo was taken when Lin Tao entered the First Academy of Mingyuan Star. Of course it is different from what it is now. Well, I still have a photo of Lin Tao before taking the Davis family's genetic enhancement potion. How he looks now. , it’s like a world of difference.”

"Let's not mention this for now, have you seen Wei Feihang's expression?"

"I saw it. I don't know what they were talking about. However, looking at Wei Feihang's face, Lin Tao doesn't seem to give him any face."

"Wei Feihang is the person who will succeed the Speaker in the future. By doing this, Lin Tao is not afraid of retaliation in the future?"

"By the way, there is also that soldier who looks like Wei Feihang. Who is he? I don't think I have heard rumors that Wei Feihang has a twin brother."

"Don't worry about that person. Judging from his military rank, he is just a small officer. Now that there are so many people in the Interstellar Federation, it is normal to meet one or two people who look similar. Didn't you meet one last time? Yet?"

"I received news that Wei Feihang organized this party this time to connect us with Lin Tao, so that after he is promoted to a large wealthy family in the future, he can increase his power status as soon as possible, so that he can join the eight wealthy families and become the third wealthy family. There are nine wealthy families. What do you think, do you want to go there together and say hello to Lin Tao first?"

"Hmph! You are going to go on your own. I will never go. This party was organized by Wei Feihang, but Lin Tao doesn't give him face, so we don't need to give Lin Tao face."

"That's right. Even if he is promoted to a large wealthy family, without the support of small wealthy families like us, I am afraid that in the end he will not live up to his name and can only be reduced to a low-level wealthy force."

"That's right, Lin Tao is currently challenging Wei Feihang. He is obviously a short-sighted person. In other words, he is a person who has achieved a little success but has his nostrils in the sky. We cannot afford this kind of person."

The voices of these people were not loud, but they all fell on Lin Tao's enhanced ears. Lin Tao glanced at them quickly from the corner of his eyes and then looked back.

A large wealthy family?

These people obviously don't understand that to reach this level, you don't have to rely on connections to get your turn. You also need your own strength. If Lin Tao hadn't been able to come up with machines like the giant mecha 'Lan' and the Extreme Wind Phoenix, , and probably won’t be noticed by the Grand Speaker.

The Chancellor supported him, firstly, because of these two mechas, and secondly, because Lin Tao himself was a mecha designer and could come up with designs for higher-performance mechas whenever necessary.

What's more, Lin Tao is still a mecha master himself. Even if Mingyuan Star seriously lacks senior mecha masters, Lin Tao alone can represent an entire super SSS mecha master team.

It is precisely under these circumstances that he was proposed to become a large-scale wealthy force.

Do you really think he is the kind of person who needs connections to succeed?

A hint of ridicule appeared at the corner of Lin Tao's mouth.

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