Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 459 Little Trouble

Not long after entering Mingzhou 2, Xie had quietly gained control of the planet's satellites.

With a hiss, Xie raised a curtain of light in mid-air.

Within the light curtain, a high-speed hover car is locked.

"Express hover car." Lin Tao judged it from the speed at a glance.

Zheng Xun and Lu Mengchen also recognized it, but they didn't know what was so "interesting" about this express hover car, and couldn't help but look at the metal ball suspended in mid-air with confusion.

Xie did not explain. The light screen suddenly shrank with two beeps. In an instant, he saw that there was another express hover car behind this express hover car. However, the distance between the two sides was far away. If it were not for high-altitude reconnaissance, Probably not visible either.

"What's going on?" Lin Tao was confused.

In an instant, the two pictures shrank again, and within a moment, they had zoomed into the cockpit.

In the express suspension car ahead, there was a familiar face sitting, but it was the fat-headed and big-eared person in charge whom he had met at the spaceship port.

Seeing this man, Lin Tao's expression darkened, Zheng Xun furrowed his brows secretly, and Lu Mengchen also had a gloomy look on her face. She understood exactly what the fat man's eyes meant at that time.

The express hovercar behind him had a face he had never seen before. However, seeing the man's majestic expression, Zheng Xun only glanced at it quickly and said, "This man is very... Probably the senior administrator of this planet.”

Lin Tao nodded silently, and Lu Mengchen blinked, also agreeing with this point of view.

"The direction of these two hover cars is coming towards us. Well, it's just that these two people came one after another. The hover car behind seems to be afraid of being discovered by the one in front." said.

Being reminded by Xie, Lin Tao also noticed that the speed of the express hover car behind was obviously not slow, but it seemed to be deliberately suppressed.

"These two people?" Lin Tao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Lin Tao, do you still have to wait for them to come over?" Zheng Xun couldn't help but ask as if he noticed something was wrong.

"Wait." Lin Tao nodded heavily.

Although there was no mecha at the moment, he and Zheng Xun were both people who had taken genetic enhancement potions, and Lu Mengchen, as a star in the federation, had a trace of mental power.

Putting aside these personal powers, Lin Tao is not only the master of Mingyuan Star, but also the master of a wealthy family recognized by the parliament. Lu Mengchen, as a federal star, can easily overpower the planetary commander of this remote planet.

This wait lasted another fifteen minutes.


There was a roar of engines, and the first thing that arrived was the express hover car of the fat-headed and big-eared person in charge. When the car arrived, it accelerated towards him as if to demonstrate to Lin Tao on purpose.

Lin Tao's face darkened and he stood still, motionless. Even so, he had already mobilized all his strength. If the other party really wanted to hit him, he wouldn't mind overturning the car.

Lin Tao has the strength and the confidence.

Lu Mengchen turned pale with fright at the sudden scene, and Zheng Xun also had a livid face, clenching his fists, ready to take action at any time.


Less than thirty minutes away from Lin Tao, the express suspension car suddenly braked and stopped.

The huge impact created gusts of cool wind, making Lin Tao's clothes rustle, and Lin Tao narrowed his eyes.


The car door opened, and the fat-headed person in charge stepped out of the car. As soon as he stepped out of the hover car, he clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "How courageous, worthy of being the Lord of Mingyuan Star."

However, his laughter was full of sarcasm.

"Do you recognize me?" Lin Tao looked at the person in front of him calmly, and Zheng Xun and Lu Mengchen also walked towards Lin Tao.

"Well, you guys just left, so I checked some information." As the fat-headed person in charge said, he tilted his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Lin Tao's face: "I can't believe that... When the eight wealthy families attack our interstellar federation, you can still obtain the approval of the Grand Speaker under such circumstances and become a large wealthy force in our interstellar federation."

"Let me think about it." The fat man pretended to be deep in thought: "If you, the Mingyuan Star, send out mechas to help the Interstellar Federation defeat the eight wealthy families, you will probably become the only wealthy family in the Interstellar Federation to survive."

"It's really amazing. When I was your age, I was still trying to fawn over people, and now I can become the person in charge of a spaceship port. Oh! It's really annoying to compare people to each other." The fat man sighed with regret.

"You know quite a lot, aren't you afraid that I will report to the Speaker?" After hearing what the fat man said, Lin Tao found it funny and couldn't help but hold his hands in front of his chest.

The attack on the Capital Star by the eight wealthy families was suppressed by the Grand Speaker. Even though there was no news from the media, Lin Tao came from the sub-space-time channel. It was only a few days before and after. The eight wealthy families and the Star Pirates were not ready for anything. Before, it was impossible to reveal this news to the outside world.

There are only two ways for the fat man in front of him to learn about this kind of thing. First, he is someone close to the Speakers, and second, he is secretly connected with the eight wealthy families.

