Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 534 Iron Scorpion

The attack transformed by the power of brain thoughts is restored to the fluctuation of brain thoughts again?

Lin Tao looked at the giant scorpions on the ground in surprise.

"Master, in this case, don't these giant insects completely restrain us mind practitioners?" Lu Mengchen covered his mouth slightly, shocked.


Zhuo chuckled: "One thing can defeat another thing. Although these things are ineffective against brain thoughts, they also have attack methods that can restrain them."

Lin Tao's mind flashed and he understood.

Before this, he had never heard of the existence of brain thoughts. In other words, in later generations, the human interstellar federation had no records related to the power of brain thoughts. The only thing that existed was the existence of brain thoughts mechas.

It also means that at this moment, humans still don't know the existence of the power of mind, but in this case, humans can still solve the giant scorpion and turn this planet into a habitable planet for their subordinates.

All this shows that humans have a way to deal with these giant scorpions.

In an instant, information about humans' colonization of this planet appeared in Lin Tao's mind.

"Mechas, beam weapons, gun weapons..."

In a short period of time, Lin Tao's mind came up with a variety of methods that humans can master.

Unfortunately, there are no mechas in the spaceship at this moment, and it is still being used by Xie to control the giant starships in the starry sky, as well as the ship personnel who enter the planet.

Lin Tao glanced out of the corner of his eye and immediately found a huge beam weapon on one side. However, this beam weapon was made for mechas and looks like a siege cannon.

Fortunately, Lin Tao was not only a brain practitioner, but also an ancient martial arts practitioner. He jumped up and immediately came to the beam weapon.

Holding it with both hands, he immediately moved the weapon to the hatch.

Lu Mengchen quickly moved away and asked, "Lin Tao, is this weapon really feasible?"

Lin Tao doesn't care whether it's feasible or not, there are only a few types of human weapons, and beams are one of them. If beam weapons don't work, then just change to other weapons.

After taking aim, the gun was pointed at a giant scorpion.

The sky of Scorpio is different from that of ordinary inhabited planets. At noon, the sky is filled with a touch of yellow clouds, like dusk. With a hiss, a beam of light as thick as a finger is formed at the muzzle of the gun, and the laser falls on the giant head. Scorpion on.

The beam of light fell on the giant scorpion and was scattered with a bang.

Although they were far apart and couldn't hear the sound, Lin Tao and Lu Mengchen could still feel similar sounds coming from their ears.

Lin Tao stared intently at this beam of light. After the beam dispersed, it disappeared. He immediately frowned: "Isn't the beam also ineffective?"

Lu Mengchen opened his mouth, but no sound came out for a long time, and Xie was also silent.

Lin Tao threw the beam weapon held in his hands behind him and quickly looked around in the mecha cabin.

Beam weapons are ineffective, so now the only weapons left are gun-type weapons and mecha's melee attacks. The mecha cabin was originally designed for mechas. Although there are no mechas now, there are still many weapons.

After a while, Lin Tao found a long cannon.

This is a long-range attack weapon mounted on the back of a beast-shaped mecha.

Lin Tao used both hands to lift the weapon and move it to the edge of the cabin. After taking aim again, there was a bang and the warhead flew out.

"Huh?" Lin Tao exclaimed as the warhead flew. The weapon built into this long cannon turned out to be a cluster bomb.

The so-called sub-munition bomb is a special artillery shell whose warhead will break up into countless small warheads after being fired. Even Lin Tao did not expect that what he carried with him was a sub-munition cannon.

The warhead flew very fast and landed on the giant scorpion below. With a bang, it turned into countless small warheads on the spot, and then landed on the giant scorpion's body with a bang.

After differentiation, the warhead gained a lot of speed, landed on the giant scorpion's body, and immediately penetrated the giant scorpion's body.

"It's useful!" Lu Mengchen's eyes lit up and he said repeatedly: "Lin Tao, this kind of weapon is useful. Those scorpions are afraid of this kind of weapon."

Lin Tao didn't speak. He looked carefully at the giant scorpions on the ground. It had to be said that the high-speed warheads could indeed penetrate the giant scorpions' bodies. However, the warheads on one edge were directly bounced away, as if they were the shells of the giant scorpions. It also has certain defensive capabilities.

It's a pity, Lin Tao frowned secretly. If Xie was here, he might be able to analyze the reasons based on these changes. At this moment, he could only judge that cluster bombs are effective against giant scorpions, but they need the metal warhead to reach a certain speed, otherwise they will not be able to penetrate. The shell of a giant scorpion.

However, Lin Tao could only spread his hands as to what data this speed would reach.

After putting down the weapon in his hand, Lin Tao raised his right hand and found a number in his watch, which was the number to contact the high-speed ship.

After entering the interior of the planet and taking control of the entire planet, Lin Tao had his people turn off the power tower that sealed the star signal. Now he can also use his watch to contact the outside of the starry sky.

The communication was connected, and a hideous sound came from the watch.

"Lin Tao, are you looking for me?" This signal can directly contact the ship, but Lin Tao's contact with the ship will not lead to the crew on board, so Xie immediately picked it up.

