Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 123 The mastermind behind the scenes was exposed (2)

Principal Lu also looked at Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi and Gu Qingchen. He had also heard of some things, but Jiang Yi was an old man of Hongfeng after all. According to reason, he should not prescribe medicine to students.

Gu Qingchen smiled lightly at Jiang Yi, then looked away and looked at Principal Lu, "Before answering this question, I would like to know what Principal Lu is going to do with the druggist?"

Principal Lu was unequivocal at all, and said bluntly, "Dismissal, call the police."

Hearing Principal Lu's undisguised approach, Gu Qingchen nodded in agreement.

"Actually, it's very simple to know who prescribed the medicine. I have a way. Although I can directly say who prescribed the medicine, I will not be able to convince the public based on my one-sided words. I have a way to make the person who prescribed the medicine admit it.

Gu Qingchen did not directly say who the person who prescribed the medicine was, but chose another method.

Principal Lu was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he felt that Gu Qingchen was right. Because there was a need to change clothes in the backstage, it was impossible for anyone to watch it. There was no monitor in this era, and he wanted to prove that he was poisoned. The murderer, Gu Qingchen's one-sided words alone cannot convince everyone.

But isn't the method Gu Qingchen said a little too unreliable, how could the person who poisoned him admit it himself, or is there any other way for Gu Qingchen?

After Principal Lu figured it out, he looked at Gu Qingchen and asked, "What can you do about Gu?"

After Gu Qingchen looked around, he found that Jiang Yi's eyes never left Gu Qingchen, obviously worried that Gu Qingchen really had a solution.

"This method, the fewer people who know it, the safer it will be, so Principal Lu, I just want to tell you one person."

Principal Lu didn't object, and the other teachers didn't say anything, only Jiang Yi objected, "How did this happen, this matter is not a trivial matter, as the top management of the school, we all need to have the right to know, or are you just making a fool of yourself? ."

Gu Qingchen raised his eyebrows, "Director Jiang, with so many teachers present, it seems that you are the only one who cares a lot. I do this because the fewer people who know about it, the greater the chance of success. Director Jiang should not hope that he won't be caught. Poisonous people."

Principal Lu also looked at it. Jiang Yi's performance today is indeed a bit abnormal. Gu Qingchen didn't want to tell others, but he was excusable. Besides, he was the principal, and the method told him that he knew it was the same. Why did Jiang Yi do that? Insist on knowing what to do.

Jiang Yi seemed to realize that he was impulsive, glanced at the headmaster, and had no choice but to stop insisting, "I just think that the new students are managed by me, this time such a big thing happened, I have more or less responsibility, I I want to find the person who drugged more than anyone else."

Gu Qingchen looked at Jiang Yi meaningfully, but said indifferently, "Director Jiang, rest assured, if this matter has nothing to do with Director Jiang, the school will not blame you, right, Principal Lu?"

Principal Lu nodded and patted Jiang Yi's shoulder comfortingly, "I know you're in a hurry, but the most important thing is to find the person who prescribes the medicine. You have to take care of so many new students by yourself, and there will inevitably be things you can't take care of, so don't blame yourself too much. already."

Jiang Yi still wanted to say something, but looking at Gu Qingchen's half-smile expression, he really didn't want to say anything else, lest he say too many mistakes and be caught by Gu Qingchen.

Everyone consciously left the principal's room before Gu Qingchen told Principal Lu the method.

After a long while, the door of the principal's office opened, and the expressions of the two were normal, making it impossible to see what was going on.

Jiang Yi has been staring at Principal Lu, and seeing that Principal Lu is not looking at him, he is a little relieved, but he is thinking about something.

This matter must be resolved immediately. If Gu Qingchen finds a way to catch the poisoned person, he will be passive.

It seemed...he was really about to take action.

Although Guo Yuxuan's medicine was not given to him by Jiang Yi, he did provide the medicine. If An Ge was really caught, he would definitely give it to him.

Yesterday, An Ge had approached him privately and asked him to find a way to protect himself, otherwise An Ge would confess that the medicine was something he provided.

Although Jiang Yi didn't want to be threatened by An Ge, but now the situation is urgent, he had to help An Ge cover up the incident first, and then find a way to deal with An Ge.

When Gu Qingchen left, he gave Jiang Yi a deep look, his eyes seemed to see through him completely, as if he had no secrets in front of Gu Qingchen.

It's a chilling feeling.

In the evening, after Gu Qingchen got out of school, he went to the jade shop. Xiang Yang told Gu Qingchen what had happened recently. After thinking about it for a long time, Yan Xiaoju finally decided to be cruel and sued his father and stepmother's family in court. .

The court has already begun to accept this matter, and the lawyer that Xiang Yang hired said that they have a good chance of winning the lawsuit, because Yan Xiaoju was rescued in front of everyone, and the testimony of the nanny of the Yan family proved that They have treated Yan Xiaoju very badly for many years, and there are some neighbors' testimony that the situation of Yan's family is still very unfavorable.

For the Yan family, this time it is considered a lawsuit.

Yan's father, Yan Xiaoju's stepmother, and Yan Jiaoyue were all overwhelmed all day long, and Yan's father even complained about his wife and Yan Jiaoyue, because the two of them were not good to Yan Xiaoju, and that's why the trouble reached today.

At the same time, he also hated Yan Xiaoju very much, thinking that the child Yan Xiaoju was a white-eyed wolf. He had raised her for so many years, but Yan Xiaoju actually took her father to court, which was simply unfilial.

He has been complaining about this and that, and he has never thought to find the reason from himself.

Yan Jiaoyue and her mother had a very miserable life recently. Not only were they looked down upon, but they were also frightened and feared all day long, for fear that they would actually be imprisoned. If they were imprisoned, their life would be ruined.

It will take a while to fight a lawsuit, and on the other side, Gu Qingchen's second uncles, Gu Yuanguo and Jiang Zhong, are also having a lot of trouble.

Jiang Zhong is a ruthless character, but when he encounters a shameless ruffian like Gu Yuanguo, it is also a headache.

In addition, Gu Qingchen spread a lot of news here, his family's business was greatly affected, and the official people also participated. The jewelry was returned to Gu Qingchen.

In addition, Gu Yuanguo and the police station said that Jiang Zhong tortured him privately. The results of the injury examination at the hospital also proved that Gu Yuanguo had been severely tortured, and the police also found Jiang Zhong.

Anyway, during this period of time, Jiang Zhong was short-tempered, and it was precisely because of this that he told his elder brother Jiang Yi that Jiang Yi would take care of Gu Qingchen in Hongfeng, so that Jiang Yi could provide Ange with medicine. It was a stumbling block for Gu Qingchen.

As a result, Gu Qingchen was still not able to design it, but now it has caused a whole body of commotion, not to mention how much he regrets it now, so Jiang Yi is also a little bit complaining about Jiang Zhong now. He didn't even want to see Jiang Zhong.

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