If it is the former, then this person will never have anything like the spaceship port happen.

It was obvious that this man had secret connections with the eight wealthy families, but it was a pity that Lin Tao never saw the Mingzhou No. 2 star fall into the hands of the eight wealthy families. In other words, although this fat man secretly communicated with the eight wealthy families, in the end, But it failed to succeed.

Seeing such a hypocritical person, Lin Tao felt very funny in his heart.

"Report? You don't have this chance." The fat man stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger and shook it, and said in a tsk-tsk voice: "You came here today, just gave me a chance. Tsk-tsk, with the head of the Lord of Mingyuan Star Asking for credit from the eight wealthy families should give me a good job."

This fat man came here alone and wanted to kill himself?

Lin Tao blinked his eyes, and Zheng Xun was also stunned for a while, but Lu Mengchen didn't know Lin Tao's strength, and was so scared that his face turned pale with fear.

"By the way, I heard that the head of the Lin family seemed to have taken genetic enhancement potions. I think he has a lot of strength." As the fat man spoke, he quickly raised his watch and shouted: "Come out."

Boom, boom, boom!

In the surrounding dense forest, bursts of thumping noises suddenly sounded. With the appearance of these strange sounds, whining, whining, and roaring sounds of engines reached everyone's ears.

"Mecha?" Lu Mengchen was shocked.

Zheng Xun turned his head and looked at the mecha that quickly appeared in front of him. His eyelids twitched a few times for no reason, and then he looked at the fat man with a look of disdain.

He had seen Lin Tao's strength with his own eyes. Once he entered a group of mechas, he could overtake the opponent's mechas in a short time, gain control quickly, and strike back.

This guy sent the mecha here, didn't he intend to give Lin Tao a chance to perform?

Sure enough.

Lin Tao lowered his voice: "Zheng Xun, protect her and I'll come as soon as I go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tao's figure disappeared with a whoosh. In the next moment, he was already flying towards those machines like an arrow from a string.

"Huh? Where is the person?" The fat man stared blankly.

Lu Mengchen was also stunned.

Lin Tao was so fast that even Zheng Xun, whose body had been strengthened, could only see a black shadow floating in front of him. How could the two of them see it clearly?

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tao had pounced on one of the humanoid aircraft and quickly found the cockpit emergency button.

With a sneer, the cockpit door opened, and before the mecha master inside could react, he was pulled out by Lin Tao.

After sitting down, Lin Tao quickly moved his hands on the operating panel. In less than 30 seconds, he had gained control of the aircraft.

"No, he stole our body."

"Hurry up and fire!"

"Destroy that mecha quickly."

It took a while for the mecha masters to react, but by this time, Lin Tao had already taken control of the mecha. He stepped on the accelerator pedal, the engine roared, and the mecha suddenly flew towards the enemy on the opposite side. past.

It has to be said that the strength of the mecha masters on this planet is still much weaker than the high-level mecha masters of Skynet. Lin Tao estimates that the opponent has a C-level mecha master strength at most.

This kind of opponent, not to mention Lin Tao, I am afraid Zheng Xun can easily deal with it.

In a short period of time, Lin Tao had already eliminated four or five aircraft in a row.

"This... this... how could this happen?" The fat man seemed to be in disbelief and rubbed his eyes violently. He must have sent the mecha over. Lin Tao surrendered immediately, was captured alive, and was taken back to the eight wealthy families. He was appreciated by the heads of various wealthy families and given him several planets to manage.

The mecha just appeared, but in the blink of an eye, Lin Tao snatched one away and shot down several of their mechas with this mecha. What kind of mecha master strength did Lin Tao have?

Fatty wanted to yell out and ask Lin Tao about it on the spot, but at this moment, he knew that if he didn't take some action, he would be killed by Lin Tao on the spot.

Thinking of this, he suddenly took out a beam pistol from his body, but before he could take aim at the two Lu Mengchen who stayed in place, Zheng Xun appeared in front of him like a flying shadow.


His right hand turned into a knife, and with a single blow, Zheng Xun knocked the man unconscious. Then he quickly entered the express hovercar and killed the driver as well.

After solving the problem, Zheng Xun carried the driver out, threw him to the fat man, and clapped his hands.

" this solved?" Lu Mengchen looked at Zheng Xun blankly, then turned his head and looked at the body taken away by Lin Tao, as if he couldn't believe the scene before him.

There were only about twenty mechas sent by Fatty. After Lin Tao shot down ten of them in succession, the remaining nine mechas all retreated in unison and exited the battlefield.

"Aren't you going to fight?" In the cockpit, Lin Tao also stopped the machine and stood in front of the opponent.

There was a creak, and not far away, an express hovercar stopped.

It was the express hover car of the person in charge of the planet that had been following Fatty.

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