"Have all the personnel on those ships been brought to Scorpio?" Lin Tao asked.

"It's not that fast. It's only the second trip now. It will probably take two more trips to bring everyone to Scorpio." Xie responded with a helpless tone, but I think it also wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible and then return to Lin Tao.

After all, it and Lin Tao have a century-old agreement, and things like this far apart have rarely happened.

Are there two more trips? Lin Tao frowned deeply.

"Lin Tao, are you in any trouble?" Hehe asked with a smile.

"I have found the location of the Starfish Stone, but there is a group of huge scorpions there. Their hard shells can ignore the power of the mind." Lin Tao said.

Before Lin Tao could finish speaking, Lu Mengchen on the side immediately interjected: "Those scorpions are afraid of bullets. Lin Tao just launched a large submunition bomb, but it killed a lot of people."

Lu Mengchen saw that after a large number of the giant scorpions below were killed, the corpses were immediately fought over by nearby giant scorpions and torn into pieces on the spot, which made him feel sick in his heart.

"But these scorpions look really disgusting." Lu Mengchen looked away.

"Oh?" He said in a long tone, and then stopped talking.

Lin Tao understood that Xie was taking advantage of the characteristics of the mechanical clan and planned to directly monitor this area.

Not long after, the ferocious voice sounded again: "I saw it, these iron scorpions are indeed disgusting."

"Iron Scorpion?" Lin Tao was startled.

"That's right, these creatures are called iron scorpions. Their shells can not only resist the power of thoughts, but also affect radio waves. No wonder I couldn't find their whereabouts when I wanted to monitor this planet before." He said. , Lu Dongxing knew that there was a giant scorpion here. He wanted to investigate this creature more than once, but unfortunately he could not find the existence of this creature.

Lin Tao frowned secretly: "I heard from Zhuo that this is also a starry sky creature."

"Yes, the Iron Scorpion is a kind of starry sky creature similar to Kong Li. If distinguished by strength, they are also at the bottom of the starry sky creatures. However, because they can withstand the power of the mind, they are placed in the middle range by the Three-Eyed Clan. "

After a pause, Xie said again: "However, these are just larvae, and they are not threatening."

"About what speed of bullets are needed to destroy them?" Lin Tao asked, this was his main purpose of looking for ferocious beasts.

"2000. Iron scorpion larvae generally only need a speed of 2000m/s to penetrate." Xie replied.


No wonder some of the bullets landed on those giant scorpions and were bounced away. Only then did Lin Tao understand.

"Lin Tao." Suddenly, Xie said: "There are still two rounds to send all the personnel of those ships to Scorpio. You wait a little longer, and I will go with you to find those starfish stones."

"Okay." Lin Tao just responded and said nothing more.

Among the list of strange objects given by Xie was a seabed ruler jade. This seabed ruler jade was very similar to the starfish stone recorded by the human interstellar federation in later generations. Even so, Lin Tao was still unsure whether the starfish stone was the seabed ruler jade. If you have doubts, you need to analyze it.

Even though the seabed chi jade and the starfish stone have similar shapes and similar characteristics, you must know that in order to be able to distinguish the shadow prison stone and the forbidden shadow stone, Lin Tao needed to use thirty methods. In other words, there are at least thirty types of strange things similar to these two strange things. It is not easy to distinguish them.

Therefore, Lin Tao still needs Xie's help.

As for the Zhuo in front of him, Lin Tao didn't dare to think much about it. It was able to tell him the weakness of the giant scorpions because it was for Lu Mengchen's sake. At least it was unlikely that he would let him help deal with these giant scorpions.

Moreover, as far as Lin Tao knew, Zhuo's most powerful power now was the power of his mind. The iron scorpion is ineffective against the power of brain thoughts, and when it reaches the bottom, it is like an ordinary stone ball.

As soon as the communication was cut off, Lu Mengchen asked: "Lin Tao, do we want to wait here for Xie to come over?"

Although he had little contact with Xie, Lu Mengchen still maintained a certain interest in this metal ball. Moreover, this metal ball had always been by Lin Tao's side, and he had a better grasp of Lin Tao's affairs.

At this moment, Lu Mengchen also wanted to know more about Lin Tao.

Lin Tao nodded.


Suddenly, the watch rang again. He raised his hand and saw that it was a communication from the Speaker Chen Huyuan. Lin Tao looked up at Lu Mengchen and then took the communication.

"Lin Tao, I am Chen Huyuan." Chen Huyuan's voice was as energetic as ever.

"What's the matter?" Lin Tao asked directly.

Although Chen Huyuan directly pushed her to Lin Tao, it has to be said that Chen Huyuan still helped him a lot, and when he was in Capital Star, he directly ordered Lin Tao to take her away through Yue Hong, otherwise he would not be able to meet her. Whether Zhuo can cultivate the power of his mind is still unknown to Lu Mengchen.

Seemingly noticing that Lin Tao and Chen Huyuan were having a conversation with no distractions, she couldn't help but sigh again. When will she be able to be as comfortable as Lin Tao?

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