Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 852 Bionic Leg

The plan has been decided, and now Lin Tao has to solve the problem of Abel Gauri's mechanical leg.

Taking the materials given by Zhuo Fan, Lin Tao dove into his room.

at the same time.

Trade Star No. 7, on the other side of the platform, on the top floor of a large hotel.

This hotel can be regarded as the most luxurious hotel on Trade Star No. 7. It covers a large area and is equipped with a variety of complete facilities. Everyone who has been to this space station and knows how to enjoy it will choose this hotel immediately. Hotel.

Of course, this reason alone is not enough for everyone to choose this hotel at a high price.

The top three floors are the only fixed floors in this space station where you can see the spacecraft parking platform.

At this moment, a room on the top floor.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window sill, Zhao Hui watched a spaceship with a strange appearance, like a wolf's head, land with a roar. His face was gloomy and his brows were furrowed.

It was obvious that this ship was not the one he was waiting for.

Tap tap tap tap ~

Footsteps sounded, and Zheng Kaiwei was seen walking over. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the wolf-head spaceship, then pulled out two chairs, pushed one behind Zhaohui, and then sat down.

Two days.

Their group has been at this space station for two days.

"Lang Ge." Chaohui called Lang Ge over in a deep voice: "Are they here?"

Sensing his slightly livid expression, Lang Ge swallowed. After seeing the calm Zheng Kaiwei from the corner of his eye, the shock on his face softened. Without saying a word, he raised his hands and closed his eyes. .

Just as he closed his eyes, a splash of water rolled up in his hand, forming a ball of water as big as a pair of fists.

After a while, darkness emerged inside the water ball.

This pitch black represents the Blackest Star Territory.

Not long after, the darkness transformed in an instant, turning into a clear shape again, a vague outline that was composed like a gear.

In the Black Star Territory, only Trade Star No. 7 maintains this shape.

The picture ends here, with no other changes.

Seeing this, Lange put away the water balloon and opened his eyes again.

"Senior Zhaohui, their destination must be Trading Star No. 7." Lange said.

Zhaohui said nothing. He turned his head and looked at the spacecraft parking platform. At this moment, he saw only one spacecraft leaving, and then another spacecraft landed.

Unfortunately, these two spaceships have obvious appearances. It is obvious at a glance that they are spacecrafts that have been staying in the Black Star Territory for a long time. They cannot be the spaceships where Lin Tao is waiting for them.

Zhaohui was born in a family of great wise men, and was very popular with great wise man Chao Hong, so he taught him many small details since he was a child, such as how to distinguish old and new adventurer ships in the Black Star Region.

Even if it was the first time he came to the Black Star Territory, Zhaohui could already do this with just his eyes.

Of course, he would not tell Zheng Kaiwei and Lang Ge clearly about these things. After all, this is the knowledge that a great wise man learned after staying in the Black Star Territory for a long time. Even if it is released, I am afraid it can be sold at a high price in the information center.

Zheng Kaiwei has been with Lang Ge for many years and understands his power of telekinesis. When he saw the scene in the water polo, he had already determined that Lin Tao and his party would definitely come to Trading Star No. 7.


Zheng Kaiwei's eyebrows moved slightly, and he said calmly: "Zhaohui, is it possible that they have already arrived?"

No wonder, although they were one step faster than Lin Tao's spaceship, in order to conceal their identity and successfully enter the Black Star Territory, they changed several spaceships along the way, and even switched to a spacecraft with a Black Radar. Come to Trade Star No. 7.

Perhaps, they are already a step behind Lin Tao.

"Impossible." Zhaohui shook his head repeatedly, and said in a deep voice: "Zheng Kaiwei, don't forget, before we entered the Black Star Territory, we had already provided the information about Lin Tao and his party to the hunting list, let alone that they could advance in advance Come here, I'm afraid I've been intercepted several times on the way."

Under this situation, Zhaohui did not believe that Lin Tao and his party could come earlier than them.

Moreover, if he had not received any news, he would have thought that Lin Tao and his party had been killed halfway.

After all, those who receive the mission will definitely send someone stronger than him when they see Abel Gauri, who has the strength of level seven.

Hearing the 'Hunting List', Zheng Kaiwei's expression suddenly changed, and Lange turned even pale.

As an adventurer, he has to rely on the "Hunting List" to kill fellow adventurers. This is something that is difficult to say. Now that he heard Zhaohui mention this matter again and again, not to mention that Lang Ge was frightened. Even Zheng Kaiwei's face turned pale for a while.

If Zhaohui hadn't manipulated him, Zheng Kaiwei would never have done the same thing.

Seeing the faces of the two people from the corner of his eyes, Chao Hui sneered in his heart. His tone turned cold and he said coldly: "After the matter is completed, as long as we never mention the 'Hunting List', who will know that we have used the 'Hunting List'?" Sha Bang' to deal with Lin Tao and the others?"

"Don't forget, this is something agreed upon by the three of us."

Zhao Hui glanced at the two of them coldly and said in a deep voice.

Zheng Kaiwei stopped making any sound, and Lange let out a long sigh.

Half a day later.

When Lin Tao appeared in the living room again, he was holding two transparent and colorless test tubes. Seeing his solemn face, Zhuo Fan even looked over.

During this period, Zhuo Fan received a lot of materials, and even Abel Gaoli had purchased a large amount of ordinary metals.

"Lin Tao, this is..." When Zhuo Fan saw the liquid level in the test tube, he was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he changed his words again and again: "Lin Tao, have you already studied it?"

Abel Gauri suddenly looked over and landed on the two test tubes.

Lin Tao smiled and nodded: "Senior Abel, please take off the mechanical leg."

Without thinking, Abel Gauri quickly took off the mechanical leg from his right thigh with the most skillful speed, and jumped in front of Lin Tao in a few steps.

Lin Tao took the mechanical leg, put it aside, and looked at Abel Gaoli with a smile: "Senior Abel, I also want a piece of flesh and blood tissue with skin."

Abel Gauri was calm and calm, and without hesitation he took out a dagger from his waist and suddenly cut off a piece of flesh with skin the size of a palm from his body.

During the whole process, he didn't even blink, as if what he was cutting off was not his own flesh, but a hair.

After all, he is an adventurer who has reached the ninth level of telekinesis. Not to mention cutting off a piece of flesh, stabbing his thigh or arm on the spot has happened from time to time.

In comparison, cutting off a piece of flesh with skin like this is only a minor injury.

After cutting it off, Abel Gaoli handed the skinned flesh still dripping with blood to Lin Tao.

Lin Tao's brows twitched a few times as he looked at the bloody piece of meat. He was embarrassed for a moment and didn't know what to say, because he only needed a little bit.

The piece that was now as big as a palm was beyond his expectation.

Well, putting all this aside, Lin Tao actually felt quite painful when he looked at it.

"Lin Tao, if you want anything else, just ask." Abel Gaoli said loudly, while quickly taking out the hemostatic medicine and patting it on the wound.

The hemostatic medicine seemed to be made by a senior pharmacist. When applied to the wound, it not only stopped the blood, but also restored the muscle tissue very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the wound was restored to its original state, as if it had never been injured.

"Enough, this piece is enough." Lin Tao said repeatedly.

With Zhuo Fan's eyes fixed on him, Lin Tao laid the pieces of meat flat on the mechanical leg, and then poured the liquid in the test tube with a hiss and another burst of gurgling sounds.

A burst of white mist appeared, and then the piece of meat was rapidly generated at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, a piece of red meat had been layered on the mechanical leg, and on top of the piece of meat, pieces of red meat were growing. The cortex is like human skin.

It seemed that the liquid in one test tube was not enough, and after a while, the flesh stopped growing.

Lin Tao quickly poured another tube of liquid on it.

In the blink of an eye, the mechanical leg was covered with a layer of flesh and blood, and from a distance, it looked like a real person's severed leg.

After Zhuo Fan glanced at Lin Tao, he didn't say anything. He raised his watch, and after a few operations, a ray of light shot out from the watch and fell on the mechanical leg.

Scan a few times.

"Tsk, tsk~" Zhuo Fan tutted a few times: "The instrument really can't scan it out."

"Oh?" Abel Gauri was also surprised. He also raised his watch, turned on the mechanical scanning function, and emitted a scanning light to scan back and forth on the bionic leg.

"Hahahaha~ There's really no way to scan it out." Abel Gauri was very satisfied. After stopping the scanning of his watch, he jumped forward, picked up the bionic leg, and put it back on.

"Well, that's right, there is almost no change in weight, and the flesh and blood tissue does not affect the movements." Abel Gauri said while using this mechanical leg to perform some high-intensity movements.

These movements are quite difficult even for legs that are connected with flesh and bone.

"Senior Abel, I see that this mechanical leg has some special functions. You might as well try to use it." Lin Tao said with a smile.

As early as when he came into contact with the mechanical leg, Lin Tao had already noticed that the mechanical leg seemed to have been equipped with some special self-defense functions by the wise man Zhuocheng Sui. Seeing that Abel Gauri was in a high mood, he immediately struck while the iron was hot.

With two hisses, two small metal weapons were shot out from the bionic legs on the spot.

Zhuo Fan and the two saw that after the metal weapon was fired, two small blood holes were immediately shot out of the cortex of the bionic leg. But a moment later, the two blood holes quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the bionic leg. It also has the function of self-regeneration.

"Not bad, not bad." Abel Gaoli nodded with satisfaction.

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